@@ -2614,10 +2614,10 @@ export default {
addToQueue: isLoginRequired(async function addToQueue(session, stationId, songId, cb) {
const userModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this);
- const playlistModel = await DBModule.runJob(
+ const stationModel = await DBModule.runJob(
- modelName: "playlist"
+ modelName: "station"
@@ -2669,27 +2669,20 @@ export default {
if (station.currentSong && station.currentSong.songId === songId)
return next("That song is currently playing.");
- return playlistModel.findOne({ _id: station.playlist2 }, (err, playlist) => {
- console.log(111, station, err, playlist);
- next(err, station, playlist);
- });
- },
- (station, playlist, next) => {
- async.each(
- playlist.songs,
- (song, next) => {
- if (song.songId === songId) return next("That song is already in the queue.");
+ return async.each(
+ station.queue,
+ (queueSong, next) => {
+ if (queueSong.songId === songId) return next("That song is already in the queue.");
return next();
- err => next(err, station, playlist)
+ err => next(err, station)
- (station, playlist, next) => {
+ (station, next) => {
SongsModule.runJob("GET_SONG_FROM_ID", { songId }, this)
.then(res => {
- if (res.song) return next(null, res.song, station, playlist);
+ if (res.song) return next(null, res.song, station);
return YouTubeModule.runJob("GET_SONG", { songId }, this)
.then(response => {
@@ -2701,84 +2694,79 @@ export default {
song.thumbnail = "empty";
song.explicit = false;
- return next(null, song, station, playlist);
+ return next(null, song, station);
.catch(err => {
- console.log(11111, err);
.catch(err => {
- console.log(11122, err);
- (song, station, playlist, next) => {
+ (song, station, next) => {
song.requestedBy = session.userId;
song.requestedAt = Date.now();
let totalDuration = 0;
- playlist.songs.forEach(song => {
+ station.queue.forEach(song => {
totalDuration += song.duration;
if (totalDuration >= 3600 * 3) return next("The max length of the queue is 3 hours.");
- return next(null, song, station, playlist);
+ return next(null, song, station);
- (song, station, playlist, next) => {
- console.log(333, song, station, playlist);
- if (playlist.songs.length === 0) return next(null, song, station, playlist);
+ (song, station, next) => {
+ if (station.queue.length === 0) return next(null, song, station);
let totalDuration = 0;
- const userId = playlist.songs[playlist.songs.length - 1].requestedBy;
- playlist.songs.forEach(song => {
+ const userId = station.queue[station.queue.length - 1].requestedBy;
+ station.queue.forEach(song => {
if (userId === song.requestedBy) {
totalDuration += song.duration;
if (totalDuration >= 900) return next("The max length of songs per user is 15 minutes.");
- return next(null, song, station, playlist);
+ return next(null, song, station);
- (song, station, playlist, next) => {
- console.log(444, song, station, playlist);
- if (playlist.songs.length === 0) return next(null, song, station);
+ (song, station, next) => {
+ if (station.queue.length === 0) return next(null, song);
let totalSongs = 0;
- const userId = playlist.songs[playlist.songs.length - 1].requestedBy;
- playlist.songs.forEach(song => {
+ const userId = station.queue[station.queue.length - 1].requestedBy;
+ station.queue.forEach(song => {
if (userId === song.requestedBy) {
totalSongs += 1;
- if (totalSongs <= 2) return next(null, song, station);
+ if (totalSongs <= 2) return next(null, song);
if (totalSongs > 3)
return next("The max amount of songs per user is 3, and only 2 in a row is allowed.");
if (
- playlist.songs[playlist.songs.length - 2].requestedBy !== userId ||
- playlist.songs[playlist.songs.length - 3] !== userId
+ station.queue[station.queue.length - 2].requestedBy !== userId ||
+ station.queue[station.queue.length - 3] !== userId
return next("The max amount of songs per user is 3, and only 2 in a row is allowed.");
- return next(null, song, station);
+ return next(null, song);
- (song, station, next) => {
- playlistModel.updateOne(
- { _id: station.playlist2 },
- { $push: { songs: song } },
+ (song, next) => {
+ stationModel.updateOne(
+ { _id: stationId },
+ { $push: { queue: song } },
{ runValidators: true },
- }
+ },
- // (res, next) => {
- // StationsModule.runJob("UPDATE_STATION", { stationId }, this)
- // .then(station => next(null, station))
- // .catch(next);
- // }
+ (res, next) => {
+ StationsModule.runJob("UPDATE_STATION", { stationId }, this)
+ .then(station => next(null, station))
+ .catch(next);
+ }
// (res, next) => {
// StationsModule.runJob("UPDATE_STATION", { stationId }, this)