@@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
+ <modal title="View YouTube Video">
+ <template #body>
+ <div v-if="!loaded" class="vertical-padding">
+ <p>Video hasn't loaded yet</p>
+ </div>
+ <div v-else class="vertical-padding">
+ <div class="player-section">
+ <div id="viewYoutubeVideoPlayer" />
+ <div v-show="player.error" class="player-error">
+ <h2>{{ player.errorMessage }}</h2>
+ </div>
+ <canvas
+ ref="videoDurationCanvas"
+ id="videoDurationCanvas"
+ v-show="!player.error"
+ height="20"
+ width="530"
+ @click="setTrackPosition($event)"
+ />
+ <div class="player-footer">
+ <div class="player-footer-left">
+ <button
+ class="button is-primary"
+ @click="play()"
+ @keyup.enter="play()"
+ v-if="player.paused"
+ content="Resume Playback"
+ v-tippy
+ >
+ <i class="material-icons">play_arrow</i>
+ </button>
+ <button
+ class="button is-primary"
+ @click="settings('pause')"
+ @keyup.enter="settings('pause')"
+ v-else
+ content="Pause Playback"
+ v-tippy
+ >
+ <i class="material-icons">pause</i>
+ </button>
+ <button
+ class="button is-danger"
+ @click.exact="settings('stop')"
+ @click.shift="settings('hardStop')"
+ @keyup.enter.exact="settings('stop')"
+ @keyup.shift.enter="settings('hardStop')"
+ content="Stop Playback"
+ v-tippy
+ >
+ <i class="material-icons">stop</i>
+ </button>
+ <tippy
+ class="playerRateDropdown"
+ :touch="true"
+ :interactive="true"
+ placement="bottom"
+ theme="dropdown"
+ ref="dropdown"
+ trigger="click"
+ append-to="parent"
+ @show="
+ () => {
+ player.showRateDropdown = true;
+ }
+ "
+ @hide="
+ () => {
+ player.showRateDropdown = false;
+ }
+ "
+ >
+ <div
+ ref="trigger"
+ class="control has-addons"
+ content="Set Playback Rate"
+ v-tippy
+ >
+ <button class="button is-primary">
+ <i class="material-icons"
+ >fast_forward</i
+ >
+ </button>
+ <button class="button dropdown-toggle">
+ <i class="material-icons">
+ {{
+ player.showRateDropdown
+ ? "expand_more"
+ : "expand_less"
+ }}
+ </i>
+ </button>
+ </div>
+ <template #content>
+ <div class="nav-dropdown-items">
+ <button
+ class="nav-item button"
+ :class="{
+ active:
+ player.playbackRate === 0.5
+ }"
+ title="0.5x"
+ @click="setPlaybackRate(0.5)"
+ >
+ <p>0.5x</p>
+ </button>
+ <button
+ class="nav-item button"
+ :class="{
+ active:
+ player.playbackRate === 1
+ }"
+ title="1x"
+ @click="setPlaybackRate(1)"
+ >
+ <p>1x</p>
+ </button>
+ <button
+ class="nav-item button"
+ :class="{
+ active:
+ player.playbackRate === 2
+ }"
+ title="2x"
+ @click="setPlaybackRate(2)"
+ >
+ <p>2x</p>
+ </button>
+ </div>
+ </template>
+ </tippy>
+ </div>
+ <div class="player-footer-center">
+ <span>
+ <span>
+ {{ player.currentTime }}
+ </span>
+ /
+ <span>
+ {{ player.duration }}
+ {{ player.videoNote }}
+ </span>
+ </span>
+ </div>
+ <div class="player-footer-right">
+ <p id="volume-control">
+ <i
+ class="material-icons"
+ @click="toggleMute()"
+ :content="`${
+ player.muted ? 'Unmute' : 'Mute'
+ }`"
+ v-tippy
+ >{{
+ player.muted
+ ? "volume_mute"
+ : player.volume >= 50
+ ? "volume_up"
+ : "volume_down"
+ }}</i
+ >
+ <input
