@@ -50,153 +50,193 @@
<h2>My Favorites</h2>
<h2>My Favorites</h2>
- <router-link
- v-for="(station, index) in favoriteStations"
- :key="index"
- :to="{
- name: 'station',
- params: { id: station.name }
- }"
- class="card station-card"
- :class="{
- isPrivate: station.privacy === 'private',
- isMine: isOwner(station)
- }"
- :style="'--primary-color: var(--' + station.theme + ')'"
+ <draggable
+ class="scrollable-list"
+ v-model="favoriteStations"
+ v-bind="dragOptions"
+ @start="drag = true"
+ @end="drag = false"
+ @change="changeFavoriteOrder"
- <song-thumbnail
- class="card-image"
- :song="station.currentSong"
- />
- <div class="card-content">
- <div class="media">
- <div class="media-left displayName">
- <i
- v-if="loggedIn && !station.isFavorited"
- @click.prevent="favoriteStation(station)"
- class="favorite material-icons"
- content="Favorite Station"
- v-tippy
- >star_border</i
- >
- <i
- v-if="loggedIn && station.isFavorited"
- @click.prevent="unfavoriteStation(station)"
- class="favorite material-icons"
- content="Unfavorite Station"
- v-tippy
- >star</i
- >
- <h5>{{ station.displayName }}</h5>
- <i
- v-if="station.type === 'official'"
- class="material-icons verified-station"
- content="Verified Station"
- v-tippy
- >
- check_circle
- </i>
+ <transition-group
+ type="transition"
+ :name="!drag ? 'draggable-list-transition' : null"
+ >
+ <router-link
+ v-for="(station, index) in favoriteStations"
+ :key="`key-${index}`"
+ :to="{
+ name: 'station',
+ params: { id: station.name }
+ }"
+ :class="{
+ card: true,
+ 'station-card': true,
+ 'item-draggable': true,
+ isPrivate: station.privacy === 'private',
+ isMine: isOwner(station)
+ }"
+ :style="
+ '--primary-color: var(--' + station.theme + ')'
+ "
+ >
+ <song-thumbnail
+ class="card-image"
+ :song="station.currentSong"
+ />
+ <div class="card-content">
+ <div class="media">
+ <div class="media-left displayName">
+ <i
+ v-if="
+ loggedIn && !station.isFavorited
+ "
+ @click.prevent="
+ favoriteStation(station)
+ "
+ class="favorite material-icons"
+ content="Favorite Station"
+ v-tippy
+ >star_border</i
+ >
+ <i
+ v-if="
+ loggedIn && station.isFavorited
+ "
+ @click.prevent="
+ unfavoriteStation(station)
+ "
+ class="favorite material-icons"
+ content="Unfavorite Station"
+ v-tippy
+ >star</i
+ >
+ <h5>{{ station.displayName }}</h5>
+ <i
+ v-if="station.type === 'official'"
+ class="material-icons verified-station"
+ content="Verified Station"
+ v-tippy
+ >
+ check_circle
+ </i>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="content">
+ {{ station.description }}
+ </div>
+ <div class="under-content">
+ <p class="hostedBy">
+ Hosted by
+ <span class="host">
+ <span
+ v-if="
+ station.type === 'official'
+ "
+ title="Musare"
+ >Musare</span
+ >
+ <user-id-to-username
+ v-else
+ :user-id="station.owner"
+ :link="true"
+ />
+ </span>
+ </p>
+ <div class="icons">
+ <i
+ v-if="
+ station.type === 'community' &&
+ isOwner(station)
+ "
+ class="homeIcon material-icons"
+ content="This is your station."
+ v-tippy
+ >home</i
+ >
+ <i
+ v-if="station.privacy === 'private'"
+ class="privateIcon material-icons"
+ content="This station is not visible to other users."
