@@ -116,6 +116,22 @@ module.exports = class extends coreClass {
logger.info('IO_DISCONNECTION', `User disconnected. IP: ${socket.ip}.${sessionInfo}`);
+ socket.use((data, next) => {
+ if (data.length === 0) return next(new Error("Not enough arguments specified."));
+ else if (typeof data[0] !== "string") return next(new Error("First argument must be a string."));
+ else {
+ const namespaceAction = data[0];
+ if (!namespaceAction || namespaceAction.indexOf(".") === -1 || namespaceAction.indexOf(".") !== namespaceAction.lastIndexOf(".")) return next(new Error("Invalid first argument"));
+ const namespace = data[0].split(".")[0];
+ const action = data[0].split(".")[1];
+ if (!namespace) return next(new Error("Invalid namespace."));
+ else if (!action) return next(new Error("Invalid action."));
+ else if (!actions[namespace]) return next(new Error("Namespace not found."));
+ else if (!actions[namespace][action]) return next(new Error("Action not found."));
+ else return next();
+ }
+ });
// catch errors on the socket (internal to socket.io)
socket.on('error', console.error);
@@ -149,13 +165,21 @@ module.exports = class extends coreClass {
// make sure the sockets sessionId isn't set if there is no session
if (socket.session.sessionId && session === null) delete socket.session.sessionId;
- // call the action, passing it the session, and the arguments socket.io passed us
- actions[namespace][action].apply(null, [socket.session].concat(args).concat([
- (result) => {
- // respond to the socket with our message
- if (typeof cb === 'function') return cb(result);
- }
- ]));
+ try {
+ // call the action, passing it the session, and the arguments socket.io passed us
+ actions[namespace][action].apply(null, [socket.session].concat(args).concat([
+ (result) => {
+ // respond to the socket with our message
+ if (typeof cb === 'function') return cb(result);
+ }
+ ]));
+ } catch(err) {
+ this.logger.error("IO_ACTION_ERROR", `Some type of exception occurred in the action ${namespace}.${action}. Error message: ${err.message}`);
+ if (typeof cb === 'function') return cb({
+ status: "error",
+ message: "An error occurred while executing the specified action."
+ });
+ }