@@ -624,6 +624,320 @@ export default {
/* eslint-enable */
+ mounted() {
+ // if (this.modals.editSong = false) this.video.player.stopVideo();
+ // this.loadVideoById(
+ // this.editing.song.songId,
+ // this.editing.song.skipDuration
+ // );
+ this.discogsQuery = this.editing.song.title;
+ lofig.get("cookie.secure").then(useHTTPS => {
+ this.useHTTPS = useHTTPS;
+ });
+ io.getSocket(socket => {
+ this.socket = socket;
+ });
+ this.interval = setInterval(() => {
+ if (
+ this.editing.song.duration !== -1 &&
+ this.video.paused === false &&
+ this.playerReady &&
+ this.video.player.getCurrentTime() -
+ this.editing.song.skipDuration >
+ this.editing.song.duration
+ ) {
+ this.video.paused = false;
+ this.video.player.stopVideo();
+ this.drawCanvas();
+ }
+ if (this.playerReady) {
+ this.youtubeVideoCurrentTime = this.video.player
+ .getCurrentTime()
+ .toFixed(3);
+ }
+ if (this.video.paused === false) this.drawCanvas();
+ }, 200);
+ this.video.player = new window.YT.Player("player", {
+ height: 298,
+ width: 530,
+ videoId: this.editing.song.songId,
+ host: "https://www.youtube-nocookie.com",
+ playerVars: {
+ controls: 0,
+ iv_load_policy: 3,
+ rel: 0,
+ showinfo: 0,
+ autoplay: 1
+ },
+ startSeconds: this.editing.song.skipDuration,
+ events: {
+ onReady: () => {
+ let volume = parseInt(localStorage.getItem("volume"));
+ volume = typeof volume === "number" ? volume : 20;
+ console.log(`Seekto: ${this.editing.song.skipDuration}`);
+ this.video.player.seekTo(this.editing.song.skipDuration);
+ this.video.player.setVolume(volume);
+ if (volume > 0) this.video.player.unMute();
+ this.youtubeVideoDuration = this.video.player.getDuration();
+ this.youtubeVideoNote = "(~)";
+ this.playerReady = true;
+ this.drawCanvas();
+ },
+ onStateChange: event => {
+ this.drawCanvas();
+ if (event.data === 1) {
+ if (!this.video.autoPlayed) {
+ this.video.autoPlayed = true;
+ return this.video.player.stopVideo();
+ }
+ this.video.paused = false;
+ let youtubeDuration = this.video.player.getDuration();
+ this.youtubeVideoDuration = youtubeDuration;
+ this.youtubeVideoNote = "";
+ if (this.editing.song.duration === -1)
+ this.editing.song.duration = youtubeDuration;
+ youtubeDuration -= this.editing.song.skipDuration;
+ if (this.editing.song.duration > youtubeDuration + 1) {
+ this.video.player.stopVideo();
+ this.video.paused = true;
+ return new Toast({
+ content:
+ "Video can't play. Specified duration is bigger than the YouTube song duration.",
+ timeout: 4000
+ });
+ }
+ if (this.editing.song.duration <= 0) {
+ this.video.player.stopVideo();
+ this.video.paused = true;
+ return new Toast({
+ content:
+ "Video can't play. Specified duration has to be more than 0 seconds.",
+ timeout: 4000
+ });
+ }
+ if (
+ this.video.player.getCurrentTime() <
+ this.editing.song.skipDuration
+ ) {
+ return this.video.player.seekTo(
+ this.editing.song.skipDuration
+ );
+ }
+ } else if (event.data === 2) {
+ this.video.paused = true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ let volume = parseFloat(localStorage.getItem("volume"));
+ volume =
+ typeof volume === "number" && !Number.isNaN(volume) ? volume : 20;
+ localStorage.setItem("volume", volume);
+ this.volumeSliderValue = volume * 100;
+ keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.pauseResumeVideo", {
+ keyCode: 101,
+ preventDefault: true,
+ handler: () => {
+ if (this.video.paused) this.settings("play");
+ else this.settings("pause");
+ }
+ });
+ keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.stopVideo", {
+ keyCode: 101,
+ ctrl: true,
+ preventDefault: true,
+ handler: () => {
+ this.settings("stop");
+ }
+ });
+ keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.skipToLast10Secs", {
+ keyCode: 102,
+ preventDefault: true,
+ handler: () => {
+ this.settings("skipToLast10Secs");
+ }
+ });
+ keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.lowerVolumeLarge", {
+ keyCode: 98,
+ preventDefault: true,
+ handler: () => {
+ this.volumeSliderValue = Math.max(
+ 0,
+ this.volumeSliderValue - 1000
