@@ -1,2067 +1,2014 @@
- <div>
- <modal
- :title="`${newSong ? 'Create' : 'Edit'} Song`"
- class="song-modal"
- :size="'wide'"
- :split="true"
- :intercept-close="true"
- @close="onCloseModal"
- >
- <template #toggleMobileSidebar>
- <slot name="toggleMobileSidebar" />
- </template>
- <template #sidebar>
- <slot name="sidebar" />
- </template>
- <template #body>
- <div v-if="!youtubeId && !newSong" class="notice-container">
- <h4>No song has been selected</h4>
- </div>
- <div v-if="songDeleted" class="notice-container">
- <h4>The song you were editing has been deleted</h4>
- </div>
- <div
- v-if="
- youtubeId &&
- !songDataLoaded &&
- !songNotFound &&
- !newSong
- "
- class="notice-container"
- >
- <h4>Song hasn't loaded yet</h4>
- </div>
- <div
- v-if="youtubeId && songNotFound && !newSong"
- class="notice-container"
- >
- <h4>Song was not found</h4>
- </div>
- <div
- class="left-section"
- v-show="songDataLoaded && !songDeleted"
- >
- <div class="top-section">
- <div class="player-section">
- <div :id="`editSongPlayer-${modalUuid}`" />
+<script setup lang="ts">
+import { useStore } from "vuex";
+import {
+ defineAsyncComponent,
+ ref,
+ computed,
+ watch,
+ onMounted,
+ onBeforeUnmount
+} from "vue";
+import Toast from "toasters";
+import { useModalState, useModalActions } from "@/vuex_helpers";
+import aw from "@/aw";
+import ws from "@/ws";
+import validation from "@/validation";
+import keyboardShortcuts from "@/keyboardShortcuts";
- <div v-show="youtubeError" class="player-error">
- <h2>{{ youtubeErrorMessage }}</h2>
- </div>
+const FloatingBox = defineAsyncComponent(
+ () => import("@/components/FloatingBox.vue")
+const SaveButton = defineAsyncComponent(
+ () => import("@/components/SaveButton.vue")
+const AutoSuggest = defineAsyncComponent(
+ () => import("@/components/AutoSuggest.vue")
+const Discogs = defineAsyncComponent(() => import("./Tabs/Discogs.vue"));
+const ReportsTab = defineAsyncComponent(() => import("./Tabs/Reports.vue"));
+const Youtube = defineAsyncComponent(() => import("./Tabs/Youtube.vue"));
+const MusareSongs = defineAsyncComponent(() => import("./Tabs/Songs.vue"));
+const props = defineProps({
+ modalUuid: { type: String, default: "" },
+ modalModulePath: {
+ type: String,
+ default: "modals/editSong/MODAL_UUID"
+ },
+ discogsAlbum: { type: Object, default: null },
+ bulk: { type: Boolean, default: false },
+ flagged: { type: Boolean, default: false }
+const emit = defineEmits([
+ "error",
+ "savedSuccess",
+ "savedError",
+ "flagSong",
+ "nextSong",
+ "close"
+const store = useStore();
+const { socket } = store.state.websockets;
+const modals = computed(() => store.state.modalVisibility.modals);
+const activeModals = computed(() => store.state.modalVisibility.activeModals);
+const modalState = useModalState(props.modalModulePath, {
+ modalUuid: props.modalUuid
+const tab = computed(() => modalState.tab);
+const video = computed(() => modalState.video);
+const song = computed(() => modalState.song);
+const youtubeId = computed(() => modalState.youtubeId);
+const prefillData = computed(() => modalState.prefillData);
+const originalSong = computed(() => modalState.originalSong);
+const reports = computed(() => modalState.reports);
+const newSong = computed(() => modalState.newSong);
+const songDataLoaded = ref(false);
+const songDeleted = ref(false);
+const youtubeError = ref(false);
+const youtubeErrorMessage = ref("");
+const youtubeVideoDuration = ref("0.000");
+const youtubeVideoCurrentTime = ref(0);
+const youtubeVideoNote = ref("");
+const useHTTPS = ref(false);
+const muted = ref(false);
+const volumeSliderValue = ref(0);
+const artistInputValue = ref("");
+const genreInputValue = ref("");
+const tagInputValue = ref("");
+const activityWatchVideoDataInterval = ref(null);
+const activityWatchVideoLastStatus = ref("");
+const activityWatchVideoLastStartDuration = ref("");
+const recommendedGenres = ref([
+ "Blues",
+ "Country",
+ "Disco",
+ "Funk",
+ "Hip-Hop",
+ "Jazz",
+ "Metal",
+ "Oldies",
+ "Other",
+ "Pop",
+ "Rap",
+ "Reggae",
+ "Rock",
+ "Techno",
+ "Trance",
+ "Classical",
+ "Instrumental",
+ "House",
+ "Electronic",
+ "Christian Rap",
+ "Lo-Fi",
+ "Musical",
+ "Rock 'n' Roll",
+ "Opera",
+ "Drum & Bass",
+ "Club-House",
+ "Indie",
+ "Heavy Metal",
+ "Christian rock",
+ "Dubstep"
+const autosuggest = ref({
+ allItems: {
+ artists: [],
+ genres: [],
+ tags: []
+ }
+const songNotFound = ref(false);
+const showRateDropdown = ref(false);
+const thumbnailElement = ref();
+const thumbnailNotSquare = ref(false);
+const thumbnailWidth = ref(null);
+const thumbnailHeight = ref(null);
+const thumbnailLoadError = ref(false);
+const tabs = ref([]);
+const inputs = ref([]);
+const playerReady = ref(true);
+const interval = ref();
+const saveButtonRefs = ref([]);
+const canvasElement = ref();
+const genreHelper = ref();
+const isYoutubeThumbnail = computed(
+ () =>
+ songDataLoaded.value &&
+ song.value.youtubeId &&
+ song.value.thumbnail &&
+ (song.value.thumbnail.lastIndexOf("i.ytimg.com") !== -1 ||
+ song.value.thumbnail.lastIndexOf("img.youtube.com") !== -1)
+const {
+ stopVideo,
+ hardStopVideo,
+ loadVideoById,
+ pauseVideo,
+ setSong,
+ resetSong,
+ updateOriginalSong,
+ updateSongField,
+ updateReports,
+ setPlaybackRate
+} = useModalActions(
+ props.modalModulePath,
+ [
+ "stopVideo",
+ "hardStopVideo",
+ "loadVideoById",
+ "pauseVideo",
+ "setSong",
+ "resetSong",
+ "updateOriginalSong",
+ "updateSongField",
+ "updateReports",
+ "setPlaybackRate"
+ ],
+ {
+ modalUuid: props.modalUuid
+ }
- <canvas
- :ref="`durationCanvas-${modalUuid}`"
- class="duration-canvas"
- v-show="!youtubeError"
- height="20"
- width="530"
- @click="setTrackPosition($event)"
- />
- <div class="player-footer">
- <div class="player-footer-left">
- <button
- class="button is-primary"
- @click="play()"
- @keyup.enter="play()"
- v-if="video.paused"
- content="Resume Playback"
- v-tippy
- >
- <i class="material-icons">play_arrow</i>
- </button>
- <button
- class="button is-primary"
- @click="settings('pause')"
- @keyup.enter="settings('pause')"
- v-else
- content="Pause Playback"
- v-tippy
- >
- <i class="material-icons">pause</i>
- </button>
- <button
- class="button is-danger"
- @click.exact="settings('stop')"
- @click.shift="settings('hardStop')"
- @keyup.enter.exact="settings('stop')"
- @keyup.shift.enter="
- settings('hardStop')
- "
- content="Stop Playback"
- v-tippy
- >
- <i class="material-icons">stop</i>
- </button>
- <tippy
- class="playerRateDropdown"
- :touch="true"
- :interactive="true"
- placement="bottom"
- theme="dropdown"
- ref="dropdown"
- trigger="click"
- append-to="parent"
- @show="
- () => {
- showRateDropdown = true;
- }
- "
- @hide="
- () => {
- showRateDropdown = false;
- }
- "
- >
- <div
- ref="trigger"
- class="control has-addons"
- content="Set Playback Rate"
- v-tippy
- >
- <button class="button is-primary">
- <i class="material-icons"
- >fast_forward</i
- >
- </button>
- <button
- class="button dropdown-toggle"
- >
- <i class="material-icons">
- {{
- showRateDropdown
- ? "expand_more"
- : "expand_less"
- }}
- </i>
- </button>
- </div>
+const openModal = payload =>
+ store.dispatch("modalVisibility/openModal", payload);
- <template #content>
- <div class="nav-dropdown-items">
- <button
- class="nav-item button"
- :class="{
- active:
- video.playbackRate ===
- 0.5
- }"
- title="0.5x"
- @click="
- setPlaybackRate(0.5)
- "
- >
- <p>0.5x</p>
- </button>
- <button
- class="nav-item button"
- :class="{
- active:
- video.playbackRate ===
- 1
- }"
- title="1x"
- @click="setPlaybackRate(1)"
- >
- <p>1x</p>
- </button>
- <button
- class="nav-item button"
- :class="{
- active:
- video.playbackRate ===
- 2
- }"
- title="2x"
- @click="setPlaybackRate(2)"
- >
- <p>2x</p>
- </button>
- </div>
- </template>
- </tippy>
- </div>
- <div class="player-footer-center">
- <span>
- <span>
- {{ youtubeVideoCurrentTime }}
- </span>
- /
- <span>
- {{ youtubeVideoDuration }}
- {{ youtubeVideoNote }}
- </span>
- </span>
- </div>
- <div class="player-footer-right">
- <p id="volume-control">
- <i
- class="material-icons"
- @click="toggleMute()"
- :content="`${
- muted ? 'Unmute' : 'Mute'
- }`"
- v-tippy
- >{{
- muted
- ? "volume_mute"
- : volumeSliderValue >= 50
- ? "volume_up"
- : "volume_down"
- }}</i
- >
- <input
- v-model="volumeSliderValue"
- type="range"
- min="0"
- max="100"
- class="volume-slider active"
- @change="changeVolume()"
- @input="changeVolume()"
- />
- </p>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <song-thumbnail
- v-if="songDataLoaded && !songDeleted"
- :song="song"
- :fallback="false"
- class="thumbnail-preview"
- @loadError="onThumbnailLoadError"
- />
- <img
- v-if="
- !isYoutubeThumbnail &&
- songDataLoaded &&
- !songDeleted
- "
- class="thumbnail-dummy"
- :src="song.thumbnail"
- ref="thumbnailElement"
- @load="onThumbnailLoad"
- />
- </div>
+const closeCurrentModal = () => {
+ if (props.bulk) emit("close");
+ else store.dispatch("modalVisibility/closeCurrentModal");
- <div
- class="edit-section"
- v-if="songDataLoaded && !songDeleted"
- >
- <div class="control is-grouped">
- <div class="title-container">
- <label class="label">Title</label>
- <p class="control has-addons">
- <input
- class="input"
- type="text"
- ref="title-input"
- v-model="song.title"
- placeholder="Enter song title..."
- @keyup.shift.enter="
- getAlbumData('title')
- "
- />
- <button
- class="button youtube-get-button"
- @click="getYouTubeData('title')"
- >
- <div
- class="youtube-icon"
- v-tippy
- content="Fill from YouTube"
- ></div>
- </button>
- <button
- class="button album-get-button"
- @click="getAlbumData('title')"
- >
- <i
- class="material-icons"
- v-tippy
- content="Fill from Discogs"
- >album</i
- >
- </button>
- </p>
- </div>
+const showTab = payload => {
+ if (tabs.value[`${payload}-tab`])
+ tabs.value[`${payload}-tab`].scrollIntoView({ block: "nearest" });
+ store.dispatch(
+ `${props.modalModulePath.replace(
+ props.modalUuid
+ )}/showTab`,
+ payload
+ );
- <div class="duration-container">
- <label class="label">Duration</label>
- <p class="control has-addons">
- <input
- class="input"
- type="text"
- placeholder="Enter song duration..."
- v-model.number="song.duration"
- @keyup.shift.enter="fillDuration()"
- />
- <button
- class="button duration-fill-button"
- @click="fillDuration()"
- >
- <i
- class="material-icons"
- v-tippy
- content="Sync duration with YouTube"
- >sync</i
- >
- </button>
- </p>
- </div>
+const onThumbnailLoad = () => {
+ if (thumbnailElement.value) {
+ const height = thumbnailElement.value.naturalHeight;
+ const width = thumbnailElement.value.naturalWidth;
+ thumbnailNotSquare.value = height !== width;
+ thumbnailHeight.value = height;
+ thumbnailWidth.value = width;
+ } else {
+ thumbnailNotSquare.value = false;
+ thumbnailHeight.value = null;
+ thumbnailWidth.value = null;
+ }
- <div class="skip-duration-container">
- <label class="label">Skip duration</label>
- <p class="control">
- <input
- class="input"
- type="text"
- placeholder="Enter skip duration..."
