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refactor: split ViewSong modal into a few more components

Kristian Vos 1 year ago

+ 782 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,782 @@
+<script setup lang="ts">
+import { computed, onBeforeUnmount, onMounted, ref } from "vue";
+import Toast from "toasters";
+import { useYoutubePlayer } from "@/composables/useYoutubePlayer";
+import { useStationStore } from "@/stores/station";
+import aw from "@/aw";
+const props = defineProps<{
+	song: {
+		mediaSource: string;
+		title: string;
+		artists: string[];
+		duration: number;
+	};
+const {
+	player: youtubePlayer,
+	updatePlayer: youtubeUpdatePlayer,
+	loadVideoById: youtubeLoadVideoById,
+	playVideo: youtubePlayVideo,
+	pauseVideo: youtubePauseVideo,
+	stopVideo: youtubeStopVideo,
+	setPlaybackRate: youtubeSetPlaybackRate
+} = useYoutubePlayer();
+const { updateMediaModalPlayingAudio } = useStationStore();
+const interval = ref(null);
+const canvasWidth = ref(760);
+const volumeSliderValue = ref(20);
+const durationCanvas = ref(null);
+const duration = ref(;
+const activityWatchMediaDataInterval = ref(null);
+const activityWatchMediaLastStatus = ref("");
+const activityWatchMediaLastStartDuration = ref(0);
+const playerElement = ref(null);
+const youtubeId = computed(() =>":")[1]);
+const seekTo = position => {
+	youtubePlayVideo();
+	youtubePlayer.value.player.seekTo(position);
+const settings = type => {
+	switch (type) {
+		case "stop":
+			youtubeStopVideo();
+			youtubePauseVideo();
+			break;
+		case "pause":
+			youtubePauseVideo();
+			break;
+		case "play":
+			youtubePlayVideo();
+			break;
+		case "skipToLast10Secs":
+			seekTo(Number(youtubePlayer.value.duration) - 10);
+			break;
+		default:
+			break;
+	}
+const play = () => {
+	if (
+		youtubePlayer.value.player.getVideoData().video_id !== youtubeId.value
+	) {
+		duration.value = -1;
+		youtubeLoadVideoById(youtubeId.value);
+	}
+	settings("play");
+const changeVolume = () => {
+	const { volume } = youtubePlayer.value;
+	localStorage.setItem("volume", `${volume}`);
+	youtubePlayer.value.player.setVolume(volume);
+	if (volume > 0) {
+		youtubePlayer.value.player.unMute();
+		youtubePlayer.value.muted = false;
+	}
+const toggleMute = () => {
+	const previousVolume = parseFloat(localStorage.getItem("volume"));
+	const volume =
+		youtubePlayer.value.player.getVolume() <= 0 ? previousVolume : 0;
+	youtubePlayer.value.muted = !youtubePlayer.value.muted;
+	volumeSliderValue.value = volume;
+	youtubePlayer.value.player.setVolume(volume);
+	if (!youtubePlayer.value.muted)
+		localStorage.setItem("volume", volume.toString());
+// const increaseVolume = () => {
+// 	const previousVolume = parseFloat(localStorage.getItem("volume"));
+// 	let volume = previousVolume + 5;
+// 	youtubePlayer.value.muted = false;
+// 	if (volume > 100) volume = 100;
+// 	youtubePlayer.value.volume = volume;
+// 	youtubePlayer.value.player.setVolume(volume);
+// 	localStorage.setItem("volume", volume.toString());
+// };
+const drawCanvas = () => {
+	const canvasElement = durationCanvas.value;
+	if (!canvasElement) return;
+	const ctx = canvasElement.getContext("2d");
+	const videoDuration = Number(youtubePlayer.value.duration);
+	const _duration = Number(duration.value);
+	const afterDuration = videoDuration - _duration;
+	canvasWidth.value = Math.min(document.body.clientWidth - 40, 760);
+	const width = canvasWidth.value;
+	const currentTime =
+		youtubePlayer.value.player && youtubePlayer.value.player.getCurrentTime
+			? youtubePlayer.value.player.getCurrentTime()
+			: 0;
+	const widthDuration = (_duration / videoDuration) * width;
+	const widthAfterDuration = (afterDuration / videoDuration) * width;
+	const widthCurrentTime = (currentTime / videoDuration) * width;
+	const durationColor = "#03A9F4";
+	const afterDurationColor = "#41E841";
+	const currentDurationColor = "#3b25e8";
+	ctx.fillStyle = durationColor;
+	ctx.fillRect(0, 0, widthDuration, 20);
+	ctx.fillStyle = afterDurationColor;
+	ctx.fillRect(widthDuration, 0, widthAfterDuration, 20);
+	ctx.fillStyle = currentDurationColor;
+	ctx.fillRect(widthCurrentTime, 0, 1, 20);
+const setTrackPosition = event => {
+	seekTo(
+		Number(
+			Number(youtubePlayer.value.player.getDuration()) *
+				((event.pageX - /
+					canvasWidth.value)
+		)
+	);
+const sendActivityWatchMediaData = () => {
+	if (
+		!youtubePlayer.value.paused &&
+		youtubePlayer.value.player.getPlayerState() ===
+			window.YT.PlayerState.PLAYING
+	) {
+		if (activityWatchMediaLastStatus.value !== "playing") {
+			activityWatchMediaLastStatus.value = "playing";
+			activityWatchMediaLastStartDuration.value = Math.floor(
+				Number(youtubePlayer.value.currentTime)
+			);
+		}
+		const videoData = {
+			title:,
+			artists:", ") || "",
+			mediaSource:,
+			muted: youtubePlayer.value.muted,
+			volume: youtubePlayer.value.volume,
+			startedDuration:
+				activityWatchMediaLastStartDuration.value <= 0
+					? 0
+					: activityWatchMediaLastStartDuration.value,
+			source: `viewSong#${}`,
+			hostname: window.location.hostname,
+			playerState: Object.keys(window.YT.PlayerState).find(
+				key =>
