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Unknown changes made months ago

Kristian Vos 3 years ago
2 changed files with 189 additions and 156 deletions
  1. 185 150
  2. 4 6

+ 185 - 150

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-'use strict';
+"use strict";
 const util = require("util");
@@ -6,152 +6,188 @@ process.env.NODE_CONFIG_DIR = `${__dirname}/config`;
 const config = require("config");
-process.on('uncaughtException', err => {
-	if (err.code === 'ECONNREFUSED' || err.code === 'UNCERTAIN_STATE') return;
-	console.log(`UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION: ${err.stack}`);
+process.on("uncaughtException", (err) => {
+    if (err.code === "ECONNREFUSED" || err.code === "UNCERTAIN_STATE") return;
+    console.log(`UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION: ${err.stack}`);
 const fancyConsole = config.get("fancyConsole");
 class ModuleManager {
-	constructor() {
-		this.modules = {};
-		this.modulesInitialized = 0;
-		this.totalModules = 0;
-		this.modulesLeft = [];
-		this.i = 0;
-		this.lockdown = false;
-		this.fancyConsole = fancyConsole;
-	}
-	addModule(moduleName) {
-		console.log("add module", moduleName);
-		const moduleClass = new require(`./logic/${moduleName}`);
-		this.modules[moduleName] = new moduleClass(moduleName, this);
-		this.totalModules++;
-		this.modulesLeft.push(moduleName);
-	}
-	initialize() {
-		if (!this.modules["logger"]) return console.error("There is no logger module");
-		this.logger = this.modules["logger"];
-		if (this.fancyConsole) {
-			this.replaceConsoleWithLogger();
-			this.logger.reservedLines = Object.keys(this.modules).length + 5;
-		}
-		for (let moduleName in this.modules) {
-			let module = this.modules[moduleName];
-			if (this.lockdown) break;
-			module._onInitialize().then(() => {
-				this.moduleInitialized(moduleName);
-			});
-			let dependenciesInitializedPromises = [];
-			module.dependsOn.forEach(dependencyName => {
-				let dependency = this.modules[dependencyName];
-				dependenciesInitializedPromises.push(dependency._onInitialize());
-			});
-			module.lastTime =;
-			Promise.all(dependenciesInitializedPromises).then((res, res2) => {
-				if (this.lockdown) return;
-"MODULE_MANAGER", `${moduleName} dependencies have been completed`);
-				module._initialize();
-			});
-		}
-	}
-	async printStatus() {
-		try { await Promise.race([this.logger._onInitialize(), this.logger._isInitialized()]); } catch { return; }
-		if (!this.fancyConsole) return;
-		let colors = this.logger.colors;
-		const rows = process.stdout.rows;
-		process.stdout.cursorTo(0, rows - this.logger.reservedLines);
-		process.stdout.clearScreenDown();
-		process.stdout.cursorTo(0, (rows - this.logger.reservedLines) + 2);
-		process.stdout.write(`${colors.FgYellow}Modules${colors.FgWhite}:\n`);
-		for (let moduleName in this.modules) {
-			let module = this.modules[moduleName];
-			let tabsAmount = Math.max(0, Math.ceil(2 - (moduleName.length / 8)));
-			let tabs = Array(tabsAmount).fill(`\t`).join("");
-			let timing = => {
-				return `${colors.FgMagenta}${timeDifference}${colors.FgCyan}ms${colors.FgWhite}`;
-			}).join(", ");
-			let stateColor;
-			if (module.state === "NOT_INITIALIZED") stateColor = colors.FgWhite;
-			else if (module.state === "INITIALIZED") stateColor = colors.FgGreen;
-			else if (module.state === "LOCKDOWN" && !module.failed) stateColor = colors.FgRed;
-			else if (module.state === "LOCKDOWN" && module.failed) stateColor = colors.FgMagenta;
-			else stateColor = colors.FgYellow;
-			process.stdout.write(`${moduleName}${tabs}${stateColor}${module.state}\t${colors.FgYellow}Stage: ${colors.FgRed}${module.stage}${colors.FgWhite}. ${colors.FgYellow}Timing${colors.FgWhite}: [${timing}]${colors.FgWhite}${colors.FgWhite}. ${colors.FgYellow}Total time${colors.FgWhite}: ${colors.FgRed}${module.totalTimeInitialize}${colors.FgCyan}ms${colors.Reset}\n`);
-		}
-	}
-	moduleInitialized(moduleName) {
-		this.modulesInitialized++;
-		this.modulesLeft.splice(this.modulesLeft.indexOf(moduleName), 1);
-"MODULE_MANAGER", `Initialized: ${this.modulesInitialized}/${this.totalModules}.`);