+ v-tippy
+ >lock</i
+ >
+ <i
+ v-if="
+ station.privacy === 'unlisted'
+ "
+ class="unlistedIcon material-icons"
+ content="Unlisted Station"
+ v-tippy
+ >link</i
+ >
+ </div>
+ </div>
- </div>
- <div class="content">
- {{ station.description }}
- </div>
- <div class="under-content">
- <p class="hostedBy">
- Hosted by
- <span class="host">
- <span
- v-if="station.type === 'official'"
- title="Musare"
- >Musare</span
- >
- <user-id-to-username
- v-else
- :user-id="station.owner"
- :link="true"
- />
- </span>
- </p>
- <div class="icons">
+ <div class="bottomBar">
- station.type === 'community' &&
- isOwner(station)
+ station.paused &&
+ station.currentSong.title
- class="homeIcon material-icons"
- content="This is your station."
+ class="material-icons"
+ content="Station Paused"
- >home</i
+ >pause</i
- v-if="station.privacy === 'private'"
- class="privateIcon material-icons"
- content="This station is not visible to other users."
- v-tippy
- >lock</i
+ v-else-if="station.currentSong.title"
+ class="material-icons"
+ >music_note</i
+ >
+ <i v-else class="material-icons">music_off</i>
+ <span
+ v-if="station.currentSong.title"
+ class="songTitle"
+ :title="
+ station.currentSong.artists.length > 0
+ ? 'Now Playing: ' +
+ station.currentSong.title +
+ ' by ' +
+ station.currentSong.artists.join(
+ ','
+ )
+ : 'Now Playing: ' +
+ station.currentSong.title
+ "
+ >{{ station.currentSong.title }}
+ {{
+ station.currentSong.artists.length > 0
+ ? " by " +
+ station.currentSong.artists.join(
+ ","
+ )
+ : ""
+ }}</span
+ >
+ <span v-else class="songTitle"
+ >No Songs Playing</span
- v-if="station.privacy === 'unlisted'"
- class="unlistedIcon material-icons"
- content="Unlisted Station"
+ class="material-icons stationMode"
+ :content="
+ station.partyMode
+ ? 'Station in Party mode'
+ : 'Station in Playlist mode'
+ "
- >link</i
+ >{{
+ station.partyMode
+ ? "emoji_people"
+ : "playlist_play"
+ }}</i
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="bottomBar">
- <i
- v-if="station.paused && station.currentSong.title"
- class="material-icons"
- content="Station Paused"
- v-tippy
- >pause</i
- >
- <i
- v-else-if="station.currentSong.title"
- class="material-icons"
- >music_note</i
- >
- <i v-else class="material-icons">music_off</i>
- <span
- v-if="station.currentSong.title"
- class="songTitle"
- :title="
- station.currentSong.artists.length > 0
- ? 'Now Playing: ' +
- station.currentSong.title +
- ' by ' +
- station.currentSong.artists.join(',')
- : 'Now Playing: ' +
- station.currentSong.title
- "
- >{{ station.currentSong.title }}
- {{
- station.currentSong.artists.length > 0
- ? " by " +
- station.currentSong.artists.join(",")
- : ""
- }}</span
- >
- <span v-else class="songTitle">No Songs Playing</span>
- <i
- class="material-icons stationMode"
- :content="
- station.partyMode
- ? 'Station in Party mode'
- : 'Station in Playlist mode'
- "
- v-tippy
- >{{
- station.partyMode
- ? "emoji_people"
- : "playlist_play"
- }}</i
- >
- </div>
- </router-link>
+ </router-link>
+ </transition-group>
+ </draggable>
<div class="group bottom">
<div class="group bottom">
<div class="group-title">
<div class="group-title">
@@ -418,6 +458,7 @@
import { mapState, mapGetters, mapActions } from "vuex";
import { mapState, mapGetters, mapActions } from "vuex";
+import draggable from "vuedraggable";
import Toast from "toasters";
import Toast from "toasters";
import MainHeader from "@/components/layout/MainHeader.vue";
import MainHeader from "@/components/layout/MainHeader.vue";
@@ -434,14 +475,18 @@ export default {
CreateCommunityStation: () =>
CreateCommunityStation: () =>
- UserIdToUsername
+ UserIdToUsername,
+ draggable
data() {
data() {
return {
return {
recaptcha: { key: "" },
recaptcha: { key: "" },
stations: [],
stations: [],
+ favoriteStations: [],
searchQuery: "",
searchQuery: "",