+					window.YT.PlayerState[key] ===
+					youtubePlayer.value.player.getPlayerState()
+			),
+			playbackRate: youtubePlayer.value.playbackRate
+		};
+		aw.sendMediaData(videoData);
+	} else {
+		activityWatchMediaLastStatus.value = "not_playing";
+	}
+onMounted(() => {
+	interval.value = setInterval(() => {
+		if (
+			duration.value !== -1 &&
+			youtubePlayer.value.paused === false &&
+			youtubePlayer.value.playerReady &&
+			(youtubePlayer.value.player.getCurrentTime() > duration.value ||
+				(youtubePlayer.value.player.getCurrentTime() > 0 &&
+					youtubePlayer.value.player.getCurrentTime() >=
+						youtubePlayer.value.player.getDuration()))
+		) {
+			youtubeStopVideo();
+			youtubePauseVideo();
+			drawCanvas();
+		}
+		if (
+			youtubePlayer.value.playerReady &&
+			youtubePlayer.value.player.getVideoData &&
+			youtubePlayer.value.player.getVideoData() &&
+			youtubePlayer.value.player.getVideoData().video_id ===
+				youtubeId.value
+		) {
+			const currentTime = youtubePlayer.value.player.getCurrentTime();
+			if (currentTime !== undefined)
+				youtubePlayer.value.currentTime = currentTime.toFixed(3);
+			if (youtubePlayer.value.duration.indexOf(".000") !== -1) {
+				const duration = youtubePlayer.value.player.getDuration();
+				if (duration !== undefined) {
+					if (
+						`${youtubePlayer.value.duration}` ===
+						`${Number(duration.value).toFixed(3)}`
+					)
+						duration.value = duration.toFixed(3);
+					youtubePlayer.value.duration = duration.toFixed(3);
+					if (youtubePlayer.value.duration.indexOf(".000") !== -1)
+						youtubePlayer.value.videoNote = "(~)";
+					else youtubePlayer.value.videoNote = "";
+					drawCanvas();
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if (youtubePlayer.value.paused === false) drawCanvas();
+	}, 200);
+	activityWatchMediaDataInterval.value = setInterval(() => {
+		sendActivityWatchMediaData();
+	}, 1000);
+	if (window.YT && window.YT.Player) {
+		youtubePlayer.value.player = new window.YT.Player(playerElement.value, {
+			height: 298,
+			width: 530,
+			videoId: youtubeId.value,
+			host: "",
+			playerVars: {
+				controls: 0,
+				iv_load_policy: 3,
+				rel: 0,
+				showinfo: 0,
+				autoplay: 0
+			},
+			events: {
+				onReady: () => {
+					let volume = parseFloat(localStorage.getItem("volume"));
+					volume = typeof volume === "number" ? volume : 20;
+					youtubePlayer.value.player.setVolume(volume);
+					if (volume > 0) youtubePlayer.value.player.unMute();
+					youtubePlayer.value.playerReady = true;
+					youtubePlayer.value.player.cueVideoById(youtubeId.value);
+					youtubeSetPlaybackRate();
+					drawCanvas();
+				},
+				onStateChange: event => {
+					drawCanvas();
+					if ( === 1) {
+						youtubePlayer.value.paused = false;
+						updateMediaModalPlayingAudio(true);
+						const youtubeDuration =
+							youtubePlayer.value.player.getDuration();
+						const newYoutubeVideoDuration =
+							youtubeDuration.toFixed(3);
+						if (
+							youtubePlayer.value.duration.indexOf(".000") !==
+								-1 &&
+							`${youtubePlayer.value.duration}` !==
+								`${newYoutubeVideoDuration}`
+						) {
+							const songDurationNumber = Number(duration.value);
+							const songDurationNumber2 =
+								Number(duration.value) + 1;
+							const songDurationNumber3 =
+								Number(duration.value) - 1;
+							const fixedSongDuration =
+								songDurationNumber.toFixed(3);
+							const fixedSongDuration2 =
+								songDurationNumber2.toFixed(3);
+							const fixedSongDuration3 =
+								songDurationNumber3.toFixed(3);
+							if (
+								`${youtubePlayer.value.duration}` ===
+									`${Number(duration.value).toFixed(3)}` &&
+								(fixedSongDuration ===
+									youtubePlayer.value.duration ||
+									fixedSongDuration2 ===
+										youtubePlayer.value.duration ||
+									fixedSongDuration3 ===
+										youtubePlayer.value.duration)
+							)
+								duration.value = newYoutubeVideoDuration;
+							youtubePlayer.value.duration =
+								newYoutubeVideoDuration;
+							if (
+								youtubePlayer.value.duration.indexOf(".000") !==
+								-1
+							)
+								youtubePlayer.value.videoNote = "(~)";
+							else youtubePlayer.value.videoNote = "";
+						}
+						if (duration.value === -1)
+							duration.value = Number(
+								youtubePlayer.value.duration
+							);
+						if (duration.value > youtubeDuration + 1) {
+							youtubeStopVideo();
+							youtubePauseVideo();
+							return new Toast(
+								"Video can't play. Specified duration is bigger than the YouTube song duration."
+							);
+						}
+						if (duration.value <= 0) {
+							youtubeStopVideo();
+							youtubePauseVideo();
+							return new Toast(
+								"Video can't play. Specified duration has to be more than 0 seconds."
+							);
+						}
+						youtubeSetPlaybackRate();
+					} else if ( === 2) {
+						youtubePlayer.value.paused = true;
+						updateMediaModalPlayingAudio(false);
+					}
+					return false;
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	} else {
+		youtubeUpdatePlayer({
+			error: true,
+			errorMessage: "Player could not be loaded."
