@@ -44,258 +44,135 @@ export default {
- // Creates pipeline array
- next => next(null, []),
- // If a filter or property exists for status, add status property to all documents
- (pipeline, next) => {
- // Check if a filter with the status property exists
- const statusFilterExists = queries.map(query => query.filter.property).indexOf("status") !== -1;
- // Check if a property with the status property exists
- const statusPropertyExists = properties.indexOf("status") !== -1;
- // If no such filter or property exists, skip this function
- if (!statusFilterExists && !statusPropertyExists) return next(null, pipeline);
- // Adds status field, set to Inactive if active is false, otherwise it sets it to Inactive if expiresAt has already passed, Active if not
- pipeline.push({
- $addFields: {
- status: {
- $cond: [
- { $eq: ["$active", true] },
- { $cond: [{ $gt: [new Date(), "$expiresAt"] }, "Inactive", "Active"] },
- "Inactive"
- ]
- }
- }
- });
- return next(null, pipeline);
- },
- // If a filter exists for value, add valueUsername property to all documents
- (pipeline, next) => {
- // Check if a filter with the value property exists
- const valueFilterExists = queries.map(query => query.filter.property).indexOf("value") !== -1;
- // If no such filter exists, skip this function
- if (!valueFilterExists) return next(null, pipeline);
- // Adds valueOID field, which is an ObjectId version of value
- pipeline.push({
- $addFields: {
- valueOID: {
- $convert: {
- input: "$value",
- to: "objectId",
- onError: "unknown",
- onNull: "unknown"
- }
- }
- }
- });
- // Looks up user(s) with the same _id as the valueOID and puts the result in the valueUser field
- pipeline.push({
- $lookup: {
- from: "users",
- localField: "valueOID",
- foreignField: "_id",
- as: "valueUser"
- }
- });
- // Unwinds the valueUser array field into an object
- pipeline.push({
- $unwind: {
- path: "$valueUser",
- preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true
- }
- });
- // Adds valueUsername field from the valueUser username, or unknown if it doesn't exist, or Musare if it's set to Musare
- pipeline.push({
- $addFields: {
- valueUsername: {
- $cond: [
- { $eq: ["$type", "banUserId"] },
- { $ifNull: ["$valueUser.username", "unknown"] },
- null
+ next => {
+ DBModule.runJob(
+ {
+ page,
+ pageSize,
+ properties,
+ sort,
+ queries,
+ operator,
+ modelName: "punishment",
+ blacklistedProperties: [],
+ specialProperties: {
+ status: [
+ {
+ $addFields: {
+ status: {
+ $cond: [
+ { $eq: ["$active", true] },
+ { $cond: [{ $gt: [new Date(), "$expiresAt"] }, "Inactive", "Active"] },
+ "Inactive"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ value: [
+ {
+ $addFields: {
+ valueOID: {
+ $convert: {
+ input: "$value",
+ to: "objectId",
+ onError: "unknown",
+ onNull: "unknown"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ $lookup: {
+ from: "users",
+ localField: "valueOID",
+ foreignField: "_id",
+ as: "valueUser"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ $unwind: {
+ path: "$valueUser",
+ preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ $addFields: {
+ valueUsername: {
+ $cond: [
+ { $eq: ["$type", "banUserId"] },
+ { $ifNull: ["$valueUser.username", "unknown"] },
+ null
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ $project: {
+ valueOID: 0,
+ valueUser: 0
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ punishedBy: [
+ {
+ $addFields: {
+ punishedByOID: {
+ $convert: {
+ input: "$punishedBy",
+ to: "objectId",
+ onError: "unknown",
+ onNull: "unknown"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ $lookup: {
+ from: "users",
+ localField: "punishedByOID",
+ foreignField: "_id",
+ as: "punishedByUser"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ $unwind: {
+ path: "$punishedByUser",
+ preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ $addFields: {
+ punishedByUsername: {
+ $ifNull: ["$punishedByUser.username", "unknown"]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ $project: {
+ punishedByOID: 0,
+ punishedByUser: 0
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ specialQueries: {
+ value: newQuery => ({ $or: [newQuery, { valueUsername: newQuery.value }] }),
+ punishedBy: newQuery => ({ $or: [newQuery, { punishedByUsername: newQuery.punishedBy }] })
- }
- });
- // Removes the valueOID and valueUser property, just in case it doesn't get removed at a later stage
- pipeline.push({
- $project: {
- valueOID: 0,
- valueUser: 0
- }
- });
- return next(null, pipeline);
- },
- // If a filter exists for punishedBy, add punishedByUsername property to all documents
- (pipeline, next) => {
- // Check if a filter with the punishedBy property exists
- const punishedByFilterExists =
- queries.map(query => query.filter.property).indexOf("punishedBy") !== -1;
- // If no such filter exists, skip this function
- if (!punishedByFilterExists) return next(null, pipeline);
- // Adds punishedByOID field, which is an ObjectId version of punishedBy
- pipeline.push({
- $addFields: {
- punishedByOID: {
- $convert: {
