#include "io_pipeline.h" #include "device.h" #include "camera.h" #include "pipeline.h" #include "process_pipeline.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct media_link_info { unsigned int source_entity_id; unsigned int target_entity_id; char source_fname[260]; char target_fname[260]; }; struct camera_info { size_t device_index; unsigned int pad_id; char dev_fname[260]; int fd; MPCamera *camera; int gain_ctrl; int gain_max; bool has_auto_focus_continuous; bool has_auto_focus_start; // unsigned int entity_id; // enum v4l2_buf_type type; // char media_dev_fname[260]; // char video_dev_fname[260]; // int media_fd; // struct mp_media_link media_links[MP_MAX_LINKS]; // int num_media_links; // int gain_ctrl; }; struct device_info { const char *media_dev_name; // owned by camera config MPDevice *device; unsigned int interface_pad_id; int video_fd; }; static struct camera_info cameras[MP_MAX_CAMERAS]; static struct device_info devices[MP_MAX_CAMERAS]; static size_t num_devices = 0; static const struct mp_camera_config *camera = NULL; static MPCameraMode mode; static bool just_switched_mode = false; static int blank_frame_count = 0; static int burst_length; static int captures_remaining = 0; static int preview_width; static int preview_height; struct control_state { bool gain_is_manual; int gain; bool exposure_is_manual; int exposure; }; static struct control_state desired_controls = {}; static struct control_state current_controls = {}; static bool want_focus = false; static MPPipeline *pipeline; static GSource *capture_source; static void setup_camera(MPDeviceList **device_list, const struct mp_camera_config *config) { // Find device info size_t device_index = 0; for (; device_index < num_devices; ++device_index) { if (strcmp(config->media_dev_name, devices[device_index].media_dev_name) == 0) { break; } } if (device_index == num_devices) { device_index = num_devices; // Initialize new device struct device_info *info = &devices[device_index]; info->media_dev_name = config->media_dev_name; info->device = mp_device_list_find_remove(device_list, info->media_dev_name); if (!info->device) { g_printerr("Could not find /dev/media* node matching '%s'\n", info->media_dev_name); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } const struct media_v2_entity *entity = mp_device_find_entity(info->device, info->media_dev_name); if (!entity) { g_printerr("Count not find device video entity\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } const struct media_v2_pad *pad = mp_device_get_pad_from_entity(info->device, entity->id); info->interface_pad_id = pad->id; const struct media_v2_interface *interface = mp_device_find_entity_interface(info->device, entity->id); char dev_name[260]; if (!mp_find_device_path(interface->devnode, dev_name, 260)) { g_printerr("Count not find video path\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } info->video_fd = open(dev_name, O_RDWR); if (info->video_fd == -1) { g_printerr("Could not open %s\n", dev_name); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } ++num_devices; } { struct camera_info *info = &cameras[config->index]; struct device_info *dev_info = &devices[device_index]; info->device_index = device_index; const struct media_v2_entity *entity = mp_device_find_entity(dev_info->device, config->dev_name); if (!entity) { g_printerr("Count not find camera entity matching '%s'\n", config->dev_name); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } const struct media_v2_pad *pad = mp_device_get_pad_from_entity(dev_info->device, entity->id); info->pad_id = pad->id; // Make sure the camera starts out as disabled mp_device_setup_link( dev_info->device, info->pad_id, dev_info->interface_pad_id, false); const struct media_v2_interface *interface = mp_device_find_entity_interface(dev_info->device, entity->id); if (!mp_find_device_path(interface->devnode, info->dev_fname, 260)) { g_printerr("Count not find camera device path\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } info->fd = open(info->dev_fname, O_RDWR); if (info->fd == -1) { g_printerr("Could not open %s\n", info->dev_fname); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } info->camera = mp_camera_new(dev_info->video_fd, info->fd); // Trigger