- v-model.number="song.skipDuration"
- />
- </p>
- </div>
- </div>
+const onThumbnailLoadError = error => {
+ thumbnailLoadError.value = error !== 0;
- <div class="control is-grouped">
- <div class="album-art-container">
- <label class="label">
- Thumbnail
- <i
- v-if="
- thumbnailNotSquare &&
- !isYoutubeThumbnail
- "
- class="material-icons thumbnail-warning"
- content="Thumbnail not square, it will be stretched"
- v-tippy="{ theme: 'info' }"
- >
- warning
- </i>
- <i
- v-if="
- thumbnailLoadError &&
- !isYoutubeThumbnail
- "
- class="material-icons thumbnail-warning"
- content="Error loading thumbnail"
- v-tippy="{ theme: 'info' }"
- >
- warning
- </i>
- </label>
+const unloadSong = (_youtubeId, songId) => {
+ songDataLoaded.value = false;
+ songDeleted.value = false;
+ stopVideo();
+ pauseVideo(true);
+ resetSong(_youtubeId);
+ thumbnailNotSquare.value = false;
+ thumbnailWidth.value = null;
+ thumbnailHeight.value = null;
+ youtubeVideoCurrentTime.value = "0.000";
+ youtubeVideoDuration.value = "0.000";
+ youtubeVideoNote.value = "";
+ if (songId) socket.dispatch("apis.leaveRoom", `edit-song.${songId}`);
+ if (saveButtonRefs.value.saveButton)
+ saveButtonRefs.value.saveButton.status = "default";
- <p class="control has-addons">
- <input
- class="input"
- type="text"
- v-model="song.thumbnail"
- placeholder="Enter link to thumbnail..."
- @keyup.shift.enter="
- getAlbumData('albumArt')
- "
- />
- <button
- class="button youtube-get-button"
- @click="getYouTubeData('thumbnail')"
- >
- <div
- class="youtube-icon"
- v-tippy
- content="Fill from YouTube"
- ></div>
- </button>
- <button
- class="button album-get-button"
- @click="getAlbumData('albumArt')"
- >
- <i
- class="material-icons"
- v-tippy
- content="Fill from Discogs"
- >album</i
- >
- </button>
- </p>
- </div>
- <div class="youtube-id-container">
- <label class="label">YouTube ID</label>
- <p class="control">
- <input
- class="input"
- type="text"
- placeholder="Enter YouTube ID..."
- v-model="song.youtubeId"
- />
- </p>
- </div>
- <div class="verified-container">
- <label class="label">Verified</label>
- <p class="is-expanded checkbox-control">
- <label class="switch">
- <input
- type="checkbox"
- id="verified"
- v-model="song.verified"
- />
- <span class="slider round"></span>
- </label>
- </p>
- </div>
- </div>
+const loadSong = _youtubeId => {
+ console.log(`LOAD SONG ${_youtubeId}`);
+ songNotFound.value = false;
+ socket.dispatch(`songs.getSongsFromYoutubeIds`, [_youtubeId], res => {
+ const { songs } = res.data;
+ if (res.status === "success" && songs.length > 0) {
+ let _song = songs[0];
+ _song = Object.assign(_song, prefillData.value);
- <div class="control is-grouped">
- <div class="artists-container">
- <label class="label">Artists</label>
- <p class="control has-addons">
- <auto-suggest
- v-model="artistInputValue"
- ref="new-artist"
- placeholder="Add artist..."
- :all-items="
- autosuggest.allItems.artists
- "
- @submitted="addTag('artists')"
- @keyup.shift.enter="
- getAlbumData('artists')
- "
- />
- <button
- class="button youtube-get-button"
- @click="getYouTubeData('author')"
- >
- <div
- class="youtube-icon"
- v-tippy
- content="Fill from YouTube"
- ></div>
- </button>
- <button
- class="button album-get-button"
- @click="getAlbumData('artists')"
- >
- <i
- class="material-icons"
- v-tippy
- content="Fill from Discogs"
- >album</i
- >
- </button>
- <button
- class="button is-info add-button"
- @click="addTag('artists')"
- >
- <i class="material-icons">add</i>
- </button>
- </p>
- <div class="list-container">
- <div
- class="list-item"
- v-for="artist in song.artists"
- :key="artist"
- >
- <div
- class="list-item-circle"
- @click="
- removeTag('artists', artist)
- "
- >
- <i class="material-icons">close</i>
- </div>
- <p>{{ artist }}</p>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="genres-container">
- <label class="label">
- <span>Genres</span>
- <i
- class="material-icons"
- @click="toggleGenreHelper"
- @dblclick="resetGenreHelper"
- v-tippy
- content="View list of genres"
- >info</i
- >
- </label>
- <p class="control has-addons">
- <auto-suggest
- v-model="genreInputValue"
- ref="new-genre"
- placeholder="Add genre..."
- :all-items="autosuggest.allItems.genres"
- @submitted="addTag('genres')"
- @keyup.shift.enter="
- getAlbumData('genres')
- "
- />
- <button
- class="button album-get-button"
- @click="getAlbumData('genres')"
- >
- <i
- class="material-icons"
- v-tippy
- content="Fill from Discogs"
- >album</i
- >
- </button>
- <button
- class="button is-info add-button"
- @click="addTag('genres')"
- >
- <i class="material-icons">add</i>
- </button>
- </p>
- <div class="list-container">
- <div
- class="list-item"
- v-for="genre in song.genres"
- :key="genre"
- >
- <div
- class="list-item-circle"
- @click="removeTag('genres', genre)"
- >
- <i class="material-icons">close</i>
- </div>
- <p>{{ genre }}</p>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="tags-container">
- <label class="label">Tags</label>
- <p class="control has-addons">
- <auto-suggest
- v-model="tagInputValue"
- ref="new-tag"
- placeholder="Add tag..."
- :all-items="autosuggest.allItems.tags"
- @submitted="addTag('tags')"
- />
- <button
- class="button is-info add-button"
- @click="addTag('tags')"
- >
- <i class="material-icons">add</i>
- </button>
- </p>
- <div class="list-container">
- <div
- class="list-item"
- v-for="tag in song.tags"
- :key="tag"
- >
- <div
- class="list-item-circle"
- @click="removeTag('tags', tag)"
- >
- <i class="material-icons">close</i>
- </div>
- <p>{{ tag }}</p>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div
- class="right-section"
- v-if="songDataLoaded && !songDeleted"
- >
- <div id="tabs-container">
- <div id="tab-selection">
- <button
- class="button is-default"
- :class="{ selected: tab === 'discogs' }"
- ref="discogs-tab"
- @click="showTab('discogs')"
- >
- Discogs
- </button>
- <button
- v-if="!newSong"
- class="button is-default"
- :class="{ selected: tab === 'reports' }"
- ref="reports-tab"
- @click="showTab('reports')"
- >
- Reports ({{ reports.length }})
- </button>
- <button
- class="button is-default"
- :class="{ selected: tab === 'youtube' }"
- ref="youtube-tab"
- @click="showTab('youtube')"
- >
- YouTube
- </button>
- <button
- class="button is-default"
- :class="{ selected: tab === 'musare-songs' }"
- ref="musare-songs-tab"
- @click="showTab('musare-songs')"
- >
- Songs
- </button>
- </div>
- <discogs
- class="tab"
- v-show="tab === 'discogs'"
- :bulk="bulk"
- :modal-uuid="modalUuid"
- :modal-module-path="modalModulePath"
- />
- <reports
- v-if="!newSong"
- class="tab"
- v-show="tab === 'reports'"
- :modal-uuid="modalUuid"
- :modal-module-path="modalModulePath"
- />
- <youtube
- class="tab"
- v-show="tab === 'youtube'"
- :modal-uuid="modalUuid"
- :modal-module-path="modalModulePath"
- />
- <musare-songs
- class="tab"
- v-show="tab === 'musare-songs'"
- :modal-uuid="modalUuid"
- :modal-module-path="modalModulePath"
- />
- </div>
- </div>
- </template>
- <template #footer>
- <div v-if="bulk">
- <button class="button is-primary" @click="editNextSong()">
- Next
- </button>
- <button
- class="button is-primary"
- @click="toggleFlag()"
- v-if="youtubeId && !songDeleted"
- >
- {{ flagged ? "Unflag" : "Flag" }}
- </button>
- </div>
- <div v-if="!newSong && !songDeleted">
- <save-button
- ref="saveButton"
- @clicked="save(song, false, 'saveButton')"
- />
- <save-button
- ref="saveAndCloseButton"
- :default-message="
- bulk ? `Save and next` : `Save and close`
- "
- @clicked="save(song, true, 'saveAndCloseButton')"
- />
+ setSong(_song);
- <div class="right">
- <button
- class="button is-danger icon-with-button material-icons"
- @click.prevent="
- confirmAction({
- message:
- 'Removing this song will remove it from all playlists and cause a ratings recalculation.',
- action: 'remove',
- params: song._id
- })
- "
- content="Delete Song"
- v-tippy
- >
- delete_forever
- </button>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div v-else-if="newSong">
- <save-button
- ref="createButton"
- default-message="Create Song"
- @clicked="save(song, false, 'createButton', true)"
- />
- <save-button
- ref="createAndCloseButton"
- :default-message="
- bulk ? `Create and next` : `Create and close`
- "
- @clicked="
- save(song, true, 'createAndCloseButton', true)
- "
- />
- </div>
- </template>
- </modal>
- <floating-box
- id="genreHelper"
- ref="genreHelper"
- :column="false"
- title="Song Genres List"
- >
- <template #body>
- <span
- v-for="item in autosuggest.allItems.genres"
- :key="`genre-helper-${item}`"
- >
- {{ item }}
- </span>
- </template>
- </floating-box>
- </div>
+ songDataLoaded.value = true;
-import { mapState, mapGetters, mapActions } from "vuex";
-import Toast from "toasters";
+ if (_song._id)
+ socket.dispatch("apis.joinRoom", `edit-song.${_song._id}`);
-import { mapModalState, mapModalActions } from "@/vuex_helpers";
+ if (video.value.player && video.value.player.cueVideoById) {
+ video.value.player.cueVideoById(_youtubeId, _song.skipDuration);
+ }
+ } else {
+ new Toast("Song with that ID not found");
+ if (props.bulk) songNotFound.value = true;
+ if (!props.bulk) closeCurrentModal();
+ }
+ });
-import aw from "@/aw";
-import ws from "@/ws";
-import validation from "@/validation";
-import keyboardShortcuts from "@/keyboardShortcuts";
+ if (!newSong.value)
+ socket.dispatch("reports.getReportsForSong", song.value._id, res => {
+ updateReports(res.data.reports);
+ });
-import FloatingBox from "../../FloatingBox.vue";
-import SaveButton from "../../SaveButton.vue";
-import AutoSuggest from "@/components/AutoSuggest.vue";
-import Discogs from "./Tabs/Discogs.vue";
-import Reports from "./Tabs/Reports.vue";
-import Youtube from "./Tabs/Youtube.vue";
-import MusareSongs from "./Tabs/Songs.vue";
-export default {
- components: {
- FloatingBox,
- SaveButton,
- AutoSuggest,
- Discogs,
- Reports,
- Youtube,
- MusareSongs
- },
- props: {
- // songId: { type: String, default: null },
- modalUuid: { type: String, default: "" },
- modalModulePath: {
- type: String,
- default: "modals/editSong/MODAL_UUID"
- },
- discogsAlbum: { type: Object, default: null },
- bulk: { type: Boolean, default: false },
- flagged: { type: Boolean, default: false }
- },
- emits: [
- "error",
- "savedSuccess",
- "savedError",
- "flagSong",
- "nextSong",
- "close"
- ],
- data() {
- return {
- songDataLoaded: false,
- songDeleted: false,
- youtubeError: false,
- youtubeErrorMessage: "",
- focusedElementBefore: null,
- youtubeVideoDuration: "0.000",
- youtubeVideoCurrentTime: 0,
- youtubeVideoNote: "",
- useHTTPS: false,
- muted: false,
- volumeSliderValue: 0,
- artistInputValue: "",
- genreInputValue: "",
- tagInputValue: "",
- activityWatchVideoDataInterval: null,
- activityWatchVideoLastStatus: "",
- activityWatchVideoLastStartDuration: "",
- recommendedGenres: [
- "Blues",
- "Country",
- "Disco",
- "Funk",
- "Hip-Hop",
- "Jazz",
- "Metal",
- "Oldies",
- "Other",
- "Pop",
- "Rap",
- "Reggae",
- "Rock",
- "Techno",
- "Trance",
- "Classical",
- "Instrumental",
- "House",
- "Electronic",
- "Christian Rap",
- "Lo-Fi",
- "Musical",
- "Rock 'n' Roll",
- "Opera",
- "Drum & Bass",
- "Club-House",
- "Indie",
- "Heavy Metal",
- "Christian rock",
- "Dubstep"
- ],
- autosuggest: {
- allItems: {
- artists: [],
- genres: [],
- tags: []
- }
- },
- songNotFound: false,
- showRateDropdown: false,
- thumbnailNotSquare: false,
- thumbnailWidth: null,
- thumbnailHeight: null,
- thumbnailLoadError: false
- };
- },
- computed: {
- isYoutubeThumbnail() {
- return (
- this.songDataLoaded &&
- this.song.youtubeId &&
- this.song.thumbnail &&
- (this.song.thumbnail.lastIndexOf("i.ytimg.com") !== -1 ||
- this.song.thumbnail.lastIndexOf("img.youtube.com") !== -1)
- );
- },
- ...mapModalState("MODAL_MODULE_PATH", {
- tab: state => state.tab,
- video: state => state.video,
- song: state => state.song,
- youtubeId: state => state.youtubeId,
- prefillData: state => state.prefillData,
- originalSong: state => state.originalSong,
- reports: state => state.reports,
- newSong: state => state.newSong
- }),
- ...mapState("modalVisibility", {
- activeModals: state => state.activeModals
- }),
- ...mapGetters({
- socket: "websockets/getSocket"
- })
- },
- watch: {
- /* eslint-disable */
- "song.duration": function () {
- this.drawCanvas();
- },
- "song.skipDuration": function () {
- this.drawCanvas();
- },
- /* eslint-enable */
- youtubeId(youtubeId, oldYoutubeId) {
- console.log("NEW YOUTUBE ID", youtubeId);
- this.unloadSong(oldYoutubeId);
- this.loadSong(youtubeId);
- }
- },
- beforeMount() {
- console.log("EDITSONG BEFOREMOUNT");
- },
- async mounted() {
- console.log("EDITSONG MOUNTED");
- this.activityWatchVideoDataInterval = setInterval(() => {
- this.sendActivityWatchVideoData();
- }, 1000);
+const drawCanvas = () => {
+ if (!songDataLoaded.value || !canvasElement.value) return;
+ console.log(555, canvasElement.value);
+ const ctx = canvasElement.value.getContext("2d");
- this.useHTTPS = await lofig.get("cookie.secure");