- siteName: "Musare"
+ siteName: "Musare",
+ orderOfFavoriteStations: [],
+ drag: false
computed: {
computed: {
@@ -472,10 +517,18 @@ export default {
b.userCount - a.userCount
b.userCount - a.userCount
- favoriteStations() {
- return this.filteredStations.filter(
- station => station.isFavorited === true
- );
+ dragOptions() {
+ return {
+ animation: 200,
+ group: "favoriteStations",
+ disabled: false,
+ ghostClass: "draggable-list-ghost"
+ };
+ }
+ },
+ watch: {
+ orderOfFavoriteStations() {
+ this.calculateFavoriteStations();
async mounted() {
async mounted() {
@@ -504,135 +557,139 @@ export default {
- this.socket.on("event:station.removed", response => {
- const { stationId } = response;
+ this.socket.on("event:station.removed", res => {
+ const { stationId } = res;
const station = this.stations.find(
const station = this.stations.find(
station => station._id === stationId
station => station._id === stationId
if (station) {
if (station) {
const stationIndex = this.stations.indexOf(station);
const stationIndex = this.stations.indexOf(station);
this.stations.splice(stationIndex, 1);
this.stations.splice(stationIndex, 1);
+ if (station.isFavorited)
+ this.orderOfFavoriteStations.filter(
+ favoritedId => favoritedId !== stationId
+ );
this.socket.on("event:userCount.updated", (stationId, userCount) => {
this.socket.on("event:userCount.updated", (stationId, userCount) => {
- this.stations.forEach(s => {
- const station = s;
- if (station._id === stationId) {
- station.userCount = userCount;
- }
- });
+ const station = this.stations.find(
+ station => station._id === stationId
+ );
+ if (station) station.userCount = userCount;
- this.socket.on("event:station.updatePrivacy", response => {
- const { stationId, privacy } = response;
- this.stations.forEach(s => {
- const station = s;
- if (station._id === stationId) {
- station.privacy = privacy;
- }
- });
+ this.socket.on("event:station.updatePrivacy", res => {
+ const station = this.stations.find(
+ station => station._id === res.stationId
+ );
+ if (station) station.privacy = res.privacy;
- this.socket.on("event:station.updateName", response => {
- const { stationId, name } = response;
- this.stations.forEach(s => {
- const station = s;
- if (station._id === stationId) {
- station.name = name;
- }
- });
+ this.socket.on("event:station.updateName", res => {
+ const station = this.stations.find(
+ station => station._id === res.stationId
+ );
+ if (station) station.name = res.name;
- this.socket.on("event:station.updateDisplayName", response => {
- const { stationId, displayName } = response;
- this.stations.forEach(s => {
- const station = s;
- if (station._id === stationId) {
- station.displayName = displayName;
- }
- });
+ this.socket.on("event:station.updateDisplayName", res => {
+ const station = this.stations.find(
+ station => station._id === res.stationId
+ );
+ if (station) station.displayName = res.displayName;
- this.socket.on("event:station.updateDescription", response => {
- const { stationId, description } = response;
- this.stations.forEach(s => {
- const station = s;
- if (station._id === stationId) {
- station.description = description;
- }
- });
+ this.socket.on("event:station.updateDescription", res => {
+ const station = this.stations.find(
+ station => station._id === res.stationId
+ );
+ if (station) station.description = res.description;
- this.socket.on("event:station.updateTheme", response => {
- const { stationId, theme } = response;
- this.stations.forEach(s => {
- const station = s;
- if (station._id === stationId) {
- station.theme = theme;
- }
- });
+ this.socket.on("event:station.updateTheme", res => {
+ const station = this.stations.find(
+ station => station._id === res.stationId
+ );
+ if (station) station.theme = res.theme;
this.socket.on("event:station.nextSong", (stationId, song) => {
