@@ -1,3 +1,329 @@
+<script setup lang="ts">
+import { useStore } from "vuex";
+import {
+ defineAsyncComponent,
+ ref,
+ computed,
+ onMounted,
+ onBeforeUnmount
+} from "vue";
+import { Sortable } from "sortablejs-vue3";
+import Toast from "toasters";
+import { useModalState, useModalActions } from "@/vuex_helpers";
+import ws from "@/ws";
+import utils from "@/utils";
+const SongItem = defineAsyncComponent(
+ () => import("@/components/SongItem.vue")
+const Settings = defineAsyncComponent(() => import("./Tabs/Settings.vue"));
+const AddSongs = defineAsyncComponent(() => import("./Tabs/AddSongs.vue"));
+const ImportPlaylists = defineAsyncComponent(
+ () => import("./Tabs/ImportPlaylists.vue")
+const props = defineProps({
+ modalUuid: { type: String, default: "" }
+const store = useStore();
+const station = computed(() => store.state.station);
+const loggedIn = computed(() => store.state.user.auth.loggedIn);
+const userId = computed(() => store.state.user.auth.userId);
+const userRole = computed(() => store.state.user.auth.role);
+const { socket } = store.state.websockets;
+const drag = ref(false);
+const apiDomain = ref("");
+const gettingSongs = ref(false);
+const tabs = ref([]);
+const songItems = ref([]);
+const playlistSongs = computed({
+ get: () => store.state.modals.editPlaylist[props.modalUuid].playlist.songs,
+ set: value => {
+ store.commit(
+ `modals/editPlaylist/${props.modalUuid}/updatePlaylistSongs`,
+ value
+ );
+ }
+const modalState = useModalState("modals/editPlaylist/MODAL_UUID", {
+ modalUuid: props.modalUuid
+const playlistId = computed(() => modalState.playlistId);
+const tab = computed(() => modalState.tab);
+const playlist = computed(() => modalState.playlist);
+const { setPlaylist, clearPlaylist, addSong, removeSong, repositionedSong } =
+ useModalActions(
+ "modals/editPlaylist/MODAL_UUID",
+ [
+ "setPlaylist",
+ "clearPlaylist",
+ "addSong",
+ "removeSong",
+ "repositionedSong"
+ ],
+ {
+ modalUuid: props.modalUuid
+ }
+ );
+const closeCurrentModal = () =>
+ store.dispatch("modalVisibility/closeCurrentModal");
+const showTab = payload => {
+ tabs.value[`${payload}-tab`].scrollIntoView({ block: "nearest" });
+ store.dispatch(`modals/editPlaylist/${props.modalUuid}/showTab`, payload);
+const isEditable = () =>
+ (playlist.value.type === "user" ||
+ playlist.value.type === "user-liked" ||
+ playlist.value.type === "user-disliked") &&
+ (userId.value === playlist.value.createdBy || userRole.value === "admin");
+const dragOptions = computed(() => ({
+ animation: 200,
+ group: "songs",
+ disabled: !isEditable(),
+ ghostClass: "draggable-list-ghost"
+const init = () => {
+ gettingSongs.value = true;
+ socket.dispatch("playlists.getPlaylist", playlistId.value, res => {
+ if (res.status === "success") {
+ setPlaylist(res.data.playlist);
+ } else new Toast(res.message);
+ gettingSongs.value = false;
+ });
+const isAdmin = () => userRole.value === "admin";
+const isOwner = () =>
+ loggedIn.value && userId.value === playlist.value.createdBy;
+const repositionSong = ({ oldIndex, newIndex }) => {
+ if (oldIndex === newIndex) return; // we only need to update when song is moved
+ const song = playlistSongs.value[oldIndex];
+ socket.dispatch(
+ "playlists.repositionSong",
+ playlist.value._id,
+ {
+ ...song,
+ oldIndex,
+ newIndex
+ },
+ res => {
+ if (res.status !== "success")
+ repositionedSong({
+ ...song,
+ newIndex: oldIndex,
+ oldIndex: newIndex
+ });
+ }
+ );
+const moveSongToTop = (song, index) => {
+ songItems.value[`song-item-${index}`].$refs.songActions.tippy.hide();
+ repositionSong({
+ oldIndex: index,
+ newIndex: 0
+ });
+const moveSongToBottom = (song, index) => {
+ songItems.value[`song-item-${index}`].$refs.songActions.tippy.hide();
+ repositionSong({
+ oldIndex: index,
+ newIndex: playlistSongs.value.length
+ });
+const totalLength = () => {
+ let length = 0;
+ playlist.value.songs.forEach(song => {
+ length += song.duration;
+ });
+ return utils.formatTimeLong(length);
+// const shuffle = () => {
+// socket.dispatch("playlists.shuffle", playlist.value._id, res => {
+// new Toast(res.message);
+// if (res.status === "success") {
+// updatePlaylistSongs(
+// res.data.playlist.songs.sort((a, b) => a.position - b.position)
+// );
+// }
+// });
+// };
+const removeSongFromPlaylist = id =>
+ socket.dispatch(
+ "playlists.removeSongFromPlaylist",
+ id,
+ playlist.value._id,
+ res => {
+ new Toast(res.message);
+ }
+ );
+const removePlaylist = () => {
+ if (isOwner()) {
