@@ -9,6 +9,13 @@ You can also find the staging branch at [musare.dev](https://musare.dev)
<br />
+## Getting Started
+- [Installation](./.wiki/Installation.md)
+- [Configuration](./.wiki/Configuration.md)
+- [Utility Script](./.wiki/Utility_Script.md)
+<br />
## Our Stack
- NodeJS
@@ -29,219 +36,6 @@ We currently only utilize 1 backend, 1 MongoDB server and 1 Redis server running
<br />
-## Getting Started & Configuration
-1. `git clone https://github.com/Musare/MusareNode.git`
-2. `cd MusareNode`
-3. `cp backend/config/template.json backend/config/default.json`
- | Property | Description |
- | --- | --- |
- | `mode` | Should be either `development` or `production`. No more explanation needed. |
- | `migration` | Should be set to true if you need to update DB documents to a newer version after an update. Should be false at all other times. |
- | `secret` | Whatever you want - used by express's session module. |
- | `domain` | Should be the url where the site will be accessible from, usually `http://localhost` for non-Docker. |
- | `serverDomain` | Should be the url where the backend will be accessible from, usually `http://localhost/backend` for docker or `http://localhost:8080` for non-Docker. |
- | `serverPort` | Should be the port where the backend will listen on, should always be `8080` for Docker, and is recommended for non-Docker. |
- | `registrationDisabled` | If set to true, users can't register accounts. |
- | `apis.youtube.key` | Can be obtained by setting up a [YouTube API Key](https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/getting-started). You need to use the YouTube Data API v3, and create an API key. |
- | `apis.recaptcha.secret` | Can be obtained by setting up a [ReCaptcha Site (v3)](https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin). |
- | `apis.recaptcha.enabled` | Keep at false to keep disabled. |
- | `apis.github` | Can be obtained by setting up a [GitHub OAuth Application](https://github.com/settings/developers). You need to fill in some values to create the OAuth application. The homepage is the homepage of frontend. The authorization callback url is the backend url with `/auth/github/authorize/callback` added at the end. For example `http://localhost/backend/auth/github/authorize/callback`. |
- | `apis.discogs` | Can be obtained by setting up a [Discogs application](https://www.discogs.com/settings/developers), or you can disable it. |
- | `smtp` | Can be obtained by setting up an SMTP server, using a provider such as [Mailgun](http://www.mailgun.com/), or you can disable it. |
- | `redis.url` | Should be left alone for Docker, and changed to `redis://localhost:6379/0` for non-Docker. |
- | `redis.password` | Should be the Redis password you either put in your `startRedis.cmd` file for Windows, or `.env` for docker. |
- | `mongo.url` | Needs to have the proper password for the MongoDB musare user, and for non-Docker you need to replace `@musare:27017` with `@localhost:27017`. |
- | `cookie.domain` | Should be the ip or address you use to access the site, without protocols (http/https), so for example `localhost`. |
- | `cookie.secure` | Should be `true` for SSL connections, and `false` for normal http connections. |
- | `skipConfigVersionCheck` | Skips checking if the config version is outdated or not. Should almost always be set to false. |
- | `skipDbDocumentsVersionCheck` | Skips checking if there are any DB documents outdated or not. Should almost always be set to false. |
- | `configVersion` | Version of the config. Every time the template changes, you should change your config accordingly and update the configVersion. |
-4. `cp frontend/dist/config/template.json frontend/dist/config/default.json`
- | Property | Description |
- | - | - |
- | `apiDomain` | Should be the url where the backend will be accessible from, usually `http://localhost/backend` for docker or `http://localhost:8080` for non-Docker. |
- | `websocketsDomain` | Should be the same as the `apiDomain`, except using the `ws://` protocol instead of `http://` and with `/ws` at the end. |
- | `frontendDomain` | Should be the url where the frontend will be accessible from, usually `http://localhost` for docker or `http://localhost:80` for non-Docker. |
- | `frontendPort` | Should be the port where the frontend will be accessible from, should always be port `81` for Docker, and is recommended to be port `80` for non-Docker. |
- | `recaptcha.key` | Can be obtained by setting up a [ReCaptcha Site (v3)](https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin). |
- | `recaptcha.enabled` | Keep at false to keep disabled. |
- | `cookie.domain` | Should be the ip or address you use to access the site, without protocols (http/https), so for example `localhost`. |
- | `cookie.secure` | Should be `true` for SSL connections, and `false` for normal http connections. |
- | `siteSettings.logo` | Path to the logo image, by default it is `/assets/wordmark.png`. |
- | `siteSettings.siteName` | Should be the name of the site. |
- | `siteSettings.github` | URL of GitHub repository, defaults to `https://github.com/Musare/MusareNode`. |
- | `skipConfigVersionCheck` | Skips checking if the config version is outdated or not. Should almost always be set to false. |
- | `configVersion` | Version of the config. Every time the template changes, you should change your config accordingly and update the configVersion. |
-5. Simply `cp .env.example .env` to setup your environment variables.
