@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import async from "async";
+import mongoose from "mongoose";
import { isLoginRequired, isOwnerRequired } from "./hooks";
@@ -8,6 +9,7 @@ const DBModule = moduleManager.modules.db;
const UtilsModule = moduleManager.modules.utils;
const WSModule = moduleManager.modules.ws;
const SongsModule = moduleManager.modules.songs;
+const PlaylistsModule = moduleManager.modules.playlists;
const CacheModule = moduleManager.modules.cache;
const NotificationsModule = moduleManager.modules.notifications;
const StationsModule = moduleManager.modules.stations;
@@ -889,6 +891,148 @@ export default {
+ getStationIncludedPlaylistsById(session, stationId, cb) {
+ async.waterfall(
+ [
+ next => {
+ StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId }, this)
+ .then(station => {
+ next(null, station);
+ })
+ .catch(next);
+ },
+ (station, next) => {
+ if (!station) return next("Station not found.");
+ return StationsModule.runJob(
+ {
+ station,
+ userId: session.userId
+ },
+ this
+ )
+ .then(canView => {
+ if (!canView) next("Not allowed to get station.");
+ else next(null, station);
+ })
+ .catch(err => next(err));
+ },
+ (station, next) => {
+ const playlists = [];
+ async.eachLimit(
+ station.includedPlaylists,
+ 1,
+ (playlistId, next) => {
+ PlaylistsModule.runJob("GET_PLAYLIST", { playlistId }, this)
+ .then(playlist => {
+ playlists.push(playlist);
+ next();
+ })
+ .catch(() => {
+ playlists.push(null);
+ next();
+ });
+ },
+ err => {
+ next(err, playlists);
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ ],
+ async (err, playlists) => {
+ if (err) {
+ err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this);
+ this.log(
+ "ERROR",
+ `Getting station "${stationId}"'s included playlists failed. "${err}"`
+ );
+ return cb({ status: "failure", message: err });
+ }
+ this.log(
+ `Got station "${stationId}"'s included playlists successfully.`
+ );
+ return cb({ status: "success", playlists });
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ getStationExcludedPlaylistsById(session, stationId, cb) {
+ async.waterfall(
+ [
+ next => {
+ StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId }, this)
+ .then(station => {
+ next(null, station);
+ })
+ .catch(next);
+ },
+ (station, next) => {
+ if (!station) return next("Station not found.");
+ return StationsModule.runJob(
+ {
+ station,
+ userId: session.userId
+ },
+ this
+ )
+ .then(canView => {
+ if (!canView) next("Not allowed to get station.");
+ else next(null, station);
+ })
+ .catch(err => next(err));
+ },
+ (station, next) => {
+ const playlists = [];
+ async.eachLimit(
+ station.excludedPlaylists,
+ 1,
+ (playlistId, next) => {
+ PlaylistsModule.runJob("GET_PLAYLIST", { playlistId }, this)
+ .then(playlist => {
+ playlists.push(playlist);
+ next();
+ })
+ .catch(() => {
+ playlists.push(null);
+ next();
+ });
+ },
+ err => {
+ next(err, playlists);
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ ],
+ async (err, playlists) => {
+ if (err) {
+ err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this);
+ this.log(
+ "ERROR",
+ `Getting station "${stationId}"'s excluded playlists failed. "${err}"`
+ );
+ return cb({ status: "failure", message: err });
+ }
+ this.log(
+ `Got station "${stationId}"'s excluded playlists successfully.`
+ );
+ return cb({ status: "success", playlists });
+ }
