@@ -1,266 +1,266 @@
-import { PipelineStage, Schema, SchemaTypes } from "mongoose";
+// import { PipelineStage, Schema, SchemaTypes } from "mongoose";
-export enum FilterType {
- REGEX = "regex",
- CONTAINS = "contains",
- EXACT = "exact",
- DATETIME_BEFORE = "datetimeBefore",
- DATETIME_AFTER = "datetimeAfter",
- NUMBER_LESSER_EQUAL = "numberLesserEqual",
- NUMBER_LESSER = "numberLesser",
- NUMBER_GREATER = "numberGreater",
- NUMBER_GREATER_EQUAL = "numberGreaterEqual",
- NUMBER_EQUAL = "numberEquals",
- BOOLEAN = "boolean",
- SPECIAL = "special"
+// export enum FilterType {
+// REGEX = "regex",
+// CONTAINS = "contains",
+// EXACT = "exact",
+// DATETIME_BEFORE = "datetimeBefore",
+// DATETIME_AFTER = "datetimeAfter",
+// NUMBER_LESSER_EQUAL = "numberLesserEqual",
+// NUMBER_LESSER = "numberLesser",
+// NUMBER_GREATER = "numberGreater",
+// NUMBER_GREATER_EQUAL = "numberGreaterEqual",
+// NUMBER_EQUAL = "numberEquals",
+// BOOLEAN = "boolean",
+// SPECIAL = "special"
+// }
-export interface GetData {
- getData(payload: {
- page: number;
- pageSize: number;
- properties: string[];
- sort: Record<string, "ascending" | "descending">;
- queries: {
- data: any;
- filter: {
- property: string;
- };
- filterType: FilterType;
- }[];
- operator: "and" | "or" | "nor";
- }): Promise<{
- data: any[];
- count: number;
- }>;
+// export interface GetData {
+// getData(payload: {
+// page: number;
+// pageSize: number;
+// properties: string[];
+// sort: Record<string, "ascending" | "descending">;
+// queries: {
+// data: any;
+// filter: {
+// property: string;
+// };
+// filterType: FilterType;
+// }[];
+// operator: "and" | "or" | "nor";
+// }): Promise<{
+// data: any[];
+// count: number;
+// }>;
+// }
-export default function getDataPlugin(schema: Schema) {
- schema.static(
- "getData",
- async function getData(
- payload: Parameters<GetData["getData"]>[0]
- ): ReturnType<GetData["getData"]> {
- const { page, pageSize, properties, sort, queries, operator } =
- payload;
+// export default function getDataPlugin(schema: Schema) {
+// schema.static(
+// "getData",
+// async function getData(
+// payload: Parameters<GetData["getData"]>[0]
+// ): ReturnType<GetData["getData"]> {
+// const { page, pageSize, properties, sort, queries, operator } =
+// payload;
- const getData = schema.get("getData");
- if (!getData)
- throw new Error("Schema doesn't have getData defined.");
- const {
- blacklistedProperties,
- specialFilters,
- specialProperties,
- specialQueries
- } = getData;
+// const getData = schema.get("getData");
+// if (!getData)
+// throw new Error("Schema doesn't have getData defined.");
+// const {
+// blacklistedProperties,
+// specialFilters,
+// specialProperties,
+// specialQueries
+// } = getData;
- const pipeline: PipelineStage[] = [];
+// const pipeline: PipelineStage[] = [];
- // If a query filter property or sort property is blacklisted, throw error
- if (Array.isArray(blacklistedProperties)) {
- if (
- queries.some(query =>
- blacklistedProperties.some(blacklistedProperty =>
- blacklistedProperty.startsWith(
- query.filter.property
- )
- )
- )
- )
- throw new Error(
- "Unable to filter by blacklisted property."
- );
- if (
- Object.keys(sort).some(property =>
- blacklistedProperties.some(blacklistedProperty =>
- blacklistedProperty.startsWith(property)
- )
- )
- )
- throw new Error("Unable to sort by blacklisted property.");
- }
+// // If a query filter property or sort property is blacklisted, throw error
+// if (Array.isArray(blacklistedProperties)) {
+// if (
+// queries.some(query =>
+// blacklistedProperties.some(blacklistedProperty =>
+// blacklistedProperty.startsWith(
+// query.filter.property
+// )
+// )
+// )
+// )
+// throw new Error(
+// "Unable to filter by blacklisted property."
