@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Once you've installed the required tools:
The `secret` key can be whatever. It's used by express's session module.
The `domain` should be the url where the site will be accessible from, usually `http://localhost` for non-Docker.
The `serverDomain` should be the url where the backend will be accessible from, usually `http://localhost:8080` for non-Docker.
- The `serverPort` should be the port where the backend will listen on, usually `8080` for non-Docker.
+ The `serverPort` should be the port where the backend will listen on, should always be `8080` for Docker, and is recommended for non-Docker.
`isDocker` if you are using Docker or not.
The `apis.youtube.key` value can be obtained by setting up a [YouTube API Key](https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/getting-started). You need to use the YouTube Data API v3, and create an API key.
The `apis.recaptcha.secret` value can be obtained by setting up a [ReCaptcha Site (v3)](https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin).
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ Once you've installed the required tools:
The `serverDomain` should be the url where the backend will be accessible from, usually `http://localhost:8080` for non-Docker.
The `frontendDomain` should be the url where the frontend will be accessible from, usually `http://localhost` for non-Docker.
- The `frontendPort` should be the port where the frontend will be accessible from, usually port `3000`.
+ The `frontendPort` should be the port where the frontend will be accessible from, should always be port `80` for Docker, and is recommended for non-Docker.
The `recaptcha.key` value can be obtained by setting up a [ReCaptcha Site (v3)](https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin).
The `cookie.domain` value should be the ip or address you use to access the site, without protocols (http/https), so for example `localhost`.
The `cookie.secure` value should be `true` for SSL connections, and `false` for normal http connections.
@@ -92,7 +92,9 @@ Now you have different paths here.
-To configure docker simply `cp .env.template .env` and configure the .env file to match your settings in `backend/config/default.json`
+To configure docker simply `cp .env.template .env` and configure the .env file to match your settings in `backend/config/default.json`.
+The configurable ports will be how you access the services on your machine, or what ports you will need to specify in your nginx files when using proxy_pass.
+`COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME` should be a unique name for this installation, especially if you have multiple instances of Musare on the same machine.
1. Build the backend and frontend Docker images (from the main folder)