this.socket.on("event:station.nextSong", (stationId, song) => {
- let newSong = song;
- this.stations.forEach(s => {
- const station = s;
- if (station._id === stationId) {
- if (!newSong)
- newSong = {
- thumbnail: "/assets/notes-transparent.png"
- };
- station.currentSong = newSong;
- }
- });
+ const station = this.stations.find(
+ station => station._id === stationId
+ );
+ if (station) {
+ let newSong = song;
+ if (!newSong)
+ newSong = {
+ thumbnail: "/assets/notes-transparent.png"
+ };
+ station.currentSong = newSong;
+ }
- this.socket.on("event:station.pause", response => {
- const { stationId } = response;
- this.stations.forEach(s => {
- const station = s;
- if (station._id === stationId) {
- station.paused = true;
- }
- });
+ this.socket.on("event:station.pause", res => {
+ const station = this.stations.find(
+ station => station._id === res.stationId
+ );
+ if (station) station.paused = true;
- this.socket.on("event:station.resume", response => {
- const { stationId } = response;
- this.stations.forEach(s => {
- const station = s;
- if (station._id === stationId) {
- station.paused = false;
- }
- });
+ this.socket.on("event:station.resume", res => {
+ const station = this.stations.find(
+ station => station._id === res.stationId
+ );
+ if (station) station.paused = false;
this.socket.on("event:user.favoritedStation", stationId => {
this.socket.on("event:user.favoritedStation", stationId => {
- this.stations.forEach(s => {
- const station = s;
- if (station._id === stationId) {
- station.isFavorited = true;
- }
- });
+ const station = this.stations.find(
+ station => station._id === stationId
+ );
+ if (station) {
+ station.isFavorited = true;
+ this.orderOfFavoriteStations.push(stationId);
+ }
this.socket.on("event:user.unfavoritedStation", stationId => {
this.socket.on("event:user.unfavoritedStation", stationId => {
- this.stations.forEach(s => {
- const station = s;
- if (station._id === stationId) {
- station.isFavorited = false;
- }
- });
+ const station = this.stations.find(
+ station => station._id === stationId
+ );
+ if (station) {
+ station.isFavorited = false;
+ this.orderOfFavoriteStations = this.orderOfFavoriteStations.filter(
+ favoritedId => favoritedId !== stationId
+ );
+ }
+ });
+ this.socket.on("event:user.orderOfFavoriteStations.changed", order => {
+ this.orderOfFavoriteStations = order;
methods: {
methods: {
init() {
init() {
- this.socket.dispatch("stations.index", data => {
+ this.socket.dispatch("stations.index", res => {
this.stations = [];
this.stations = [];
- if (data.status === "success")
- data.stations.forEach(station => {
+ if (res.status === "success") {
+ res.data.stations.forEach(station => {
const modifiableStation = station;
const modifiableStation = station;
if (!modifiableStation.currentSong)
if (!modifiableStation.currentSong)
@@ -648,6 +705,9 @@ export default {
+ this.orderOfFavoriteStations = res.data.favorited;
+ }
this.socket.dispatch("apis.joinRoom", "home", () => {});
this.socket.dispatch("apis.joinRoom", "home", () => {});
@@ -680,6 +740,29 @@ export default {
+ calculateFavoriteStations() {
+ this.favoriteStations = this.filteredStations
+ .filter(station => station.isFavorited === true)
+ .sort(
+ (a, b) =>
+ this.orderOfFavoriteStations.indexOf(a._id) -
+ this.orderOfFavoriteStations.indexOf(b._id)
+ );
+ },
+ changeFavoriteOrder() {
+ const recalculatedOrder = [];
+ this.favoriteStations.forEach(station =>
+ recalculatedOrder.push(station._id)
+ );
+ this.socket.dispatch(
+ "users.updateOrderOfFavoriteStations",
+ recalculatedOrder,
+ res => {
+ return new Toast(res.message);
+ }
+ );
+ },
...mapActions("modalVisibility", ["openModal"]),
...mapActions("modalVisibility", ["openModal"]),
...mapActions("station", ["updateIfStationIsFavorited"])
...mapActions("station", ["updateIfStationIsFavorited"])