@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import Toast from "toasters";
import aw from "@/aw";
import validation from "@/validation";
import keyboardShortcuts from "@/keyboardShortcuts";
+import { useForm } from "@/composables/useForm";
import { Song } from "@/types/song.js";
@@ -66,7 +67,6 @@ const {
- originalSong,
@@ -84,9 +84,6 @@ const youtubeVideoNote = ref("");
const useHTTPS = ref(false);
const muted = ref(false);
const volumeSliderValue = ref(0);
-const artistInputValue = ref("");
-const genreInputValue = ref("");
-const tagInputValue = ref("");
const activityWatchVideoDataInterval = ref(null);
const activityWatchVideoLastStatus = ref("");
const activityWatchVideoLastStartDuration = ref(0);
@@ -137,12 +134,12 @@ const thumbnailWidth = ref(null);
const thumbnailHeight = ref(null);
const thumbnailLoadError = ref(false);
const tabs = ref([]);
-const inputs = ref([]);
const playerReady = ref(true);
const interval = ref();
const saveButtonRefs = ref(<any>[]);
const canvasElement = ref();
const genreHelper = ref();
+const saveButtonRefName = ref();
// EditSongs
const items = ref([]);
const currentSong = ref(<Song>{});
@@ -196,7 +193,6 @@ const {
- updateOriginalSong,
@@ -300,12 +296,12 @@ const onSavedError = youtubeId => {
if (itemIndex > -1) items.value[itemIndex].status = "error";
-const onSaving = youtubeId => {
- const itemIndex = items.value.findIndex(
- item => item.song.youtubeId === youtubeId
- );
- if (itemIndex > -1) items.value[itemIndex].status = "saving";
+// const onSaving = youtubeId => {
+// const itemIndex = items.value.findIndex(
+// item => item.song.youtubeId === youtubeId
+// );
+// if (itemIndex > -1) items.value[itemIndex].status = "saving";
+// };
// EditSongs end
const onThumbnailLoad = () => {
@@ -327,6 +323,167 @@ const onThumbnailLoadError = error => {
thumbnailLoadError.value = error !== 0;
+const { inputs, unsavedChanges, save, setValue, setOriginalValue } = useForm(
+ {
+ title: {
+ value: "",
+ validate: value => {
+ if (!validation.isLength(value, 1, 100))
+ return "Title must have between 1 and 100 characters.";
+ return true;
+ }
+ },
+ duration: {
+ value: 0,
+ validate: value => {
+ if (
+ Number(inputs.value.skipDuration.value) + Number(value) >
+ Number.parseInt(youtubeVideoDuration.value) &&
+ (((!newSong.value || bulk.value) && !youtubeError.value) ||
+ inputs.value.duration.originalValue !== value)
+ )
+ return "Duration can't be higher than the length of the video";
+ return true;
+ }
+ },
+ skipDuration: 0,
+ thumbnail: {
+ value: "",
+ validate: value => {
+ if (!validation.isLength(value, 8, 256))
+ return "Thumbnail must have between 8 and 256 characters.";
+ if (useHTTPS.value && value.indexOf("https://") !== 0)
+ return 'Thumbnail must start with "https://".';
+ if (
+ !useHTTPS.value &&
+ value.indexOf("https://") !== 0 &&
+ value.indexOf("http://") !== 0
+ )
+ return 'Thumbnail must start with "http(s)://".';
+ return true;
+ }
+ },
+ youtubeId: {
+ value: "",
+ validate: value => {
+ if (
+ !newSong.value &&
+ youtubeError.value &&
+ inputs.value.youtubeId.originalValue !== value
+ )
+ return "You're not allowed to change the YouTube id while the player is not working";
+ return true;
+ }
+ },
+ verified: false,
+ addArtist: "",
+ artists: {
+ value: [],
+ validate: value => {
+ if (
+ (inputs.value.verified.value && value.length < 1) ||
+ value.length > 10
+ )
+ return "Invalid artists. You must have at least 1 artist and a maximum of 10 artists.";
+ let error;
+ value.forEach(artist => {
+ if (!validation.isLength(artist, 1, 64))
+ error = "Artist must have between 1 and 64 characters.";
+ if (artist === "NONE")
+ error =
+ 'Invalid artist format. Artists are not allowed to be named "NONE".';
+ });
+ return error || true;
+ }
+ },
+ addGenre: "",
+ genres: {
+ value: [],
+ validate: value => {
+ if (
+ (inputs.value.verified.value && value.length < 1) ||
+ value.length > 16
+ )
+ return "Invalid genres. You must have between 1 and 16 genres.";
