@@ -28,80 +28,67 @@ export default class DataModule extends BaseModule {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- (next: any) => {
- super
- .startup()
- .then(() => next())
- .catch(next);
+ async () => super.startup(),
+ async () => {
+ const mongoUrl = config.get<string>("mongo.url");
+ return mongoose.connect(mongoUrl);
- (next: any) => {
- const mongoUrl = config.get<any>("mongo").url;
- mongoose
- .connect(mongoUrl)
- .then(() => {
- this.loadCollections().then(() => {
- if (this.collections) {
- Object.values(this.collections).forEach(
- collection =>
- collection.model.syncIndexes()
- );
- next();
- } else
- next(
- new Error(
- "Collections have not been loaded"
- )
- );
- });
- })
- .catch(next);
+ async () => this.loadCollections(),
+ async () => {
+ if (this.collections) {
+ Object.values(this.collections).forEach(
+ collection => collection.model.syncIndexes()
+ );
+ } else
+ throw new Error("Collections have not been loaded");
- (next: any) => {
- const { url, password } = config.get<any>("redis");
+ async () => {
+ const { url, password } = config.get<{
+ url: string;
+ password: string;
+ }>("redis");
this.redis = createClient({
- this.redis
- .connect()
- .then(() => next())
- .catch(next);
+ return this.redis.connect();
- (next: any) => {
- if (this.redis)
- this.redis
- .sendCommand([
- "GET",
- "notify-keyspace-events"
- ])
- .then(res => {
- if (
- !(Array.isArray(res) && res[1] === "xE")
- )
- next(
- new Error(
- `notify-keyspace-events is NOT configured correctly! It is set to: ${
- (Array.isArray(res) &&
- res[1]) ||
- "unknown"
- }`
- )
- );
- else next();
- })
- .catch(next);
- else
- next(new Error("Redis connection not established"));
+ async () => {
+ if (!this.redis)
+ throw new Error("Redis connection not established");
+ return this.redis.sendCommand([
+ "GET",
+ "notify-keyspace-events"
+ ]);
- (next: any) => {
- super.started();
- next();
- }
+ async (redisConfigResponse: string[]) => {
+ if (
+ !(
+ Array.isArray(redisConfigResponse) &&
+ redisConfigResponse[1] === "xE"
+ )
+ )
+ throw new Error(
+ `notify-keyspace-events is NOT configured correctly! It is set to: ${
+ (Array.isArray(redisConfigResponse) &&
+ redisConfigResponse[1]) ||
+ "unknown"
+ }`
+ );
+ },
+ async () => super.started()
err => {
if (err) reject(err);
@@ -181,6 +168,15 @@ export default class DataModule extends BaseModule {
+ // TODO decide on whether to throw an exception if no results found, possible configurable via param
+ // TODO hide sensitive fields
+ // TOOD don't store sensitive fields in cache
+ // TODO improve caching
+ // TODO add option to only request certain fields
+ // TODO add support for computed fields
+ // TODO parse query
+ // TODO add proper typescript support
+ // TODO add proper jsdoc
* find - Find data
@@ -196,109 +192,159 @@ export default class DataModule extends BaseModule {
values, // TODO: Add support
- limit = 1, // TODO: Add pagination
- cache = 60
+ limit = 1, // TODO have limit off by default?
+ page = 1,
+ useCache = true,
+ convertArrayToSingle = false
}: {
collection: T;
query: Record<string, any>;
values?: Record<string, any>;
limit?: number;
- cache?: number;
+ page?: number;
+ useCache?: boolean;
+ convertArrayToSingle?: boolean;
}): Promise<any> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- if (
- this.redis &&
- this.collections &&
- this.collections[collection]
- ) {
- async.waterfall(
- [
- (next: any) => {
- const idsProvided: any = []; // TODO: Handle properly (e.g. one missing $in causes duplicate or many queries with mixed/no _id)
- (
- (query._id && query._id.$in) || [query._id]
- ).forEach((queryId: any) =>
- idsProvided.push(queryId.toString())
+ let addToCache = false;
+ let cacheKeyName: string | null = null;
+ async.waterfall(
+ [
+ // Verify whether the collection exists
+ async () => {
+ if (!collection)
+ throw new Error("No collection specified");
+ if (this.collections && !this.collections[collection])
+ throw new Error("Collection not found");
+ },
+ // Verify whether the query is valid-enough to continue
+ async () => {
+ if (
+ !query ||
+ typeof query !== "object" ||
+ Object.keys(query).length === 0
+ )
+ new Error(
+ "Invalid query provided. Query must be an object."