+		});
+	}
+	let volume = parseFloat(localStorage.getItem("volume"));
+	volume = typeof volume === "number" && !Number.isNaN(volume) ? volume : 20;
+	localStorage.setItem("volume", volume.toString());
+	youtubeUpdatePlayer({ volume });
+onBeforeUnmount(() => {
+	clearInterval(interval.value);
+	youtubeStopVideo();
+	youtubePauseVideo();
+	updateMediaModalPlayingAudio(false);
+	youtubePlayer.value.duration = "0.000";
+	youtubePlayer.value.currentTime = 0;
+	youtubePlayer.value.playerReady = false;
+	youtubePlayer.value.videoNote = "";
+	clearInterval(activityWatchMediaDataInterval.value);
+	<div class="player-section">
+		<div class="player-container">
+			<div ref="playerElement"></div>
+		</div>
+		<div v-show="youtubePlayer.error" class="player-error">
+			<h2>{{ youtubePlayer.errorMessage }}</h2>
+		</div>
+		<canvas
+			ref="durationCanvas"
+			class="duration-canvas"
+			v-show="!youtubePlayer.error"
+			height="20"
+			:width="canvasWidth"
+			@click="setTrackPosition($event)"
+		/>
+		<div class="player-footer">
+			<div class="player-footer-left">
+				<button
+					class="button is-primary"
+					@click="play()"
+					@keyup.enter="play()"
+					v-if="youtubePlayer.paused"
+					content="Resume Playback"
+					v-tippy
+				>
+					<i class="material-icons">play_arrow</i>
+				</button>
+				<button
+					class="button is-primary"
+					@click="settings('pause')"
+					@keyup.enter="settings('pause')"
+					v-else
+					content="Pause Playback"
+					v-tippy
+				>
+					<i class="material-icons">pause</i>
+				</button>
+				<button
+					class="button is-danger"
+					@click.exact="settings('stop')"
+					@click.shift="settings('hardStop')"
+					@keyup.enter.exact="settings('stop')"
+					@keyup.shift.enter="settings('hardStop')"
+					content="Stop Playback"
+					v-tippy
+				>
+					<i class="material-icons">stop</i>
+				</button>
+				<tippy
+					class="playerRateDropdown"
+					:touch="true"
+					:interactive="true"
+					placement="bottom"
+					theme="dropdown"
+					ref="dropdown"
+					trigger="click"
+					append-to="parent"
+					@show="
+						() => {
+							youtubePlayer.showRateDropdown = true;
+						}
+					"
+					@hide="
+						() => {
+							youtubePlayer.showRateDropdown = false;
+						}
+					"
+				>
+					<div
+						ref="trigger"
+						class="control has-addons"
+						content="Set Playback Rate"
+						v-tippy
+					>
+						<button class="button is-primary">
+							<i class="material-icons">fast_forward</i>
+						</button>
+						<button class="button dropdown-toggle">
+							<i class="material-icons">
+								{{
+									youtubePlayer.showRateDropdown
+										? "expand_more"
+										: "expand_less"
+								}}
+							</i>
+						</button>
+					</div>
+					<template #content>
+						<div class="nav-dropdown-items">
+							<button
+								class="nav-item button"
+								:class="{
+									active: youtubePlayer.playbackRate === 0.5
+								}"
+								title="0.5x"
+								@click="youtubeSetPlaybackRate(0.5)"
+							>
+								<p>0.5x</p>
+							</button>
+							<button
+								class="nav-item button"
+								:class="{
+									active: youtubePlayer.playbackRate === 1
+								}"
+								title="1x"
+								@click="youtubeSetPlaybackRate(1)"
+							>
+								<p>1x</p>
+							</button>
+							<button
+								class="nav-item button"
+								:class="{
+									active: youtubePlayer.playbackRate === 2
+								}"
+								title="2x"
+								@click="youtubeSetPlaybackRate(2)"
+							>
+								<p>2x</p>
+							</button>
+						</div>
+					</template>
+				</tippy>
+			</div>
+			<div class="player-footer-center">
+				<span>
+					<span>
+						{{ youtubePlayer.currentTime }}
+					</span>
+					/
+					<span>
+						{{ youtubePlayer.duration }}
+						{{ youtubePlayer.videoNote }}
+					</span>
+				</span>
+			</div>
+			<div class="player-footer-right">
+				<p id="volume-control">
+					<i
+						class="material-icons"
+						@click="toggleMute()"
+						:content="`${youtubePlayer.muted ? 'Unmute' : 'Mute'}`"
+						v-tippy
+						>{{
+							youtubePlayer.muted
+								? "volume_mute"
+								: youtubePlayer.volume >= 50
+								? "volume_up"
+								: "volume_down"
+						}}</i
+					>
+					<input
+						v-model="youtubePlayer.volume"
+						type="range"
+						min="0"
+						max="100"
+						class="volume-slider active"
+						@change="changeVolume()"
+						@input="changeVolume()"
+					/>
+				</p>
+			</div>
+		</div>
+	</div>
+<style lang="less" scoped>
+.night-mode {
+	.player-section {
+		background-color: var(--dark-grey-3) !important;
+		border: 0 !important;
+		.duration-canvas {
+			background-color: var(--dark-grey-2) !important;
+		}
+	}
+.player-section {
+	display: flex;
+	flex-direction: column;
+	margin: 10px auto 0 auto;
+	border: 1px solid var(--light-grey-3);
+	border-radius: @border-radius;
+	overflow: hidden;
+	.player-container {
+		position: relative;