+ let error;
+ value.forEach(genre => {
+ if (!validation.isLength(genre, 1, 32))
+ error = "Genre must have between 1 and 32 characters.";
+ if (!validation.regex.ascii.test(genre))
+ error =
+ "Invalid genre format. Only ascii characters are allowed.";
+ });
+ return error || true;
+ }
+ },
+ addTag: "",
+ tags: {
+ value: [],
+ validate: value => {
+ let error;
+ value.forEach(tag => {
+ if (
+ !/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,64}$|^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,64}\[[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,64}\]$/.test(
+ tag
+ )
+ )
+ error = "Invalid tag format.";
+ });
+ return error || true;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ (status, message, values) =>
+ new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ const saveButtonRef = saveButtonRefs.value[saveButtonRefName.value];
+ const mergedValues = {
+ ...JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(song.value)),
+ ...values
+ };
+ if (status === "success") {
+ const cb = res => {
+ if (res.status === "error") {
+ reject(new Error(res.message));
+ return;
+ }
+ new Toast(res.message);
+ saveButtonRef.handleSuccessfulSave();
+ onSavedSuccess(values.youtubeId);
+ if (!newSong.value) setSong(mergedValues);
+ };
+ if (newSong.value)
+ socket.dispatch("songs.create", mergedValues, cb);
+ else
+ socket.dispatch(
+ "songs.update",
+ song.value._id,
+ mergedValues,
+ cb
+ );
+ } else {
+ new Toast(message);
+ if (status === "unchanged" && !newSong.value) {
+ saveButtonRef.handleSuccessfulSave();
+ onSavedSuccess(values.youtubeId);
+ } else {
+ saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
+ onSavedError(values.youtubeId);
+ }
+ }
+ }),
+ { modalUuid: props.modalUuid, preventCloseUnsaved: false }
+const saveSong = (refName: string, closeOrNext?: boolean) => {
+ saveButtonRefName.value = refName;
+ save(() => {
+ if (closeOrNext && bulk.value) editNextSong();
+ else if (closeOrNext) closeCurrentModal();
+ });
const unloadSong = (_youtubeId, songId?) => {
songDataLoaded.value = false;
songDeleted.value = false;
@@ -345,7 +502,7 @@ const unloadSong = (_youtubeId, songId?) => {
saveButtonRefs.value.saveButton.status = "default";
-const loadSong = _youtubeId => {
+const loadSong = (_youtubeId: string, reset?: boolean) => {
console.log(`LOAD SONG ${_youtubeId}`);
songNotFound.value = false;
socket.dispatch(`songs.getSongsFromYoutubeIds`, [_youtubeId], res => {
@@ -354,7 +511,7 @@ const loadSong = _youtubeId => {
let _song = songs[0];
_song = Object.assign(_song, prefillData.value);
- setSong(_song);
+ setSong(_song, reset);
songDataLoaded.value = true;
@@ -428,232 +585,6 @@ const seekTo = position => {
-const save = (songToCopy, closeOrNext, saveButtonRefName, _newSong = false) => {
- const _song = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(songToCopy));
- if (!newSong.value || bulk.value) onSaving(_song.youtubeId);
- const saveButtonRef = saveButtonRefs.value[saveButtonRefName];
- if (!youtubeError.value && youtubeVideoDuration.value === "0.000") {
- saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
- if (!_newSong) onSavedError(_song.youtubeId);
- return new Toast("The video appears to not be working.");
- }
- if (!_song.title) {
- saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
- if (!_newSong || bulk.value) onSavedError(_song.youtubeId);
- return new Toast("Please fill in all fields");
- }
- if (!_song.thumbnail) {
- saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
- if (!_newSong || bulk.value) onSavedError(_song.youtubeId);
- return new Toast("Please fill in all fields");
- }
- // const thumbnailHeight = thumbnailElement.value.naturalHeight;
- // const thumbnailWidth = thumbnailElement.value.naturalWidth;
- // if (thumbnailHeight < 80 || thumbnailWidth < 80) {
- // saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
- // return new Toast(
- // "Thumbnail width and height must be at least 80px."