-		if (this.modulesLeft.length === 0) this.allModulesInitialized();
-	}
-	allModulesInitialized() {
-		this.logger.success("MODULE_MANAGER", "All modules have started!");
-	}
-	aModuleFailed(failedModule) {
-		this.logger.error("MODULE_MANAGER", `A module has failed, locking down. Module: ${}`);
-		this._lockdown();
-	}
-	replaceConsoleWithLogger() {
-		this.oldConsole = {
-			log: console.log,
-			debug: console.debug,
-			info:,
-			warn: console.warn,
-			error: console.error
-		};
-		console.log = (...args) => this.logger.debug( => util.format(arg)));
-		console.debug = (...args) => this.logger.debug( => util.format(arg)));
- = (...args) => this.logger.debug( => util.format(arg)));
-		console.warn = (...args) => this.logger.debug( => util.format(arg)));
-		console.error = (...args) => this.logger.error("CONSOLE", => util.format(arg)));
-	}
-	replaceLoggerWithConsole() {
-		console.log = this.oldConsole.log;
-		console.debug = this.oldConsole.debug;
- =;
-		console.warn = this.oldConsole.warn;
-		console.error = this.oldConsole.error;
-	}
-	_lockdown() {
-		this.lockdown = true;
-		for (let moduleName in this.modules) {
-			let module = this.modules[moduleName];
-			if (module.lockdownImmune) continue;
-			module._lockdown();
-		}
-	}
+    constructor() {
+        this.modules = {};
+        this.modulesInitialized = 0;
+        this.totalModules = 0;
+        this.modulesLeft = [];
+        this.i = 0;
+        this.lockdown = false;
+        this.fancyConsole = fancyConsole;
+    }
+    addModule(moduleName) {
+        console.log("add module", moduleName);
+        const moduleClass = new require(`./logic/${moduleName}`);
+        this.modules[moduleName] = new moduleClass(moduleName, this);
+        this.totalModules++;
+        this.modulesLeft.push(moduleName);
+    }
+    initialize() {
+        if (!this.modules["logger"])
+            return console.error("There is no logger module");
+        this.logger = this.modules["logger"];
+        if (this.fancyConsole) {
+            this.replaceConsoleWithLogger();
+            this.logger.reservedLines = Object.keys(this.modules).length + 5;
+        }
+        for (let moduleName in this.modules) {
+            let module = this.modules[moduleName];
+            if (this.lockdown) break;
+            module._onInitialize().then(() => {
+                this.moduleInitialized(moduleName);
+            });
+            let dependenciesInitializedPromises = [];
+            module.dependsOn.forEach((dependencyName) => {
+                let dependency = this.modules[dependencyName];
+                dependenciesInitializedPromises.push(
+                    dependency._onInitialize()
+                );
+            });
+            module.lastTime =;
+            Promise.all(dependenciesInitializedPromises).then((res, res2) => {
+                if (this.lockdown) return;
+                    "MODULE_MANAGER",
+                    `${moduleName} dependencies have been completed`
+                );
+                module._initialize();
+            });
+        }
+    }
+    async printStatus() {
+        try {
+            await Promise.race([
+                this.logger._onInitialize(),
+                this.logger._isInitialized(),
+            ]);
+        } catch {
+            return;
+        }
+        if (!this.fancyConsole) return;
+        let colors = this.logger.colors;
+        const rows = process.stdout.rows;
+        process.stdout.cursorTo(0, rows - this.logger.reservedLines);
+        process.stdout.clearScreenDown();
+        process.stdout.cursorTo(0, rows - this.logger.reservedLines + 2);
+        process.stdout.write(`${colors.FgYellow}Modules${colors.FgWhite}:\n`);
+        for (let moduleName in this.modules) {
+            let module = this.modules[moduleName];
+            let tabsAmount = Math.max(0, Math.ceil(2 - moduleName.length / 8));
+            let tabs = Array(tabsAmount)
+                .fill(`\t`)
+                .join("");
+            let timing = module.timeDifferences