+ );
+ },
* Toggles if a station is locked
@@ -1225,6 +1369,7 @@ export default {
updateDisplayName: isOwnerRequired(async function updateDisplayName(session, stationId, newDisplayName, cb) {
const stationModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "station" }, this);
+ const playlistModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "playlist" }, this);
@@ -1241,6 +1386,16 @@ export default {
StationsModule.runJob("UPDATE_STATION", { stationId }, this)
.then(station => next(null, station))
+ },
+ (station, next) => {
+ playlistModel.updateOne(
+ { _id: station.playlist2 },
+ { $set: { displayName: `Station - ${station.displayName}` } },
+ err => {
+ next(err, station);
+ }
+ );
async err => {
@@ -1438,25 +1593,122 @@ export default {
* @param cb
updateGenres: isOwnerRequired(async function updateGenres(session, stationId, newGenres, cb) {
- const stationModel = await DBModule.runJob(
- {
- modelName: "station"
- },
- this
- );
next => {
- stationModel.updateOne(
- { _id: stationId },
- { $set: { genres: newGenres } },
- { runValidators: true },
- next
+ StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId }, this)
+ .then(station => {
+ next(null, station);
+ })
+ .catch(next);
+ },
+ (station, next) => {
+ const playlists = [];
+ async.eachLimit(
+ newGenres,
+ 1,
+ (genre, next) => {
+ PlaylistsModule.runJob("GET_GENRE_PLAYLIST", { genre, includeSongs: false }, this)
+ .then(response => {
+ playlists.push(response.playlist);
+ next();
+ })
+ .catch(err => {
+ if (err.message === "Playlist not found")
+ next(
+ `The genre playlist for "${genre}" was not found. Please ensure that this genre playlist exists.`
+ );
+ else next(err);
+ });
+ },
+ err => {
+ next(
+ err,
+ station,
+ playlists.map(playlist => playlist._id.toString())
+ );
+ }
- (res, next) => {
+ (station, playlists, next) => {
+ const playlistsToRemoveFromExcluded = playlists.filter(
+ playlistId => station.excludedPlaylists.indexOf(playlistId) !== -1
+ );
+ console.log(
+ `playlistsToRemoveFromExcluded: ${playlistsToRemoveFromExcluded.length}`,
+ playlistsToRemoveFromExcluded
+ );
+ async.eachLimit(
+ playlistsToRemoveFromExcluded,
+ 1,
+ (playlistId, next) => {
+ StationsModule.runJob("REMOVE_EXCLUDED_PLAYLIST", { stationId, playlistId }, this)
+ .then(() => {
+ next();
+ })
+ .catch(next);
+ },
+ err => {
+ next(err, station, playlists);
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ (station, playlists, next) => {
+ const playlistsToRemoveFromIncluded = station.includedPlaylists.filter(
+ playlistId => playlists.indexOf(playlistId) === -1
+ );
+ console.log(
+ `playlistsToRemoveFromIncluded: ${playlistsToRemoveFromIncluded.length}`,
+ playlistsToRemoveFromIncluded
+ );
+ async.eachLimit(
+ playlistsToRemoveFromIncluded,
+ 1,
+ (playlistId, next) => {
+ StationsModule.runJob("REMOVE_INCLUDED_PLAYLIST", { stationId, playlistId }, this)
+ .then(() => {
+ next();
+ })
+ .catch(next);
+ },
+ err => {
+ next(err, station, playlists);
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ (station, playlists, next) => {
+ const playlistsToAddToIncluded = playlists.filter(
+ playlistId => station.includedPlaylists.indexOf(playlistId) === -1
+ );
+ console.log(
+ `playlistsToAddToIncluded: ${playlistsToAddToIncluded.length}`,
+ playlistsToAddToIncluded
+ );
+ async.eachLimit(
+ playlistsToAddToIncluded,
+ 1,
