@@ -47,6 +47,31 @@ export default {
// Creates pipeline array
next => next(null, []),
+ // If a filter or property exists for status, add status property to all documents
+ (pipeline, next) => {
+ // Check if a filter with the status property exists
+ const statusFilterExists = queries.map(query => query.filter.property).indexOf("status") !== -1;
+ // Check if a property with the status property exists
+ const statusPropertyExists = properties.indexOf("status") !== -1;
+ // If no such filter or property exists, skip this function
+ if (!statusFilterExists && !statusPropertyExists) return next(null, pipeline);
+ // Adds status field, set to Inactive if active is false, otherwise it sets it to Inactive if expiresAt has already passed, Active if not
+ pipeline.push({
+ $addFields: {
+ status: {
+ $cond: [
+ { $eq: ["$active", true] },
+ { $cond: [{ $gt: [new Date(), "$expiresAt"] }, "Inactive", "Active"] },
+ "Inactive"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return next(null, pipeline);
+ },
// If a filter exists for value, add valueUsername property to all documents
(pipeline, next) => {
// Check if a filter with the value property exists
@@ -258,7 +283,7 @@ export default {
(pipeline, next) => {
punishmentModel.aggregate(pipeline).exec((err, result) => {
// console.dir(err);
- // console.dir(result, { depth: 6 });
+ console.dir(result, { depth: 6 });
if (err) return next(err);
if (result[0].count.length === 0) return next(null, 0, []);
const { count } = result[0].count[0];