- // );
- // }
- // if (thumbnailHeight > 4000 || thumbnailWidth > 4000) {
- // saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
- // return new Toast(
- // "Thumbnail width and height must be less than 4000px."
- // );
- // }
- // if (thumbnailHeight - thumbnailWidth > 5) {
- // saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
- // return new Toast("Thumbnail cannot be taller than it is wide.");
- // }
- // Youtube Id
- if (
- !_newSong &&
- youtubeError.value &&
- originalSong.value.youtubeId !== _song.youtubeId
- ) {
- saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
- if (!_newSong || bulk.value) onSavedError(_song.youtubeId);
- return new Toast(
- "You're not allowed to change the YouTube id while the player is not working"
- );
- }
- // Duration
- if (
- Number(_song.skipDuration) + Number(_song.duration) >
- Number.parseInt(youtubeVideoDuration.value) &&
- (((!_newSong || bulk.value) && !youtubeError.value) ||
- originalSong.value.duration !== _song.duration)
- ) {
- saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
- if (!_newSong || bulk.value) onSavedError(_song.youtubeId);
- return new Toast(
- "Duration can't be higher than the length of the video"
- );
- }
- // Title
- if (!validation.isLength(_song.title, 1, 100)) {
- saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
- if (!_newSong || bulk.value) onSavedError(_song.youtubeId);
- return new Toast("Title must have between 1 and 100 characters.");
- }
- // Artists
- if (
- (_song.verified && _song.artists.length < 1) ||
- _song.artists.length > 10
- ) {
- saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
- if (!_newSong || bulk.value) onSavedError(_song.youtubeId);
- return new Toast(
- "Invalid artists. You must have at least 1 artist and a maximum of 10 artists."
- );
- }
- let error;
- _song.artists.forEach(artist => {
- if (!validation.isLength(artist, 1, 64)) {
- error = "Artist must have between 1 and 64 characters.";
- return error;
- }
- if (artist === "NONE") {
- error =
- 'Invalid artist format. Artists are not allowed to be named "NONE".';
- return error;
- }
- return false;
- });
- if (error) {
- saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
- if (!_newSong || bulk.value) onSavedError(_song.youtubeId);
- return new Toast(error);
- }
- // Genres
- error = undefined;
- if (_song.verified && _song.genres.length < 1)
- _song.genres.forEach(genre => {
- if (!validation.isLength(genre, 1, 32)) {
- error = "Genre must have between 1 and 32 characters.";
- return error;
- }
- if (!validation.regex.ascii.test(genre)) {
- error =
- "Invalid genre format. Only ascii characters are allowed.";
- return error;
- }
- return false;
- });
- if ((_song.verified && _song.genres.length < 1) || _song.genres.length > 16)
- error = "You must have between 1 and 16 genres.";
- if (error) {
- saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
- if (!_newSong || bulk.value) onSavedError(_song.youtubeId);
- return new Toast(error);
- }
- error = undefined;
- _song.tags.forEach(tag => {
- if (
- !/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,64}$|^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,64}\[[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,64}\]$/.test(
- tag
- )
- ) {
- error = "Invalid tag format.";
- return error;
- }
- return false;
- });
- if (error) {
- saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
- if (!_newSong || bulk.value) onSavedError(_song.youtubeId);
- return new Toast(error);
- }
- // Thumbnail
- if (!validation.isLength(_song.thumbnail, 1, 256)) {
- saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
- if (!_newSong || bulk.value) onSavedError(_song.youtubeId);
- return new Toast("Thumbnail must have between 8 and 256 characters.");
- }
- if (useHTTPS.value && _song.thumbnail.indexOf("https://") !== 0) {
- saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
- if (!_newSong || bulk.value) onSavedError(_song.youtubeId);
- return new Toast('Thumbnail must start with "https://".');
- }
- if (
- !useHTTPS.value &&
- _song.thumbnail.indexOf("http://") !== 0 &&
- _song.thumbnail.indexOf("https://") !== 0
- ) {
- saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
- if (!_newSong || bulk.value) onSavedError(_song.youtubeId);