+ (playlistId, next) => {
+ StationsModule.runJob("INCLUDE_PLAYLIST", { stationId, playlistId }, this)
+ .then(() => {
+ next();
+ })
+ .catch(next);
+ },
+ err => {
+ next(err);
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ next => {
+ PlaylistsModule.runJob("AUTOFILL_STATION_PLAYLIST", { stationId }).then().catch();
StationsModule.runJob("UPDATE_STATION", { stationId }, this)
.then(station => next(null, station))
@@ -1522,24 +1774,122 @@ export default {
) {
- const stationModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "station" }, this);
next => {
- stationModel.updateOne(
- { _id: stationId },
- {
- $set: {
- blacklistedGenres: newBlacklistedGenres
- }
+ StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId }, this)
+ .then(station => {
+ next(null, station);
+ })
+ .catch(next);
+ },
+ (station, next) => {
+ const playlists = [];
+ async.eachLimit(
+ newBlacklistedGenres,
+ 1,
+ (genre, next) => {
+ PlaylistsModule.runJob("GET_GENRE_PLAYLIST", { genre, includeSongs: false }, this)
+ .then(response => {
+ playlists.push(response.playlist);
+ next();
+ })
+ .catch(err => {
+ if (err.message === "Playlist not found")
+ next(
+ `The genre playlist for "${genre}" was not found. Please ensure that this genre playlist exists.`
+ );
+ else next(err);
+ });
- { runValidators: true },
- next
+ err => {
+ next(
+ err,
+ station,
+ playlists.map(playlist => playlist._id.toString())
+ );
+ }
- (res, next) => {
+ (station, playlists, next) => {
+ const playlistsToRemoveFromIncluded = playlists.filter(
+ playlistId => station.includedPlaylists.indexOf(playlistId) !== -1
+ );
+ console.log(
+ `playlistsToRemoveFromIncluded: ${playlistsToRemoveFromIncluded.length}`,
+ playlistsToRemoveFromIncluded
+ );
+ async.eachLimit(
+ playlistsToRemoveFromIncluded,
+ 1,
+ (playlistId, next) => {
+ StationsModule.runJob("REMOVE_INCLUDED_PLAYLIST", { stationId, playlistId }, this)
+ .then(() => {
+ next();
+ })
+ .catch(next);
+ },
+ err => {
+ next(err, station, playlists);
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ (station, playlists, next) => {
+ const playlistsToRemoveFromExcluded = station.excludedPlaylists.filter(
+ playlistId => playlists.indexOf(playlistId) === -1
+ );
+ console.log(
+ `playlistsToRemoveFromExcluded: ${playlistsToRemoveFromExcluded.length}`,
+ playlistsToRemoveFromExcluded
+ );
+ async.eachLimit(
+ playlistsToRemoveFromExcluded,
+ 1,
+ (playlistId, next) => {
+ StationsModule.runJob("REMOVE_EXCLUDED_PLAYLIST", { stationId, playlistId }, this)
+ .then(() => {
+ next();
+ })
+ .catch(next);
+ },
+ err => {
+ next(err, station, playlists);
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ (station, playlists, next) => {
+ const playlistsToAddToExcluded = playlists.filter(
+ playlistId => station.excludedPlaylists.indexOf(playlistId) === -1
+ );
+ console.log(
+ `playlistsToAddToExcluded: ${playlistsToAddToExcluded.length}`,
+ playlistsToAddToExcluded
+ );
+ async.eachLimit(
+ playlistsToAddToExcluded,
+ 1,
+ (playlistId, next) => {
+ StationsModule.runJob("EXCLUDE_PLAYLIST", { stationId, playlistId }, this)
+ .then(() => {
+ next();
+ })
+ .catch(next);
+ },
+ err => {
+ next(err);
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ next => {
+ PlaylistsModule.runJob("AUTOFILL_STATION_PLAYLIST", { stationId }).then().catch();
StationsModule.runJob("UPDATE_STATION", { stationId }, this)