+ socket.dispatch("playlists.remove", playlist.value._id, res => {
+ new Toast(res.message);
+ if (res.status === "success") closeCurrentModal();
+ });
+ } else if (isAdmin()) {
+ socket.dispatch("playlists.removeAdmin", playlist.value._id, res => {
+ new Toast(res.message);
+ if (res.status === "success") closeCurrentModal();
+ });
+ }
+const downloadPlaylist = async () => {
+ if (apiDomain.value === "")
+ apiDomain.value = await lofig.get("backend.apiDomain");
+ fetch(`${apiDomain.value}/export/playlist/${playlist.value._id}`, {
+ credentials: "include"
+ })
+ .then(res => res.blob())
+ .then(blob => {
+ const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
+ const a = document.createElement("a");
+ a.style.display = "none";
+ a.href = url;
+ a.download = `musare-playlist-${
+ playlist.value._id
+ }-${new Date().toISOString()}.json`;
+ document.body.appendChild(a);
+ a.click();
+ window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url);
+ new Toast("Successfully downloaded playlist.");
+ })
+ .catch(() => new Toast("Failed to export and download playlist."));
+const addSongToQueue = youtubeId => {
+ socket.dispatch(
+ "stations.addToQueue",
+ station.value._id,
+ youtubeId,
+ data => {
+ if (data.status !== "success")
+ new Toast({
+ content: `Error: ${data.message}`,
+ timeout: 8000
+ });
+ else new Toast({ content: data.message, timeout: 4000 });
+ }
+ );
+const clearAndRefillStationPlaylist = () => {
+ socket.dispatch(
+ "playlists.clearAndRefillStationPlaylist",
+ playlist.value._id,
+ data => {
+ if (data.status !== "success")
+ new Toast({
+ content: `Error: ${data.message}`,
+ timeout: 8000
+ });
+ else new Toast({ content: data.message, timeout: 4000 });
+ }
+ );
+const clearAndRefillGenrePlaylist = () => {
+ socket.dispatch(
+ "playlists.clearAndRefillGenrePlaylist",
+ playlist.value._id,
+ data => {
+ if (data.status !== "success")
+ new Toast({
+ content: `Error: ${data.message}`,
+ timeout: 8000
+ });
+ else new Toast({ content: data.message, timeout: 4000 });
+ }
+ );
+onMounted(() => {
+ ws.onConnect(init);
+ socket.on(
+ "event:playlist.song.added",
+ res => {
+ if (playlist.value._id === res.data.playlistId)
+ addSong(res.data.song);
+ },
+ { modalUuid: props.modalUuid }
+ );
+ socket.on(
+ "event:playlist.song.removed",
+ res => {
+ if (playlist.value._id === res.data.playlistId) {
+ // remove song from array of playlists
+ removeSong(res.data.youtubeId);
+ }
+ },
+ { modalUuid: props.modalUuid }
+ );
+ socket.on(
+ "event:playlist.displayName.updated",
+ res => {
+ if (playlist.value._id === res.data.playlistId) {
+ setPlaylist({
+ displayName: res.data.displayName,
+ ...playlist.value
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ { modalUuid: props.modalUuid }
+ );
+ socket.on(
+ "event:playlist.song.repositioned",
+ res => {
+ if (playlist.value._id === res.data.playlistId) {
+ const { song, playlistId } = res.data;
+ if (playlist.value._id === playlistId) {
+ repositionedSong(song);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ { modalUuid: props.modalUuid }
+ );
+onBeforeUnmount(() => {
+ clearPlaylist();
+ // Delete the VueX module that was created for this modal, after all other cleanup tasks are performed
+ store.unregisterModule(["modals", "editPlaylist", props.modalUuid]);
@@ -23,7 +349,7 @@
class="button is-default"
:class="{ selected: tab === 'settings' }"
- ref="settings-tab"
+ :ref="el => (tabs['settings-tab'] = el)"
userId === playlist.createdBy ||
@@ -36,7 +362,7 @@
class="button is-default"
:class="{ selected: tab === 'add-songs' }"
- ref="add-songs-tab"
+ :ref="el => (tabs['add-songs-tab'] = el)"
@@ -47,7 +373,7 @@
selected: tab === 'import-playlists'
- ref="import-playlists-tab"
+ :ref="el => (tabs['import-playlists-tab'] = el)"
@@ -92,17 +418,17 @@
<aside class="menu">
- <draggable
+ <sortable
name: !drag ? 'draggable-list-transition' : null
v-if="playlistSongs.length > 0"
- v-model="playlistSongs"
+ :list="playlistSongs"
- v-bind="dragOptions"
+ :options="dragOptions"
@start="drag = true"
@end="drag = false"
- @change="repositionSong"
+ @update="repositionSong"
<template #item="{ element, index }">
<div class="menu-list scrollable-list">
@@ -111,7 +437,12 @@
'item-draggable': isEditable()
- :ref="`song-item-${index}`"
+ :ref="
+ el =>
+ (songItems[
+ `song-item-${index}`
+ ] = el)
+ "
<template #tippyActions>
@@ -193,7 +524,7 @@
- </draggable>
+ </sortable>
<p v-else-if="gettingSongs" class="nothing-here-text">
Loading songs...