- return new Toast('Thumbnail must start with "http://".');
- }
- saveButtonRef.status = "saving";
- if (_newSong)
- return socket.dispatch(`songs.create`, _song, res => {
- new Toast(res.message);
- if (res.status === "error") {
- saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
- onSavedError(_song.youtubeId);
- return;
- }
- saveButtonRef.handleSuccessfulSave();
- onSavedSuccess(_song.youtubeId);
- if (!closeOrNext) {
- loadSong(_song.youtubeId);
- return;
- }
- if (bulk.value) editNextSong();
- else closeCurrentModal();
- });
- return socket.dispatch(`songs.update`, _song._id, _song, res => {
- new Toast(res.message);
- if (res.status === "error") {
- saveButtonRef.handleFailedSave();
- onSavedError(_song.youtubeId);
- return;
- }
- updateOriginalSong(_song);
- saveButtonRef.handleSuccessfulSave();
- onSavedSuccess(_song.youtubeId);
- if (!closeOrNext) return;
- if (bulk.value) editNextSong();
- else closeCurrentModal();
- });
const getAlbumData = type => {
if (!song.value.discogs) return;
if (type === "title")
@@ -704,7 +635,7 @@ const getYouTubeData = type => {
try {
const { author } = video.value.player.getVideoData();
- if (author) artistInputValue.value = author;
+ if (author) setValue({ addArtist: author });
else throw new Error("No video author found");
} catch (e) {
new Toast(
@@ -776,40 +707,40 @@ const toggleMute = () => {
const addTag = (type, value?) => {
if (type === "genres") {
- const genre = value || genreInputValue.value.trim();
+ const genre = value || inputs.value.addGenre.value.trim();
if (
- song.value.genres
+ inputs.value.genres.value
.map(genre => genre.toLowerCase())
.indexOf(genre.toLowerCase()) !== -1
return new Toast("Genre already exists");
if (genre) {
- song.value.genres.push(genre);
- genreInputValue.value = "";
+ inputs.value.genres.value.push(genre);
+ inputs.value.addGenre.value = "";
return false;
return new Toast("Genre cannot be empty");
if (type === "artists") {
- const artist = value || artistInputValue.value;
- if (song.value.artists.indexOf(artist) !== -1)
+ const artist = value || inputs.value.addArtist.value.trim();
+ if (inputs.value.artists.value.indexOf(artist) !== -1)
return new Toast("Artist already exists");
if (artist !== "") {
- song.value.artists.push(artist);
- artistInputValue.value = "";
+ inputs.value.artists.value.push(artist);
+ inputs.value.addArtist.value = "";
return false;
return new Toast("Artist cannot be empty");
if (type === "tags") {
- const tag = value || tagInputValue.value;
- if (song.value.tags.indexOf(tag) !== -1)
+ const tag = value || inputs.value.addTag.value.trim();
+ if (inputs.value.tags.value.indexOf(tag) !== -1)
return new Toast("Tag already exists");
if (tag !== "") {
- song.value.tags.push(tag);
- tagInputValue.value = "";
+ inputs.value.tags.value.push(tag);
+ inputs.value.addTag.value = "";
return false;
return new Toast("Tag cannot be empty");
@@ -820,11 +751,20 @@ const addTag = (type, value?) => {
const removeTag = (type, value) => {
if (type === "genres")
- song.value.genres.splice(song.value.genres.indexOf(value), 1);
+ inputs.value.genres.value.splice(
+ inputs.value.genres.value.indexOf(value),
+ 1
+ );
else if (type === "artists")
- song.value.artists.splice(song.value.artists.indexOf(value), 1);
+ inputs.value.artists.value.splice(
+ inputs.value.artists.value.indexOf(value),
+ 1
+ );
else if (type === "tags")
- song.value.tags.splice(song.value.tags.indexOf(value), 1);
+ inputs.value.tags.value.splice(
+ inputs.value.tags.value.indexOf(value),
+ 1
+ );
const setTrackPosition = event => {
@@ -911,23 +851,9 @@ const confirmAction = ({ message, action, params }) => {
const onCloseModal = (): Promise<void> =>
new Promise(resolve => {
- const songStringified = JSON.stringify({
- ...song.value,
- ...{
- duration: Number(song.value.duration).toFixed(3)
- }
- });
- const originalSongStringified = JSON.stringify({
- ...originalSong.value,
- ...{
- duration: Number(originalSong.value.duration).toFixed(3)
- }
- });
- const unsavedChanges = songStringified !== originalSongStringified;
const confirmReasons = [];
- if (unsavedChanges) {
+ if (unsavedChanges.value.length > 0) {
"You have unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to discard unsaved changes?"