.then(station => next(null, station))
@@ -1899,6 +2249,12 @@ export default {
CacheModule.runJob("HDEL", { table: "stations", key: stationId }, this)
.then(next(null, station))
+ },
+ (station, next) => {
+ if (station.playlist2)
+ PlaylistsModule.runJob("DELETE_PLAYLIST", { playlistId: station.playlist2 }).then().catch();
+ next(null, station);
async (err, station) => {
@@ -1939,6 +2295,7 @@ export default {
create: isLoginRequired(async function create(session, data, cb) {
const userModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this);
const stationModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "station" }, this);
+ const playlistModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "playlist" }, this);
data.name = data.name.toLowerCase();
@@ -2008,73 +2365,271 @@ export default {
if (station) return next("A station with that name or display name already exists.");
- const { name, displayName, description, genres, playlist, type, blacklistedGenres } = data;
+ const { name, displayName, description, playlist, type, genres, blacklistedGenres } = data;
+ const stationId = mongoose.Types.ObjectId();
if (type === "official") {
return userModel.findOne({ _id: session.userId }, (err, user) => {
if (err) return next(err);
if (!user) return next("User not found.");
if (user.role !== "admin") return next("Admin required.");
- return stationModel.create(
- {
- name,
- displayName,
- description,
- type,
- privacy: "private",
- playlist,
- genres,
- blacklistedGenres,
- currentSong: StationsModule.defaultSong
- },
- next
+ return async.waterfall(
+ [
+ next => {
+ const playlists = [];
+ async.eachLimit(
+ genres,
+ 1,
+ (genre, next) => {
+ PlaylistsModule.runJob(
+ { genre, includeSongs: false },
+ this
+ )
+ .then(response => {
+ playlists.push(response.playlist);
+ next();
+ })
+ .catch(err => {
+ next(
+ `An error occurred when trying to get genre playlist for genre ${genre}. Error: ${err}.`
+ );
+ });
+ },
+ err => {
+ next(
+ err,
+ playlists.map(playlist => playlist._id.toString())
+ );
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ (genrePlaylistIds, next) => {
+ const playlists = [];
+ async.eachLimit(
+ blacklistedGenres,
+ 1,
+ (genre, next) => {
+ PlaylistsModule.runJob(
+ { genre, includeSongs: false },
+ this
+ )
+ .then(response => {
+ playlists.push(response.playlist);
+ next();
+ })
+ .catch(err => {
+ next(
+ `An error occurred when trying to get genre playlist for genre ${genre}. Error: ${err}.`
+ );
+ });
+ },
+ err => {
+ next(
+ err,
+ genrePlaylistIds,
+ playlists.map(playlist => playlist._id.toString())
+ );
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ (genrePlaylistIds, blacklistedGenrePlaylistIds, next) => {
+ const duplicateGenre =
+ genrePlaylistIds.length !== new Set(genrePlaylistIds).size;
+ const duplicateBlacklistedGenre =
+ genrePlaylistIds.length !== new Set(genrePlaylistIds).size;
+ const duplicateCross =
+ genrePlaylistIds.length + blacklistedGenrePlaylistIds.length !==
+ new Set([...genrePlaylistIds, ...blacklistedGenrePlaylistIds]).size;
+ if (duplicateGenre)
+ return next("You cannot have the same genre included twice.");
+ if (duplicateBlacklistedGenre)
+ return next("You cannot have the same blacklisted genre included twice.");
+ if (duplicateCross)
+ return next(
+ "You cannot have the same genre included and blacklisted at the same time."