-<br />
-## Installation
-After initial configuration, there are two different options to use for your local development environment.
-1) [**Docker**](#docker)
-2) [Standard Setup](#standard-setup)
-We **highly recommend using Docker** - both for stability and speed of setup. We also use Docker on our production servers.
-<br />
-### **Docker**
-1. Configure the `.env` file to match your settings in `backend/config/default.json`.
- | Property | Description |
- | - | - |
- | Ports | Will be how you access the services on your machine, or what ports you will need to specify in your nginx files when using proxy_pass. |
- | `COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME` | Should be a unique name for this installation, especially if you have multiple instances of Musare on the same machine. |
- | `FRONTEND_MODE` | Should be either `dev` or `prod` (self-explanatory). |
- | `MONGO_ROOT_PASSWORD` | Password of the root/admin user of MongoDB |
- | `MONGO_USER_USERNAME` | Password for the "musare" user (what the backend uses) of MongoDB |
-2. Install [Docker for Desktop](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop)
-3. Build the backend and frontend Docker images (from the root folder)
- `docker-compose build`
-4. Start the MongoDB database (in detached mode), which will generate the correct MongoDB users based on the `.env` file.
- `docker-compose up -d mongo`
-5. If you want to use linting extensions in IDEs, then you must attach the IDE to the docker containers. This is entirely [possible with VS Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/containers).
-<br />
-### **Standard Setup**
-#### Installation
-1. Install [Redis](http://redis.io/download) and [MongoDB](https://www.mongodb.com/download-center#community)
-2. Install [NodeJS](https://nodejs.org/en/download/)
- 1. Install nodemon globally
- `npm install -g nodemon`
- 2. Install node-gyp globally (first check out <https://github.com/nodejs/node-gyp#installation)>
- `npm install -g node-gyp`.
-3. Install webpack globally
- `npm install -g webpack`
-#### Setting up MongoDB
-1. In the root directory, create a folder called `.database`
-2. Create a file called `startMongo.cmd` in the root directory with the contents:
- `"C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin\mongod.exe" --dbpath "D:\Programming\HTML\MusareNode\.database"`
- Make sure to adjust your paths accordingly.
-3. Set up the MongoDB database itself
- 1. Start the database by executing the script `startMongo.cmd` you just made
- 2. Connect to Mongo from a command prompt
- `mongo admin`
- 3. Create an admin user
- `db.createUser({user: 'admin', pwd: 'PASSWORD_HERE', roles: [{role: 'userAdminAnyDatabase', db: 'admin'}]})`
- 4. Connect to the Musare database
- `use musare`
- 5. Create the "musare" user
- `db.createUser({user: 'musare', pwd: 'OTHER_PASSWORD_HERE', roles: [{role: 'readWrite', db: 'musare'}]})`
- 6. Exit
- `exit`
- 7. Add the authentication
- In `startMongo.cmd` add `--auth` at the end of the first line
-#### Setting up Redis
-1. In the folder where you installed Redis, edit the `redis.windows.conf` file
- 1) In there, look for the property `notify-keyspace-events`.
- 2) Make sure that property is uncommented and has the value `Ex`.
- It should look like `notify-keyspace-events Ex` when done.
-2. Create a file called `startRedis.cmd` in the main folder with the contents:
- `"D:\Redis\redis-server.exe" "D:\Redis\redis.windows.conf" "--requirepass" "PASSWORD"`
- And again, make sure that the paths lead to the proper config and executable. Replace `PASSWORD` with your Redis password.
-<br />
-## Everyday usage
-<br />
-### **Docker**
-1. Start the MongoDB database & Redis in the background.
- `docker-compose up -d mongo redis`
-2. Start the backend and frontend in the foreground, so we can watch for errors during development.
- `docker-compose up backend frontend`
-3. You should now be able to begin development!
- The backend is auto reloaded when you make changes and the frontend is auto compiled and live reloaded by webpack when you make changes.
- You should be able to access Musare in your local browser at `http://localhost:8080/`.
-<br />
-### **Standard Setup**
-##### Automatic
-1. If you are on Windows you can run `windows-start.cmd` or just double click the `windows-start.cmd` file and all servers will automatically start up.
-##### Manual
-1. Run `startRedis.cmd` and `startMongo.cmd` to start Redis and Mongo.
-2. Execute `cd frontend && npm dev` and `cd backend && npm dev` separately.
-<br />
## Extra
Below is a list of helpful tips / solutions we've collected while developing MusareNode.