+ );
+ this.changeVolume();
+ }
+ });
+ keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.lowerVolumeSmall", {
+ keyCode: 98,
+ ctrl: true,
+ preventDefault: true,
+ handler: () => {
+ this.volumeSliderValue = Math.max(
+ 0,
+ this.volumeSliderValue - 100
+ );
+ this.changeVolume();
+ }
+ });
+ keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.increaseVolumeLarge", {
+ keyCode: 104,
+ preventDefault: true,
+ handler: () => {
+ this.volumeSliderValue = Math.min(
+ 10000,
+ this.volumeSliderValue + 1000
+ );
+ this.changeVolume();
+ }
+ });
+ keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.increaseVolumeSmall", {
+ keyCode: 104,
+ ctrl: true,
+ preventDefault: true,
+ handler: () => {
+ this.volumeSliderValue = Math.min(
+ 10000,
+ this.volumeSliderValue + 100
+ );
+ this.changeVolume();
+ }
+ });
+ keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.save", {
+ keyCode: 83,
+ ctrl: true,
+ preventDefault: true,
+ handler: () => {
+ this.save(this.editing.song, false);
+ }
+ });
+ keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.close", {
+ keyCode: 88,
+ ctrl: true,
+ preventDefault: true,
+ handler: () => {
+ this.closeModal({
+ sector: "admin",
+ modal: "editSong"
+ });
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ window.focusedElementBefore.focus();
+ }, 500);
+ }
+ });
+ keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.focusTitle", {
+ keyCode: 36,
+ preventDefault: true,
+ handler: () => {
+ document.getElementById("title-input").focus();
+ }
+ });
+ keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.focusDiscogs", {
+ keyCode: 35,
+ preventDefault: true,
+ handler: () => {
+ document.getElementById("discogs-input").focus();
+ }
+ });
+ keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.useAllDiscogs", {
+ keyCode: 68,
+ alt: true,
+ ctrl: true,
+ preventDefault: true,
+ handler: () => {
+ this.getAlbumData("title");
+ this.getAlbumData("albumArt");
+ this.getAlbumData("artists");
+ this.getAlbumData("genres");
+ }
+ });
+ keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.resetDuration", {
+ keyCode: 82,
+ alt: true,
+ ctrl: true,
+ preventDefault: true,
+ handler: () => {
+ this.fillDuration();
+ }
+ });
+ /*
+ editSong.pauseResume - Num 5 - Pause/resume song
+ editSong.stopVideo - Ctrl - Num 5 - Stop
+ editSong.skipToLast10Secs - Num 6 - Skip to last 10 seconds
+ editSong.volumeDown5 - Num 2 - Volume down by 10
+ editSong.volumeDown1 - Ctrl - Num 2 - Volume down by 1
+ editSong.volumeUp5 - Num 8 - Volume up by 10
+ editSong.volumeUp1 - Ctrl - Num 8 - Volume up by 1
+ editSong.focusTitle - Home - Focus the title input
+ editSong.focusDicogs - End - Focus the discogs input
+ editSong.save - Ctrl - S - Saves song
+ editSong.close - Ctrl - X - Closes modal
+ editSong.useAllDiscogs - Ctrl - Alt - D - Sets all fields to the Discogs data
+ editSong.resetDuration - Ctrl - Alt - R - Resets the duration
+ Inside Discogs inputs: Ctrl - D - Sets this field to the Discogs data
+ */
+ },
+ beforeDestroy() {
+ this.playerReady = false;
+ clearInterval(this.interval);
+ const shortcutNames = [
+ "editSong.pauseResume",
+ "editSong.stopVideo",
+ "editSong.skipToLast10Secs",
+ "editSong.volumeDown5",
+ "editSong.volumeDown1",
+ "editSong.volumeUp5",
+ "editSong.volumeUp1",
+ "editSong.focusTitle",
+ "editSong.focusDicogs",
+ "editSong.save",
+ "editSong.close",
+ "editSong.useAllDiscogs",
+ "editSong.resetDuration"
+ ];
+ shortcutNames.forEach(shortcutName => {
+ keyboardShortcuts.unregisterShortcut(shortcutName);
+ });
+ },
methods: {
save(songToCopy, close) {
const song = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(songToCopy));
@@ -973,411 +1287,97 @@ export default {
timeout: 3000
if (genre) {
- this.editing.song.genres.push(genre);
- document.getElementById("new-genre").value = "";
- return false;
- }
- return new Toast({
- content: "Genre cannot be empty",
- timeout: 3000
- });
- }
- if (type === "artists") {
- const artist = document.getElementById("new-artist").value;