+ v-model="player.volume"
+ type="range"
+ min="0"
+ max="100"
+ class="volume-slider active"
+ @change="changeVolume()"
+ @input="changeVolume()"
+ />
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <p><strong>ID:</strong> {{ video._id }}</p>
+ <p><strong>YouTube ID:</strong> {{ video.youtubeId }}</p>
+ <p><strong>Title:</strong> {{ video.title }}</p>
+ <p><strong>Author:</strong> {{ video.author }}</p>
+ <p><strong>Duration:</strong> {{ video.duration }}</p>
+ <song-thumbnail :song="video" />
+ </div>
+ </template>
+ <template #footer>
+ <button
+ class="button is-danger icon-with-button material-icons"
+ @click.prevent="
+ confirmAction({
+ message:
+ 'Removing this video will remove it from all playlists and cause a ratings recalculation.',
+ action: 'remove'
+ })
+ "
+ content="Delete Video"
+ v-tippy
+ >
+ delete_forever
+ </button>
+ </template>
+ </modal>
+import { mapActions, mapGetters } from "vuex";
+import Toast from "toasters";
+import ws from "@/ws";
+import { mapModalState, mapModalActions } from "@/vuex_helpers";
+export default {
+ props: {
+ modalUuid: { type: String, default: "" }
+ },
+ data() {
+ return {
+ loaded: false
+ };
+ },
+ computed: {
+ ...mapModalState("modals/viewYoutubeVideo/MODAL_UUID", {
+ videoId: state => state.videoId,
+ video: state => state.video,
+ player: state => state.player
+ }),
+ ...mapGetters({
+ socket: "websockets/getSocket"
+ })
+ },
+ mounted() {
+ ws.onConnect(this.init);
+ },
+ beforeUnmount() {
+ this.socket.dispatch(
+ "apis.leaveRoom",
+ `view-youtube-video.${this.videoId}`,
+ () => {}
+ );
+ // Delete the VueX module that was created for this modal, after all other cleanup tasks are performed
+ this.$store.unregisterModule([
+ "modals",
+ "viewYoutubeVideo",
+ this.modalUuid
+ ]);
+ },
+ methods: {
+ init() {
+ this.loaded = false;
+ this.socket.dispatch("youtube.getVideo", this.videoId, res => {
+ if (res.status === "success") {
+ const youtubeVideo = res.data;
+ this.viewYoutubeVideo(youtubeVideo);
+ this.loaded = true;
+ this.interval = setInterval(() => {
+ if (
+ this.video.duration !== -1 &&
+ this.player.paused === false &&
+ this.player.playerReady &&
+ (this.player.player.getCurrentTime() >
+ this.video.duration ||
+ (this.player.player.getCurrentTime() > 0 &&
+ this.player.player.getCurrentTime() >=
+ this.player.player.getDuration()))
+ ) {
+ this.stopVideo();
+ this.pauseVideo(true);
+ this.drawCanvas();
+ }
+ if (
+ this.player.playerReady &&
+ this.player.player.getVideoData &&
+ this.player.player.getVideoData() &&
+ this.player.player.getVideoData().video_id ===
+ this.video.youtubeId
+ ) {
+ const currentTime =
+ this.player.player.getCurrentTime();
+ if (currentTime !== undefined)
+ this.player.currentTime =
+ currentTime.toFixed(3);
+ if (this.player.duration.indexOf(".000") !== -1) {
+ const duration =
+ this.player.player.getDuration();
+ if (duration !== undefined) {
+ if (
+ `${this.player.duration}` ===
+ `${Number(this.video.duration).toFixed(
+ 3
+ )}`
+ )
+ this.video.duration =
+ duration.toFixed(3);
+ this.player.duration = duration.toFixed(3);
