@@ -172,38 +172,197 @@ export default class DataModule extends BaseModule {
+ /**
+ * Returns the projection array/object that is one level deeper based on the property key
+ *
+ * @param projection The projection object/array
+ * @param key The property key
+ * @returns Array or Object
+ */
+ private getDeeperProjection(projection: any, key: string) {
+ let deeperProjection;
+ if (Array.isArray(projection))
+ deeperProjection = projection
+ .filter(property => property.startsWith(`${key}.`))
+ .map(property => property.substr(`${key}.`.length));
+ else if (typeof projection === "object")
+ deeperProjection =
+ projection[key] ??
+ Object.keys(projection).reduce(
+ (wipProjection, property) =>
+ property.startsWith(`${key}.`)
+ ? {
+ ...wipProjection,
+ [property.substr(`${key}.`.length)]:
+ projection[property]
+ }
+ : wipProjection,
+ {}
+ );
+ return deeperProjection;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Whether a property is allowed in a projection array/object
+ *
+ * @param projection
+ * @param property
+ * @returns
+ */
+ private allowedByProjection(projection: any, property: string) {
+ if (Array.isArray(projection))
+ return projection.indexOf(property) !== -1;
+ if (typeof projection === "object") return !!projection[property];
+ return false;
+ }
* Strip a document object from any unneeded properties, or of any restricted properties
- *
+ * If a projection is given
+ *
* @param document The document object
* @param schema The schema object
- * @param projection The project, which can be null
- * @returns
+ * @param projection The projection, which can be null
+ * @returns
- private async stripDocument(
- document: any,
- schema: any,
- projection: any
- ) {
- const allowedByProjection = (property: string) => {
- if (Array.isArray(projection)) return projection.indexOf(property) !== -1;
- else if (typeof property === "object") !!projection[property];
- else return false;
- }
+ private async stripDocument(document: any, schema: any, projection: any) {
+ // TODO add better comments
+ // TODO add support for nested objects in arrays
+ // TODO handle projection excluding properties, rather than assume it's only including properties
const unfilteredEntries = Object.entries(document);
- const filteredEntries = await async.filter(unfilteredEntries, async ([key, value]) => {
- if (!schema[key]) return false;
- if (projection) return allowedByProjection(key);
- else {
- if (schema[key].restricted) return false;
- return true;
+ const filteredEntries = await async.reduce(
+ unfilteredEntries,
+ [],
+ async (memo, [key, value]) => {
+ // If the property does not exist in the schema, return the memo
+ if (!schema[key]) return memo;
+ // Handle nested object
+ if (schema[key].type === undefined) {
+ // If value is null, it can't be an object, so just return its value
+ if (!value) return [...memo, [key, value]];
+ // Get the projection for the next layer
+ const deeperProjection = this.getDeeperProjection(
+ projection,
+ key
+ );
+ // Generate a stripped document/object for the current key/value
+ const strippedDocument = await this.stripDocument(
+ value,
+ schema[key],
+ deeperProjection
+ );
+ // If the returned stripped document/object has keys, add the current key with that document/object to the memeo
+ if (Object.keys(strippedDocument).length > 0)
+ return [...memo, [key, strippedDocument]];
+ // The current key has no values that should be returned, so just return the memo
+ return memo;
+ }
+ // If we have a projection, check if the current key is allowed by it. If it is, add the key/value to the memo, otherwise just return the memo
+ if (projection)
+ return this.allowedByProjection(projection, key)
+ ? [...memo, [key, value]]
+ : memo;
+ // If the property is restricted, return memo
+ if (schema[key].restricted) return memo;
+ // The property exists in the schema, is not explicitly allowed, is not restricted, so add it to memo
+ return [...memo, [key, value]];
- });
+ );
return Object.fromEntries(filteredEntries);
+ /**
+ * Parse a projection based on the schema and any given projection
+ * If no projection is given, it will exclude any restricted properties
+ * If a projection is given, it will exclude restricted properties that are not explicitly allowed in a projection
+ * It will return a projection used in Mongo, and if any restricted property is explicitly allowed, return that we can't use the cache
+ *
+ * @param schema The schema object
+ * @param projection The project, which can be null
+ * @returns
+ */
+ private async parseFindProjection(projection: any, schema: any) {
+ // The mongo projection object we're going to build
+ const mongoProjection = {};
+ // This will be false if we let Mongo return any restricted properties
+ let canCache = true;
+ // TODO add better comments
+ // TODO add support for nested objects in arrays