+ );
+ return next(null, genrePlaylistIds, blacklistedGenrePlaylistIds);
+ }
+ ],
+ (err, genrePlaylistIds, blacklistedGenrePlaylistIds) => {
+ if (err) return next(err);
+ return playlistModel.create(
+ {
+ isUserModifiable: false,
+ displayName: `Station - ${displayName}`,
+ songs: [],
+ createdBy: "Musare",
+ createdFor: `${stationId}`,
+ createdAt: Date.now(),
+ type: "station"
+ },
+ (err, playlist2) => {
+ if (err) next(err);
+ else {
+ stationModel.create(
+ {
+ _id: stationId,
+ name,
+ displayName,
+ description,
+ type,
+ privacy: "private",
+ playlist2: playlist2._id,
+ playlist,
+ currentSong: StationsModule.defaultSong
+ },
+ (err, station) => {
+ next(
+ err,
+ station,
+ genrePlaylistIds,
+ blacklistedGenrePlaylistIds
+ );
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ }
if (type === "community") {
if (blacklist.indexOf(name) !== -1)
return next("That name is blacklisted. Please use a different name.");
- return stationModel.create(
+ return playlistModel.create(
- name,
- displayName,
- description,
- type,
- privacy: "private",
- owner: session.userId,
- queue: [],
- currentSong: null
+ isUserModifiable: false,
+ displayName: `Station - ${name}`,
+ songs: [],
+ createdBy: session.userId,
+ createdFor: `${stationId}`,
+ createdAt: Date.now(),
+ type: "station"
- next
+ (err, playlist2) => {
+ if (err) next(err);
+ else {
+ stationModel.create(
+ {
+ name,
+ displayName,
+ description,
+ playlist2: playlist2._id,
+ type,
+ privacy: "private",
+ owner: session.userId,
+ queue: [],
+ currentSong: null
+ },
+ (err, station) => {
+ next(err, station, null, null);
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ (station, genrePlaylistIds, blacklistedGenrePlaylistIds, next) => {
+ if (station.type !== "official") return next(null, station);
+ const stationId = station._id;
+ console.log(111, station, genrePlaylistIds, blacklistedGenrePlaylistIds, next);
+ return async.waterfall(
+ [
+ next => {
+ async.eachLimit(
+ genrePlaylistIds,
+ 1,
+ (playlistId, next) => {
+ StationsModule.runJob("INCLUDE_PLAYLIST", { stationId, playlistId }, this)
+ .then(() => {
+ next();
+ })
+ .catch(next);
+ },
+ next
+ );
+ },
+ next => {
+ async.eachLimit(
+ blacklistedGenrePlaylistIds,
+ 1,
+ (playlistId, next) => {
+ StationsModule.runJob("EXCLUDE_PLAYLIST", { stationId, playlistId }, this)
+ .then(() => {
+ next();
+ })
+ .catch(next);
+ },
+ next
+ );
+ },
+ next => {
+ PlaylistsModule.runJob("AUTOFILL_STATION_PLAYLIST", { stationId }).then().catch();
+ next();
+ }
+ ],
+ async err => {
+ if (err) {
+ err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this);
+ this.log(
+ "ERROR",
+ `Created station ${stationId} successfully, but an error occurred during playing including/excluding. Error: ${err}`
+ );
+ }
+ next(null, station, err);
+ }
+ );
- async (err, station) => {
+ async (err, station, extraError) => {
if (err) {
err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this);
this.log("ERROR", "STATIONS_CREATE", `Creating station failed. "${err}"`);
- return cb({ status: "failure", message: err });
- }
- this.log("SUCCESS", "STATIONS_CREATE", `Created station "${station._id}" successfully.`);
+ cb({ status: "failure", message: err });
+ } else {
+ this.log("SUCCESS", "STATIONS_CREATE", `Created station "${station._id}" successfully.`);
- CacheModule.runJob("PUB", {
- channel: "station.create",
- value: station._id
- });
+ CacheModule.runJob("PUB", {
+ channel: "station.create",
+ value: station._id
+ });
- ActivitiesModule.runJob("ADD_ACTIVITY", {
- userId: session.userId,
- type: "station__create",
- payload: {
- message: `Created a station named <stationId>${station.displayName}</stationId>`,
- stationId: station._id
- }
- });
+ ActivitiesModule.runJob("ADD_ACTIVITY", {
+ userId: session.userId,
+ type: "station__create",
+ payload: {
+ message: `Created a station named <stationId>${station.displayName}</stationId>`,
+ stationId: station._id
+ }
+ });
- return cb({
- status: "success",
- message: "Successfully created station."