+ if (
+ this.player.duration.indexOf(".000") !==
+ -1
+ )
+ this.player.videoNote = "(~)";
+ else this.player.videoNote = "";
+ this.drawCanvas();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.player.paused === false) this.drawCanvas();
+ }, 200);
+ if (window.YT && window.YT.Player) {
+ console.log(111);
+ this.updatePlayer({
+ player: new window.YT.Player(
+ "viewYoutubeVideoPlayer",
+ {
+ height: 298,
+ width: 530,
+ videoId: null,
+ host: "https://www.youtube-nocookie.com",
+ playerVars: {
+ controls: 0,
+ iv_load_policy: 3,
+ rel: 0,
+ showinfo: 0,
+ autoplay: 0
+ },
+ events: {
+ onReady: () => {
+ console.log(222);
+ let volume = parseFloat(
+ localStorage.getItem("volume")
+ );
+ volume =
+ typeof volume === "number"
+ ? volume
+ : 20;
+ this.player.player.setVolume(
+ volume
+ );
+ if (volume > 0)
+ this.player.player.unMute();
+ this.player.playerReady = true;
+ if (this.video && this.video._id)
+ this.player.player.cueVideoById(
+ this.video.youtubeId
+ );
+ this.setPlaybackRate(null);
+ this.drawCanvas();
+ },
+ onStateChange: event => {
+ this.drawCanvas();
+ if (event.data === 1) {
+ this.player.paused = false;
+ const youtubeDuration =
+ this.player.player.getDuration();
+ const newYoutubeVideoDuration =
+ youtubeDuration.toFixed(3);
+ if (
+ this.player.duration.indexOf(
+ ".000"
+ ) !== -1 &&
+ `${this.player.duration}` !==
+ `${newYoutubeVideoDuration}`
+ ) {
+ const songDurationNumber =
+ Number(
+ this.video.duration
+ );
+ const songDurationNumber2 =
+ Number(
+ this.video.duration
+ ) + 1;
+ const songDurationNumber3 =
+ Number(
+ this.video.duration
+ ) - 1;
+ const fixedSongDuration =
+ songDurationNumber.toFixed(
+ 3
+ );
+ const fixedSongDuration2 =
+ songDurationNumber2.toFixed(
+ 3
+ );
+ const fixedSongDuration3 =
+ songDurationNumber3.toFixed(
+ 3
+ );
+ if (
+ `${this.player.duration}` ===
+ `${Number(
+ this.video
+ .duration
+ ).toFixed(3)}` &&
+ (fixedSongDuration ===
+ this.player
+ .duration ||
+ fixedSongDuration2 ===
+ this.player
+ .duration ||
+ fixedSongDuration3 ===
+ this.player
+ .duration)
+ )
+ this.video.duration =
+ newYoutubeVideoDuration;
+ this.player.duration =
+ newYoutubeVideoDuration;
+ if (
+ this.player.duration.indexOf(
+ ".000"
+ ) !== -1
+ )
+ this.player.videoNote =
+ "(~)";
+ else
+ this.player.videoNote =
+ "";
+ }
+ if (this.video.duration === -1)
+ this.video.duration =
+ this.player.duration;
+ if (
+ this.video.duration >
+ youtubeDuration + 1
+ ) {
+ this.stopVideo();
+ this.pauseVideo(true);
+ return new Toast(
+ "Video can't play. Specified duration is bigger than the YouTube song duration."
+ );
+ }
+ if (this.video.duration <= 0) {
+ this.stopVideo();
+ this.pauseVideo(true);
+ return new Toast(
+ "Video can't play. Specified duration has to be more than 0 seconds."
+ );
+ }
+ this.setPlaybackRate(null);
+ } else if (event.data === 2) {
+ this.player.paused = true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ });
+ } else {
+ console.log(999);
+ this.updatePlayer({
+ error: true,
+ errorMessage: "Player could not be loaded."
