@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+ <modal
+ title="Confirm Account Removal"
+ class="confirm-account-removal-modal"
+ >
+ <template #body>
+ <div id="steps">
+ <p class="step" :class="{ selected: step === 1 }">1</p>
+ <span class="divider"></span>
+ <p class="step" :class="{ selected: step === 2 }">2</p>
+ <span class="divider"></span>
+ <p class="step" :class="{ selected: step === 3 }">3</p>
+ </div>
+ <div
+ class="content-box"
+ id="password-linked"
+ v-if="isPasswordLinked && step === 1"
+ >
+ <h2 class="content-box-title">
+ Enter your password
+ </h2>
+ <p class="content-box-description">
+ We will send a code to your email address to verify your
+ identity.
+ </p>
+ <div class="content-box-inputs">
+ <div class="control is-grouped input-with-button">
+ <div id="password-container">
+ <input
+ class="input"
+ type="password"
+ placeholder="Enter password here..."
+ autofocus
+ ref="password"
+ v-model="password.value"
+ />
+ <a @click="togglePasswordVisibility()">
+ <i class="material-icons">
+ {{
+ !password.visible
+ ? "visibility"
+ : "visibility_off"
+ }}
+ </i>
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ <p class="control">
+ <a
+ class="button is-info"
+ href="#"
+ @click="confirmPasswordMatch()"
+ >Check</a
+ >
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <router-link id="forgot-password" href="#" to="/reset_password">
+ Forgot password?
+ </router-link>
+ </div>
+ <!-- check github api and see if access token still works: if it doesn't then the user will need to re-connect it -->
+ <div class="content-box" v-if="isGithubLinked && step === 1">
+ <h2 class="content-box-title">Verify GitHub</h2>
+ <p class="content-box-description">
+ Check your GitHub account is still linked in order to remove
+ your account.
+ </p>
+ <div class="content-box-inputs">
+ <a class="button is-github" @click="confirmGithubLink()">
+ <div class="icon">
+ <img
+ class="invert"
+ src="/assets/social/github.svg"
+ />
+ </div>
+ Check GitHub Link
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div v-if="step === 2">
+ </div>
+ <div class="content-box" id="step-3" v-if="step === 3">
+ <h2 class="content-box-title">Remove Account</h2>
+ <p class="content-box-description">
+ There is no going back after confirming account removal.
+ </p>
+ <div class="content-box-inputs">
+ <confirm placement="right" @confirm="remove()">
+ <button class="button">
+ <i class="material-icons">cancel</i>
+ Remove Account
+ </button>
+ </confirm>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </template>
+ </modal>
+import { mapActions, mapGetters } from "vuex";
+import Toast from "toasters";
+import Confirm from "@/components/Confirm.vue";
+import Modal from "../Modal.vue";
+export default {
+ components: { Modal, Confirm },
+ data() {
+ return {
+ step: 1,
+ password: {
+ value: "",
+ visible: false
+ }
+ };
+ },
+ computed: mapGetters({
+ isPasswordLinked: "settings/isPasswordLinked",
+ isGithubLinked: "settings/isGithubLinked",
+ socket: "websockets/getSocket"
+ }),
+ methods: {
+ togglePasswordVisibility() {
+ if (this.$refs.password.type === "password") {
+ this.$refs.password.type = "text";
+ this.password.visible = true;
+ } else {
+ this.$refs.password.type = "password";
+ this.password.visible = false;
+ }
+ },
+ confirmPasswordMatch() {
+ return this.socket.dispatch(
+ "users.confirmPasswordMatch",
+ this.password.value,
+ res => {
+ if (res.status === "success") this.step = 3;
+ else new Toast(res.message);
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ confirmGithubLink() {
+ return this.socket.dispatch("users.confirmGithubLink", res => {
+ console.log(res);
+ if (res.status === "success") this.step = 3;
+ else new Toast(res.message);
+ });
+ },
+ remove() {
+ return this.socket.dispatch("users.remove", res => {
+ if (res.status === "success") {
+ return this.socket.dispatch("users.logout", () => {
+ return lofig.get("cookie").then(cookie => {
+ document.cookie = `${cookie.SIDname}=;expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;`;
+ this.closeModal({
+ sector: "settings",
+ modal: "confirmAccountRemoval"
+ });
+ return window.location.reload();
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ return new Toast(res.message);
+ });
+ },
+ ...mapActions("modalVisibility", ["closeModal", "openModal"])
+ }
+<style lang="scss">
+.confirm-account-removal-modal {
+ .modal-card {
+ width: 650px;
+ }
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+h2 {
+ margin: 0;
+.content-box {
+ margin-top: 20px;
+ max-width: unset;
+#password-linked {
+ #password-container {
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ width: 100%; // new
+ a {
+ width: 0;
+ margin-left: -30px;
+ z-index: 0;
+ top: 2px;
+ position: relative;
+ color: var(--light-grey-1);
+ }
+ }
+ > a {
+ color: var(--primary-color);
+ }
+.control {
+ margin-bottom: 0 !important;
+#step-3 .content-box-inputs {
+ width: fit-content;