+ const unfilteredEntries = Object.entries(schema);
+ await async.forEach(unfilteredEntries, async ([key, value]) => {
+ // If we have a projection set:
+ if (projection) {
+ const allowed = this.allowedByProjection(projection, key);
+ const { restricted } = value;
+ // If the property is explicitly allowed in the projection, but also restricted, find can't use cache
+ if (allowed && restricted) {
+ canCache = false;
+ }
+ // If the property is restricted, but not explicitly allowed, make sure to have mongo exclude it. As it's excluded from Mongo, caching isn't an issue for this property
+ else if (restricted) {
+ mongoProjection[key] = false;
+ }
+ // If the current property is a nested object
+ else if (value.type === undefined) {
+ // Get the projection for the next layer
+ const deeperProjection = this.getDeeperProjection(
+ projection,
+ key
+ );
+ // Parse projection for the current value, so one level deeper
+ const parsedProjection = await this.parseFindProjection(
+ deeperProjection,
+ value
+ );
+ // If the parsed projection mongo projection contains anything, update our own mongo projection
+ if (
+ Object.keys(parsedProjection.mongoProjection).length > 0
+ )
+ mongoProjection[key] = parsedProjection.mongoProjection;
+ // If the parsed projection says we can't use the cache, make sure we can't use cache either
+ canCache = canCache && parsedProjection.canCache;
+ }
+ }
+ // If we have no projection set, and the current property is restricted, exclude the property from mongo, but don't say we can't use the cache
+ else if (value.restricted) mongoProjection[key] = false;
+ // If we have no projection set, and the current property is not restricted, and the current property is a nested object
+ else if (value.type === undefined) {
+ // Pass the nested schema object recursively into the parseFindProjection function
+ const parsedProjection = await this.parseFindProjection(
+ null,
+ value
+ );
+ // If the returned mongo projection includes anything special, include it in the mongo projection we're returning
+ if (Object.keys(parsedProjection.mongoProjection).length > 0)
+ mongoProjection[key] = parsedProjection.mongoProjection;
+ // Since we're not passing a projection into parseFindProjection, there's no chance that we can't cache
+ }
+ });
+ return {
+ canCache,
+ mongoProjection
+ };
+ }
* parseFindFilter - Ensure validity of filter and return a mongo filter ---, or the document itself re-constructed
@@ -219,13 +378,21 @@ export default class DataModule extends BaseModule {
options?: {
operators?: boolean;
- ): Promise<{ mongoFilter: any; containsRestrictedProperties: boolean, canCache: boolean }> {
+ ): Promise<{
+ mongoFilter: any;
+ containsRestrictedProperties: boolean;
+ canCache: boolean;
+ }> {
if (!filter || typeof filter !== "object")
- throw new Error("Invalid filter provided. Filter must be an object.");
+ throw new Error(
+ "Invalid filter provided. Filter must be an object."
+ );
const keys = Object.keys(filter);
if (keys.length === 0)
- throw new Error("Invalid filter provided. Filter must contain keys.");
+ throw new Error(
+ "Invalid filter provided. Filter must contain keys."
+ );
// Whether to parse operators or not
const operators = !(options && options.operators === false);
@@ -272,12 +439,14 @@ export default class DataModule extends BaseModule {
await async.each(value, async _value => {
const {
mongoFilter: _mongoFilter,
- containsRestrictedProperties: _containsRestrictedProperties
+ containsRestrictedProperties:
+ _containsRestrictedProperties
} = await this.parseFindFilter(_value, schema, options);
// Actually add the returned filter object to the mongo query we're building
- if (_containsRestrictedProperties) containsRestrictedProperties = true;
+ if (_containsRestrictedProperties)
+ containsRestrictedProperties = true;
} else
throw new Error(
@@ -298,10 +467,14 @@ export default class DataModule extends BaseModule {
// Type will be undefined if it's a nested object
if (schema[key].type === undefined) {
// Run parseFindFilter on the nested schema object
- const { mongoFilter: _mongoFilter, containsRestrictedProperties: _containsRestrictedProperties } =
- await this.parseFindFilter(value, schema[key], options);
- mongoFilter[key] = _mongoFilter;
- if (_containsRestrictedProperties) containsRestrictedProperties = true;
+ const {
+ mongoFilter: _mongoFilter,
+ containsRestrictedProperties:
+ _containsRestrictedProperties
+ } = await this.parseFindFilter(value, schema[key], options);
+ mongoFilter[key] = _mongoFilter;
+ if (_containsRestrictedProperties)
+ containsRestrictedProperties = true;
} else if (
operators &&
typeof value === "object" &&
@@ -396,14 +569,13 @@ export default class DataModule extends BaseModule {
collection, // Collection name
filter, // Similar to MongoDB filter
- values, // TODO: Add support
limit = 0, // TODO have limit off by default?