+// );
+// if (
+// Object.keys(sort).some(property =>
+// blacklistedProperties.some(blacklistedProperty =>
+// blacklistedProperty.startsWith(property)
+// )
+// )
+// )
+// throw new Error("Unable to sort by blacklisted property.");
+// }
- // If a filter or property exists for a special property, add some custom pipeline steps
- if (typeof specialProperties === "object")
- Object.entries(specialProperties).forEach(
- ([specialProperty, pipelineSteps]) => {
- // Check if a filter with the special property exists
- const filterExists =
- queries
- .map(query => query.filter.property)
- .indexOf(specialProperty) !== -1;
+// // If a filter or property exists for a special property, add some custom pipeline steps
+// if (typeof specialProperties === "object")
+// Object.entries(specialProperties).forEach(
+// ([specialProperty, pipelineSteps]) => {
+// // Check if a filter with the special property exists
+// const filterExists =
+// queries
+// .map(query => query.filter.property)
+// .indexOf(specialProperty) !== -1;
- // Check if a property with the special property exists
- const propertyExists =
- properties.indexOf(specialProperty) !== -1;
+// // Check if a property with the special property exists
+// const propertyExists =
+// properties.indexOf(specialProperty) !== -1;
- // If no such filter or property exists, skip this function
- if (!filterExists && !propertyExists) return;
+// // If no such filter or property exists, skip this function
+// if (!filterExists && !propertyExists) return;
- // Add the specified pipeline steps into the pipeline
- pipeline.push(...pipelineSteps);
- }
- );
+// // Add the specified pipeline steps into the pipeline
+// pipeline.push(...pipelineSteps);
+// }
+// );
- // Adds the match stage to aggregation pipeline, which is responsible for filtering
- const filterQueries = queries.flatMap(query => {
- const { data, filter, filterType } = query;
- const { property } = filter;
+// // Adds the match stage to aggregation pipeline, which is responsible for filtering
+// const filterQueries = queries.flatMap(query => {
+// const { data, filter, filterType } = query;
+// const { property } = filter;
- const newQuery: any = {};
- switch (filterType) {
- case FilterType.REGEX:
- newQuery[property] = new RegExp(
- `${data.slice(1, data.length - 1)}`,
- "i"
- );
- break;
- case FilterType.CONTAINS:
- newQuery[property] = new RegExp(
- `${data.replaceAll(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&")}`,
- "i"
- );
- break;
- case FilterType.EXACT:
- newQuery[property] = data.toString();
- break;
- case FilterType.DATETIME_BEFORE:
- newQuery[property] = { $lte: new Date(data) };
- break;
- case FilterType.DATETIME_AFTER:
- newQuery[property] = { $gte: new Date(data) };
- break;
- case FilterType.NUMBER_LESSER_EQUAL:
- newQuery[property] = { $lte: Number(data) };
- break;
- case FilterType.NUMBER_LESSER:
- newQuery[property] = { $lt: Number(data) };
- break;
- case FilterType.NUMBER_GREATER:
- newQuery[property] = { $gt: Number(data) };
- break;
- newQuery[property] = { $gte: Number(data) };
- break;
- case FilterType.NUMBER_EQUAL:
- newQuery[property] = { $eq: Number(data) };
- break;
- case FilterType.BOOLEAN:
- newQuery[property] = { $eq: !!data };
- break;
- case FilterType.SPECIAL:
- if (
- typeof specialFilters === "object" &&
- typeof specialFilters[filter.property] ===
- "function"
- ) {
- pipeline.push(
- ...specialFilters[filter.property](data)
- );
- newQuery[property] = { $eq: true };
- }
- break;
- default:
- throw new Error(`Invalid filter type for "${filter}"`);
- }
+// const newQuery: any = {};
+// switch (filterType) {
+// case FilterType.REGEX:
+// newQuery[property] = new RegExp(
+// `${data.slice(1, data.length - 1)}`,
+// "i"
+// );
+// break;
+// case FilterType.CONTAINS:
+// newQuery[property] = new RegExp(
+// `${data.replaceAll(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&")}`,
+// "i"
+// );
+// break;
+// case FilterType.EXACT:
+// newQuery[property] = data.toString();
+// break;
+// case FilterType.DATETIME_BEFORE:
+// newQuery[property] = { $lte: new Date(data) };
+// break;
+// case FilterType.DATETIME_AFTER:
+// newQuery[property] = { $gte: new Date(data) };
+// break;
+// case FilterType.NUMBER_LESSER_EQUAL:
+// newQuery[property] = { $lte: Number(data) };
+// break;
+// case FilterType.NUMBER_LESSER:
+// newQuery[property] = { $lt: Number(data) };
+// break;
+// case FilterType.NUMBER_GREATER:
+// newQuery[property] = { $gt: Number(data) };
+// break;
+// case FilterType.NUMBER_GREATER_EQUAL:
+// newQuery[property] = { $gte: Number(data) };
+// break;
+// case FilterType.NUMBER_EQUAL:
+// newQuery[property] = { $eq: Number(data) };
+// break;
+// case FilterType.BOOLEAN:
+// newQuery[property] = { $eq: !!data };
+// break;
+// case FilterType.SPECIAL:
+// if (
+// typeof specialFilters === "object" &&
+// typeof specialFilters[filter.property] ===
+// "function"
+// ) {
+// pipeline.push(
+// ...specialFilters[filter.property](data)
+// );
+// newQuery[property] = { $eq: true };
+// }
+// break;
+// default:
+// throw new Error(`Invalid filter type for "${filter}"`);
+// }
- if (
