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refactor: inserting debug info on the frontend now happens during every compile

Kristian Vos 3 years ago
1 changed files with 84 additions and 52 deletions
  1. 84 52

+ 84 - 52

@@ -5,63 +5,85 @@ const config = require("config");
 const { VueLoaderPlugin } = require("vue-loader");
 const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require("html-webpack-plugin");
 const ESLintPlugin = require("eslint-webpack-plugin");
-const packageJson = require("./package.json");
-console.log(`Musare version: ${packageJson.version}.`);
-const debug = {
-	git: {
-		remote: "",
-		remoteUrl: "",
-		branch: "",
-		latestCommit: "",
-		latestCommitShort: ""
-	},
-	version: ""
+const fetchVersionAndGitInfo = cb => {
+	const debug = {
+		git: {
+			remote: "",
+			remoteUrl: "",
+			branch: "",
+			latestCommit: "",
+			latestCommitShort: ""
+		},
+		version: ""
+	};
-if (config.get("debug.version")) debug.version = packageJson.version;
+	try {
+		const packageJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./package.json").toString());
+		const headContents = fs
+			.readFileSync(".parent_git/HEAD")
+			.toString()
+			.replace(/\n/g, "");
+		const branch = new RegExp("ref: refs/heads/([.A-Za-z0-9_-]+)").exec(
+			headContents
+		)[1];
+		const configContents = fs
+			.readFileSync(".parent_git/config")
+			.toString()
+			.replace(/\t/g, "")
+			.split("\n");
+		const remote = new RegExp("remote = (.+)").exec(
+			configContents[configContents.indexOf(`[branch "${branch}"]`) + 1]
+		)[1];
+		const remoteUrl = new RegExp("url = (.+)").exec(
+			configContents[configContents.indexOf(`[remote "${remote}"]`) + 1]
+		)[1];
+		const latestCommit = fs
+			.readFileSync(`.parent_git/refs/heads/${branch}`)
+			.toString()
+			.replace(/\n/g, "");
+		const latestCommitShort = latestCommit.substr(0, 7);
-try {
-	const headContents = fs
-		.readFileSync(".parent_git/HEAD")
-		.toString()
-		.replace(/\n/g, "");
-	const branch = new RegExp("ref: refs/heads/([.A-Za-z0-9_-]+)").exec(
-		headContents
-	)[1];
-	const configContents = fs
-		.readFileSync(".parent_git/config")
-		.toString()
-		.replace(/\t/g, "")
-		.split("\n");
-	const remote = new RegExp("remote = (.+)").exec(
-		configContents[configContents.indexOf(`[branch "${branch}"]`) + 1]
-	)[1];
-	const remoteUrl = new RegExp("url = (.+)").exec(
-		configContents[configContents.indexOf(`[remote "${remote}"]`) + 1]
-	)[1];
-	const latestCommit = fs
-		.readFileSync(`.parent_git/refs/heads/${branch}`)
-		.toString()
-		.replace(/\n/g, "");
-	const latestCommitShort = latestCommit.substr(0, 7);
+		console.log(`Musare version: ${packageJson.version}.`);
+		console.log(
+			`Git branch: ${remote}/${branch}. Remote url: ${remoteUrl}. Latest commit: ${latestCommit} (${latestCommitShort}).`
+		);
-	console.log(
-		`Git branch: ${remote}/${branch}. Remote url: ${remoteUrl}. Latest commit: ${latestCommit} (${latestCommitShort}).`
-	);
+		if (config.get("debug.version")) debug.version = packageJson.version;
+		if (config.get("debug.git.remote")) debug.git.remote = remote;
+		if (config.get("debug.git.remoteUrl")) debug.git.remoteUrl = remoteUrl;
+		if (config.get("debug.git.branch")) debug.git.branch = branch;
+		if (config.get("debug.git.latestCommit"))
+			debug.git.latestCommit = latestCommit;
+		if (config.get("debug.git.latestCommitShort"))
+			debug.git.latestCommitShort = latestCommitShort;
+	} catch (e) {
+		console.log(`Could not get Git info: ${e.message}.`);
+	}
-	if (config.get("debug.git.remote")) debug.git.remote = remote;
-	if (config.get("debug.git.remoteUrl")) debug.git.remoteUrl = remoteUrl;
-	if (config.get("debug.git.branch")) debug.git.branch = branch;
-	if (config.get("debug.git.latestCommit"))
-		debug.git.latestCommit = latestCommit;
-	if (config.get("debug.git.latestCommitShort"))
-		debug.git.latestCommitShort = latestCommitShort;
-} catch (e) {
-	console.log(`Could not get Git info: ${e.message}.`);
+	cb(debug);
+fetchVersionAndGitInfo(() => {});
+class InsertDebugInfoPlugin {
+	apply(compiler) {
+		compiler.hooks.compilation.tap("InsertDebugInfoPlugin", (compilation) => {
+			HtmlWebpackPlugin.getHooks(compilation).beforeAssetTagGeneration.tapAsync("InsertDebugInfoPlugin", (data, cb) => {
+				fetchVersionAndGitInfo(debug => {
+					data.plugin.userOptions.debug.version = debug.version;
+					data.plugin.userOptions.debug.git.remote = debug.git.remote;
+					data.plugin.userOptions.debug.git.remoteUrl = debug.git.remoteUrl;
+					data.plugin.userOptions.debug.git.branch = debug.git.branch;
+					data.plugin.userOptions.debug.git.latestCommit = debug.git.latestCommit;
+					data.plugin.userOptions.debug.git.latestCommitShort = debug.git.latestCommitShort;
+					cb(null, data);
+				});
+			})
+		});
+	}
+  }
 module.exports = {
 	entry: "./src/main.js",
 	output: {
@@ -81,9 +103,19 @@ module.exports = {
 			template: "dist/index.tpl.html",
 			inject: "body",
 			filename: "index.html",
-			debug
+			debug: {
+				git: {
+					remote: "",
+					remoteUrl: "",
+					branch: "",
+					latestCommit: "",
+					latestCommitShort: ""
+				},
+				version: ""
+			}
-		new ESLintPlugin()
+		new ESLintPlugin(),
+		new InsertDebugInfoPlugin()
 	module: {
 		rules: [