+ );
+ },
+ // If we can use cache, get from the cache, and if we get results return those, otherwise return null
+ async () => {
+ // Not using cache, so return
+ if (!useCache) return null;
+ // More than one query key, so impossible to get from cache
+ if (Object.keys(query).length > 1) return null;
+ // First key and only key in query object
+ const queryPropertyName = Object.keys(query)[0];
+ // Corresponding property from schema document
+ const documentProperty =
+ this.collections![collection].schema.document[
+ queryPropertyName
+ ];
+ if (!documentProperty)
+ throw new Error(
+ `Query property ${queryPropertyName} not found in document.`
- const cached: any = [];
- if (cache === -1 || idsProvided.length === 0)
- next(null, cached, idsProvided);
- else {
- async.each(
- idsProvided,
- (queryId, _next) => {
- this.redis
- ?.GET(`${collection}.${queryId}`)
- .then((cacheValue: any) => {
- if (cacheValue)
- cached.push(
- JSON.parse(cacheValue) // TODO: Convert _id to ObjectId
- );
- _next();
- })
- .catch(_next);
- },
- err => next(err, cached, idsProvided)
- );
- }
- },
- (cached: any, idsProvided: any, next: any) => {
- if (idsProvided.length === cached.length)
- next(null, [], cached);
- else
- this.collections?.[collection].model
- .find(query)
- .limit(limit)
- .exec((err: any, res: any) => {
- if (
- err ||
- (res.length === 0 &&
- cached.length === 0)
- )
- next(
- new Error(
- err || "No results found"
- )
- );
- else {
- next(null, res, cached);
+ // If query name is not a cache key, just continue
+ if (!documentProperty.cacheKey) return null;
+ const values = [];
+ if (
+ Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(
+ query[queryPropertyName],
+ "$in"
+ )
+ )
+ values.push(...query[queryPropertyName].$in);
+ else values.push(query[queryPropertyName]);
+ const cachedDocuments: any[] = [];
+ await async.each(values, async value =>
+ this.redis
+ ?.GET(
+ `${collection}.${queryPropertyName}.${value.toString()}`
+ )
+ .then((cachedDocument: any) => {
+ if (cachedDocument)
+ cachedDocuments.push(
+ JSON.parse(cachedDocument)
+ );
+ })
+ );
+ // TODO optimize this
+ if (cachedDocuments.length !== values.length) {
+ addToCache = true;
+ cacheKeyName = queryPropertyName;
+ return null;
+ }
+ return cachedDocuments;
+ },
+ // If we didn't get documents from the cache, get them from mongo
+ async (cachedDocuments: any[] | null) => {
+ if (cachedDocuments) return cachedDocuments;
+ return this.collections?.[collection].model
+ .find(query)
+ .limit(limit)
+ .skip((page - 1) * limit);
+ },
+ // Convert documents from Mongoose model to regular objects, and if we got no documents throw an error
+ async (documents: any[]) => {
+ if (documents.length === 0)
+ throw new Error("No results found.");
+ return documents.map(document => {
+ if (!document._doc) return document;
+ const rawDocument = document._doc;
+ rawDocument._id = rawDocument._id.toString();
+ return rawDocument;
+ });
+ },
+ // Add documents to the cache
+ async (documents: any[]) => {
+ // TODO only add new things to cache
+ // Adds the fetched documents to the cache, but doesn't wait for it to complete
+ if (addToCache && cacheKeyName) {
+ async.each(
+ documents,
+ // TODO verify that the cache key name property actually exists for these documents
+ async (document: any) =>
+ this.redis!.SET(
+ `${collection}.${cacheKeyName}.${document[
+ cacheKeyName!
+ ].toString()}`,
+ JSON.stringify(document),
+ {
+ EX: 60
- });
- },
- (response: any, cached: any, next: any) => {
- if (cache > -1 && response.length > 0)
- async.each(
- response,
- (res: any, _next) => {
- this.redis
- ?.SET(
- `${collection}.${res._id.toString()}`,
- JSON.stringify(res)
- )
- .then(() => {
- this.redis
- `${collection}.${res._id.toString()}`,
- cache
- )
- .then(() => _next())
- .catch(_next);
- })
- .catch(_next);
- },
- err => next(err, [...response, ...cached])
- );
- else next(null, [...response, ...cached]);
+ )
+ );
- ],
- (err, res: any) => {
- if (err) reject(err);
- else resolve(res.length === 1 ? res[0] : res);
+ return documents;
- );
- } else reject(new Error(`Collection "${collection}" not loaded`));
+ ],
+ (err, documents?: any[]) => {
+ if (err) reject(err);
+ else if (convertArrayToSingle)
+ resolve(
+ documents!.length === 1 ? documents![0] : documents
+ );
+ else resolve(documents);
+ }
+ );