+ const videoDuration = Number(youtubeVideoDuration.value);
- ws.onConnect(this.init);
+ const skipDuration = Number(song.value.skipDuration.value);
+ const duration = Number(song.value.duration.value);
+ const afterDuration = videoDuration - (skipDuration + duration);
- let volume = parseFloat(localStorage.getItem("volume"));
- volume =
- typeof volume === "number" && !Number.isNaN(volume) ? volume : 20;
- localStorage.setItem("volume", volume);
- this.volumeSliderValue = volume;
+ const width = 530;
- this.socket.on(
- "event:admin.song.removed",
- res => {
- if (res.data.songId === this.song._id) {
- this.songDeleted = true;
- }
- },
- { modalUuid: this.modalUuid }
- );
+ const currentTime =
+ video.value.player && video.value.player.getCurrentTime
+ ? video.value.player.getCurrentTime()
+ : 0;
- keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.pauseResumeVideo", {
- keyCode: 101,
- preventDefault: true,
- handler: () => {
- if (this.video.paused) this.play();
- else this.settings("pause");
- }
- });
+ const widthSkipDuration = (skipDuration / videoDuration) * width;
+ const widthDuration = (duration / videoDuration) * width;
+ const widthAfterDuration = (afterDuration / videoDuration) * width;
- keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.stopVideo", {
- keyCode: 101,
- ctrl: true,
- preventDefault: true,
- handler: () => {
- this.settings("stop");
- }
- });
+ const widthCurrentTime = (currentTime / videoDuration) * width;
- keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.hardStopVideo", {
- keyCode: 101,
- ctrl: true,
- shift: true,
- preventDefault: true,
- handler: () => {
- this.settings("hardStop");
- }
- });
+ const skipDurationColor = "#F42003";
+ const durationColor = "#03A9F4";
+ const afterDurationColor = "#41E841";
+ const currentDurationColor = "#3b25e8";
- keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.skipToLast10Secs", {
- keyCode: 102,
- preventDefault: true,
- handler: () => {
- this.settings("skipToLast10Secs");
- }
- });
+ ctx.fillStyle = skipDurationColor;
+ ctx.fillRect(0, 0, widthSkipDuration, 20);
+ ctx.fillStyle = durationColor;
+ ctx.fillRect(widthSkipDuration, 0, widthDuration, 20);
+ ctx.fillStyle = afterDurationColor;
+ ctx.fillRect(widthSkipDuration + widthDuration, 0, widthAfterDuration, 20);
- keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.lowerVolumeLarge", {
- keyCode: 98,
- preventDefault: true,
- handler: () => {
- this.volumeSliderValue = Math.max(
- 0,
- this.volumeSliderValue - 10
- );
- this.changeVolume();
- }
- });
+ ctx.fillStyle = currentDurationColor;
+ ctx.fillRect(widthCurrentTime, 0, 1, 20);
- keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.lowerVolumeSmall", {
- keyCode: 98,
- ctrl: true,
- preventDefault: true,
- handler: () => {
- this.volumeSliderValue = Math.max(
- 0,
- this.volumeSliderValue - 1
- );
- this.changeVolume();
- }
- });
+const seekTo = position => {
+ pauseVideo(false);
+ video.value.player.seekTo(position);
- keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.increaseVolumeLarge", {
- keyCode: 104,
- preventDefault: true,
- handler: () => {
- this.volumeSliderValue = Math.min(
- 100,
- this.volumeSliderValue + 10
- );
- this.changeVolume();
- }
+const init = () => {
+ if (newSong.value && !youtubeId.value && !props.bulk) {
+ setSong({
+ youtubeId: "",
+ title: "",
+ artists: [],
+ genres: [],
+ tags: [],
+ duration: 0,
+ skipDuration: 0,
+ thumbnail: "",
+ verified: false
+ songDataLoaded.value = true;
+ showTab("youtube");
+ } else if (youtubeId.value) loadSong(youtubeId.value);
+ else if (!props.bulk) {
+ new Toast("You can't open EditSong without editing a song");
+ return closeCurrentModal();
+ }
- keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.increaseVolumeSmall", {
- keyCode: 104,
- ctrl: true,
- preventDefault: true,
- handler: () => {
- this.volumeSliderValue = Math.min(
- 100,
- this.volumeSliderValue + 1
- );
- this.changeVolume();
- }
- });
+ interval.value = setInterval(() => {
+ if (
+ song.value.duration !== -1 &&
+ video.value.paused === false &&
+ playerReady.value &&
+ (video.value.player.getCurrentTime() - song.value.skipDuration >
+ song.value.duration ||
+ (video.value.player.getCurrentTime() > 0 &&
+ video.value.player.getCurrentTime() >=
+ video.value.player.getDuration()))
+ ) {
+ stopVideo();
+ pauseVideo(true);
+ drawCanvas();
+ }
+ if (
+ playerReady.value &&
+ video.value.player.getVideoData &&
+ video.value.player.getVideoData() &&
+ video.value.player.getVideoData().video_id === song.value.youtubeId
+ ) {
+ const currentTime = video.value.player.getCurrentTime();
- keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.save", {
- keyCode: 83,
- ctrl: true,
- preventDefault: true,
- handler: () => {
- this.save(this.song, false, "saveButton");
- }
- });
+ if (currentTime !== undefined)
+ youtubeVideoCurrentTime.value = currentTime.toFixed(3);
- keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.saveClose", {
- keyCode: 83,
- ctrl: true,
- alt: true,
- preventDefault: true,
- handler: () => {
- this.save(this.song, true, "saveAndCloseButton");
- }
- });
+ if (youtubeVideoDuration.value.indexOf(".000") !== -1) {
+ const duration = video.value.player.getDuration();
- keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.focusTitle", {
- keyCode: 36,
- preventDefault: true,
- handler: () => {
- this.$refs["title-input"].focus();
- }
- });
+ if (duration !== undefined) {
+ if (
+ `${youtubeVideoDuration.value}` ===
+ `${Number(song.value.duration).toFixed(3)}`
+ )
+ song.value.duration = duration.toFixed(3);
- keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.useAllDiscogs", {
- keyCode: 68,
- alt: true,
- ctrl: true,
- preventDefault: true,
- handler: () => {
- this.getAlbumData("title");
- this.getAlbumData("albumArt");
- this.getAlbumData("artists");
- this.getAlbumData("genres");
- }
- });
+ youtubeVideoDuration.value = duration.toFixed(3);
+ if (youtubeVideoDuration.value.indexOf(".000") !== -1)
+ youtubeVideoNote.value = "(~)";
+ else youtubeVideoNote.value = "";
- keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.closeModal", {
- keyCode: 27,
- handler: () => {
- if (
- this.modals[
- this.activeModals[this.activeModals.length - 1]
- ] === "editSong" ||
- this.modals[
- this.activeModals[this.activeModals.length - 1]
- ] === "editSongs"
- ) {
- this.onCloseModal();
+ drawCanvas();
- });
- /*
- editSong.pauseResume - Num 5 - Pause/resume song
- editSong.stopVideo - Ctrl - Num 5 - Stop
- editSong.hardStopVideo - Shift - Ctrl - Num 5 - Stop
- editSong.skipToLast10Secs - Num 6 - Skip to last 10 seconds
- editSong.lowerVolumeLarge - Num 2 - Volume down by 10
- editSong.lowerVolumeSmall - Ctrl - Num 2 - Volume down by 1
- editSong.increaseVolumeLarge - Num 8 - Volume up by 10
- editSong.increaseVolumeSmall - Ctrl - Num 8 - Volume up by 1
+ }
- editSong.focusTitle - Home - Focus the title input
- editSong.focusDicogs - End - Focus the discogs input
+ if (video.value.paused === false) drawCanvas();
+ }, 200);
+ if (window.YT && window.YT.Player) {
+ video.value.player = new window.YT.Player(
+ `editSongPlayer-${props.modalUuid}`,
+ {
+ height: 298,
+ width: 530,
+ videoId: null,
+ host: "https://www.youtube-nocookie.com",
+ playerVars: {
+ controls: 0,
+ iv_load_policy: 3,
+ rel: 0,
+ showinfo: 0,
+ autoplay: 0
+ },
+ startSeconds: song.value.skipDuration,
+ events: {
+ onReady: () => {
+ let volume = parseFloat(localStorage.getItem("volume"));
+ volume = typeof volume === "number" ? volume : 20;
+ video.value.player.setVolume(volume);
+ if (volume > 0) video.value.player.unMute();
+ playerReady.value = true;
+ if (song.value && song.value.youtubeId)
+ video.value.player.cueVideoById(
+ song.value.youtubeId,
+ song.value.skipDuration
+ );
- editSong.save - Ctrl - S - Saves song
- editSong.save - Ctrl - Alt - S - Saves song and closes the modal
- editSong.save - Ctrl - Alt - V - Saves song, verifies songs and then closes the modal
- editSong.close - F4 - Closes modal without saving
+ setPlaybackRate(null);
- editSong.useAllDiscogs - Ctrl - Alt - D - Sets all fields to the Discogs data
+ drawCanvas();
+ },
+ onStateChange: event => {
+ drawCanvas();
- Inside Discogs inputs: Ctrl - D - Sets this field to the Discogs data
+ if (event.data === 1) {
+ video.value.paused = false;
+ let youtubeDuration =
+ video.value.player.getDuration();
+ const newYoutubeVideoDuration =
+ youtubeDuration.toFixed(3);
- */
- },
- beforeUnmount() {
- this.unloadSong(this.youtubeId, this.song._id);
- this.playerReady = false;
- clearInterval(this.interval);
- clearInterval(this.activityWatchVideoDataInterval);
- const shortcutNames = [
- "editSong.pauseResume",
- "editSong.stopVideo",
- "editSong.hardStopVideo",
- "editSong.skipToLast10Secs",
- "editSong.lowerVolumeLarge",
- "editSong.lowerVolumeSmall",
- "editSong.increaseVolumeLarge",
- "editSong.increaseVolumeSmall",
- "editSong.focusTitle",
- "editSong.focusDicogs",
- "editSong.save",
- "editSong.saveClose",
- "editSong.useAllDiscogs",
- "editSong.closeModal"
- ];
- shortcutNames.forEach(shortcutName => {
- keyboardShortcuts.unregisterShortcut(shortcutName);
- });
+ if (
+ youtubeVideoDuration.value.indexOf(".000") !==
+ -1 &&
+ `${youtubeVideoDuration.value}` !==
+ `${newYoutubeVideoDuration}`
+ ) {
+ const songDurationNumber = Number(
+ song.value.duration
+ );
+ const songDurationNumber2 =
+ Number(song.value.duration) + 1;
+ const songDurationNumber3 =
+ Number(song.value.duration) - 1;
+ const fixedSongDuration =
+ songDurationNumber.toFixed(3);
+ const fixedSongDuration2 =
+ songDurationNumber2.toFixed(3);
+ const fixedSongDuration3 =
+ songDurationNumber3.toFixed(3);
+ if (
+ `${youtubeVideoDuration.value}` ===
+ `${Number(song.value.duration).toFixed(
+ 3
+ )}` &&
+ (fixedSongDuration ===
+ youtubeVideoDuration.value ||
+ fixedSongDuration2 ===
+ youtubeVideoDuration.value ||
+ fixedSongDuration3 ===
+ youtubeVideoDuration.value)
+ )
+ song.value.duration =
+ newYoutubeVideoDuration;
+ youtubeVideoDuration.value =
+ newYoutubeVideoDuration;
+ if (
+ youtubeVideoDuration.value.indexOf(
+ ".000"
+ ) !== -1
+ )
+ youtubeVideoNote.value = "(~)";
+ else youtubeVideoNote.value = "";
+ }
- if (!this.bulk) {
- // Delete the VueX module that was created for this modal, after all other cleanup tasks are performed
- this.$store.unregisterModule([
- "modals",
- "editSong",
- this.modalUuid
- ]);
- } else {
- console.log("UNREGISTER EDITSONG");
- this.$store.unregisterModule([
- "modals",
- "editSongs",
- this.modalUuid,
- "editSong"
- ]);
- }
- },
- unmounted() {
- console.log("EDITSONG UNMOUNTED");
- },
- methods: {
- onThumbnailLoad() {
- if (this.$refs.thumbnailElement) {
- const thumbnailHeight =
- this.$refs.thumbnailElement.naturalHeight;
- const thumbnailWidth = this.$refs.thumbnailElement.naturalWidth;
- this.thumbnailNotSquare = thumbnailHeight !== thumbnailWidth;
- this.thumbnailHeight = thumbnailHeight;
- this.thumbnailWidth = thumbnailWidth;
- } else {
- this.thumbnailNotSquare = false;
- this.thumbnailHeight = null;
- this.thumbnailWidth = null;
- }
- },
- onThumbnailLoadError(error) {
- this.thumbnailLoadError = error !== 0;
- },
- init() {
- if (this.newSong && !this.youtubeId && !this.bulk) {
- this.setSong({
- youtubeId: "",
- title: "",
- artists: [],
- genres: [],
- tags: [],
- duration: 0,
- skipDuration: 0,
- thumbnail: "",
- verified: false
- });
- this.songDataLoaded = true;
- this.showTab("youtube");
- } else if (this.youtubeId) this.loadSong(this.youtubeId);
- else if (!this.bulk) {
- new Toast("You can't open EditSong without editing a song");
- return this.closeModal("editSong");
- }
+ if (song.value.duration === -1)
+ song.value.duration =
+ youtubeVideoDuration.value;
- this.interval = setInterval(() => {
- if (
- this.song.duration !== -1 &&
- this.video.paused === false &&
- this.playerReady &&
- (this.video.player.getCurrentTime() -
- this.song.skipDuration >
- this.song.duration ||
- (this.video.player.getCurrentTime() > 0 &&
- this.video.player.getCurrentTime() >=
- this.video.player.getDuration()))
- ) {
- this.stopVideo();
- this.pauseVideo(true);
- this.drawCanvas();
- }
- if (
- this.playerReady &&
- this.video.player.getVideoData &&
- this.video.player.getVideoData() &&
- this.video.player.getVideoData().video_id ===
- this.song.youtubeId
- ) {
- const currentTime = this.video.player.getCurrentTime();
- if (currentTime !== undefined)
- this.youtubeVideoCurrentTime = currentTime.toFixed(3);
- if (this.youtubeVideoDuration.indexOf(".000") !== -1) {
- const duration = this.video.player.getDuration();
- if (duration !== undefined) {
- if (
- `${this.youtubeVideoDuration}` ===
- `${Number(this.song.duration).toFixed(3)}`
- )
- this.song.duration = duration.toFixed(3);
+ youtubeDuration -= song.value.skipDuration;
+ if (song.value.duration > youtubeDuration + 1) {
+ stopVideo();
+ pauseVideo(true);
+ return new Toast(
+ "Video can't play. Specified duration is bigger than the YouTube song duration."