@@ -246,361 +577,6 @@
-import { mapState, mapGetters, mapActions } from "vuex";
-import draggable from "vuedraggable";
-import Toast from "toasters";
-import { mapModalState, mapModalActions } from "@/vuex_helpers";
-import ws from "@/ws";
-import SongItem from "../../SongItem.vue";
-import Settings from "./Tabs/Settings.vue";
-import AddSongs from "./Tabs/AddSongs.vue";
-import ImportPlaylists from "./Tabs/ImportPlaylists.vue";
-import utils from "@/utils";
-export default {
- components: {
- draggable,
- SongItem,
- Settings,
- AddSongs,
- ImportPlaylists
- },
- props: {
- modalUuid: { type: String, default: "" }
- },
- data() {
- return {
- utils,
- drag: false,
- apiDomain: "",
- gettingSongs: false
- };
- },
- computed: {
- ...mapState("station", {
- station: state => state.station
- }),
- ...mapModalState("modals/editPlaylist/MODAL_UUID", {
- playlistId: state => state.playlistId,
- tab: state => state.tab,
- playlist: state => state.playlist
- }),
- playlistSongs: {
- get() {
- return this.$store.state.modals.editPlaylist[this.modalUuid]
- .playlist.songs;
- },
- set(value) {
- this.$store.commit(
- `modals/editPlaylist/${this.modalUuid}/updatePlaylistSongs`,
- value
- );
- }
- },
- ...mapState({
- loggedIn: state => state.user.auth.loggedIn,
- userId: state => state.user.auth.userId,
- userRole: state => state.user.auth.role
- }),
- dragOptions() {
- return {
- animation: 200,
- group: "songs",
- disabled: !this.isEditable(),
- ghostClass: "draggable-list-ghost"
- };
- },
- ...mapGetters({
- socket: "websockets/getSocket"
- })
- },
- mounted() {
- ws.onConnect(this.init);
- this.socket.on(
- "event:playlist.song.added",
- res => {
- if (this.playlist._id === res.data.playlistId)
- this.addSong(res.data.song);
- },
- { modalUuid: this.modalUuid }
- );
- this.socket.on(
- "event:playlist.song.removed",
- res => {
- if (this.playlist._id === res.data.playlistId) {
- // remove song from array of playlists
- this.removeSong(res.data.youtubeId);
- }
- },
- { modalUuid: this.modalUuid }
- );
- this.socket.on(
- "event:playlist.displayName.updated",
- res => {
- if (this.playlist._id === res.data.playlistId) {
- const playlist = {
- displayName: res.data.displayName,
- ...this.playlist
- };
- this.setPlaylist(playlist);
- }
- },
- { modalUuid: this.modalUuid }
- );
- this.socket.on(
- "event:playlist.song.repositioned",
- res => {
- if (this.playlist._id === res.data.playlistId) {
- const { song, playlistId } = res.data;
- if (this.playlist._id === playlistId) {
- this.repositionedSong(song);
- }
- }
- },
- { modalUuid: this.modalUuid }
- );
- },
- beforeUnmount() {
- this.clearPlaylist();
- // Delete the VueX module that was created for this modal, after all other cleanup tasks are performed
- this.$store.unregisterModule([
- "modals",
- "editPlaylist",
- this.modalUuid
- ]);
- },
- methods: {
- init() {
- this.gettingSongs = true;
- this.socket.dispatch(
- "playlists.getPlaylist",
- this.playlistId,
- res => {
- if (res.status === "success") {
- this.setPlaylist(res.data.playlist);
- } else new Toast(res.message);
- this.gettingSongs = false;
- }
- );
- },
- isEditable() {
- return (
- (this.playlist.type === "user" ||
- this.playlist.type === "user-liked" ||
- this.playlist.type === "user-disliked") &&
- (this.userId === this.playlist.createdBy ||
- this.userRole === "admin")
- );
- },
- isAdmin() {
- return this.userRole === "admin";
- },
- isOwner() {
- return this.loggedIn && this.userId === this.playlist.createdBy;
- },
- repositionSong({ moved }) {
- if (!moved) return; // we only need to update when song is moved
- this.socket.dispatch(
- "playlists.repositionSong",
- this.playlist._id,
- {
- ...moved.element,
- oldIndex: moved.oldIndex,
- newIndex: moved.newIndex
- },
- res => {
- if (res.status !== "success")