- if (this.editing.song.artists.indexOf(artist) !== -1)
- return new Toast({
- content: "Artist already exists",
- timeout: 3000
- });
- if (document.getElementById("new-artist").value !== "") {
- this.editing.song.artists.push(artist);
- document.getElementById("new-artist").value = "";
- return false;
- }
- return new Toast({
- content: "Artist cannot be empty",
- timeout: 3000
- });
- }
- return false;
- },
- removeTag(type, index) {
- if (type === "genres") this.editing.song.genres.splice(index, 1);
- else if (type === "artists")
- this.editing.song.artists.splice(index, 1);
- },
- drawCanvas() {
- const canvasElement = document.getElementById("durationCanvas");
- const ctx = canvasElement.getContext("2d");
- const videoDuration = Number(this.youtubeVideoDuration);
- const skipDuration = Number(this.editing.song.skipDuration);
- const duration = Number(this.editing.song.duration);
- const afterDuration = videoDuration - (skipDuration + duration);
- const width = 530;
- const currentTime = this.video.player.getCurrentTime();
- const widthSkipDuration = (skipDuration / videoDuration) * width;
- const widthDuration = (duration / videoDuration) * width;
- const widthAfterDuration = (afterDuration / videoDuration) * width;
- const widthCurrentTime = (currentTime / videoDuration) * width;
- const skipDurationColor = "#F42003";
- const durationColor = "#03A9F4";
- const afterDurationColor = "#41E841";
- const currentDurationColor = "#3b25e8";
- ctx.fillStyle = skipDurationColor;
- ctx.fillRect(0, 0, widthSkipDuration, 20);
- ctx.fillStyle = durationColor;
- ctx.fillRect(widthSkipDuration, 0, widthDuration, 20);
- ctx.fillStyle = afterDurationColor;
- ctx.fillRect(
- widthSkipDuration + widthDuration,
- 0,
- widthAfterDuration,
- 20
- );
- ctx.fillStyle = currentDurationColor;
- ctx.fillRect(widthCurrentTime, 0, 1, 20);
- },
- toggleGenreHelper() {
- this.$refs.genreHelper.toggleBox();
- },
- resetGenreHelper() {
- this.$refs.genreHelper.resetBox();
- },
- ...mapActions("admin/songs", [
- "stopVideo",
- "loadVideoById",
- "pauseVideo",
- "getCurrentTime",
- "editSong",
- "updateSongField",
- "selectDiscogsInfo"
- ]),
- ...mapActions("modals", ["closeModal"])
- },
- mounted() {
- // if (this.modals.editSong = false) this.video.player.stopVideo();
- // this.loadVideoById(
- // this.editing.song.songId,
- // this.editing.song.skipDuration
- // );
- this.discogsQuery = this.editing.song.title;
- lofig.get("cookie.secure").then(useHTTPS => {
- this.useHTTPS = useHTTPS;
- });
- io.getSocket(socket => {
- this.socket = socket;
- });
- this.interval = setInterval(() => {
- if (
- this.editing.song.duration !== -1 &&
- this.video.paused === false &&
- this.playerReady &&
- this.video.player.getCurrentTime() -
- this.editing.song.skipDuration >
- this.editing.song.duration
- ) {
- this.video.paused = false;
- this.video.player.stopVideo();
- this.drawCanvas();
- }
- if (this.playerReady) {
- this.youtubeVideoCurrentTime = this.video.player
- .getCurrentTime()
- .toFixed(3);
- }
- if (this.video.paused === false) this.drawCanvas();
- }, 200);
- this.video.player = new window.YT.Player("player", {
- height: 298,
- width: 530,
- videoId: this.editing.song.songId,
- host: "https://www.youtube-nocookie.com",
- playerVars: {
- controls: 0,
- iv_load_policy: 3,
- rel: 0,
- showinfo: 0,
- autoplay: 1
- },
- startSeconds: this.editing.song.skipDuration,
- events: {
- onReady: () => {
- let volume = parseInt(localStorage.getItem("volume"));
- volume = typeof volume === "number" ? volume : 20;
- console.log(`Seekto: ${this.editing.song.skipDuration}`);
- this.video.player.seekTo(this.editing.song.skipDuration);
- this.video.player.setVolume(volume);
- if (volume > 0) this.video.player.unMute();
- this.youtubeVideoDuration = this.video.player.getDuration();
- this.youtubeVideoNote = "(~)";
- this.playerReady = true;
- this.drawCanvas();
- },
- onStateChange: event => {
- this.drawCanvas();
- if (event.data === 1) {
- if (!this.video.autoPlayed) {
- this.video.autoPlayed = true;