+ );
+ }
+ if (song.value.duration <= 0) {
+ stopVideo();
+ pauseVideo(true);
+ return new Toast(
+ "Video can't play. Specified duration has to be more than 0 seconds."
+ );
+ }
- this.youtubeVideoDuration = duration.toFixed(3);
if (
if (
- this.youtubeVideoDuration.indexOf(".000") !== -1
- )
- this.youtubeVideoNote = "(~)";
- else this.youtubeVideoNote = "";
+ video.value.player.getCurrentTime() <
+ song.value.skipDuration
+ ) {
+ return seekTo(song.value.skipDuration);
+ }
- this.drawCanvas();
+ setPlaybackRate(null);
+ } else if (event.data === 2) {
+ video.value.paused = true;
- }
- }
- if (this.video.paused === false) this.drawCanvas();
- }, 200);
- if (window.YT && window.YT.Player) {
- this.video.player = new window.YT.Player(
- `editSongPlayer-${this.modalUuid}`,
- {
- height: 298,
- width: 530,
- videoId: null,
- host: "https://www.youtube-nocookie.com",
- playerVars: {
- controls: 0,
- iv_load_policy: 3,
- rel: 0,
- showinfo: 0,
- autoplay: 0
- },
- startSeconds: this.song.skipDuration,
- events: {
- onReady: () => {
- let volume = parseFloat(
- localStorage.getItem("volume")
- );
- volume =
- typeof volume === "number" ? volume : 20;
- this.video.player.setVolume(volume);
- if (volume > 0) this.video.player.unMute();
- this.playerReady = true;
- if (this.song && this.song.youtubeId)
- this.video.player.cueVideoById(
- this.song.youtubeId,
- this.song.skipDuration
- );
- this.setPlaybackRate(null);
- this.drawCanvas();
- },
- onStateChange: event => {
- this.drawCanvas();
- if (event.data === 1) {
- this.video.paused = false;
- let youtubeDuration =
- this.video.player.getDuration();
- const newYoutubeVideoDuration =
- youtubeDuration.toFixed(3);
- if (
- this.youtubeVideoDuration.indexOf(
- ".000"
- ) !== -1 &&
- `${this.youtubeVideoDuration}` !==
- `${newYoutubeVideoDuration}`
- ) {
- const songDurationNumber = Number(
- this.song.duration
- );
- const songDurationNumber2 =
- Number(this.song.duration) + 1;
- const songDurationNumber3 =
- Number(this.song.duration) - 1;
- const fixedSongDuration =
- songDurationNumber.toFixed(3);
- const fixedSongDuration2 =
- songDurationNumber2.toFixed(3);
- const fixedSongDuration3 =
- songDurationNumber3.toFixed(3);
- if (
- `${this.youtubeVideoDuration}` ===
- `${Number(
- this.song.duration
- ).toFixed(3)}` &&
- (fixedSongDuration ===
- this.youtubeVideoDuration ||
- fixedSongDuration2 ===
- this.youtubeVideoDuration ||
- fixedSongDuration3 ===
- this.youtubeVideoDuration)
- )
- this.song.duration =
- newYoutubeVideoDuration;
- this.youtubeVideoDuration =
- newYoutubeVideoDuration;
- if (
- this.youtubeVideoDuration.indexOf(
- ".000"
- ) !== -1
- )
- this.youtubeVideoNote = "(~)";
- else this.youtubeVideoNote = "";
- }
- if (this.song.duration === -1)
- this.song.duration =
- this.youtubeVideoDuration;
- youtubeDuration -= this.song.skipDuration;
- if (
- this.song.duration >
- youtubeDuration + 1
- ) {
- this.stopVideo();
- this.pauseVideo(true);
- return new Toast(
- "Video can't play. Specified duration is bigger than the YouTube song duration."
- );
- }
- if (this.song.duration <= 0) {
- this.stopVideo();
- this.pauseVideo(true);
- return new Toast(
- "Video can't play. Specified duration has to be more than 0 seconds."
- );
- }
- if (
- this.video.player.getCurrentTime() <
- this.song.skipDuration
- ) {
- return this.seekTo(
- this.song.skipDuration
- );
- }
- this.setPlaybackRate(null);
- } else if (event.data === 2) {
- this.video.paused = true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
+ return false;
- );
- } else {
- this.youtubeError = true;
- this.youtubeErrorMessage = "Player could not be loaded.";
+ }
+ );
+ } else {
+ youtubeError.value = true;
+ youtubeErrorMessage.value = "Player could not be loaded.";
+ }
- ["artists", "genres", "tags"].forEach(type => {
- this.socket.dispatch(
- `songs.get${type.charAt(0).toUpperCase()}${type.slice(1)}`,
- res => {
- if (res.status === "success") {
- const { items } = res.data;
- if (type === "genres")
- this.autosuggest.allItems[type] = Array.from(
- new Set([
- ...this.recommendedGenres,
- ...items
- ])
- );
- else this.autosuggest.allItems[type] = items;
- } else {
- new Toast(res.message);
- }
- }
- );
- });
+ ["artists", "genres", "tags"].forEach(type => {
+ socket.dispatch(
+ `songs.get${type.charAt(0).toUpperCase()}${type.slice(1)}`,
+ res => {
+ if (res.status === "success") {
+ const { items } = res.data;
+ if (type === "genres")
+ autosuggest.value.allItems[type] = Array.from(
+ new Set([...recommendedGenres.value, ...items])
+ );
+ else autosuggest.value.allItems[type] = items;
+ } else {
+ new Toast(res.message);
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ });
- return null;
- },
- unloadSong(youtubeId, songId) {
- this.songDataLoaded = false;
- this.songDeleted = false;
- this.stopVideo();
- this.pauseVideo(true);
- this.resetSong(youtubeId);
- this.thumbnailNotSquare = false;
- this.thumbnailWidth = null;
- this.thumbnailHeight = null;
- this.youtubeVideoCurrentTime = "0.000";
- this.youtubeVideoDuration = "0.000";
- this.youtubeVideoNote = "";
- if (songId)
- this.socket.dispatch("apis.leaveRoom", `edit-song.${songId}`);
- if (this.$refs.saveButton) this.$refs.saveButton.status = "default";
- },
- loadSong(youtubeId) {
- console.log(`LOAD SONG ${youtubeId}`);
- this.songNotFound = false;
- this.socket.dispatch(
- `songs.getSongsFromYoutubeIds`,
- [youtubeId],
- res => {
- const { songs } = res.data;
- if (res.status === "success" && songs.length > 0) {
- let song = songs[0];
- song = Object.assign(song, this.prefillData);
- this.setSong(song);
- this.songDataLoaded = true;
- if (song._id)
- this.socket.dispatch(
- "apis.joinRoom",
- `edit-song.${song._id}`
- );
+ return null;
- if (
- this.video.player &&
- this.video.player.cueVideoById
- ) {
- this.video.player.cueVideoById(
- youtubeId,
- song.skipDuration
- );
- }
- } else {
- new Toast("Song with that ID not found");
- if (this.bulk) this.songNotFound = true;
- if (!this.bulk) this.closeModal("editSong");
- }
- }
- );
+const save = (songToCopy, closeOrNext, saveButtonRefName, _newSong = false) => {
+ const _song = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(songToCopy));
- if (!this.newSong)
- this.socket.dispatch(
- "reports.getReportsForSong",
- this.song._id,
- res => {
- this.updateReports(res.data.reports);
- }
- );
- },
- importAlbum(result) {
- this.selectDiscogsAlbum(result);
- this.openModal("importAlbum");
- this.closeModal("editSong");
- },
- save(songToCopy, closeOrNext, saveButtonRefName, newSong = false) {
- const song = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(songToCopy));
+ if (!newSong.value || props.bulk) emit("saving", _song.youtubeId);
- if (!newSong || this.bulk) this.$emit("saving", song.youtubeId);
+ const saveButtonRef = saveButtonRefs.value[saveButtonRefName];
- const saveButtonRef = this.$refs[saveButtonRefName];
+ if (!youtubeError.value && youtubeVideoDuration.value === "0.000") {
+ saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
+ if (!_newSong) emit("savedError", _song.youtubeId);
+ return new Toast("The video appears to not be working.");
+ }
- if (!this.youtubeError && this.youtubeVideoDuration === "0.000") {
- saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
- if (!newSong) this.$emit("savedError", song.youtubeId);
- return new Toast("The video appears to not be working.");
- }
+ if (!_song.title) {
+ saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
+ if (!_newSong || props.bulk) emit("savedError", _song.youtubeId);
+ return new Toast("Please fill in all fields");
+ }
- if (!song.title) {
- saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
- if (!newSong || this.bulk)
- this.$emit("savedError", song.youtubeId);
- return new Toast("Please fill in all fields");
- }
+ if (!_song.thumbnail) {
+ saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
+ if (!_newSong || props.bulk) emit("savedError", _song.youtubeId);
+ return new Toast("Please fill in all fields");
+ }
- if (!song.thumbnail) {
- saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
- if (!newSong || this.bulk)
- this.$emit("savedError", song.youtubeId);
- return new Toast("Please fill in all fields");
- }
+ // const thumbnailHeight = thumbnailElement.value.naturalHeight;
+ // const thumbnailWidth = thumbnailElement.value.naturalWidth;
+ // if (thumbnailHeight < 80 || thumbnailWidth < 80) {
+ // saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
+ // return new Toast(
+ // "Thumbnail width and height must be at least 80px."