+		padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* proportion value to aspect ratio 16:9 (9 / 16 = 0.5625 or 56.25%) */
+		height: 0;
+		overflow: hidden;
+		:deep(iframe) {
+			position: absolute;
+			top: 0;
+			left: 0;
+			width: 100%;
+			height: 100%;
+			min-height: 200px;
+		}
+	}
+	.duration-canvas {
+		background-color: var(--light-grey-2);
+	}
+	.player-error {
+		display: flex;
+		height: 428px;
+		align-items: center;
+		* {
+			margin: 0;
+			flex: 1;
+			font-size: 30px;
+			text-align: center;
+		}
+	}
+	.player-footer {
+		display: flex;
+		justify-content: space-between;
+		height: 54px;
+		padding-left: 10px;
+		padding-right: 10px;
+		> * {
+			width: 33.3%;
+			display: flex;
+			align-items: center;
+		}
+		.player-footer-left {
+			flex: 1;
+			& > .button:not(:first-child) {
+				margin-left: 5px;
+			}
+			& > .playerRateDropdown {
+				margin-left: 5px;
+				margin-bottom: unset !important;
+				.control.has-addons {
+					margin-bottom: unset !important;
+					& > .button {
+						font-size: 24px;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			:deep(.tippy-box[data-theme~="dropdown"]) {
+				max-width: 100px !important;
+				.nav-dropdown-items .nav-item {
+					justify-content: center !important;
+					border-radius: @border-radius !important;
+					&.active {
+						background-color: var(--primary-color);
+						color: var(--white);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		.player-footer-center {
+			justify-content: center;
+			align-items: center;
+			flex: 2;
+			font-size: 18px;
+			font-weight: 400;
+			width: 200px;
+			margin: 0 5px;
+			img {
+				height: 21px;
+				margin-right: 12px;
+				filter: invert(26%) sepia(54%) saturate(6317%) hue-rotate(2deg)
+					brightness(92%) contrast(115%);
+			}
+		}
+		.player-footer-right {
+			justify-content: right;
+			flex: 1;
+			#volume-control {
+				margin: 3px;
+				margin-top: 0;
+				display: flex;
+				align-items: center;
+				cursor: pointer;
+				.volume-slider {
+					width: 100%;
+					padding: 0 15px;
+					background: transparent;
+					min-width: 100px;
+				}
+				input[type="range"] {
+					-webkit-appearance: none;
+					margin: 7.3px 0;
+				}
+				input[type="range"]:focus {
+					outline: none;
+				}
+				input[type="range"]::-webkit-slider-runnable-track {
+					width: 100%;
+					height: 5.2px;
+					cursor: pointer;
+					box-shadow: 0;
+					background: var(--light-grey-3);
+					border-radius: @border-radius;
+					border: 0;
+				}
+				input[type="range"]::-webkit-slider-thumb {
+					box-shadow: 0;
+					border: 0;
+					height: 19px;
+					width: 19px;
+					border-radius: 100%;
+					background: var(--primary-color);
+					cursor: pointer;
+					-webkit-appearance: none;
+					margin-top: -6.5px;
+				}
+				input[type="range"]::-moz-range-track {
+					width: 100%;
+					height: 5.2px;
+					cursor: pointer;
+					box-shadow: 0;
+					background: var(--light-grey-3);
+					border-radius: @border-radius;
+					border: 0;
+				}
+				input[type="range"]::-moz-range-thumb {
+					box-shadow: 0;
+					border: 0;
+					height: 19px;
+					width: 19px;
+					border-radius: 100%;
+					background: var(--primary-color);
+					cursor: pointer;
+					-webkit-appearance: none;
+					margin-top: -6.5px;
+				}
+				input[type="range"]::-ms-track {
+					width: 100%;
+					height: 5.2px;
+					cursor: pointer;
+					box-shadow: 0;
+					background: var(--light-grey-3);
+					border-radius: @border-radius;
+				}
+				input[type="range"]::-ms-fill-lower {
+					background: var(--light-grey-3);
+					border: 0;
+					border-radius: 0;
+					box-shadow: 0;
+				}
+				input[type="range"]::-ms-fill-upper {
+					background: var(--light-grey-3);
+					border: 0;
+					border-radius: 0;
+					box-shadow: 0;
+				}
+				input[type="range"]::-ms-thumb {
+					box-shadow: 0;
+					border: 0;
+					height: 15px;
+					width: 15px;
+					border-radius: 100%;
+					background: var(--primary-color);
+					cursor: pointer;
+					-webkit-appearance: none;
+					margin-top: 1.5px;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}

+ 138 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+<script setup lang="ts">
+import { defineAsyncComponent } from "vue";
+import utils from "@/utils";
+export type YoutubeVideo = {
+	_id: string;
+	youtubeId: string;
+	title: string;
+	author: string;
+	duration: number;
+	uploadedAt?: Date;
+const SongThumbnail = defineAsyncComponent(
+	() => import("@/components/SongThumbnail.vue")
+	video: YoutubeVideo;
+	<div class="youtube-video-info-container">
+		<div class="left-section">
+			<p>
+				<strong>ID:</strong>
+				<span :title="video._id">{{ video._id }}</span>
+			</p>
+			<p>
+				<strong>YouTube ID:</strong>
+				<a
+					:href="
+						'' +
+						`${video.youtubeId}`
+					"
+					target="_blank"
+				>
+					{{ video.youtubeId }}
+				</a>
+			</p>
+			<p>
+				<strong>Title:</strong>
+				<span :title="video.title">{{ video.title }}</span>
+			</p>
+			<p>
+				<strong>Author:</strong>