- return this.video.player.stopVideo();
- }
- this.video.paused = false;
- let youtubeDuration = this.video.player.getDuration();
- this.youtubeVideoDuration = youtubeDuration;
- this.youtubeVideoNote = "";
- if (this.editing.song.duration === -1)
- this.editing.song.duration = youtubeDuration;
- youtubeDuration -= this.editing.song.skipDuration;
- if (this.editing.song.duration > youtubeDuration + 1) {
- this.video.player.stopVideo();
- this.video.paused = true;
- return new Toast({
- content:
- "Video can't play. Specified duration is bigger than the YouTube song duration.",
- timeout: 4000
- });
- }
- if (this.editing.song.duration <= 0) {
- this.video.player.stopVideo();
- this.video.paused = true;
- return new Toast({
- content:
- "Video can't play. Specified duration has to be more than 0 seconds.",
- timeout: 4000
- });
- }
- if (
- this.video.player.getCurrentTime() <
- this.editing.song.skipDuration
- ) {
- return this.video.player.seekTo(
- this.editing.song.skipDuration
- );
- }
- } else if (event.data === 2) {
- this.video.paused = true;
- }
+ this.editing.song.genres.push(genre);
+ document.getElementById("new-genre").value = "";
return false;
- }
- });
- let volume = parseFloat(localStorage.getItem("volume"));
- volume =
- typeof volume === "number" && !Number.isNaN(volume) ? volume : 20;
- localStorage.setItem("volume", volume);
- this.volumeSliderValue = volume * 100;
- keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.pauseResumeVideo", {
- keyCode: 101,
- preventDefault: true,
- handler: () => {
- if (this.video.paused) this.settings("play");
- else this.settings("pause");
- }
- });
- keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.stopVideo", {
- keyCode: 101,
- ctrl: true,
- preventDefault: true,
- handler: () => {
- this.settings("stop");
- }
- });
- keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.skipToLast10Secs", {
- keyCode: 102,
- preventDefault: true,
- handler: () => {
- this.settings("skipToLast10Secs");
- }
- });
- keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.lowerVolumeLarge", {
- keyCode: 98,
- preventDefault: true,
- handler: () => {
- this.volumeSliderValue = Math.max(
- 0,
- this.volumeSliderValue - 1000
- );
- this.changeVolume();
- }
- });
- keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.lowerVolumeSmall", {
- keyCode: 98,
- ctrl: true,
- preventDefault: true,
- handler: () => {
- this.volumeSliderValue = Math.max(
- 0,
- this.volumeSliderValue - 100
- );
- this.changeVolume();
- }
- });
- keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.increaseVolumeLarge", {
- keyCode: 104,
- preventDefault: true,
- handler: () => {
- this.volumeSliderValue = Math.min(
- 10000,
- this.volumeSliderValue + 1000
- );
- this.changeVolume();
- }
- });
- keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.increaseVolumeSmall", {
- keyCode: 104,
- ctrl: true,
- preventDefault: true,
- handler: () => {
- this.volumeSliderValue = Math.min(
- 10000,
- this.volumeSliderValue + 100
- );
- this.changeVolume();
- }
- });
- keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.save", {
- keyCode: 83,
- ctrl: true,
- preventDefault: true,
- handler: () => {
- this.save(this.editing.song, false);
- }
- });
- keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.close", {
- keyCode: 88,
- ctrl: true,
- preventDefault: true,
- handler: () => {
- this.closeModal({
- sector: "admin",
- modal: "editSong"
+ return new Toast({
+ content: "Genre cannot be empty",
+ timeout: 3000
- setTimeout(() => {
- window.focusedElementBefore.focus();
- }, 500);
- }
- });
- keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.focusTitle", {
- keyCode: 36,
- preventDefault: true,
- handler: () => {
- document.getElementById("title-input").focus();
- }
- });
- keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.focusDiscogs", {
- keyCode: 35,
- preventDefault: true,
- handler: () => {
- document.getElementById("discogs-input").focus();
- });
- keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.useAllDiscogs", {
