@@ -357,9 +357,9 @@ module.exports = {
if (station.owner === session.userId) return next(true);
next('An error occurred while joining the station.');
- ], (err) => {
+ ], async (err) => {
if (err === true) return next(null, station);
- next(utils.getError(err));
+ next(await utils.getError(err));
@@ -1180,4 +1180,78 @@ module.exports = {
return cb({'status': 'success', 'message': 'Successfully selected playlist.'});
+ favoriteStation: hooks.loginRequired((session, stationId, cb, userId) => {
+ async.waterfall([
+ (next) => {
+ stations.getStation(stationId, next);
+ },
+ (station, next) => {
+ if (!station) return next('Station not found.');
+ async.waterfall([
+ (next) => {
+ if (station.privacy !== 'private') return next(true);
+ if (!session.userId) return next("You're not allowed to favorite this station.");
+ next();
+ },
+ (next) => {
+ db.models.user.findOne({ _id: userId }, next);
+ },
+ (user, next) => {
+ if (!user) return next("You're not allowed to favorite this station.");
+ if (user.role === 'admin') return next(true);
+ if (station.type === 'official') return next("You're not allowed to favorite this station.");
+ if (station.owner === session.userId) return next(true);
+ next("You're not allowed to favorite this station.");
+ }
+ ], (err) => {
+ if (err === true) return next(null);
+ next(utils.getError(err));
+ });
+ },
+ (next) => {
+ db.models.user.updateOne({ _id: userId }, { $addToSet: { favoriteStations: stationId } }, next);
+ },
+ (res, next) => {
+ if (res.nModified === 0) return next("The station was already favorited.");
+ next();
+ }
+ ], async (err) => {
+ if (err) {
+ err = await utils.getError(err);
+ logger.error("FAVORITE_STATION", `Favoriting station "${stationId}" failed. "${err}"`);
+ return cb({'status': 'failure', 'message': err});
+ }
+ logger.success("FAVORITE_STATION", `Favorited station "${stationId}" successfully.`);
+ cache.pub('user.favoritedStation', { userId, stationId });
+ return cb({'status': 'success', 'message': 'Succesfully favorited station.'});
+ });
+ }),
+ unfavoriteStation: hooks.loginRequired((session, stationId, cb, userId) => {
+ async.waterfall([
+ (next) => {
+ db.models.user.updateOne({ _id: userId }, { $pull: { favoriteStations: stationId } }, next);
+ },
+ (res, next) => {
+ if (res.nModified === 0) return next("The station wasn't favorited.");
+ next();
+ }
+ ], async (err) => {
+ if (err) {
+ err = await utils.getError(err);
+ logger.error("UNFAVORITE_STATION", `Unfavoriting station "${stationId}" failed. "${err}"`);
+ return cb({'status': 'failure', 'message': err});
+ }
+ logger.success("UNFAVORITE_STATION", `Unfavorited station "${stationId}" successfully.`);
+ cache.pub('user.unfavoritedStation', { userId, stationId });
+ return cb({'status': 'success', 'message': 'Succesfully unfavorited station.'});
+ });
+ }),