@@ -1,3 +1,122 @@
+<script setup lang="ts">
+import { ref, watch, reactive, computed, onMounted } from "vue";
+import { useStore } from "vuex";
+import Toast from "toasters";
+import InputHelpBox from "@/components/InputHelpBox.vue";
+import _validation from "@/validation";
+const store = useStore();
+const { socket } = store.state.websockets;
+const apiDomain = ref("");
+const sitename = ref("Musare");
+const validation = reactive({
+ oldPassword: {
+ value: "",
+ visible: false
+ },
+ newPassword: {
+ value: "",
+ visible: false,
+ valid: false,
+ entered: false,
+ message:
+ "Include at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one number and one special character."
+ }
+const newPassword = ref();
+const oldPassword = ref();
+// TODO fix, getters are broken
+// const isPasswordLinked = computed(() => store.state.settings.isPasswordLinked);
+// const isGithubLinked = computed(() => store.state.settings.isGithubLinked);
+const isPasswordLinked = computed(
+ () => !!store.state.settings.originalUser.password
+const isGithubLinked = computed(
+ () => !!store.state.settings.originalUser.github
+const userId = computed(() => store.state.user.auth.userId);
+const togglePasswordVisibility = refName => {
+ const ref = refName === "oldPassword" ? oldPassword : newPassword;
+ if (ref.value.type === "password") {
+ ref.value.type = "text";
+ validation[refName].visible = true;
+ } else {
+ ref.value.type = "password";
+ validation[refName].visible = false;
+ }
+const onInput = inputName => {
+ validation[inputName].entered = true;
+const changePassword = () => {
+ const newPassword = validation.newPassword.value;
+ if (validation.oldPassword.value === "")
+ return new Toast("Please enter your previous password.");
+ if (!validation.newPassword.valid)
+ return new Toast("Please enter a valid new password.");
+ return socket.dispatch(
+ "users.updatePassword",
+ validation.oldPassword.value,
+ newPassword,
+ res => {
+ if (res.status !== "success") new Toast(res.message);
+ else {
+ validation.oldPassword.value = "";
+ validation.newPassword.value = "";
+ new Toast("Successfully changed password.");
+ }
+ }
+ );
+const unlinkPassword = () => {
+ socket.dispatch("users.unlinkPassword", res => {
+ new Toast(res.message);
+ });
+const unlinkGitHub = () => {
+ socket.dispatch("users.unlinkGitHub", res => {
+ new Toast(res.message);
+ });
+const removeSessions = () => {
+ socket.dispatch(`users.removeSessions`, userId.value, res => {
+ new Toast(res.message);
+ });
+onMounted(async () => {
+ apiDomain.value = await lofig.get("backend.apiDomain");
+ sitename.value = await lofig.get("siteSettings.sitename");
+watch(validation, newValidation => {
+ const { value } = newValidation.newPassword;
+ if (!_validation.isLength(value, 6, 200)) {
+ validation.newPassword.message =
+ "Password must have between 6 and 200 characters.";
+ validation.newPassword.valid = false;
+ } else if (!_validation.regex.password.test(value)) {
+ validation.newPassword.message =
+ "Include at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one number and one special character.";
+ validation.newPassword.valid = false;
+ } else {
+ validation.newPassword.message = "Everything looks great!";
+ validation.newPassword.valid = true;
+ }
<div class="content security-tab">
<div v-if="isPasswordLinked">
@@ -166,122 +285,6 @@
-import Toast from "toasters";
-import { mapGetters, mapState } from "vuex";
-import InputHelpBox from "@/components/InputHelpBox.vue";
-import validation from "@/validation";
-export default {
- components: { InputHelpBox },
- data() {
- return {
- apiDomain: "",
- sitename: "Musare",
- validation: {
- oldPassword: {
- value: "",
- visible: false
- },
- newPassword: {
- value: "",
- visible: false,
- valid: false,
- entered: false,
- message:
- "Include at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one number and one special character."
- }
- }
- };
- },
- computed: {
- ...mapGetters({
- isPasswordLinked: "settings/isPasswordLinked",
- isGithubLinked: "settings/isGithubLinked",
- socket: "websockets/getSocket"
- }),
- ...mapState({
- userId: state => state.user.auth.userId
- })
- },
- watch: {
- // eslint-disable-next-line func-names
- "validation.newPassword.value": function (value) {
- if (!validation.isLength(value, 6, 200)) {
- this.validation.newPassword.message =
- "Password must have between 6 and 200 characters.";
- this.validation.newPassword.valid = false;
- } else if (!validation.regex.password.test(value)) {
- this.validation.newPassword.message =
- "Include at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one number and one special character.";
- this.validation.newPassword.valid = false;
- } else {
- this.validation.newPassword.message = "Everything looks great!";
- this.validation.newPassword.valid = true;
- }
- }
- },
- async mounted() {
- this.apiDomain = await lofig.get("backend.apiDomain");
- this.sitename = await lofig.get("siteSettings.sitename");
- },
- methods: {
- togglePasswordVisibility(ref) {
- if (this.$refs[ref].type === "password") {
- this.$refs[ref].type = "text";
- this.validation[ref].visible = true;
- } else {
- this.$refs[ref].type = "password";
- this.validation[ref].visible = false;
- }
- },
- onInput(inputName) {
- this.validation[inputName].entered = true;
- },
- changePassword() {
- const newPassword = this.validation.newPassword.value;
- if (this.validation.oldPassword.value === "")
- return new Toast("Please enter your previous password.");
- if (!this.validation.newPassword.valid)
- return new Toast("Please enter a valid new password.");
- return this.socket.dispatch(
- "users.updatePassword",
- this.validation.oldPassword.value,
- newPassword,
- res => {
- if (res.status !== "success") new Toast(res.message);
- else {
- this.validation.oldPassword.value = "";
- this.validation.newPassword.value = "";
- new Toast("Successfully changed password.");
- }
- }
- );
- },
- unlinkPassword() {
- this.socket.dispatch("users.unlinkPassword", res => {
- new Toast(res.message);
- });
- },
- unlinkGitHub() {
- this.socket.dispatch("users.unlinkGitHub", res => {
- new Toast(res.message);
- });
- },
- removeSessions() {
- this.socket.dispatch(`users.removeSessions`, this.userId, res => {
- new Toast(res.message);
- });
- }
- }
<style lang="less" scoped>
#change-password-button {
margin-top: 10px;