page = 1,
useCache = true
}: {
collection: CollectionNameType;
filter: Record<string, any>;
- projection?: Record<string, any> | string[],
+ projection?: Record<string, any> | string[];
values?: Record<string, any>;
limit?: number;
page?: number;
@@ -414,6 +586,9 @@ export default class DataModule extends BaseModule {
let queryHash: string | null = null;
let cacheable = useCache !== false;
+ let mongoFilter;
+ let mongoProjection;
// Verify whether the collection exists
@@ -425,20 +600,41 @@ export default class DataModule extends BaseModule {
// Verify whether the query is valid-enough to continue
- async () =>
- this.parseFindFilter(
+ async () => {
+ const parsedFilter = await this.parseFindFilter(
- ),
+ );
+ cacheable = cacheable && parsedFilter.canCache;
+ mongoFilter = parsedFilter.mongoFilter;
+ },
+ // Verify whether the query is valid-enough to continue
+ async () => {
+ const parsedProjection = await this.parseFindProjection(
+ projection,
+ this.collections![collection].schema.document
+ );
+ console.log(222, parsedProjection);
+ cacheable = cacheable && parsedProjection.canCache;
+ mongoProjection = parsedProjection.mongoProjection;
+ },
// If we can use cache, get from the cache, and if we get results return those
- async ({ mongoFilter, canCache }: any) => {
- // console.log(111, mongoFilter, canCache);
+ async () => {
// If we're allowed to cache, and the filter doesn't reference any restricted fields, try to cache the query and its response
- if (cacheable && canCache) {
+ if (cacheable) {
// Turn the query object into a sha1 hash that can be used as a Redis key
queryHash = hash(
- { collection, mongoFilter, values, limit, page },
+ {
+ collection,
+ mongoFilter,
+ limit,
+ page
+ },
algorithm: "sha1"
@@ -451,18 +647,17 @@ export default class DataModule extends BaseModule {
// Return the mongoFilter along with the cachedDocuments, if any
return {
- mongoFilter,
cachedDocuments: cachedQuery
? JSON.parse(cachedQuery)
: null
- return { mongoFilter, cachedDocuments: null };
+ return { cachedDocuments: null };
// If we didn't get documents from the cache, get them from mongo
- async ({ mongoFilter, cachedDocuments }: any) => {
+ async ({ cachedDocuments }: any) => {
if (cachedDocuments) {
cacheable = false;
return cachedDocuments;
@@ -493,7 +688,6 @@ export default class DataModule extends BaseModule {
// );
// TODO, add mongo projection. Make sure to keep in mind caching with queryHash.
- const mongoProjection = null;
return this.collections?.[collection].model
.find(mongoFilter, mongoProjection)
@@ -503,7 +697,9 @@ export default class DataModule extends BaseModule {
// Convert documents from Mongoose model to regular objects
async (documents: any[]) =>
- async.map(documents, async (document: any) => document._doc ? document._doc : document),
+ async.map(documents, async (document: any) =>
+ document._doc ? document._doc : document
+ ),
// Add documents to the cache
async (documents: any[]) => {
@@ -521,9 +717,14 @@ export default class DataModule extends BaseModule {
// Strips the document of any unneeded properties or properties that are restricted
- async (documents: any[]) => async.map(documents, async (document: any) => {
- return await this.stripDocument(document, this.collections![collection].schema.document, projection);
- })
+ async (documents: any[]) =>
+ async.map(documents, async (document: any) =>
+ this.stripDocument(
+ document,
+ this.collections![collection].schema.document,
+ projection
+ )
+ )
(err, documents?: any[]) => {
if (err) reject(err);