+ // );
+ // }
+ // if (thumbnailHeight > 4000 || thumbnailWidth > 4000) {
+ // saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
+ // return new Toast(
+ // "Thumbnail width and height must be less than 4000px."
+ // );
+ // }
+ // if (thumbnailHeight - thumbnailWidth > 5) {
+ // saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
+ // return new Toast("Thumbnail cannot be taller than it is wide.");
+ // }
+ // Youtube Id
+ if (
+ !_newSong &&
+ youtubeError.value &&
+ originalSong.value.youtubeId !== _song.youtubeId
+ ) {
+ saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
+ if (!_newSong || props.bulk) emit("savedError", _song.youtubeId);
+ return new Toast(
+ "You're not allowed to change the YouTube id while the player is not working"
+ );
+ }
- // const thumbnailHeight = this.$refs.thumbnailElement.naturalHeight;
- // const thumbnailWidth = this.$refs.thumbnailElement.naturalWidth;
- // if (thumbnailHeight < 80 || thumbnailWidth < 80) {
- // saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
- // return new Toast(
- // "Thumbnail width and height must be at least 80px."
- // );
- // }
- // if (thumbnailHeight > 4000 || thumbnailWidth > 4000) {
- // saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
- // return new Toast(
- // "Thumbnail width and height must be less than 4000px."
- // );
- // }
- // if (thumbnailHeight - thumbnailWidth > 5) {
- // saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
- // return new Toast("Thumbnail cannot be taller than it is wide.");
- // }
- // Youtube Id
- if (
- !newSong &&
- this.youtubeError &&
- this.originalSong.youtubeId !== song.youtubeId
- ) {
- saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
- if (!newSong || this.bulk)
- this.$emit("savedError", song.youtubeId);
- return new Toast(
- "You're not allowed to change the YouTube id while the player is not working"
- );
- }
+ // Duration
+ if (
+ Number(_song.skipDuration) + Number(_song.duration) >
+ youtubeVideoDuration.value &&
+ (((!_newSong || props.bulk) && !youtubeError.value) ||
+ originalSong.value.duration !== _song.duration)
+ ) {
+ saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
+ if (!_newSong || props.bulk) emit("savedError", _song.youtubeId);
+ return new Toast(
+ "Duration can't be higher than the length of the video"
+ );
+ }
- // Duration
- if (
- Number(song.skipDuration) + Number(song.duration) >
- this.youtubeVideoDuration &&
- (((!newSong || this.bulk) && !this.youtubeError) ||
- this.originalSong.duration !== song.duration)
- ) {
- saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
- if (!newSong || this.bulk)
- this.$emit("savedError", song.youtubeId);
- return new Toast(
- "Duration can't be higher than the length of the video"
- );
- }
+ // Title
+ if (!validation.isLength(_song.title, 1, 100)) {
+ saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
+ if (!_newSong || props.bulk) emit("savedError", _song.youtubeId);
+ return new Toast("Title must have between 1 and 100 characters.");
+ }
- // Title
- if (!validation.isLength(song.title, 1, 100)) {
- saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
- if (!newSong || this.bulk)
- this.$emit("savedError", song.youtubeId);
- return new Toast(
- "Title must have between 1 and 100 characters."
- );
- }
+ // Artists
+ if (
+ (_song.verified && _song.artists.length < 1) ||
+ _song.artists.length > 10
+ ) {
+ saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
+ if (!_newSong || props.bulk) emit("savedError", _song.youtubeId);
+ return new Toast(
+ "Invalid artists. You must have at least 1 artist and a maximum of 10 artists."
+ );
+ }
- // Artists
- if (
- (song.verified && song.artists.length < 1) ||
- song.artists.length > 10
- ) {
- saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
- if (!newSong || this.bulk)
- this.$emit("savedError", song.youtubeId);
- return new Toast(
- "Invalid artists. You must have at least 1 artist and a maximum of 10 artists."
- );
- }
+ let error;
+ _song.artists.forEach(artist => {
+ if (!validation.isLength(artist, 1, 64)) {
+ error = "Artist must have between 1 and 64 characters.";
+ return error;
+ }
+ if (artist === "NONE") {
+ error =
+ 'Invalid artist format. Artists are not allowed to be named "NONE".';
+ return error;
+ }
- let error;
- song.artists.forEach(artist => {
- if (!validation.isLength(artist, 1, 64)) {
- error = "Artist must have between 1 and 64 characters.";
- return error;
- }
- if (artist === "NONE") {
- error =
- 'Invalid artist format. Artists are not allowed to be named "NONE".';
- return error;
- }
+ return false;
+ });
- return false;
- });
+ if (error) {
+ saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
+ if (!_newSong || props.bulk) emit("savedError", _song.youtubeId);
+ return new Toast(error);
+ }
- if (error) {
- saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
- if (!newSong || this.bulk)
- this.$emit("savedError", song.youtubeId);
- return new Toast(error);
+ // Genres
+ error = undefined;
+ if (_song.verified && _song.genres.length < 1)
+ _song.genres.forEach(genre => {
+ if (!validation.isLength(genre, 1, 32)) {
+ error = "Genre must have between 1 and 32 characters.";
+ return error;
+ }
+ if (!validation.regex.ascii.test(genre)) {
+ error =
+ "Invalid genre format. Only ascii characters are allowed.";
+ return error;
- // Genres
- error = undefined;
- if (song.verified && song.genres.length < 1)
- song.genres.forEach(genre => {
- if (!validation.isLength(genre, 1, 32)) {
- error = "Genre must have between 1 and 32 characters.";
- return error;
- }
- if (!validation.regex.ascii.test(genre)) {
- error =
- "Invalid genre format. Only ascii characters are allowed.";
- return error;
- }
+ return false;
+ });
- return false;
- });
+ if ((_song.verified && _song.genres.length < 1) || _song.genres.length > 16)
+ error = "You must have between 1 and 16 genres.";
- if (
- (song.verified && song.genres.length < 1) ||
- song.genres.length > 16
+ if (error) {
+ saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
+ if (!_newSong || props.bulk) emit("savedError", _song.youtubeId);
+ return new Toast(error);
+ }
+ error = undefined;
+ _song.tags.forEach(tag => {
+ if (
+ !/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,64}$|^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,64}\[[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,64}\]$/.test(
+ tag
- error = "You must have between 1 and 16 genres.";
+ ) {
+ error = "Invalid tag format.";
+ return error;
+ }
- if (error) {
- saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
- if (!newSong || this.bulk)
- this.$emit("savedError", song.youtubeId);
- return new Toast(error);
- }
+ return false;
+ });
- error = undefined;
- song.tags.forEach(tag => {
- if (
- !/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,64}$|^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,64}\[[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,64}\]$/.test(
- tag
- )
- ) {
- error = "Invalid tag format.";
- return error;
- }
+ if (error) {
+ saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
+ if (!_newSong || props.bulk) emit("savedError", _song.youtubeId);
+ return new Toast(error);
+ }
- return false;
- });
+ // Thumbnail
+ if (!validation.isLength(_song.thumbnail, 1, 256)) {
+ saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
+ if (!_newSong || props.bulk) emit("savedError", _song.youtubeId);
+ return new Toast("Thumbnail must have between 8 and 256 characters.");
+ }
+ if (useHTTPS.value && _song.thumbnail.indexOf("https://") !== 0) {
+ saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
+ if (!_newSong || props.bulk) emit("savedError", _song.youtubeId);
+ return new Toast('Thumbnail must start with "https://".');
+ }
- if (error) {
- saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
- if (!newSong || this.bulk)
- this.$emit("savedError", song.youtubeId);
- return new Toast(error);
- }
+ if (
+ !useHTTPS.value &&
+ _song.thumbnail.indexOf("http://") !== 0 &&
+ _song.thumbnail.indexOf("https://") !== 0
+ ) {
+ saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
+ if (!_newSong || props.bulk) emit("savedError", _song.youtubeId);
+ return new Toast('Thumbnail must start with "http://".');
+ }
- // Thumbnail
- if (!validation.isLength(song.thumbnail, 1, 256)) {
- saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
- if (!newSong || this.bulk)
- this.$emit("savedError", song.youtubeId);
- return new Toast(
- "Thumbnail must have between 8 and 256 characters."
- );
- }
- if (this.useHTTPS && song.thumbnail.indexOf("https://") !== 0) {
+ saveButtonRef.status = "saving";
+ if (_newSong)
+ return socket.dispatch(`songs.create`, _song, res => {
+ new Toast(res.message);
+ if (res.status === "error") {
- if (!newSong || this.bulk)
- this.$emit("savedError", song.youtubeId);
- return new Toast('Thumbnail must start with "https://".');
+ emit("savedError", _song.youtubeId);
+ return;
- if (
- !this.useHTTPS &&
- song.thumbnail.indexOf("http://") !== 0 &&
- song.thumbnail.indexOf("https://") !== 0
- ) {
- saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
- if (!newSong || this.bulk)
- this.$emit("savedError", song.youtubeId);
- return new Toast('Thumbnail must start with "http://".');
+ saveButtonRef.handleSuccessfulSave();
+ emit("savedSuccess", _song.youtubeId);
+ if (!closeOrNext) {
+ loadSong(_song.youtubeId);
+ return;
- saveButtonRef.status = "saving";
+ if (props.bulk) emit("nextSong");
+ else closeCurrentModal();
+ });
+ return socket.dispatch(`songs.update`, _song._id, _song, res => {
+ new Toast(res.message);
- if (newSong)
- return this.socket.dispatch(`songs.create`, song, res => {
- new Toast(res.message);
+ if (res.status === "error") {
+ saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
+ emit("savedError", _song.youtubeId);
+ return;
+ }
- if (res.status === "error") {
- saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
- this.$emit("savedError", song.youtubeId);
- return;
- }
+ updateOriginalSong(_song);
- saveButtonRef.handleSuccessfulSave();
- this.$emit("savedSuccess", song.youtubeId);
+ saveButtonRef.handleSuccessfulSave();
+ emit("savedSuccess", _song.youtubeId);
- if (!closeOrNext) {
- this.loadSong(song.youtubeId);
- return;
- }
+ if (!closeOrNext) return;
- if (this.bulk) this.$emit("nextSong");
- else this.closeModal("editSong");
- });
- return this.socket.dispatch(`songs.update`, song._id, song, res => {
- new Toast(res.message);
+ if (props.bulk) emit("nextSong");
+ else closeCurrentModal();
+ });
- if (res.status === "error") {
- saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
- this.$emit("savedError", song.youtubeId);
- return;
- }
+const editNextSong = () => {
+ emit("nextSong");
- this.updateOriginalSong(song);
+const toggleFlag = () => {
+ emit("toggleFlag");
- saveButtonRef.handleSuccessfulSave();
- this.$emit("savedSuccess", song.youtubeId);
+const getAlbumData = type => {
+ if (!song.value.discogs) return;
+ if (type === "title")
+ updateSongField({
+ field: "title",
+ value: song.value.discogs.track.title
+ });
+ if (type === "albumArt")
+ updateSongField({
+ field: "thumbnail",
+ value: song.value.discogs.album.albumArt
+ });
+ if (type === "genres")
+ updateSongField({
+ field: "genres",
+ value: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(song.value.discogs.album.genres))
+ });
+ if (type === "artists")
+ updateSongField({
+ field: "artists",
+ value: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(song.value.discogs.album.artists))
+ });
- if (!closeOrNext) return;
+const getYouTubeData = type => {
+ if (type === "title") {
+ try {
+ const { title } = video.value.player.getVideoData();
- if (this.bulk) this.$emit("nextSong");
- else this.closeModal("editSong");
- });
- },
- editNextSong() {
- this.$emit("nextSong");
- },
- toggleFlag() {
- this.$emit("toggleFlag");
- },
- getAlbumData(type) {
- if (!this.song.discogs) return;
- if (type === "title")
- this.updateSongField({
+ if (title)
+ updateSongField({
field: "title",
field: "title",
- value: this.song.discogs.track.title
- });
- if (type === "albumArt")
- this.updateSongField({
- field: "thumbnail",
- value: this.song.discogs.album.albumArt
- });
- if (type === "genres")
- this.updateSongField({
- field: "genres",
- value: JSON.parse(
- JSON.stringify(this.song.discogs.album.genres)
- )
- });
- if (type === "artists")
- this.updateSongField({
- field: "artists",
- value: JSON.parse(
- JSON.stringify(this.song.discogs.album.artists)
- )
- });
- },
- getYouTubeData(type) {
- if (type === "title") {
- try {
- const { title } = this.video.player.getVideoData();
- if (title)
- this.updateSongField({
- field: "title",
- value: title
- });
- else throw new Error("No title found");
- } catch (e) {
- new Toast(
- "Unable to fetch YouTube video title. Try starting the video."