continuous auto focus if the sensor supports it if (mp_camera_query_control(info->camera, V4L2_CID_FOCUS_AUTO, NULL)) { info->has_auto_focus_continuous = true; mp_camera_control_set_bool(info->camera, V4L2_CID_FOCUS_AUTO, true); } if (mp_camera_query_control(info->camera, V4L2_CID_AUTO_FOCUS_START, NULL)) { info->has_auto_focus_start = true; } MPControl control; if (mp_camera_query_control(info->camera, V4L2_CID_GAIN, &control)) { info->gain_ctrl = V4L2_CID_GAIN; info->gain_max = control.max; } else if (mp_camera_query_control(info->camera, V4L2_CID_ANALOGUE_GAIN, &control)) { info->gain_ctrl = V4L2_CID_ANALOGUE_GAIN; info->gain_max = control.max; } } } static void setup(MPPipeline *pipeline, const void *data) { MPDeviceList *device_list = mp_device_list_new(); for (size_t i = 0; i < MP_MAX_CAMERAS; ++i) { const struct mp_camera_config *config = mp_get_camera_config(i); if (!config) { break; } setup_camera(&device_list, config); } mp_device_list_free(device_list); } void mp_io_pipeline_start() { mp_process_pipeline_start(); pipeline = mp_pipeline_new(); mp_pipeline_invoke(pipeline, setup, NULL, 0); } void mp_io_pipeline_stop() { if (capture_source) { g_source_destroy(capture_source); } mp_pipeline_free(pipeline); mp_process_pipeline_stop(); } static void update_process_pipeline() { struct camera_info *info = &cameras[camera->index]; // Grab the latest control values if (!current_controls.gain_is_manual) { current_controls.gain = mp_camera_control_get_int32(info->camera, info->gain_ctrl); } if (!current_controls.exposure_is_manual) { current_controls.exposure = mp_camera_control_get_int32(info->camera, V4L2_CID_EXPOSURE); } struct mp_process_pipeline_state pipeline_state = { .camera = camera, .mode = mode, .burst_length = burst_length, .preview_width = preview_width, .preview_height = preview_height, .gain_is_manual = current_controls.gain_is_manual, .gain = current_controls.gain, .gain_max = info->gain_max, .exposure_is_manual = current_controls.exposure_is_manual, .exposure = current_controls.exposure, .has_auto_focus_continuous = info->has_auto_focus_continuous, .has_auto_focus_start = info->has_auto_focus_start, }; mp_process_pipeline_update_state(&pipeline_state); } static void focus(MPPipeline *pipeline, const void *data) { want_focus = true; } void mp_io_pipeline_focus() { mp_pipeline_invoke(pipeline, focus, NULL, 0); } static void capture(MPPipeline *pipeline, const void *data) { struct camera_info *info = &cameras[camera->index]; captures_remaining = burst_length; // Disable the autogain/exposure while taking the burst mp_camera_control_set_int32(info->camera, V4L2_CID_AUTOGAIN, 0); mp_camera_control_set_int32(info->camera, V4L2_CID_EXPOSURE_AUTO, V4L2_EXPOSURE_MANUAL); // Change camera mode for capturing mp_camera_stop_capture(info->camera); mode = camera->capture_mode; mp_camera_set_mode(info->camera, &mode); just_switched_mode = true; mp_camera_start_capture(info->camera); update_process_pipeline(); mp_process_pipeline_capture(); } void mp_io_pipeline_capture() { mp_pipeline_invoke(pipeline, capture, NULL, 0); } static void update_controls() { // Don't update controls while capturing if (captures_remaining > 0) { return; } struct camera_info *info = &cameras[camera->index]; if (want_focus) { if (info->has_auto_focus_continuous) { mp_camera_control_set_bool(info->camera, V4L2_CID_FOCUS_AUTO, 1); } else if (info->has_auto_focus_start) { mp_camera_control_set_bool(info->camera, V4L2_CID_AUTO_FOCUS_START, 1); } want_focus = false; } if (current_controls.gain_is_manual != desired_controls.gain_is_manual) { mp_camera_control_set_bool(info->camera, V4L2_CID_AUTOGAIN, !desired_controls.gain_is_manual); } if (desired_controls.gain_is_manual && current_controls.gain != desired_controls.gain) { mp_camera_control_set_int32(info->camera, info->gain_ctrl, desired_controls.gain); } if (current_controls.exposure_is_manual != desired_controls.exposure_is_manual) { mp_camera_control_set_int32( info->camera, V4L2_CID_EXPOSURE_AUTO, desired_controls.exposure_is_manual ? V4L2_EXPOSURE_MANUAL : V4L2_EXPOSURE_AUTO); } if (desired_controls.exposure_is_manual && current_controls.exposure != desired_controls.exposure) { mp_camera_control_set_int32(info->camera, V4L2_CID_EXPOSURE, desired_controls.exposure); } current_controls = desired_controls; } static void on_frame(MPImage image, void *data) { // Only update controls right after a frame was captured update_controls(); // When the mode is switched while capturing we get a couple blank frames, // presumably from buffers made ready during the switch. Ignore these. if (just_switched_mode) { if (blank_frame_count < 20) { // Only check a 50x50 area size_t test_size = MIN(50, image.width) * MIN(50, image.height); bool image_is_blank = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < test_size; ++i) { if (image.data[i] != 0) { image_is_blank = false; } } if (image_is_blank) { ++blank_frame_count; return; } } else { printf("Blank image limit reached, resulting capture may be blank\n"); } just_switched_mode = false; blank_frame_count = 0; } // Copy from the camera buffer size_t size = mp_pixel_format_width_to_bytes(image.pixel_format, image.width) * image.height; uint8_t *buffer = malloc(size); memcpy(buffer, image.data, size); image.data = buffer; // Send the image off for processing mp_process_pipeline_process_image(image); if (captures_remaining > 0) { --captures_remaining; if (captures_remaining == 0) { struct camera_info *info = &cameras[camera->index]; // Restore the auto exposure and gain if needed if (!current_controls.exposure_is_manual) { mp_camera_control_set_int32(info->camera, V4L2_CID_EXPOSURE_AUTO, V4L2_EXPOSURE_AUTO); } if (!current_controls.gain_is_manual) { mp_camera_control_set_bool(info->camera, V4L2_CID_AUTOGAIN, true); } // Go back to preview mode mp_camera_stop_capture(info->camera); mode = camera->preview_mode; mp_camera_set_mode(info->camera, &mode); just_switched_mode = true; mp_camera_start_capture(info->camera); update_process_pipeline(); } } } static void update_state(MPPipeline *pipeline, const struct mp_io_pipeline_state *state) { // Make sure the state isn't updated more than it needs to be by checking // whether this state change actually changes anything. bool has_changed = false; if (camera != state->camera) { has_changed = true; if (camera) { struct camera_info *info = &cameras[camera->index]; struct device_info *dev_info = &devices[info->device_index]; mp_camera_stop_capture(info->camera); mp_device_setup_link( dev_info->device, info->pad_id, dev_info->interface_pad_id, false); } if (capture_source) { g_source_destroy(capture_source); capture_source = NULL; } camera = state->camera; if (camera) { struct camera_info *info = &cameras[camera->index]; struct device_info *dev_info = &devices[info->device_index]; mp_device_setup_link( dev_info->device, info->pad_id, dev_info->interface_pad_id, true); mode = camera->preview_mode; mp_camera_set_mode(info->camera, &mode); mp_camera_start_capture(info->camera); capture_source = mp_pipeline_add_capture_source(pipeline, info->camera, on_frame, NULL); current_controls.gain_is_manual = mp_camera_control_get_int32(info->camera, V4L2_CID_EXPOSURE_AUTO) == V4L2_EXPOSURE_MANUAL; current_controls.gain = mp_camera_control_get_int32(info->camera, info->gain_ctrl); current_controls.exposure_is_manual = mp_camera_control_get_bool(info->camera, V4L2_CID_AUTOGAIN) == 0; current_controls.exposure = mp_camera_control_get_int32(info->camera, V4L2_CID_EXPOSURE); } } has_changed = has_changed || burst_length != state->burst_length || preview_width != state->preview_width || preview_height != state->preview_height; burst_length = state->burst_length; preview_width = state->preview_width; preview_height = state->preview_height; if (camera) { struct control_state previous_desired = desired_controls; desired_controls.gain_is_manual = state->gain_is_manual; desired_controls.gain = state->gain; desired_controls.exposure_is_manual = state->exposure_is_manual; desired_controls.exposure = state->exposure; has_changed = has_changed || memcmp(&previous_desired, &desired_controls, sizeof(struct control_state)) != 0; } assert(has_changed); update_process_pipeline(); } void mp_io_pipeline_update_state(const struct mp_io_pipeline_state *state) { mp_pipeline_invoke(pipeline, (MPPipelineCallback)update_state, state, sizeof(struct mp_io_pipeline_state)); }