+				<span :title="">{{ }}</span>
+			</p>
+			<p>
+				<strong>Duration:</strong>
+				<span :title="`${video.duration}`">{{ video.duration }}</span>
+			</p>
+			<p>
+				<strong>Upload Date:</strong>
+				<span
+					:title="
+						video.uploadedAt
+							? new Date(video.uploadedAt).toString()
+							: 'Unknown'
+					"
+					>{{
+						video.uploadedAt
+							? utils.getDateFormatted(video.uploadedAt)
+							: "Unknown"
+					}}</span
+				>
+			</p>
+		</div>
+		<div class="right-section">
+			<song-thumbnail
+				:song="{ mediaSource: `youtube:${video.youtubeId}` }"
+				class="thumbnail-preview"
+			/>
+		</div>
+	</div>
+<style lang="less" scoped>
+.night-mode {
+	.youtube-video-info-container {
+		background-color: var(--dark-grey-3) !important;
+		border: 0 !important;
+		.duration-canvas {
+			background-color: var(--dark-grey-2) !important;
+		}
+	}
+ {
+	display: flex;
+	margin: 0 auto;
+	padding: 10px;
+	border: 1px solid var(--light-grey-3);
+	border-radius: @border-radius;
+	.left-section {
+		display: flex;
+		flex-direction: column;
+		flex-grow: 1;
+		p {
+			text-overflow: ellipsis;
+			white-space: nowrap;
+			overflow: hidden;
+			&:first-child {
+				margin-top: auto;
+			}
+			&:last-child {
+				margin-bottom: auto;
+			}
+			& > span,
+			& > a {
+				margin-left: 5px;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	:deep(.right-section .thumbnail-preview) {
+		width: 120px;
+		height: 120px;
+		margin: 0;
+	}
+	@media (max-width: 600px) {
+		flex-direction: column-reverse;
+		.left-section {
+			margin-top: 10px;
+		}
+	}

+ 19 - 959

@@ -7,18 +7,19 @@ import {
 } from "vue";
 import Toast from "toasters";
-import aw from "@/aw";
 import { useWebsocketsStore } from "@/stores/websockets";
 import { useModalsStore } from "@/stores/modals";
-import { useYoutubePlayer } from "@/composables/useYoutubePlayer";
-import { useStationStore } from "@/stores/station";
 import { useUserAuthStore } from "@/stores/userAuth";
-import utils from "@/utils";
 import Modal from "@/components/Modal.vue";
+import { YoutubeVideo } from "@/components/YoutubeVideoInfo.vue";
-const SongThumbnail = defineAsyncComponent(
-	() => import("@/components/SongThumbnail.vue")
+const YoutubeVideoInfo = defineAsyncComponent(
+	() => import("@/components/YoutubeVideoInfo.vue")
+const YoutubePlayer = defineAsyncComponent(
+	() => import("@/components/YoutubePlayer.vue")
 const props = defineProps({
@@ -26,25 +27,6 @@ const props = defineProps({
 	mediaSource: { type: String, default: null }
-const {
-	player: youtubePlayer,
-	updatePlayer: youtubeUpdatePlayer,
-	loadVideoById: youtubeLoadVideoById,
-	playVideo: youtubePlayVideo,
-	pauseVideo: youtubePauseVideo,
-	stopVideo: youtubeStopVideo,
-	setPlaybackRate: youtubeSetPlaybackRate
-} = useYoutubePlayer();
-type YoutubeVideo = {
-	_id: string;
-	youtubeId: string;
-	title: string;
-	author: string;
-	duration: number;
-	uploadedAt?: Date;
 const youtubeVideo = ref<YoutubeVideo>({
 	_id: null,
 	youtubeId: null,
@@ -56,19 +38,7 @@ const youtubeVideo = ref<YoutubeVideo>({
 const currentSongMediaType = computed(() => props.mediaSource.split(":")[0]);
 const currentSongMediaValue = computed(() => props.mediaSource.split(":")[1]);
-const interval = ref(null);
 const loaded = ref(false);
-const canvasWidth = ref(760);
-const volumeSliderValue = ref(20);
-const durationCanvas = ref(null);
-const activityWatchMediaDataInterval = ref(null);
-const activityWatchMediaLastStatus = ref("");
-const activityWatchMediaLastStartDuration = ref(0);
-const stationStore = useStationStore();
-const { updateMediaModalPlayingAudio } = stationStore;
 const { openModal, closeCurrentModal } = useModalsStore();
@@ -93,158 +63,6 @@ const remove = () => {
 	else throw new Error("Not implemented.");
-const seekTo = position => {
-	youtubePlayVideo();
-	youtubePlayer.value.player.seekTo(position);
-const settings = type => {
-	switch (type) {
-		case "stop":
-			youtubeStopVideo();
-			youtubePauseVideo();
-			break;
-		case "pause":
-			youtubePauseVideo();
-			break;
-		case "play":
-			youtubePlayVideo();
-			break;
-		case "skipToLast10Secs":
-			seekTo(Number(youtubePlayer.value.duration) - 10);
-			break;
-		default:
-			break;
-	}
-const play = () => {
-	if (
-		youtubePlayer.value.player.getVideoData().video_id !==
-		youtubeVideo.value.youtubeId
-	) {
-		youtubeVideo.value.duration = -1;
-		youtubeLoadVideoById(youtubeVideo.value.youtubeId);
-	}
-	settings("play");
-const changeVolume = () => {
-	const { volume } = youtubePlayer.value;
-	localStorage.setItem("volume", `${volume}`);
-	youtubePlayer.value.player.setVolume(volume);
-	if (volume > 0) {
-		youtubePlayer.value.player.unMute();
-		youtubePlayer.value.muted = false;
-	}
-const toggleMute = () => {
-	const previousVolume = parseFloat(localStorage.getItem("volume"));
-	const volume =
-		youtubePlayer.value.player.getVolume() <= 0 ? previousVolume : 0;
-	youtubePlayer.value.muted = !youtubePlayer.value.muted;