- this.repositionedSong({
- ...moved.element,
- newIndex: moved.oldIndex,
- oldIndex: moved.newIndex
- });
- }
- );
- },
- moveSongToTop(song, index) {
- this.$refs[`song-item-${index}`].$refs.songActions.tippy.hide();
- this.repositionSong({
- moved: {
- element: song,
- oldIndex: index,
- newIndex: 0
- }
- });
- },
- moveSongToBottom(song, index) {
- this.$refs[`song-item-${index}`].$refs.songActions.tippy.hide();
- this.repositionSong({
- moved: {
- element: song,
- oldIndex: index,
- newIndex: this.playlistSongs.length
- }
- });
- },
- totalLength() {
- let length = 0;
- this.playlist.songs.forEach(song => {
- length += song.duration;
- });
- return this.utils.formatTimeLong(length);
- },
- shuffle() {
- this.socket.dispatch(
- "playlists.shuffle",
- this.playlist._id,
- res => {
- new Toast(res.message);
- if (res.status === "success") {
- this.updatePlaylistSongs(
- res.data.playlist.songs.sort(
- (a, b) => a.position - b.position
- )
- );
- }
- }
- );
- },
- removeSongFromPlaylist(id) {
- return this.socket.dispatch(
- "playlists.removeSongFromPlaylist",
- id,
- this.playlist._id,
- res => {
- new Toast(res.message);
- }
- );
- },
- removePlaylist() {
- if (this.isOwner()) {
- this.socket.dispatch(
- "playlists.remove",
- this.playlist._id,
- res => {
- new Toast(res.message);
- if (res.status === "success")
- this.closeModal("editPlaylist");
- }
- );
- } else if (this.isAdmin()) {
- this.socket.dispatch(
- "playlists.removeAdmin",
- this.playlist._id,
- res => {
- new Toast(res.message);
- if (res.status === "success")
- this.closeModal("editPlaylist");
- }
- );
- }
- },
- async downloadPlaylist() {
- if (this.apiDomain === "")
- this.apiDomain = await lofig.get("backend.apiDomain");
- fetch(`${this.apiDomain}/export/playlist/${this.playlist._id}`, {
- credentials: "include"
- })
- .then(res => res.blob())
- .then(blob => {
- const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
- const a = document.createElement("a");
- a.style.display = "none";
- a.href = url;
- a.download = `musare-playlist-${
- this.playlist._id
- }-${new Date().toISOString()}.json`;
- document.body.appendChild(a);
- a.click();
- window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url);
- new Toast("Successfully downloaded playlist.");
- })
- .catch(
- () => new Toast("Failed to export and download playlist.")
- );
- },
- addSongToQueue(youtubeId) {
- this.socket.dispatch(
- "stations.addToQueue",
- this.station._id,
- youtubeId,
- data => {
- if (data.status !== "success")
- new Toast({
- content: `Error: ${data.message}`,
- timeout: 8000
- });
- else new Toast({ content: data.message, timeout: 4000 });
- }
- );
- },
- clearAndRefillStationPlaylist() {
- this.socket.dispatch(
- "playlists.clearAndRefillStationPlaylist",
- this.playlist._id,
- data => {
- if (data.status !== "success")
- new Toast({
- content: `Error: ${data.message}`,
- timeout: 8000
- });
- else new Toast({ content: data.message, timeout: 4000 });
- }
- );
- },
- clearAndRefillGenrePlaylist() {
- this.socket.dispatch(
- "playlists.clearAndRefillGenrePlaylist",
- this.playlist._id,
- data => {
- if (data.status !== "success")
- new Toast({
- content: `Error: ${data.message}`,
- timeout: 8000
- });
- else new Toast({ content: data.message, timeout: 4000 });
- }
- );
- },
- ...mapActions({
- showTab(dispatch, payload) {
- this.$refs[`${payload}-tab`].scrollIntoView({
- block: "nearest"
- });
- return dispatch(
- `modals/editPlaylist/${this.modalUuid}/showTab`,
- payload
- );
- }
- }),
- ...mapModalActions("modals/editPlaylist/MODAL_UUID", [
- "setPlaylist",
- "clearPlaylist",
- "addSong",
- "removeSong",
- "repositionedSong"
- ]),
- ...mapActions("modalVisibility", ["openModal", "closeModal"])
- }
<style lang="less" scoped>
.night-mode {