@@ -117,6 +117,10 @@ class _YouTubeModule extends CoreClass {
modelName: "youtubeVideo"
+ this.youtubeChannelModel = this.YoutubeChannelModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", {
+ modelName: "youtubeChannel"
+ });
return new Promise(resolve => {
CacheModule.runJob("SUB", {
channel: "youtube.removeYoutubeApiRequest",
@@ -1497,6 +1501,85 @@ class _YouTubeModule extends CoreClass {
return { videos: newVideos };
+ /**
+ * Get YouTube channels
+ *
+ * @param {object} payload - an object containing the payload
+ * @param {string} payload.channelIds - an array of YouTube channel id's
+ * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject)
+ */
+ async GET_CHANNELS_FROM_IDS(payload) {
+ const getChannels = async channelIds => {
+ const jobsToRun = [];
+ const chunkSize = 50;
+ while (channelIds.length > 0) {
+ const chunkedChannelIds = channelIds.splice(0, chunkSize);
+ const params = {
+ part: [
+ "brandingSettings",
+ "contentDetails",
+ "contentOwnerDetails",
+ "id",
+ "localizations",
+ "snippet",
+ "statistics",
+ "status",
+ "topicDetails"
+ ].join(","),
+ id: chunkedChannelIds.join(",")
+ };
+ jobsToRun.push(YouTubeModule.runJob("API_GET_CHANNELS", { params }, this));
+ }
+ const jobResponses = await Promise.all(jobsToRun);
+ console.log(jobResponses);
+ return jobResponses
+ .map(jobResponse => jobResponse.response.data.items)
+ .flat()
+ .map(item => {
+ const youtubeChannel = {
+ channelId: item.id,
+ title: item.snippet.title,
+ customUrl: item.snippet.customUrl,
+ rawData: item
+ };
+ return youtubeChannel;
+ });
+ };
+ const { channelIds } = payload;
+ console.log(channelIds);
+ const existingChannels = (await YouTubeModule.youtubeChannelModel.find({ channelId: channelIds })).map(
+ channel => channel._doc
+ );
+ console.log(existingChannels);
+ const existingChannelIds = existingChannels.map(existingChannel => existingChannel.channelId);
+ const existingChannelObjectIds = existingChannels.map(existingChannel => existingChannel._id.toString());
+ console.log(existingChannelIds, existingChannelObjectIds);
+ if (channelIds.length === existingChannels.length) return { channels: existingChannels };
+ const missingChannelIds = channelIds.filter(channelId => existingChannelIds.indexOf(channelId) === -1);
+ console.log(missingChannelIds);
+ if (missingChannelIds.length === 0) return { videos: existingChannels };
+ const newChannels = await getChannels(missingChannelIds);
+ await YouTubeModule.youtubeChannelModel.insertMany(newChannels);
+ return { channels: existingChannels.concat(newChannels) };
+ }
* Remove YouTube videos
@@ -1788,6 +1871,33 @@ class _YouTubeModule extends CoreClass {
+ /**
+ * Gets missing YouTube channels based on cached YouTube video's
+ *
+ * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject)
+ */
+ const currentChannelIds = await YouTubeModule.youtubeChannelModel.distinct("channelId");
+ const videoChannelIds = await YouTubeModule.youtubeVideoModel.distinct("rawData.snippet.channelId");
+ const missingChannelIds = videoChannelIds.filter(channelId => currentChannelIds.indexOf(channelId) === -1);
+ console.log(currentChannelIds);
+ console.log(videoChannelIds);
+ console.log(currentChannelIds.length, videoChannelIds.length);
+ const res = await YouTubeModule.runJob("GET_CHANNELS_FROM_IDS", { channelIds: missingChannelIds }, this);
+ const gotChannels = res.channels;
+ return {
+ current: currentChannelIds.length,
+ all: videoChannelIds.length,
+ missing: missingChannelIds.length,
+ got: gotChannels.length
+ };
+ }
export default new _YouTubeModule();