@@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ Once you've installed the required tools:
The `apis.discord.token` is the token for the Discord bot.
The `apis.discord.loggingServer` is the Discord logging server id.
The `apis.discord.loggingChannel` is the Discord logging channel id.
- The `apis.mailgun` values can be obtained by setting up a [Mailgun account](http://www.mailgun.com/).
+ The `apis.mailgun` values can be obtained by setting up a [Mailgun account](http://www.mailgun.com/), or you can disable it.
+ The `apis.spotify` values can be obtained by setting up a [Spotify client id](https://developer.spotify.com/dashboard/applications), or you can disable it.
The `redis.url` url should be left alone for Docker, and changed to `redis://localhost:6379/0` for non-Docker.
The `redis.password` should be the Redis password you either put in your `startRedis.cmd` file for Windows, or `.env` for docker.
The `mongo.url` needs to have the proper password for the MongoDB musare user, and for non-Docker you need to replace `@musare:27017` with `@localhost:27017`.