+ });
+ }
+ let volume = parseFloat(localStorage.getItem("volume"));
+ volume =
+ typeof volume === "number" && !Number.isNaN(volume)
+ ? volume
+ : 20;
+ localStorage.setItem("volume", volume);
+ this.updatePlayer({ volume });
+ this.socket.dispatch(
+ "apis.joinRoom",
+ `view-youtube-video.${this.videoId}`
+ );
+ this.socket.on(
+ "event:youtubeVideo.removed",
+ () => {
+ new Toast("This YouTube video was removed.");
+ this.closeCurrentModal();
+ },
+ { modalUuid: this.modalUuid }
+ );
+ } else {
+ new Toast("YouTube video with that ID not found");
+ this.closeCurrentModal();
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ remove() {
+ this.socket.dispatch("youtube.removeVideos", this.videoId, res => {
+ if (res.status === "success") {
+ new Toast("YouTube video successfully removed.");
+ this.closeCurrentModal();
+ } else {
+ new Toast("Youtube video with that ID not found.");
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ confirmAction({ message, action, params }) {
+ this.openModal({
+ modal: "confirm",
+ data: {
+ message,
+ action,
+ params,
+ onCompleted: this.handleConfirmed
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ handleConfirmed({ action, params }) {
+ if (typeof this[action] === "function") {
+ if (params) this[action](params);
+ else this[action]();
+ }
+ },
+ settings(type) {
+ switch (type) {
+ case "stop":
+ this.stopVideo();
+ this.pauseVideo(true);
+ break;
+ case "pause":
+ this.pauseVideo(true);
+ break;
+ case "play":
+ this.pauseVideo(false);
+ break;
+ case "skipToLast10Secs":
+ this.seekTo(this.song.duration - 10);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ play() {
+ if (
+ this.player.player.getVideoData().video_id !==
+ this.video.youtubeId
+ ) {
+ this.video.duration = -1;
+ this.loadVideoById(this.video.youtubeId);
+ }
+ this.settings("play");
+ },
+ seekTo(position) {
+ this.settings("play");
+ this.player.player.seekTo(position);
+ },
+ changeVolume() {
+ const { volume } = this.player;
+ localStorage.setItem("volume", volume);
+ this.player.player.setVolume(volume);
+ if (volume > 0) {
+ this.player.player.unMute();
+ this.player.muted = false;
+ }
+ },
+ toggleMute() {
+ const previousVolume = parseFloat(localStorage.getItem("volume"));
+ const volume =
+ this.player.player.getVolume() <= 0 ? previousVolume : 0;
+ this.player.muted = !this.player.muted;
+ this.volumeSliderValue = volume;
+ this.player.player.setVolume(volume);
+ if (!this.player.muted) localStorage.setItem("volume", volume);
+ },
+ increaseVolume() {
+ const previousVolume = parseFloat(localStorage.getItem("volume"));
+ let volume = previousVolume + 5;
+ this.player.muted = false;
+ if (volume > 100) volume = 100;
+ this.player.volume = volume;
+ this.player.player.setVolume(volume);
+ localStorage.setItem("volume", volume);
+ },
+ drawCanvas() {
+ if (!this.loaded) return;
+ const canvasElement = this.$refs.videoDurationCanvas;
+ const ctx = canvasElement.getContext("2d");
+ const videoDuration = Number(this.player.duration);
+ const duration = Number(this.video.duration);
+ const afterDuration = videoDuration - duration;
+ const width = 530;
+ const currentTime =
+ this.player.player && this.player.player.getCurrentTime
+ ? this.player.player.getCurrentTime()
+ : 0;
+ const widthDuration = (duration / videoDuration) * width;
+ const widthAfterDuration = (afterDuration / videoDuration) * width;
+ const widthCurrentTime = (currentTime / videoDuration) * width;
+ const durationColor = "#03A9F4";
+ const afterDurationColor = "#41E841";
+ const currentDurationColor = "#3b25e8";
+ ctx.fillStyle = durationColor;
+ ctx.fillRect(0, 0, widthDuration, 20);
+ ctx.fillStyle = afterDurationColor;
+ ctx.fillRect(widthDuration, 0, widthAfterDuration, 20);
+ ctx.fillStyle = currentDurationColor;
+ ctx.fillRect(widthCurrentTime, 0, 1, 20);
+ },
+ setTrackPosition(event) {
+ this.seekTo(
+ Number(
+ Number(this.player.player.getDuration()) *
+ ((event.pageX -
+ event.target.getBoundingClientRect().left) /
+ 530)
+ )
+ );
+ },
+ ...mapModalActions("modals/viewYoutubeVideo/MODAL_UUID", [
+ "updatePlayer",
+ "stopVideo",
+ "loadVideoById",
+ "pauseVideo",
+ "setPlaybackRate",
+ "viewYoutubeVideo"
+ ]),
+ ...mapActions("modalVisibility", ["openModal", "closeCurrentModal"])
+ }