-	volumeSliderValue.value = volume;
-	youtubePlayer.value.player.setVolume(volume);
-	if (!youtubePlayer.value.muted)
-		localStorage.setItem("volume", volume.toString());
-// const increaseVolume = () => {
-// 	const previousVolume = parseFloat(localStorage.getItem("volume"));
-// 	let volume = previousVolume + 5;
-// 	youtubePlayer.value.muted = false;
-// 	if (volume > 100) volume = 100;
-// 	youtubePlayer.value.volume = volume;
-// 	youtubePlayer.value.player.setVolume(volume);
-// 	localStorage.setItem("volume", volume.toString());
-// };
-const drawCanvas = () => {
-	if (!loaded.value) return;
-	const canvasElement = durationCanvas.value;
-	if (!canvasElement) return;
-	const ctx = canvasElement.getContext("2d");
-	const videoDuration = Number(youtubePlayer.value.duration);
-	const duration = Number(youtubeVideo.value.duration);
-	const afterDuration = videoDuration - duration;
-	canvasWidth.value = Math.min(document.body.clientWidth - 40, 760);
-	const width = canvasWidth.value;
-	const currentTime =
-		youtubePlayer.value.player && youtubePlayer.value.player.getCurrentTime
-			? youtubePlayer.value.player.getCurrentTime()
-			: 0;
-	const widthDuration = (duration / videoDuration) * width;
-	const widthAfterDuration = (afterDuration / videoDuration) * width;
-	const widthCurrentTime = (currentTime / videoDuration) * width;
-	const durationColor = "#03A9F4";
-	const afterDurationColor = "#41E841";
-	const currentDurationColor = "#3b25e8";
-	ctx.fillStyle = durationColor;
-	ctx.fillRect(0, 0, widthDuration, 20);
-	ctx.fillStyle = afterDurationColor;
-	ctx.fillRect(widthDuration, 0, widthAfterDuration, 20);
-	ctx.fillStyle = currentDurationColor;
-	ctx.fillRect(widthCurrentTime, 0, 1, 20);
-const setTrackPosition = event => {
-	seekTo(
-		Number(
-			Number(youtubePlayer.value.player.getDuration()) *
-				((event.pageX - /
-					canvasWidth.value)
-		)
-	);
-const sendActivityWatchMediaData = () => {
-	if (
-		!youtubePlayer.value.paused &&
-		youtubePlayer.value.player.getPlayerState() ===
-			window.YT.PlayerState.PLAYING
-	) {
-		if (activityWatchMediaLastStatus.value !== "playing") {
-			activityWatchMediaLastStatus.value = "playing";
-			activityWatchMediaLastStartDuration.value = Math.floor(
-				Number(youtubePlayer.value.currentTime)
-			);
-		}
-		const videoData = {
-			title: youtubeVideo.value.title,
-			artists:,
-			mediaSource: `youtube:${youtubeVideo.value.youtubeId}`,
-			muted: youtubePlayer.value.muted,
-			volume: youtubePlayer.value.volume,
-			startedDuration:
-				activityWatchMediaLastStartDuration.value <= 0
-					? 0
-					: activityWatchMediaLastStartDuration.value,
-			source: `viewYoutubeVideo#${youtubeVideo.value.youtubeId}`,
-			hostname: window.location.hostname,
-			playerState: Object.keys(window.YT.PlayerState).find(
-				key =>
-					window.YT.PlayerState[key] ===
-					youtubePlayer.value.player.getPlayerState()
-			),
-			playbackRate: youtubePlayer.value.playbackRate
-		};
-		aw.sendMediaData(videoData);
-	} else {
-		activityWatchMediaLastStatus.value = "not_playing";
-	}
 onMounted(() => {
 	socket.onConnect(() => {
 		loaded.value = false;
@@ -257,254 +75,6 @@ onMounted(() => {
 					youtubeVideo.value =;
 					loaded.value = true;
-					interval.value = setInterval(() => {
-						if (
-							youtubeVideo.value.duration !== -1 &&
-							youtubePlayer.value.paused === false &&
-							youtubePlayer.value.playerReady &&
-							(youtubePlayer.value.player.getCurrentTime() >
-								youtubeVideo.value.duration ||
-								(youtubePlayer.value.player.getCurrentTime() >
-									0 &&
-									youtubePlayer.value.player.getCurrentTime() >=
-										youtubePlayer.value.player.getDuration()))
-						) {
-							youtubeStopVideo();
-							youtubePauseVideo();
-							drawCanvas();
-						}
-						if (
-							youtubePlayer.value.playerReady &&
-							youtubePlayer.value.player.getVideoData &&
-							youtubePlayer.value.player.getVideoData() &&
-							youtubePlayer.value.player.getVideoData()
-								.video_id === youtubeVideo.value.youtubeId
-						) {
-							const currentTime =
-								youtubePlayer.value.player.getCurrentTime();
-							if (currentTime !== undefined)
-								youtubePlayer.value.currentTime =
-									currentTime.toFixed(3);
-							if (
-								youtubePlayer.value.duration.indexOf(".000") !==
-								-1
-							) {
-								const duration =
-									youtubePlayer.value.player.getDuration();
-								if (duration !== undefined) {
-									if (
-										`${youtubePlayer.value.duration}` ===
-										`${Number(
-											youtubeVideo.value.duration
-										).toFixed(3)}`
-									)
-										youtubeVideo.value.duration =
-											duration.toFixed(3);
-									youtubePlayer.value.duration =
-										duration.toFixed(3);
-									if (
-										youtubePlayer.value.duration.indexOf(
-											".000"
-										) !== -1
-									)
-										youtubePlayer.value.videoNote = "(~)";