- keyCode: 68,
- alt: true,
- ctrl: true,
- preventDefault: true,
- handler: () => {
- this.getAlbumData("title");
- this.getAlbumData("albumArt");
- this.getAlbumData("artists");
- this.getAlbumData("genres");
+ if (type === "artists") {
+ const artist = document.getElementById("new-artist").value;
+ if (this.editing.song.artists.indexOf(artist) !== -1)
+ return new Toast({
+ content: "Artist already exists",
+ timeout: 3000
+ });
+ if (document.getElementById("new-artist").value !== "") {
+ this.editing.song.artists.push(artist);
+ document.getElementById("new-artist").value = "";
+ return false;
+ }
+ return new Toast({
+ content: "Artist cannot be empty",
+ timeout: 3000
+ });
- });
- keyboardShortcuts.registerShortcut("editSong.resetDuration", {
- keyCode: 82,
- alt: true,
- ctrl: true,
- preventDefault: true,
- handler: () => {
- this.fillDuration();
- }
- });
+ return false;
+ },
+ removeTag(type, index) {
+ if (type === "genres") this.editing.song.genres.splice(index, 1);
+ else if (type === "artists")
+ this.editing.song.artists.splice(index, 1);
+ },
+ drawCanvas() {
+ const canvasElement = document.getElementById("durationCanvas");
+ const ctx = canvasElement.getContext("2d");
- /*
- editSong.pauseResume - Num 5 - Pause/resume song
- editSong.stopVideo - Ctrl - Num 5 - Stop
- editSong.skipToLast10Secs - Num 6 - Skip to last 10 seconds
+ const videoDuration = Number(this.youtubeVideoDuration);
- editSong.volumeDown5 - Num 2 - Volume down by 10
- editSong.volumeDown1 - Ctrl - Num 2 - Volume down by 1
- editSong.volumeUp5 - Num 8 - Volume up by 10
- editSong.volumeUp1 - Ctrl - Num 8 - Volume up by 1
+ const skipDuration = Number(this.editing.song.skipDuration);
+ const duration = Number(this.editing.song.duration);
+ const afterDuration = videoDuration - (skipDuration + duration);
- editSong.focusTitle - Home - Focus the title input
- editSong.focusDicogs - End - Focus the discogs input
+ const width = 530;
- editSong.save - Ctrl - S - Saves song
- editSong.close - Ctrl - X - Closes modal
+ const currentTime = this.video.player.getCurrentTime();
- editSong.useAllDiscogs - Ctrl - Alt - D - Sets all fields to the Discogs data
- editSong.resetDuration - Ctrl - Alt - R - Resets the duration
+ const widthSkipDuration = (skipDuration / videoDuration) * width;
+ const widthDuration = (duration / videoDuration) * width;
+ const widthAfterDuration = (afterDuration / videoDuration) * width;
- Inside Discogs inputs: Ctrl - D - Sets this field to the Discogs data
+ const widthCurrentTime = (currentTime / videoDuration) * width;
- */
- },
- beforeDestroy() {
- this.playerReady = false;
- clearInterval(this.interval);
+ const skipDurationColor = "#F42003";
+ const durationColor = "#03A9F4";
+ const afterDurationColor = "#41E841";
+ const currentDurationColor = "#3b25e8";
- const shortcutNames = [
- "editSong.pauseResume",
- "editSong.stopVideo",
- "editSong.skipToLast10Secs",
- "editSong.volumeDown5",
- "editSong.volumeDown1",
- "editSong.volumeUp5",
- "editSong.volumeUp1",
- "editSong.focusTitle",
- "editSong.focusDicogs",
- "editSong.save",
- "editSong.close",
- "editSong.useAllDiscogs",
- "editSong.resetDuration"
- ];
+ ctx.fillStyle = skipDurationColor;
+ ctx.fillRect(0, 0, widthSkipDuration, 20);
+ ctx.fillStyle = durationColor;
+ ctx.fillRect(widthSkipDuration, 0, widthDuration, 20);
+ ctx.fillStyle = afterDurationColor;
+ ctx.fillRect(
+ widthSkipDuration + widthDuration,
+ 0,
+ widthAfterDuration,
+ 20
+ );
- shortcutNames.forEach(shortcutName => {
- keyboardShortcuts.unregisterShortcut(shortcutName);
- });
+ ctx.fillStyle = currentDurationColor;
+ ctx.fillRect(widthCurrentTime, 0, 1, 20);
+ },
+ toggleGenreHelper() {
+ this.$refs.genreHelper.toggleBox();
+ },
+ resetGenreHelper() {
+ this.$refs.genreHelper.resetBox();
+ },
+ ...mapActions("admin/songs", [
+ "stopVideo",
+ "loadVideoById",
+ "pauseVideo",
+ "getCurrentTime",
+ "editSong",
+ "updateSongField",
+ "selectDiscogsInfo"
+ ]),
+ ...mapActions("modals", ["closeModal"])