+                .map((timeDifference) => {
+                    return `${colors.FgMagenta}${timeDifference}${colors.FgCyan}ms${colors.FgWhite}`;
+                })
+                .join(", ");
+            let stateColor;
+            if (module.state === "NOT_INITIALIZED") stateColor = colors.FgWhite;
+            else if (module.state === "INITIALIZED")
+                stateColor = colors.FgGreen;
+            else if (module.state === "LOCKDOWN" && !module.failed)
+                stateColor = colors.FgRed;
+            else if (module.state === "LOCKDOWN" && module.failed)
+                stateColor = colors.FgMagenta;
+            else stateColor = colors.FgYellow;
+            process.stdout.write(
+                `${moduleName}${tabs}${stateColor}${module.state}\t${colors.FgYellow}Stage: ${colors.FgRed}${module.stage}${colors.FgWhite}. ${colors.FgYellow}Timing${colors.FgWhite}: [${timing}]${colors.FgWhite}${colors.FgWhite}. ${colors.FgYellow}Total time${colors.FgWhite}: ${colors.FgRed}${module.totalTimeInitialize}${colors.FgCyan}ms${colors.Reset}\n`
+            );
+        }
+    }
+    moduleInitialized(moduleName) {
+        this.modulesInitialized++;
+        this.modulesLeft.splice(this.modulesLeft.indexOf(moduleName), 1);
+            "MODULE_MANAGER",
+            `Initialized: ${this.modulesInitialized}/${this.totalModules}.`
+        );
+        if (this.modulesLeft.length === 0) this.allModulesInitialized();
+    }
+    allModulesInitialized() {
+        this.logger.success("MODULE_MANAGER", "All modules have started!");
+    }
+    aModuleFailed(failedModule) {
+        this.logger.error(
+            "MODULE_MANAGER",
+            `A module has failed, locking down. Module: ${}`
+        );
+        this._lockdown();
+    }
+    replaceConsoleWithLogger() {
+        this.oldConsole = {
+            log: console.log,
+            debug: console.debug,
+            info:,
+            warn: console.warn,
+            error: console.error,
+        };
+        console.log = (...args) =>
+            this.logger.debug( => util.format(arg)));
+        console.debug = (...args) =>
+            this.logger.debug( => util.format(arg)));
+ = (...args) =>
+            this.logger.debug( => util.format(arg)));
+        console.warn = (...args) =>
+            this.logger.debug( => util.format(arg)));
+        console.error = (...args) =>
+            this.logger.error(
+                "CONSOLE",
+       => util.format(arg))
+            );
+    }
+    replaceLoggerWithConsole() {
+        console.log = this.oldConsole.log;
+        console.debug = this.oldConsole.debug;
+ =;
+        console.warn = this.oldConsole.warn;
+        console.error = this.oldConsole.error;
+    }
+    _lockdown() {
+        this.lockdown = true;
+        for (let moduleName in this.modules) {
+            let module = this.modules[moduleName];
+            if (module.lockdownImmune) continue;
+            module._lockdown();
+        }
+    }
 const moduleManager = new ModuleManager();
@@ -168,18 +204,17 @@ moduleManager.addModule("convertSchema");
-process.stdin.on("data", function (data) {
-    if(data.toString() === "lockdown\r\n"){
+process.stdin.on("data", function(data) {
+    if (data.toString() === "lockdown\r\n") {
         console.log("Locking down.");
-       	moduleManager._lockdown();
+        moduleManager._lockdown();
 if (fancyConsole) {
-	const rows = process.stdout.rows;
+    const rows = process.stdout.rows;
-	for(let i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
-		process.stdout.write("\n");
-	}
+    for (let i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
+        process.stdout.write("\n");
+    }

+ 4 - 6

@@ -3,17 +3,15 @@ FROM node
 RUN apt-get update
 RUN apt-get install nginx -y
-RUN npm install -g yarn
-RUN yarn global add webpack
-RUN yarn global add webpack-cli
-RUN yarn global add webpack-dev-server
+RUN npm install -g webpack
+RUN npm install -g webpack-cli
+RUN npm install -g webpack-dev-server
 RUN mkdir -p /opt
 ADD package.json /opt/package.json
-RUN yarn install
+RUN npm install
 RUN mkdir -p /run/nginx