-									else youtubePlayer.value.videoNote = "";
-									drawCanvas();
-								}
-							}
-						}
-						if (youtubePlayer.value.paused === false) drawCanvas();
-					}, 200);
-					activityWatchMediaDataInterval.value = setInterval(() => {
-						sendActivityWatchMediaData();
-					}, 1000);
-					if (window.YT && window.YT.Player) {
-						youtubePlayer.value.player = new window.YT.Player(
-							`viewYoutubeVideoPlayer-${props.modalUuid}`,
-							{
-								height: 298,
-								width: 530,
-								videoId: currentSongMediaValue.value,
-								host: "",
-								playerVars: {
-									controls: 0,
-									iv_load_policy: 3,
-									rel: 0,
-									showinfo: 0,
-									autoplay: 0
-								},
-								events: {
-									onReady: () => {
-										let volume = parseFloat(
-											localStorage.getItem("volume")
-										);
-										volume =
-											typeof volume === "number"
-												? volume
-												: 20;
-										youtubePlayer.value.player.setVolume(
-											volume
-										);
-										if (volume > 0)
-											youtubePlayer.value.player.unMute();
-										youtubePlayer.value.playerReady = true;
-										if (
-											youtubeVideo.value &&
-											youtubeVideo.value._id
-										)
-											youtubePlayer.value.player.cueVideoById(
-												youtubeVideo.value.youtubeId
-											);
-										youtubeSetPlaybackRate();
-										drawCanvas();
-									},
-									onStateChange: event => {
-										drawCanvas();
-										if ( === 1) {
-											youtubePlayer.value.paused = false;
-											updateMediaModalPlayingAudio(true);
-											const youtubeDuration =
-												youtubePlayer.value.player.getDuration();
-											const newYoutubeVideoDuration =
-												youtubeDuration.toFixed(3);
-											if (
-												youtubePlayer.value.duration.indexOf(
-													".000"
-												) !== -1 &&
-												`${youtubePlayer.value.duration}` !==
-													`${newYoutubeVideoDuration}`
-											) {
-												const songDurationNumber =
-													Number(
-														youtubeVideo.value
-															.duration
-													);
-												const songDurationNumber2 =
-													Number(
-														youtubeVideo.value
-															.duration
-													) + 1;
-												const songDurationNumber3 =
-													Number(
-														youtubeVideo.value
-															.duration
-													) - 1;
-												const fixedSongDuration =
-													songDurationNumber.toFixed(
-														3
-													);
-												const fixedSongDuration2 =
-													songDurationNumber2.toFixed(
-														3
-													);
-												const fixedSongDuration3 =
-													songDurationNumber3.toFixed(
-														3
-													);
-												if (
-													`${youtubePlayer.value.duration}` ===
-														`${Number(
-															youtubeVideo.value
-																.duration
-														).toFixed(3)}` &&
-													(fixedSongDuration ===
-														youtubePlayer.value
-															.duration ||
-														fixedSongDuration2 ===
-															youtubePlayer.value
-																.duration ||
-														fixedSongDuration3 ===
-															youtubePlayer.value
-																.duration)
-												)
-													youtubeVideo.value.duration =
-														newYoutubeVideoDuration;
-												youtubePlayer.value.duration =
-													newYoutubeVideoDuration;
-												if (
-													youtubePlayer.value.duration.indexOf(
-														".000"
-													) !== -1
-												)
-													youtubePlayer.value.videoNote =
-														"(~)";
-												else
-													youtubePlayer.value.videoNote =
-														"";
-											}
-											if (
-												youtubeVideo.value.duration ===
-												-1
-											)
-												youtubeVideo.value.duration =
-													Number(
-														youtubePlayer.value
-															.duration
-													);
-											if (
-												youtubeVideo.value.duration >
-												youtubeDuration + 1
-											) {
-												youtubeStopVideo();
-												youtubePauseVideo();
-												return new Toast(
-													"Video can't play. Specified duration is bigger than the YouTube song duration."
-												);
-											}
-											if (
-												youtubeVideo.value.duration <= 0
-											) {
-												youtubeStopVideo();
-												youtubePauseVideo();
-												return new Toast(
-													"Video can't play. Specified duration has to be more than 0 seconds."
-												);
-											}
-											youtubeSetPlaybackRate();
-										} else if ( === 2) {
-											youtubePlayer.value.paused = true;
-											updateMediaModalPlayingAudio(false);
-										}
-										return false;
-									}
-								}
-							}
-						);
-					} else {
-						youtubeUpdatePlayer({
-							error: true,
-							errorMessage: "Player could not be loaded."
