<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- Copyright 2020 Martijn Braam --> <component type="desktop-application"> <id>me.gapixels.Megapixels</id> <metadata_license>CC0-1.0</metadata_license> <project_license>GPL-3.0</project_license> <name>Megapixels</name> <summary>A gnome camera application for phones</summary> <description> <p> Megapixels is a camera application designed for phones and tablets. It implements the v4l2 and media-request apis so set up camera pipelines on ARM hardware and uses the raw data modes of the sensors to get the best quality pictures. </p> </description> <launchable type="desktop-id">me.gapixels.Megapixels.desktop</launchable> <provides> <binary>megapixels</binary> </provides> <screenshots> <screenshot type="default"> <image>http://brixitcdn.net/metainfo/megapixels.png</image> </screenshot> </screenshots> <url type="homepage">https://sr.ht/~martijnbraam/megapixels</url> <content_rating type="oars-1.1" /> <releases> <release version="1.6.1" date="2023-05-30"> <description> <p> <li>Get the PinePhone cameras working with newer kernels (MR 31)</li> <li>Increase capture-rate to 15 on pinephone (MR 29)</li> <li>Increase burst minimum (MR 28)</li> </p> </description> </release> <release version="1.6.0" date="2022-11-30"> <description> <p> <li>Integrate with feedbackd for shutter sounds</li> <li>Get screen rotation from wayland and xorg instead of dbus</li> <li>Cleanups in media device lookup</li> </p> </description> </release> <release version="1.5.2" date="2022-06-29"> <description> <p> <li>Clamp the minimum burst length to 2 to keep compatability with existing postprocessing scripts</li> </p> </description> </release> <release version="1.5.1" date="2022-06-27"> <description> <p> <li>Fix the screen flash for the front camera</li> <li>Fix the preview speed dropping after taking a picture</li> <li>Updated the version number</li> </p> </description> </release> <release version="1.5.0" date="2022-06-26"> <description> <p> <li>Add support for the Xiaomi Mi Note 2</li> <li>Add dynamic burst length depending on the sensor gain</li> <li>Add multiple posprocessor selection in the settings</li> <li>Fix saving the flash state to the exif metadata</li> </p> </description> </release> <release version="1.4.3" date="2021-12-13"> <description> <p> <li>Disable flash by default</li> <li>Fix some small memory leaks</li> </p> </description> </release> <release version="1.4.2" date="2021-11-17"> <description> <p> <li>Fix crash when not using phosh</li> </p> </description> </release> <release version="1.4.1" date="2021-11-14"> <description> <p> <li>data: Add StartupNotify to desktop file</li> </p> </description> </release> <release version="1.4.0" date="2021-11-13"> <description> <p> <li>Add LED and Display-based flash support</li> <li>Fix whitelevel and ISO metadata in DNG files</li> <li>Fix memory leak when rotating device</li> </p> </description> </release> <release version="1.3.2" date="2021-11-10"> <description> <p> <li>Fix crash when taking photos consecutively</li> </p> </description> </release> <release version="1.3.1" date="2021-11-10"> <description> <p> <li>Fix memory leak</li> </p> </description> </release> <release version="1.3.0" date="2021-09-10"> <description> <p> <li>Improved color handleing in the processed pictures</li> <li>Better wording on the QR dialogs</li> <li>Redesigned the data QR dialog</li> </p> </description> </release> <release version="1.0.1" date="2021-05-04"> <description> <p> Bugfix release </p> </description> </release> <release version="1.0.0" date="2021-05-04"> <description> <p> Megapixels now has GPU acceleration with GTK4 </p> </description> </release> <release version="0.14.0" date="2021-01-11"> <description> <p> Release with some small improvements: </p> <ul> <li>The thumbnail button now has a spinner on it while the photo is post-processing</li> <li>The hardcoded ~/Pictures path is no longer used</li> </ul> </description> </release> <release version="0.13.2" date="2020-12-23"> <description> <p> Bugfix release that solves: </p> <ul> <li>libtiff incompatability because debian broke libtiff</li> <li>dropped hdr_stacker from the post processing script</li> <li>Switching a control from auto to manual now syncs the value</li> </ul> </description> </release> <release version="0.13.1" date="2020-12-06"> <description> <p> Small update to reduce preview latency </p> </description> </release> <release version="0.13.0" date="2020-12-06"> <description> <p> Major performance improvement release. Thanks to Benjamin Schaaf this release uses threading to process frames for the preview and makes more of the app async, improving the responsiveness a lot. This release also adds resolution switching when taking a picture so the preview can run on a lower resolution. </p> <ul> <li>Don't wait for camera to turn on before showing window</li> <li>Use seperate thread for image processing, keeping UI responsive</li> <li>Apply color calibration in the preview</li> <li>Run camera at lower resolution while previewing</li> <li>Added seperate tools for camera testing from the command line</li> </ul> </description> </release> <release version="0.12.0" date="2020-11-09"> <description> <p> This release has a rewrite in the config file parsing and camera handeling. </p> <ul> <li>Support 1-5 cameras now instead of the hardcoded 2</li> <li>Support cameras being in their own video and media node</li> <li>Debayering now supports 4 pixel orders instead of the hardcoded BGGR</li> <li>Added Appstream metainfo for graphical package management software</li> </ul> </description> </release> <release version="0.11.1" date="2020-10-07"> <description> <ul> <li>The preview now has the correct gamma curve, making the images brighter so you can see what you're capturing</li> <li>Fixed some posix compliance issues</li> </ul> </description> </release> <release version="0.11.0" date="2020-10-06"> <description> <p> This is the UI improvement release. Now it's possible to change exposure settings in the app preview </p> <ul> <li>Added UI for camera controls</li> <li>Slight image quality improvements on the generated .jpg files</li> <li>Better support for other releases of dcraw</li> <li>Fixed bug on locales with a comma as decimal seperator</li> </ul> </description> </release> <release version="0.10.0" date="2020-10-02"> <description> <p> This release rewrites a lot of the image processing pipeline. Megapixels now only directly outputs .dng files and then triggers an external processing pipeline to convert that into the desired image formats </p> <ul> <li>Capture a burst of 5 raw frames when pressing the shutter button</li> <li>Added colorspace metadata to the images</li> <li>Added exif tags to the generated images</li> <li>If the sensor supports autofocus then that is triggered on the start of the application</li> <li>Fixed some memory leaks</li> </ul> </description> </release> <release version="0.9.0" date="2020-09-24"> <description> <p>This release brings mainly UI improvements</p> <ul> <li>Settings button does slightly more now, but is still useless</li> <li>Made the shutter button more visible</li> <li>Use all svg icons in the bottom bar</li> <li>Added button to open the image storage folder</li> <li>Added button tthat opens the latest image</li> <li>Taking a picture now sets a thumbnail on the latest image button</li> </ul> </description> </release> <release version="0.8.0" date="2020-09-21"> <description> <p>First distro-packaged release of Megapixels</p> </description> </release> </releases> </component>