- });
+ if (!extraError) {
+ cb({
+ status: "success",
+ message: "Successfully created station."
+ });
+ } else {
+ cb({
+ status: "success",
+ message: `Successfully created station, but with one error at the end: ${extraError}`
+ });
+ }
+ }
@@ -2110,6 +2665,7 @@ export default {
(station, next) => {
if (!station) return next("Station not found.");
+ if (!station.partyMode) return next("Station is not in party mode.");
if (station.locked) {
return userModel.findOne({ _id: session.userId }, (err, user) => {
@@ -2171,19 +2727,21 @@ export default {
return next(null, song, station);
- .catch(err => next(err));
+ .catch(err => {
+ next(err);
+ });
- .catch(err => next(err));
+ .catch(err => {
+ next(err);
+ });
(song, station, next) => {
- const { queue } = station;
song.requestedBy = session.userId;
song.requestedAt = Date.now();
- queue.push(song);
let totalDuration = 0;
- queue.forEach(song => {
+ station.queue.forEach(song => {
totalDuration += song.duration;
if (totalDuration >= 3600 * 3) return next("The max length of the queue is 3 hours.");
@@ -2191,10 +2749,9 @@ export default {
(song, station, next) => {
- const { queue } = station;
- if (queue.length === 0) return next(null, song, station);
+ if (station.queue.length === 0) return next(null, song, station);
let totalDuration = 0;
- const userId = queue[queue.length - 1].requestedBy;
+ const userId = station.queue[station.queue.length - 1].requestedBy;
station.queue.forEach(song => {
if (userId === song.requestedBy) {
totalDuration += song.duration;
@@ -2206,11 +2763,10 @@ export default {
(song, station, next) => {
- const { queue } = station;
- if (queue.length === 0) return next(null, song);
+ if (station.queue.length === 0) return next(null, song);
let totalSongs = 0;
- const userId = queue[queue.length - 1].requestedBy;
- queue.forEach(song => {
+ const userId = station.queue[station.queue.length - 1].requestedBy;
+ station.queue.forEach(song => {
if (userId === song.requestedBy) {
totalSongs += 1;
@@ -2219,7 +2775,10 @@ export default {
if (totalSongs <= 2) return next(null, song);
if (totalSongs > 3)
return next("The max amount of songs per user is 3, and only 2 in a row is allowed.");
- if (queue[queue.length - 2].requestedBy !== userId || queue[queue.length - 3] !== userId)
+ if (
+ station.queue[station.queue.length - 2].requestedBy !== userId ||
+ station.queue[station.queue.length - 3] !== userId
+ )
return next("The max amount of songs per user is 3, and only 2 in a row is allowed.");
return next(null, song);
@@ -2228,7 +2787,7 @@ export default {
(song, next) => {
{ _id: stationId },
- { $pushr: { queue: song } },
+ { $push: { queue: song } },
{ runValidators: true },
@@ -2239,6 +2798,14 @@ export default {
.then(station => next(null, station))
+ // (res, next) => {
+ // StationsModule.runJob("UPDATE_STATION", { stationId }, this)
+ // .then(station => {
+ // next(null, station);
+ // })
+ // .catch(next);
+ // }
async err => {
if (err) {
@@ -2365,7 +2932,6 @@ export default {
(station, next) => {
if (!station) return next("Station not found.");
- if (station.type !== "community") return next("Station is not a community station.");
return next(null, station);
@@ -2376,9 +2942,14 @@ export default {
return next("Insufficient permissions.");
.catch(err => next(err));
+ },
+ (station, next) => {
+ if (station.type === "official") next(null, station.playlist);
+ else next(null, station.queue);
- async (err, station) => {
+ async (err, queue) => {
if (err) {
err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this);
@@ -2394,7 +2965,7 @@ export default {
return cb({
status: "success",
message: "Successfully got queue.",
- queue: station.queue
+ queue