-						});
-					}
-					let volume = parseFloat(localStorage.getItem("volume"));
-					volume =
-						typeof volume === "number" && !Number.isNaN(volume)
-							? volume
-							: 20;
-					localStorage.setItem("volume", volume.toString());
-					youtubeUpdatePlayer({ volume });
@@ -528,15 +98,6 @@ onMounted(() => {
 onBeforeUnmount(() => {
-	youtubeStopVideo();
-	youtubePauseVideo();
-	updateMediaModalPlayingAudio(false);
-	youtubePlayer.value.duration = "0.000";
-	youtubePlayer.value.currentTime = 0;
-	youtubePlayer.value.playerReady = false;
-	youtubePlayer.value.videoNote = "";
-	clearInterval(interval.value);
-	clearInterval(activityWatchMediaDataInterval.value);
 	loaded.value = false;
@@ -550,244 +111,17 @@ onBeforeUnmount(() => {
 	<modal title="View Song">
 		<template #body>
-			<div v-if="loaded" class="top-section">
-				<div class="left-section">
-					<p>
-						<strong>ID:</strong>
-						<span :title="youtubeVideo._id">{{
-							youtubeVideo._id
-						}}</span>
-					</p>
-					<p>
-						<strong>YouTube ID:</strong>
-						<a
-							:href="
-								'' +
-								`${youtubeVideo.youtubeId}`
-							"
-							target="_blank"
-						>
-							{{ youtubeVideo.youtubeId }}
-						</a>
-					</p>
-					<p>
-						<strong>Title:</strong>
-						<span :title="youtubeVideo.title">{{
-							youtubeVideo.title
-						}}</span>
-					</p>
-					<p>
-						<strong>Author:</strong>
-						<span :title="">{{
-						}}</span>
-					</p>
-					<p>
-						<strong>Duration:</strong>
-						<span :title="`${youtubeVideo.duration}`">{{
-							youtubeVideo.duration
-						}}</span>
-					</p>
-					<p>
-						<strong>Upload Date:</strong>
-						<span
-							:title="
-								youtubeVideo.uploadedAt
-									? new Date(
-											youtubeVideo.uploadedAt
-									  ).toString()
-									: 'Unknown'
-							"
-							>{{
-								youtubeVideo.uploadedAt
-									? utils.getDateFormatted(
-											youtubeVideo.uploadedAt
-									  )
-									: "Unknown"
-							}}</span
-						>
-					</p>
-				</div>
-				<div class="right-section">
-					<song-thumbnail
-						:song="youtubeVideo"
-						class="thumbnail-preview"
-					/>
-				</div>
-			</div>
-			<div v-show="loaded" class="player-section">
-				<div class="player-container">
-					<div :id="`viewYoutubeVideoPlayer-${modalUuid}`" />
-				</div>
-				<div v-show="youtubePlayer.error" class="player-error">
-					<h2>{{ youtubePlayer.errorMessage }}</h2>
-				</div>
-				<canvas
-					ref="durationCanvas"
-					class="duration-canvas"
-					v-show="!youtubePlayer.error"
-					height="20"
-					:width="canvasWidth"
-					@click="setTrackPosition($event)"
-				/>
-				<div class="player-footer">
-					<div class="player-footer-left">
-						<button
-							class="button is-primary"
-							@click="play()"
-							@keyup.enter="play()"
-							v-if="youtubePlayer.paused"
-							content="Resume Playback"
-							v-tippy
-						>
-							<i class="material-icons">play_arrow</i>
-						</button>
-						<button
-							class="button is-primary"
-							@click="settings('pause')"
-							@keyup.enter="settings('pause')"
-							v-else
-							content="Pause Playback"
-							v-tippy
-						>
-							<i class="material-icons">pause</i>
-						</button>
-						<button
-							class="button is-danger"
-							@click.exact="settings('stop')"
-							@click.shift="settings('hardStop')"
-							@keyup.enter.exact="settings('stop')"
-							@keyup.shift.enter="settings('hardStop')"
-							content="Stop Playback"
-							v-tippy
-						>
-							<i class="material-icons">stop</i>
-						</button>
-						<tippy
-							class="playerRateDropdown"
-							:touch="true"
-							:interactive="true"
-							placement="bottom"
-							theme="dropdown"
-							ref="dropdown"
-							trigger="click"
-							append-to="parent"
-							@show="
-								() => {
-									youtubePlayer.showRateDropdown = true;
-								}
-							"
-							@hide="
-								() => {
-									youtubePlayer.showRateDropdown = false;
-								}
-							"
-						>
-							<div
-								ref="trigger"
-								class="control has-addons"
-								content="Set Playback Rate"
-								v-tippy
-							>
-								<button class="button is-primary">
-									<i class="material-icons">fast_forward</i>
-								</button>
-								<button class="button dropdown-toggle">
-									<i class="material-icons">
-										{{
-											youtubePlayer.showRateDropdown
-												? "expand_more"
-												: "expand_less"
-										}}
-									</i>
-								</button>
-							</div>
-							<template #content>
-								<div class="nav-dropdown-items">
-									<button
-										class="nav-item button"
-										:class="{
-											active:
-												youtubePlayer.playbackRate ===
-												0.5
-										}"
-										title="0.5x"
-										@click="youtubeSetPlaybackRate(0.5)"
-									>
-										<p>0.5x</p>
-									</button>
-									<button
-										class="nav-item button"
-										:class="{
-											active:
-												youtubePlayer.playbackRate === 1
-										}"
-										title="1x"
-										@click="youtubeSetPlaybackRate(1)"
-									>
-										<p>1x</p>
-									</button>
-									<button
-										class="nav-item button"
-										:class="{
-											active:
-												youtubePlayer.playbackRate === 2
-										}"
-										title="2x"
-										@click="youtubeSetPlaybackRate(2)"
-									>
-										<p>2x</p>
-									</button>
-								</div>
-							</template>
-						</tippy>
-					</div>
-					<div class="player-footer-center">
-						<span>
-							<span>
-								{{ youtubePlayer.currentTime }}
-							</span>
-							/
-							<span>
-								{{ youtubePlayer.duration }}
-								{{ youtubePlayer.videoNote }}
-							</span>
-						</span>
-					</div>
-					<div class="player-footer-right">
-						<p id="volume-control">
-							<i
-								class="material-icons"
-								@click="toggleMute()"
-								:content="`${
-									youtubePlayer.muted ? 'Unmute' : 'Mute'
-								}`"
-								v-tippy
-								>{{
-									youtubePlayer.muted
-										? "volume_mute"
-										: youtubePlayer.volume >= 50
-										? "volume_up"
-										: "volume_down"
-								}}</i
-							>
-							<input
-								v-model="youtubePlayer.volume"
-								type="range"
-								min="0"
-								max="100"
-								class="volume-slider active"
-								@change="changeVolume()"
-								@input="changeVolume()"
-							/>
-						</p>
-					</div>
-				</div>
-			</div>
+			<youtube-video-info v-if="loaded" :video="youtubeVideo" />
+			<youtube-player
+				v-if="loaded"
+				:song="{
+					mediaSource: `youtube:${youtubeVideo.youtubeId}`,
+					title: youtubeVideo.title,
+					artists: [],
+					duration: youtubeVideo.duration
+				}"
+			/>
 			<div v-if="!loaded" class="vertical-padding">
 				<p>Video hasn't loaded yet</p>
@@ -840,278 +174,4 @@ onBeforeUnmount(() => {
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