- );
- }
- }
- if (type === "thumbnail")
- this.updateSongField({
- field: "thumbnail",
- value: `https://img.youtube.com/vi/${this.song.youtubeId}/mqdefault.jpg`
+ value: title
- if (type === "author") {
- try {
- const { author } = this.video.player.getVideoData();
- if (author) this.artistInputValue = author;
- else throw new Error("No video author found");
- } catch (e) {
- new Toast(
- "Unable to fetch YouTube video author. Try starting the video."
- );
- }
- }
- },
- fillDuration() {
- this.song.duration =
- this.youtubeVideoDuration - this.song.skipDuration;
- },
- settings(type) {
- switch (type) {
- case "stop":
- this.stopVideo();
- this.pauseVideo(true);
- break;
- case "hardStop":
- this.hardStopVideo();
- this.pauseVideo(true);
- break;
- case "pause":
- this.pauseVideo(true);
- break;
- case "play":
- this.pauseVideo(false);
- break;
- case "skipToLast10Secs":
- this.seekTo(
- this.song.duration - 10 + this.song.skipDuration
- );
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- },
- play() {
- if (
- this.video.player.getVideoData().video_id !==
- this.song.youtubeId
- ) {
- this.song.duration = -1;
- this.loadVideoById(this.song.youtubeId, this.song.skipDuration);
- }
- this.settings("play");
- },
- seekTo(position) {
- this.settings("play");
- this.video.player.seekTo(position);
- },
- changeVolume() {
- const volume = this.volumeSliderValue;
- localStorage.setItem("volume", volume);
- this.video.player.setVolume(volume);
- if (volume > 0) {
- this.video.player.unMute();
- this.muted = false;
- }
- },
- toggleMute() {
- const previousVolume = parseFloat(localStorage.getItem("volume"));
- const volume =
- this.video.player.getVolume() <= 0 ? previousVolume : 0;
- this.muted = !this.muted;
- this.volumeSliderValue = volume;
- this.video.player.setVolume(volume);
- if (!this.muted) localStorage.setItem("volume", volume);
- },
- increaseVolume() {
- const previousVolume = parseFloat(localStorage.getItem("volume"));
- let volume = previousVolume + 5;
- this.muted = false;
- if (volume > 100) volume = 100;
- this.volumeSliderValue = volume;
- this.video.player.setVolume(volume);
- localStorage.setItem("volume", volume);
- },
- addTag(type, value) {
- if (type === "genres") {
- const genre = value || this.genreInputValue.trim();
- if (
- this.song.genres
- .map(genre => genre.toLowerCase())
- .indexOf(genre.toLowerCase()) !== -1
- )
- return new Toast("Genre already exists");
- if (genre) {
- this.song.genres.push(genre);
- this.genreInputValue = "";
- return false;
- }
+ else throw new Error("No title found");
+ } catch (e) {
+ new Toast(
+ "Unable to fetch YouTube video title. Try starting the video."
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if (type === "thumbnail")
+ updateSongField({
+ field: "thumbnail",
+ value: `https://img.youtube.com/vi/${song.value.youtubeId}/mqdefault.jpg`
+ });
+ if (type === "author") {
+ try {
+ const { author } = video.value.player.getVideoData();
+ if (author) artistInputValue.value = author;
+ else throw new Error("No video author found");
+ } catch (e) {
+ new Toast(
+ "Unable to fetch YouTube video author. Try starting the video."
+ );
+ }
+ }
- return new Toast("Genre cannot be empty");
- }
- if (type === "artists") {
- const artist = value || this.artistInputValue;
- if (this.song.artists.indexOf(artist) !== -1)
- return new Toast("Artist already exists");
- if (artist !== "") {
- this.song.artists.push(artist);
- this.artistInputValue = "";
- return false;
- }
- return new Toast("Artist cannot be empty");
- }
- if (type === "tags") {
- const tag = value || this.tagInputValue;
- if (this.song.tags.indexOf(tag) !== -1)
- return new Toast("Tag already exists");
- if (tag !== "") {
- this.song.tags.push(tag);
- this.tagInputValue = "";
- return false;
- }
- return new Toast("Tag cannot be empty");
- }
+const fillDuration = () => {
+ song.value.duration = youtubeVideoDuration.value - song.value.skipDuration;
+const settings = type => {
+ switch (type) {
+ case "stop":
+ stopVideo();
+ pauseVideo(true);
+ break;
+ case "hardStop":
+ hardStopVideo();
+ pauseVideo(true);
+ break;
+ case "pause":
+ pauseVideo(true);
+ break;
+ case "play":
+ pauseVideo(false);
+ break;
+ case "skipToLast10Secs":
+ seekTo(song.value.duration - 10 + song.value.skipDuration);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+const play = () => {
+ if (video.value.player.getVideoData().video_id !== song.value.youtubeId) {
+ song.value.duration = -1;
+ loadVideoById(song.value.youtubeId, song.value.skipDuration);
+ }
+ settings("play");
+const changeVolume = () => {
+ const volume = volumeSliderValue.value;
+ localStorage.setItem("volume", volume);
+ video.value.player.setVolume(volume);
+ if (volume > 0) {
+ video.value.player.unMute();
+ muted.value = false;
+ }
+const toggleMute = () => {
+ const previousVolume = parseFloat(localStorage.getItem("volume"));
+ const volume = video.value.player.getVolume() <= 0 ? previousVolume : 0;
+ muted.value = !muted.value;
+ volumeSliderValue.value = volume;
+ video.value.player.setVolume(volume);
+ if (!muted.value) localStorage.setItem("volume", volume);
+const addTag = (type, value) => {
+ if (type === "genres") {
+ const genre = value || genreInputValue.value.trim();
+ if (
+ song.value.genres
+ .map(genre => genre.toLowerCase())
+ .indexOf(genre.toLowerCase()) !== -1
+ )
+ return new Toast("Genre already exists");
+ if (genre) {
+ song.value.genres.push(genre);
+ genreInputValue.value = "";
return false;
return false;
- },
- removeTag(type, value) {
- if (type === "genres")
- this.song.genres.splice(this.song.genres.indexOf(value), 1);
- else if (type === "artists")
- this.song.artists.splice(this.song.artists.indexOf(value), 1);
- else if (type === "tags")
- this.song.tags.splice(this.song.tags.indexOf(value), 1);
- },
- drawCanvas() {
- const canvasElement =
- this.$refs[`durationCanvas-${this.modalUuid}`];
- if (!this.songDataLoaded || !canvasElement) return;
- const ctx = canvasElement.getContext("2d");
- const videoDuration = Number(this.youtubeVideoDuration);
- const skipDuration = Number(this.song.skipDuration);
- const duration = Number(this.song.duration);
- const afterDuration = videoDuration - (skipDuration + duration);
- const width = 530;
- const currentTime =
- this.video.player && this.video.player.getCurrentTime
- ? this.video.player.getCurrentTime()
- : 0;
- const widthSkipDuration = (skipDuration / videoDuration) * width;
- const widthDuration = (duration / videoDuration) * width;
- const widthAfterDuration = (afterDuration / videoDuration) * width;
- const widthCurrentTime = (currentTime / videoDuration) * width;
- const skipDurationColor = "#F42003";
- const durationColor = "#03A9F4";
- const afterDurationColor = "#41E841";
- const currentDurationColor = "#3b25e8";
- ctx.fillStyle = skipDurationColor;
- ctx.fillRect(0, 0, widthSkipDuration, 20);
- ctx.fillStyle = durationColor;
- ctx.fillRect(widthSkipDuration, 0, widthDuration, 20);
- ctx.fillStyle = afterDurationColor;
- ctx.fillRect(
- widthSkipDuration + widthDuration,
- 0,
- widthAfterDuration,
- 20
- );
+ }
- ctx.fillStyle = currentDurationColor;
- ctx.fillRect(widthCurrentTime, 0, 1, 20);
- },
- setTrackPosition(event) {
- this.seekTo(
- Number(
- Number(this.video.player.getDuration()) *
- ((event.pageX -
- event.target.getBoundingClientRect().left) /
- 530)
- )
- );
- },
- toggleGenreHelper() {
- this.$refs.genreHelper.toggleBox();
- },
- resetGenreHelper() {
- this.$refs.genreHelper.resetBox();
- },
- sendActivityWatchVideoData() {
- if (!this.video.paused) {
- if (this.activityWatchVideoLastStatus !== "playing") {
- this.activityWatchVideoLastStatus = "playing";
- if (
- this.song.skipDuration > 0 &&
- parseFloat(this.youtubeVideoCurrentTime) === 0
- ) {
- this.activityWatchVideoLastStartDuration = Math.floor(
- this.song.skipDuration +
- parseFloat(this.youtubeVideoCurrentTime)
- );
- } else {
- this.activityWatchVideoLastStartDuration = Math.floor(
- parseFloat(this.youtubeVideoCurrentTime)
- );
- }
- }
+ return new Toast("Genre cannot be empty");
+ }
+ if (type === "artists") {
+ const artist = value || artistInputValue.value;
+ if (song.value.artists.indexOf(artist) !== -1)
+ return new Toast("Artist already exists");
+ if (artist !== "") {
+ song.value.artists.push(artist);
+ artistInputValue.value = "";
+ return false;
+ }
+ return new Toast("Artist cannot be empty");
+ }
+ if (type === "tags") {
+ const tag = value || tagInputValue.value;
+ if (song.value.tags.indexOf(tag) !== -1)
+ return new Toast("Tag already exists");
+ if (tag !== "") {
+ song.value.tags.push(tag);
+ tagInputValue.value = "";
+ return false;
+ }
+ return new Toast("Tag cannot be empty");
+ }
- const videoData = {
- title: this.song.title,
- artists: this.song.artists
- ? this.song.artists.join(", ")
- : null,
- youtubeId: this.song.youtubeId,
- muted: this.muted,
- volume: this.volumeSliderValue,
- startedDuration:
- this.activityWatchVideoLastStartDuration <= 0
- ? 0
- : this.activityWatchVideoLastStartDuration,
- source: `editSong#${this.song.youtubeId}`,
- hostname: window.location.hostname
- };
- aw.sendVideoData(videoData);
- } else {
- this.activityWatchVideoLastStatus = "not_playing";
- }
- },
- remove(id) {
- this.socket.dispatch("songs.remove", id, res => {
- new Toast(res.message);
- });
- },
- confirmAction({ message, action, params }) {
- this.openModal({
- modal: "confirm",
- data: {
- message,
- action,
- params,
- onCompleted: this.handleConfirmed
- }
- });
- },
- handleConfirmed({ action, params }) {
- if (typeof this[action] === "function") {
- if (params) this[action](params);
- else this[action]();
- }
- },
- onCloseModal() {
- const songStringified = JSON.stringify({
- ...this.song,
- ...{
- duration: Number(this.song.duration).toFixed(3)
- }
- });
- const originalSongStringified = JSON.stringify({
- ...this.originalSong,
- ...{
- duration: Number(this.originalSong.duration).toFixed(3)
- }
- });
- const unsavedChanges = songStringified !== originalSongStringified;
- if (unsavedChanges) {
- return this.confirmAction({
- message:
- "You have unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to discard unsaved changes?",
- action: "closeThisModal",
- params: null
- });
- }
+ return false;
- return this.closeThisModal();
- },
- closeThisModal() {
- if (this.bulk) this.$emit("close");
- else this.closeModal("editSong");
- },
- ...mapActions("modals/importAlbum", ["selectDiscogsAlbum"]),
- ...mapActions({
- showTab(dispatch, payload) {
- if (this.$refs[`${payload}-tab`])
- this.$refs[`${payload}-tab`].scrollIntoView({
- block: "nearest"
- });
- return dispatch(
- `${this.modalModulePath.replace(
- this.modalUuid
- )}/showTab`,
- payload
+const removeTag = (type, value) => {
+ if (type === "genres")
+ song.value.genres.splice(song.value.genres.indexOf(value), 1);
+ else if (type === "artists")
+ song.value.artists.splice(song.value.artists.indexOf(value), 1);
+ else if (type === "tags")
+ song.value.tags.splice(song.value.tags.indexOf(value), 1);
+const setTrackPosition = event => {
+ seekTo(
+ Number(
+ Number(video.value.player.getDuration()) *
+ ((event.pageX - event.target.getBoundingClientRect().left) /
+ 530)
+ )
+ );
+const toggleGenreHelper = () => {
+ genreHelper.value.toggleBox();
+const resetGenreHelper = () => {
+ genreHelper.value.resetBox();
+const sendActivityWatchVideoData = () => {
+ if (!video.value.paused) {
+ if (activityWatchVideoLastStatus.value !== "playing") {
+ activityWatchVideoLastStatus.value = "playing";
+ if (
+ song.value.skipDuration > 0 &&
+ parseFloat(youtubeVideoCurrentTime.value) === 0
+ ) {
+ activityWatchVideoLastStartDuration.value = Math.floor(
+ song.value.skipDuration +
+ parseFloat(youtubeVideoCurrentTime.value)
+ );
+ } else {
+ activityWatchVideoLastStartDuration.value = Math.floor(
+ parseFloat(youtubeVideoCurrentTime.value)
- }),
- ...mapModalActions("MODAL_MODULE_PATH", [
- "stopVideo",
- "hardStopVideo",
- "loadVideoById",
- "pauseVideo",
- "getCurrentTime",
- "setSong",
- "resetSong",
- "updateOriginalSong",
- "updateSongField",
- "updateReports",
- "setPlaybackRate"
- ]),