- typeof specialQueries === "object" &&
- typeof specialQueries[filter.property] === "function"
- ) {
- return specialQueries[filter.property](newQuery);
- }
+// if (
+// typeof specialQueries === "object" &&
+// typeof specialQueries[filter.property] === "function"
+// ) {
+// return specialQueries[filter.property](newQuery);
+// }
- return newQuery;
- });
+// return newQuery;
+// });
- const filterQuery: any = {};
+// const filterQuery: any = {};
- if (filterQueries.length > 0)
- filterQuery[`$${operator}`] = filterQueries;
+// if (filterQueries.length > 0)
+// filterQuery[`$${operator}`] = filterQueries;
- pipeline.push({ $match: filterQuery });
+// pipeline.push({ $match: filterQuery });
- // Adds sort stage to aggregation pipeline if there is at least one column being sorted, responsible for sorting data
- if (Object.keys(sort).length > 0)
- pipeline.push({
- $sort: Object.fromEntries(
- Object.entries(sort).map(([property, direction]) => [
- property,
- direction === "ascending" ? 1 : -1
- ])
- )
- });
+// // Adds sort stage to aggregation pipeline if there is at least one column being sorted, responsible for sorting data
+// if (Object.keys(sort).length > 0)
+// pipeline.push({
+// $sort: Object.fromEntries(
+// Object.entries(sort).map(([property, direction]) => [
+// property,
+// direction === "ascending" ? 1 : -1
+// ])
+// )
+// });
- // Adds first project stage to aggregation pipeline, responsible for including only the requested properties
- pipeline.push({
- $project: Object.fromEntries(
- properties.map(property => [property, 1])
- )
- });
+// // Adds first project stage to aggregation pipeline, responsible for including only the requested properties
+// pipeline.push({
+// $project: Object.fromEntries(
+// properties.map(property => [property, 1])
+// )
+// });
- // Adds second project stage to aggregation pipeline, responsible for excluding some specific properties
- if (
- Array.isArray(blacklistedProperties) &&
- blacklistedProperties.length > 0
- )
- pipeline.push({
- $project: Object.fromEntries(
- blacklistedProperties.map(property => [property, 0])
- )
- });
+// // Adds second project stage to aggregation pipeline, responsible for excluding some specific properties
+// if (
+// Array.isArray(blacklistedProperties) &&
+// blacklistedProperties.length > 0
+// )
+// pipeline.push({
+// $project: Object.fromEntries(
+// blacklistedProperties.map(property => [property, 0])
+// )
+// });
- // Adds the facet stage to aggregation pipeline, responsible for returning a total document count, skipping and limitting the documents that will be returned
- pipeline.push({
- $facet: {
- count: [{ $count: "count" }],
- documents: [
- { $skip: pageSize * (page - 1) },
- { $limit: pageSize }
- ]
- }
- });
+// // Adds the facet stage to aggregation pipeline, responsible for returning a total document count, skipping and limitting the documents that will be returned
+// pipeline.push({
+// $facet: {
+// count: [{ $count: "count" }],
+// documents: [
+// { $skip: pageSize * (page - 1) },
+// { $limit: pageSize }
+// ]
+// }
+// });
- // Executes the aggregation pipeline
- const [result] = await this.aggregate(pipeline).exec();
+// // Executes the aggregation pipeline
+// const [result] = await this.aggregate(pipeline).exec();
- if (result.count.length === 0) return { data: [], count: 0 };
+// if (result.count.length === 0) return { data: [], count: 0 };
- properties.forEach(property => {
- const type = schema.path(property);
- if (type instanceof SchemaTypes.ObjectId) {
- const { ref } = type?.options ?? {};
- if (ref) {
- result.documents = result.documents.map(
- (document: any) => ({
- ...document,
- [property]: {
- _name: ref,
- _id: document[property]
- }
- })
- );
- }
- } else if (
- type instanceof SchemaTypes.Array &&
- type.caster instanceof SchemaTypes.ObjectId
- ) {
- console.log("Array relation not implemented", property);
- }
- });
+// properties.forEach(property => {
+// const type = schema.path(property);
+// if (type instanceof SchemaTypes.ObjectId) {
+// const { ref } = type?.options ?? {};
+// if (ref) {
+// result.documents = result.documents.map(
+// (document: any) => ({
+// ...document,
+// [property]: {
+// _name: ref,
+// _id: document[property]
+// }
+// })
+// );
+// }
+// } else if (
+// type instanceof SchemaTypes.Array &&
+// type.caster instanceof SchemaTypes.ObjectId
+// ) {
+// console.log("Array relation not implemented", property);
+// }
+// });
- result.documents = result.documents.map((document: any) => ({
- ...document,
- // TODO properly support getModelName in TypeScript
- // eslint-disable-next-line
- // @ts-ignore
- _name: schema.statics.getModelName()
- }));
+// result.documents = result.documents.map((document: any) => ({
+// ...document,
+// // TODO properly support getModelName in TypeScript
+// // eslint-disable-next-line
+// // @ts-ignore
+// _name: schema.statics.getModelName()
+// }));
- const { documents: data } = result;
- const { count } = result.count[0];
+// const { documents: data } = result;
+// const { count } = result.count[0];
- return { data, count };
- }
- );
+// return { data, count };
+// }
+// );
+// }