- input: "$punishedBy",
- to: "objectId",
- onError: "unknown",
- onNull: "unknown"
- }
- }
- }
- });
- // Looks up user(s) with the same _id as the punishedByOID and puts the result in the punishedByUser field
- pipeline.push({
- $lookup: {
- from: "users",
- localField: "punishedByOID",
- foreignField: "_id",
- as: "punishedByUser"
- }
- });
- // Unwinds the punishedByUser array field into an object
- pipeline.push({
- $unwind: {
- path: "$punishedByUser",
- preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true
- }
- });
- // Adds punishedByUsername field from the punishedByUser username, or unknown if it doesn't exist
- pipeline.push({
- $addFields: {
- punishedByUsername: {
- $ifNull: ["$punishedByUser.username", "unknown"]
- }
- }
- });
- // Removes the punishedByOID and punishedByUser property, just in case it doesn't get removed at a later stage
- pipeline.push({
- $project: {
- punishedByOID: 0,
- punishedByUser: 0
- }
- });
- return next(null, pipeline);
- },
- // Adds the match stage to aggregation pipeline, which is responsible for filtering
- (pipeline, next) => {
- let queryError;
- const newQueries = queries.flatMap(query => {
- const { data, filter, filterType } = query;
- const newQuery = {};
- if (filterType === "regex") {
- newQuery[filter.property] = new RegExp(`${data.slice(1, data.length - 1)}`, "i");
- } else if (filterType === "contains") {
- newQuery[filter.property] = new RegExp(
- `${data.replaceAll(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&")}`,
- "i"
- );
- } else if (filterType === "exact") {
- newQuery[filter.property] = data.toString();
- } else if (filterType === "datetimeBefore") {
- newQuery[filter.property] = { $lte: new Date(data) };
- } else if (filterType === "datetimeAfter") {
- newQuery[filter.property] = { $gte: new Date(data) };
- } else if (filterType === "numberLesserEqual") {
- newQuery[filter.property] = { $lte: Number(data) };
- } else if (filterType === "numberLesser") {
- newQuery[filter.property] = { $lt: Number(data) };
- } else if (filterType === "numberGreater") {
- newQuery[filter.property] = { $gt: Number(data) };
- } else if (filterType === "numberGreaterEqual") {
- newQuery[filter.property] = { $gte: Number(data) };
- } else if (filterType === "numberEquals") {
- newQuery[filter.property] = { $eq: Number(data) };
- } else if (filterType === "boolean") {
- newQuery[filter.property] = { $eq: !!data };
- }
- if (filter.property === "value") return { $or: [newQuery, { valueUsername: newQuery.value }] };
- if (filter.property === "punishedBy")
- return { $or: [newQuery, { punishedByUsername: newQuery.punishedBy }] };
- return newQuery;
- });
- if (queryError) next(queryError);
- const queryObject = {};
- if (newQueries.length > 0) {
- if (operator === "and") queryObject.$and = newQueries;
- else if (operator === "or") queryObject.$or = newQueries;
- else if (operator === "nor") queryObject.$nor = newQueries;
- }
- pipeline.push({ $match: queryObject });
- next(null, pipeline);
- },
- // Adds sort stage to aggregation pipeline if there is at least one column being sorted, responsible for sorting data
- (pipeline, next) => {
- const newSort = Object.fromEntries(
- Object.entries(sort).map(([property, direction]) => [
- property,
- direction === "ascending" ? 1 : -1
- ])
- );
- if (Object.keys(newSort).length > 0) pipeline.push({ $sort: newSort });
- next(null, pipeline);
- },
- // Adds first project stage to aggregation pipeline, responsible for including only the requested properties
- (pipeline, next) => {
- pipeline.push({ $project: Object.fromEntries(properties.map(property => [property, 1])) });
- next(null, pipeline);
- },
- // Adds the facet stage to aggregation pipeline, responsible for returning a total document count, skipping and limitting the documents that will be returned
- (pipeline, next) => {
- pipeline.push({
- $facet: {
- count: [{ $count: "count" }],
- documents: [{ $skip: pageSize * (page - 1) }, { $limit: pageSize }]
- }
- });
- // console.dir(pipeline, { depth: 6 });
- next(null, pipeline);
- },
- // Executes the aggregation pipeline
- (pipeline, next) => {
- punishmentModel.aggregate(pipeline).exec((err, result) => {
- // console.dir(err);
- // console.dir(result, { depth: 6 });
- if (err) return next(err);
- if (result[0].count.length === 0) return next(null, 0, []);
- const { count } = result[0].count[0];
- const { documents } = result[0];
- // console.log(111, err, result, count, documents[0]);
- return next(null, count, documents);
- });
+ },
+ this
+ )
+ .then(response => {
+ next(null, response);
+ })
+ .catch(err => {
+ next(err);
+ });
- async (err, count, punishments) => {
+ async (err, response) => {
if (err && err !== true) {
err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this);
this.log("ERROR", "PUNISHMENTS_GET_DATA", `Failed to get data from punishments. "${err}"`);
@@ -305,7 +182,7 @@ export default {
return cb({
status: "success",
message: "Successfully got data from punishments.",
- data: { data: punishments, count }
+ data: response