- ...mapActions("modalVisibility", ["closeModal", "openModal"])
+ }
+ const videoData = {
+ title: song.value.title,
+ artists: song.value.artists ? song.value.artists.join(", ") : null,
+ youtubeId: song.value.youtubeId,
+ muted: muted.value,
+ volume: volumeSliderValue.value,
+ startedDuration:
+ activityWatchVideoLastStartDuration.value <= 0
+ ? 0
+ : activityWatchVideoLastStartDuration.value,
+ source: `editSong#${song.value.youtubeId}`,
+ hostname: window.location.hostname
+ };
+ aw.sendVideoData(videoData);
+ } else {
+ activityWatchVideoLastStatus.value = "not_playing";
+const remove = id => {
+ socket.dispatch("songs.remove", id, res => {
+ new Toast(res.message);
+ });
+const handleConfirmed = ({ action, params }) => {
+ if (typeof action === "function") {
+ if (params) action(params);
+ else action();
+ }
+const confirmAction = ({ message, action, params }) => {
+ openModal({
+ modal: "confirm",
+ data: {
+ message,
+ action,
+ params,
+ onCompleted: handleConfirmed
+ }
+ });
+const onCloseModal = () => {
+ const songStringified = JSON.stringify({
+ ...song.value,
+ ...{
+ duration: Number(song.value.duration).toFixed(3)
+ }
+ });
+ const originalSongStringified = JSON.stringify({
+ ...originalSong.value,
+ ...{
+ duration: Number(originalSong.value.duration).toFixed(3)
+ }
+ });
+ const unsavedChanges = songStringified !== originalSongStringified;
+ if (unsavedChanges) {
+ return confirmAction({
+ message:
+ "You have unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to discard unsaved changes?",
+ action: closeCurrentModal,
+ params: null
+ });
+ }
+ return closeCurrentModal();
+ () => song.value.duration,
+ () => drawCanvas()
+ () => song.value.skipDuration,
+ () => drawCanvas()
+ () => youtubeId.value,
+ (_youtubeId, _oldYoutubeId) => {
+ console.log("NEW YOUTUBE ID", _youtubeId);
+ unloadSong(_oldYoutubeId);
+ loadSong(_youtubeId);
+ }
+onMounted(async () => {
+ activityWatchVideoDataInterval.value = setInterval(() => {
+ sendActivityWatchVideoData();
+ }, 1000);
+ useHTTPS.value = await lofig.get("cookie.secure");
+ ws.onConnect(init);
+ let volume = parseFloat(localStorage.getItem("volume"));
+ volume = typeof volume === "number" && !Number.isNaN(volume) ? volume : 20;
+ localStorage.setItem("volume", volume);
+ volumeSliderValue.value = volume;
+ socket.on(
+ "event:admin.song.removed",
+ res => {
+ if (res.data.songId === song.value._id) {
+ songDeleted.value = true;
+ }
+ },
+ { modalUuid: props.modalUuid }
+ );
+ keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.pauseResumeVideo", {
+ keyCode: 101,
+ preventDefault: true,
+ handler: () => {
+ if (video.value.paused) play();
+ else settings("pause");
+ }
+ });
+ keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.stopVideo", {
+ keyCode: 101,
+ ctrl: true,
+ preventDefault: true,
+ handler: () => {
+ settings("stop");
+ }
+ });
+ keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.hardStopVideo", {
+ keyCode: 101,
+ ctrl: true,
+ shift: true,
+ preventDefault: true,
+ handler: () => {
+ settings("hardStop");
+ }
+ });
+ keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.skipToLast10Secs", {
+ keyCode: 102,
+ preventDefault: true,
+ handler: () => {
+ settings("skipToLast10Secs");
+ }
+ });
+ keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.lowerVolumeLarge", {
+ keyCode: 98,
+ preventDefault: true,
+ handler: () => {
+ volumeSliderValue.value = Math.max(0, volumeSliderValue.value - 10);
+ changeVolume();
+ }
+ });
+ keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.lowerVolumeSmall", {
+ keyCode: 98,
+ ctrl: true,
+ preventDefault: true,
+ handler: () => {
+ volumeSliderValue.value = Math.max(0, volumeSliderValue.value - 1);
+ changeVolume();
+ }
+ });
+ keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.increaseVolumeLarge", {
+ keyCode: 104,
+ preventDefault: true,
+ handler: () => {
+ volumeSliderValue.value = Math.min(
+ 100,
+ volumeSliderValue.value + 10
+ );
+ changeVolume();
+ }
+ });
+ keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.increaseVolumeSmall", {
+ keyCode: 104,
+ ctrl: true,
+ preventDefault: true,
+ handler: () => {
+ volumeSliderValue.value = Math.min(
+ 100,
+ volumeSliderValue.value + 1
+ );
+ changeVolume();
+ }
+ });
+ keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.save", {
+ keyCode: 83,
+ ctrl: true,
+ preventDefault: true,
+ handler: () => {
+ save(song.value, false, "saveButton");
+ }
+ });
+ keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.saveClose", {
+ keyCode: 83,
+ ctrl: true,
+ alt: true,
+ preventDefault: true,
+ handler: () => {
+ save(song.value, true, "saveAndCloseButton");
+ }
+ });
+ keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.focusTitle", {
+ keyCode: 36,
+ preventDefault: true,
+ handler: () => {
+ inputs.value["title-input"].focus();
+ }
+ });
+ keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.useAllDiscogs", {
+ keyCode: 68,
+ alt: true,
+ ctrl: true,
+ preventDefault: true,
+ handler: () => {
+ getAlbumData("title");
+ getAlbumData("albumArt");
+ getAlbumData("artists");
+ getAlbumData("genres");
+ }
+ });
+ keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.closeModal", {
+ keyCode: 27,
+ handler: () => {
+ if (
+ modals.value[
+ activeModals.value[activeModals.value.length - 1]
+ ] === "editSong" ||
+ modals.value[
+ activeModals.value[activeModals.value.length - 1]
+ ] === "editSongs"
+ ) {
+ onCloseModal();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ /*
+ editSong.pauseResume - Num 5 - Pause/resume song
+ editSong.stopVideo - Ctrl - Num 5 - Stop
+ editSong.hardStopVideo - Shift - Ctrl - Num 5 - Stop
+ editSong.skipToLast10Secs - Num 6 - Skip to last 10 seconds
+ editSong.lowerVolumeLarge - Num 2 - Volume down by 10
+ editSong.lowerVolumeSmall - Ctrl - Num 2 - Volume down by 1
+ editSong.increaseVolumeLarge - Num 8 - Volume up by 10
+ editSong.increaseVolumeSmall - Ctrl - Num 8 - Volume up by 1
+ editSong.focusTitle - Home - Focus the title input
+ editSong.focusDicogs - End - Focus the discogs input
+ editSong.save - Ctrl - S - Saves song
+ editSong.save - Ctrl - Alt - S - Saves song and closes the modal
+ editSong.save - Ctrl - Alt - V - Saves song, verifies songs and then closes the modal
+ editSong.close - F4 - Closes modal without saving
+ editSong.useAllDiscogs - Ctrl - Alt - D - Sets all fields to the Discogs data
+ Inside Discogs inputs: Ctrl - D - Sets this field to the Discogs data
+ */
+onBeforeUnmount(() => {
+ unloadSong(youtubeId.value, song.value._id);
+ playerReady.value = false;
+ clearInterval(interval.value);
+ clearInterval(activityWatchVideoDataInterval.value);
+ const shortcutNames = [
+ "editSong.pauseResume",
+ "editSong.stopVideo",
+ "editSong.hardStopVideo",
+ "editSong.skipToLast10Secs",
+ "editSong.lowerVolumeLarge",
+ "editSong.lowerVolumeSmall",
+ "editSong.increaseVolumeLarge",
+ "editSong.increaseVolumeSmall",
+ "editSong.focusTitle",
+ "editSong.focusDicogs",
+ "editSong.save",
+ "editSong.saveClose",
+ "editSong.useAllDiscogs",
+ "editSong.closeModal"
+ ];
+ shortcutNames.forEach(shortcutName => {
+ keyboardShortcuts.unregisterShortcut(shortcutName);
+ });
+ if (!props.bulk) {
+ // Delete the VueX module that was created for this modal, after all other cleanup tasks are performed
+ store.unregisterModule(["modals", "editSong", props.modalUuid]);
+ } else {
+ store.unregisterModule([
+ "modals",
+ "editSongs",
+ props.modalUuid,
+ "editSong"
+ ]);
+ }
+ <div>
+ <modal
+ :title="`${newSong ? 'Create' : 'Edit'} Song`"
+ class="song-modal"
+ :size="'wide'"
+ :split="true"
+ :intercept-close="true"
+ @close="onCloseModal"
+ >
+ <template #toggleMobileSidebar>
+ <slot name="toggleMobileSidebar" />
+ </template>
+ <template #sidebar>
+ <slot name="sidebar" />
+ </template>
+ <template #body>
+ <div v-if="!youtubeId && !newSong" class="notice-container">
+ <h4>No song has been selected</h4>
+ </div>
+ <div v-if="songDeleted" class="notice-container">
+ <h4>The song you were editing has been deleted</h4>
+ </div>
+ <div
+ v-if="
+ youtubeId &&
+ !songDataLoaded &&
+ !songNotFound &&
+ !newSong
+ "
+ class="notice-container"
+ >
+ <h4>Song hasn't loaded yet</h4>
+ </div>
+ <div
+ v-if="youtubeId && songNotFound && !newSong"
+ class="notice-container"
+ >
+ <h4>Song was not found</h4>
+ </div>
+ <div
+ class="left-section"
+ v-show="songDataLoaded && !songDeleted"
+ >
+ <div class="top-section">
+ <div class="player-section">
+ <div :id="`editSongPlayer-${modalUuid}`" />
+ <div v-show="youtubeError" class="player-error">
+ <h2>{{ youtubeErrorMessage }}</h2>
+ </div>
+ <canvas
+ ref="canvasElement"
+ class="duration-canvas"
+ v-show="!youtubeError"
+ height="20"
+ width="530"
+ @click="setTrackPosition($event)"
+ />
+ <div class="player-footer">
+ <div class="player-footer-left">
+ <button
+ class="button is-primary"
+ @click="play()"
+ @keyup.enter="play()"
+ v-if="video.paused"
+ content="Resume Playback"
+ v-tippy
+ >
+ <i class="material-icons">play_arrow</i>
+ </button>
+ <button
+ class="button is-primary"
+ @click="settings('pause')"
+ @keyup.enter="settings('pause')"
+ v-else
+ content="Pause Playback"
+ v-tippy
+ >
+ <i class="material-icons">pause</i>
+ </button>
+ <button
+ class="button is-danger"
+ @click.exact="settings('stop')"
+ @click.shift="settings('hardStop')"
+ @keyup.enter.exact="settings('stop')"
+ @keyup.shift.enter="
+ settings('hardStop')
+ "
+ content="Stop Playback"
+ v-tippy
+ >
+ <i class="material-icons">stop</i>
+ </button>
+ <tippy
+ class="playerRateDropdown"
+ :touch="true"
+ :interactive="true"
+ placement="bottom"
+ theme="dropdown"
+ ref="dropdown"
+ trigger="click"
+ append-to="parent"
+ @show="
+ () => {
+ showRateDropdown = true;
+ }
+ "
+ @hide="
+ () => {
+ showRateDropdown = false;
+ }
+ "
+ >
+ <div
+ ref="trigger"
+ class="control has-addons"
+ content="Set Playback Rate"
+ v-tippy
+ >
+ <button class="button is-primary">
+ <i class="material-icons"
+ >fast_forward</i
+ >
+ </button>
+ <button
+ class="button dropdown-toggle"
+ >
+ <i class="material-icons">
+ {{
+ showRateDropdown
+ ? "expand_more"
+ : "expand_less"
+ }}
+ </i>
+ </button>
+ </div>
+ <template #content>
+ <div class="nav-dropdown-items">
+ <button
+ class="nav-item button"
+ :class="{
+ active:
+ video.playbackRate ===
+ 0.5
+ }"
+ title="0.5x"
+ @click="
+ setPlaybackRate(0.5)
+ "
+ >
+ <p>0.5x</p>
+ </button>
+ <button
+ class="nav-item button"
+ :class="{
+ active:
+ video.playbackRate ===
+ 1
+ }"
+ title="1x"
+ @click="setPlaybackRate(1)"
+ >
+ <p>1x</p>
+ </button>
+ <button
+ class="nav-item button"
+ :class="{
+ active:
+ video.playbackRate ===
+ 2
+ }"
+ title="2x"
+ @click="setPlaybackRate(2)"
+ >
+ <p>2x</p>
+ </button>
+ </div>
+ </template>
+ </tippy>
+ </div>
+ <div class="player-footer-center">
+ <span>
+ <span>
+ {{ youtubeVideoCurrentTime }}
+ </span>
+ /
+ <span>
+ {{ youtubeVideoDuration }}
+ {{ youtubeVideoNote }}
+ </span>
+ </span>
+ </div>
+ <div class="player-footer-right">
+ <p id="volume-control">
+ <i
+ class="material-icons"
+ @click="toggleMute()"
+ :content="`${
+ muted ? 'Unmute' : 'Mute'
+ }`"
+ v-tippy
+ >{{
+ muted
+ ? "volume_mute"
+ : volumeSliderValue >= 50
+ ? "volume_up"
+ : "volume_down"
+ }}</i
+ >
+ <input
+ v-model="volumeSliderValue"
+ type="range"
+ min="0"
+ max="100"
+ class="volume-slider active"
+ @change="changeVolume()"
+ @input="changeVolume()"
+ />
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <song-thumbnail
+ v-if="songDataLoaded && !songDeleted"
+ :song="song"
+ :fallback="false"
+ class="thumbnail-preview"
+ @loadError="onThumbnailLoadError"
+ />
+ <img
+ v-if="
+ !isYoutubeThumbnail &&
+ songDataLoaded &&
+ !songDeleted
+ "
+ class="thumbnail-dummy"
+ :src="song.thumbnail"
+ ref="thumbnailElement"
+ @load="onThumbnailLoad"
+ />
+ </div>
+ <div
+ class="edit-section"
+ v-if="songDataLoaded && !songDeleted"
+ >
+ <div class="control is-grouped">
+ <div class="title-container">
+ <label class="label">Title</label>
+ <p class="control has-addons">
+ <input
+ class="input"
+ type="text"
+ :ref="
+ el => (inputs['title-input'] = el)
+ "
+ v-model="song.title"
+ placeholder="Enter song title..."
+ @keyup.shift.enter="
+ getAlbumData('title')
+ "
+ />
+ <button
+ class="button youtube-get-button"
+ @click="getYouTubeData('title')"
+ >
+ <div
+ class="youtube-icon"
+ v-tippy
+ content="Fill from YouTube"
+ ></div>
+ </button>
+ <button
+ class="button album-get-button"
+ @click="getAlbumData('title')"
+ >
+ <i
+ class="material-icons"
+ v-tippy
+ content="Fill from Discogs"
+ >album</i
+ >
+ </button>
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="duration-container">
+ <label class="label">Duration</label>
+ <p class="control has-addons">
+ <input
+ class="input"
+ type="text"
+ placeholder="Enter song duration..."
+ v-model.number="song.duration"
+ @keyup.shift.enter="fillDuration()"
+ />
+ <button
+ class="button duration-fill-button"
+ @click="fillDuration()"
+ >
+ <i
+ class="material-icons"
+ v-tippy
+ content="Sync duration with YouTube"
+ >sync</i
+ >
+ </button>
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="skip-duration-container">
+ <label class="label">Skip duration</label>
+ <p class="control">
+ <input
+ class="input"
+ type="text"
+ placeholder="Enter skip duration..."
+ v-model.number="song.skipDuration"
+ />
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="control is-grouped">
+ <div class="album-art-container">
+ <label class="label">
+ Thumbnail
+ <i
+ v-if="
+ thumbnailNotSquare &&
+ !isYoutubeThumbnail
+ "
+ class="material-icons thumbnail-warning"
+ content="Thumbnail not square, it will be stretched"
+ v-tippy="{ theme: 'info' }"
+ >
+ warning
+ </i>
+ <i
+ v-if="
+ thumbnailLoadError &&
+ !isYoutubeThumbnail
+ "
+ class="material-icons thumbnail-warning"
+ content="Error loading thumbnail"
+ v-tippy="{ theme: 'info' }"
+ >
+ warning
+ </i>
+ </label>
+ <p class="control has-addons">
+ <input
+ class="input"
+ type="text"
+ v-model="song.thumbnail"
+ placeholder="Enter link to thumbnail..."
+ @keyup.shift.enter="
+ getAlbumData('albumArt')
+ "
+ />
+ <button
+ class="button youtube-get-button"
+ @click="getYouTubeData('thumbnail')"
+ >
+ <div
+ class="youtube-icon"
+ v-tippy
+ content="Fill from YouTube"
+ ></div>
+ </button>
+ <button
+ class="button album-get-button"
+ @click="getAlbumData('albumArt')"
+ >
+ <i
+ class="material-icons"
+ v-tippy
+ content="Fill from Discogs"
+ >album</i
+ >
+ </button>
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="youtube-id-container">
+ <label class="label">YouTube ID</label>
+ <p class="control">
+ <input
+ class="input"
+ type="text"
+ placeholder="Enter YouTube ID..."
+ v-model="song.youtubeId"
+ />
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="verified-container">
+ <label class="label">Verified</label>
+ <p class="is-expanded checkbox-control">
+ <label class="switch">
+ <input
+ type="checkbox"
+ id="verified"
+ v-model="song.verified"
+ />
+ <span class="slider round"></span>
+ </label>
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="control is-grouped">
+ <div class="artists-container">
+ <label class="label">Artists</label>
+ <p class="control has-addons">
+ <auto-suggest
+ v-model="artistInputValue"
+ ref="new-artist"
+ placeholder="Add artist..."
+ :all-items="
+ autosuggest.allItems.artists
+ "
+ @submitted="addTag('artists')"
+ @keyup.shift.enter="
+ getAlbumData('artists')
+ "
+ />
+ <button
+ class="button youtube-get-button"
+ @click="getYouTubeData('author')"
+ >
+ <div
+ class="youtube-icon"
+ v-tippy
+ content="Fill from YouTube"
+ ></div>
+ </button>
+ <button
+ class="button album-get-button"
+ @click="getAlbumData('artists')"
+ >
+ <i
+ class="material-icons"
+ v-tippy
+ content="Fill from Discogs"
+ >album</i
+ >
+ </button>
+ <button
+ class="button is-info add-button"
+ @click="addTag('artists')"
+ >
+ <i class="material-icons">add</i>
+ </button>
+ </p>
+ <div class="list-container">
+ <div
+ class="list-item"
+ v-for="artist in song.artists"
+ :key="artist"
+ >
+ <div
+ class="list-item-circle"
+ @click="
+ removeTag('artists', artist)
+ "
+ >
+ <i class="material-icons">close</i>
+ </div>
+ <p>{{ artist }}</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="genres-container">
+ <label class="label">
+ <span>Genres</span>
+ <i
+ class="material-icons"
+ @click="toggleGenreHelper"
+ @dblclick="resetGenreHelper"
+ v-tippy
+ content="View list of genres"
+ >info</i
+ >
+ </label>
+ <p class="control has-addons">
+ <auto-suggest
+ v-model="genreInputValue"
+ ref="new-genre"
+ placeholder="Add genre..."
+ :all-items="autosuggest.allItems.genres"
+ @submitted="addTag('genres')"
+ @keyup.shift.enter="
+ getAlbumData('genres')
+ "
+ />
+ <button
+ class="button album-get-button"
+ @click="getAlbumData('genres')"
+ >
+ <i
+ class="material-icons"
+ v-tippy
+ content="Fill from Discogs"
+ >album</i
+ >
+ </button>
+ <button
+ class="button is-info add-button"
+ @click="addTag('genres')"
+ >
+ <i class="material-icons">add</i>
+ </button>
+ </p>
+ <div class="list-container">
+ <div
+ class="list-item"
+ v-for="genre in song.genres"
+ :key="genre"
+ >
+ <div
+ class="list-item-circle"
+ @click="removeTag('genres', genre)"
+ >
+ <i class="material-icons">close</i>
+ </div>
+ <p>{{ genre }}</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="tags-container">
+ <label class="label">Tags</label>
+ <p class="control has-addons">
+ <auto-suggest
+ v-model="tagInputValue"
+ ref="new-tag"
+ placeholder="Add tag..."
+ :all-items="autosuggest.allItems.tags"
+ @submitted="addTag('tags')"
+ />
+ <button
+ class="button is-info add-button"
+ @click="addTag('tags')"
+ >
+ <i class="material-icons">add</i>
+ </button>
+ </p>
+ <div class="list-container">
+ <div
+ class="list-item"
+ v-for="tag in song.tags"
+ :key="tag"
+ >
+ <div
+ class="list-item-circle"
+ @click="removeTag('tags', tag)"
+ >
+ <i class="material-icons">close</i>
+ </div>
+ <p>{{ tag }}</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div
+ class="right-section"
+ v-if="songDataLoaded && !songDeleted"
+ >
+ <div id="tabs-container">
+ <div id="tab-selection">
+ <button
+ class="button is-default"
+ :class="{ selected: tab === 'discogs' }"
+ :ref="el => (tabs['discogs-tab'] = el)"
+ @click="showTab('discogs')"
+ >
+ Discogs
+ </button>
+ <button
+ v-if="!newSong"
+ class="button is-default"
+ :class="{ selected: tab === 'reports' }"
+ :ref="el => (tabs['reports-tab'] = el)"
+ @click="showTab('reports')"
+ >
+ Reports ({{ reports.length }})
+ </button>
+ <button
+ class="button is-default"
+ :class="{ selected: tab === 'youtube' }"
+ :ref="el => (tabs['youtube-tab'] = el)"
+ @click="showTab('youtube')"
+ >
+ YouTube
+ </button>
+ <button
+ class="button is-default"
+ :class="{ selected: tab === 'musare-songs' }"
+ :ref="el => (tabs['musare-songs-tab'] = el)"
+ @click="showTab('musare-songs')"
+ >
+ Songs
+ </button>
+ </div>
+ <discogs
+ class="tab"
+ v-show="tab === 'discogs'"
+ :bulk="bulk"
+ :modal-uuid="modalUuid"
+ :modal-module-path="modalModulePath"
+ />
+ <reports-tab
+ v-if="!newSong"
+ class="tab"
+ v-show="tab === 'reports'"
+ :modal-uuid="modalUuid"
+ :modal-module-path="modalModulePath"
+ />
+ <youtube
+ class="tab"
+ v-show="tab === 'youtube'"
+ :modal-uuid="modalUuid"
+ :modal-module-path="modalModulePath"
+ />
+ <musare-songs
+ class="tab"
+ v-show="tab === 'musare-songs'"
+ :modal-uuid="modalUuid"
+ :modal-module-path="modalModulePath"
+ />
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </template>
+ <template #footer>
+ <div v-if="bulk">
+ <button class="button is-primary" @click="editNextSong()">
+ Next
+ </button>
+ <button
+ class="button is-primary"
+ @click="toggleFlag()"
+ v-if="youtubeId && !songDeleted"
+ >
+ {{ flagged ? "Unflag" : "Flag" }}
+ </button>
+ </div>
+ <div v-if="!newSong && !songDeleted">
+ <save-button
+ :ref="el => (saveButtonRefs['saveButton'] = el)"
+ @clicked="save(song, false, 'saveButton')"
+ />
+ <save-button
+ :ref="el => (saveButtonRefs['saveAndCloseButton'] = el)"
+ :default-message="
+ bulk ? `Save and next` : `Save and close`
+ "
+ @clicked="save(song, true, 'saveAndCloseButton')"
+ />
+ <div class="right">
+ <button
+ class="button is-danger icon-with-button material-icons"
+ @click.prevent="
+ confirmAction({
+ message:
+ 'Removing this song will remove it from all playlists and cause a ratings recalculation.',
+ action: remove,
+ params: song._id
+ })
+ "
+ content="Delete Song"
+ v-tippy
+ >
+ delete_forever
+ </button>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div v-else-if="newSong">
+ <save-button
+ :ref="el => (saveButtonRefs['createButton'] = el)"
+ default-message="Create Song"
+ @clicked="save(song, false, 'createButton', true)"
+ />
+ <save-button
+ :ref="
+ el => (saveButtonRefs['createAndCloseButton'] = el)
+ "
+ :default-message="
+ bulk ? `Create and next` : `Create and close`
+ "
+ @clicked="
+ save(song, true, 'createAndCloseButton', true)
+ "
+ />
+ </div>
+ </template>
+ </modal>
+ <floating-box
+ id="genreHelper"
+ ref="genreHelper"
+ :column="false"
+ title="Song Genres List"
+ >
+ <template #body>
+ <span
+ v-for="item in autosuggest.allItems.genres"
+ :key="`genre-helper-${item}`"
+ >
+ {{ item }}
+ </span>
+ </template>
+ </floating-box>
+ </div>
<style lang="less" scoped>
<style lang="less" scoped>
.night-mode {
.night-mode {