@@ -972,7 +898,7 @@ watch(
watch(youtubeId, (_youtubeId, _oldYoutubeId) => {
console.log("NEW YOUTUBE ID", _youtubeId);
if (_oldYoutubeId) unloadSong(_oldYoutubeId);
- if (_youtubeId) loadSong(_youtubeId);
+ if (_youtubeId) loadSong(_youtubeId, _youtubeId !== _oldYoutubeId);
() => hasPermission("songs.update"),
@@ -982,6 +908,13 @@ watch(
onMounted(async () => {
+ editSongStore.form = {
+ inputs,
+ unsavedChanges,
+ save,
+ setValue,
+ setOriginalValue
+ };
preventCloseCbs[props.modalUuid] = onCloseModal;
activityWatchVideoDataInterval.value = setInterval(() => {
@@ -1905,7 +1838,7 @@ onBeforeUnmount(() => {
- :src="song.thumbnail"
+ :src="inputs['thumbnail'].value"
@@ -1922,10 +1855,8 @@ onBeforeUnmount(() => {
- :ref="
- el => (inputs['title-input'] = el)
- "
- v-model="song.title"
+ :ref="el => (inputs['title'].ref = el)"
+ v-model="inputs['title'].value"
placeholder="Enter song title..."
@@ -1962,7 +1893,9 @@ onBeforeUnmount(() => {
placeholder="Enter song duration..."
- v-model.number="song.duration"
+ v-model.number="
+ inputs['duration'].value
+ "
@@ -1986,7 +1919,9 @@ onBeforeUnmount(() => {
placeholder="Enter skip duration..."
- v-model.number="song.skipDuration"
+ v-model.number="
+ inputs['skipDuration'].value
+ "
@@ -2024,7 +1959,7 @@ onBeforeUnmount(() => {
- v-model="song.thumbnail"
+ v-model="inputs['thumbnail'].value"
placeholder="Enter link to thumbnail..."
@@ -2060,7 +1995,7 @@ onBeforeUnmount(() => {
placeholder="Enter YouTube ID..."
- v-model="song.youtubeId"
+ v-model="inputs['youtubeId'].value"
@@ -2071,7 +2006,7 @@ onBeforeUnmount(() => {
- v-model="song.verified"
+ v-model="inputs['verified'].value"
<span class="slider round"></span>
@@ -2084,7 +2019,7 @@ onBeforeUnmount(() => {
<label class="label">Artists</label>
<p class="control has-addons">
- v-model="artistInputValue"
+ v-model="inputs['addArtist'].value"
placeholder="Add artist..."
@@ -2126,7 +2061,8 @@ onBeforeUnmount(() => {
<div class="list-container">
- v-for="artist in song.artists"
+ v-for="artist in inputs['artists']
+ .value"
@@ -2155,7 +2091,7 @@ onBeforeUnmount(() => {
<p class="control has-addons">
- v-model="genreInputValue"
+ v-model="inputs['addGenre'].value"
placeholder="Add genre..."
@@ -2185,7 +2121,7 @@ onBeforeUnmount(() => {
<div class="list-container">
- v-for="genre in song.genres"
+ v-for="genre in inputs['genres'].value"
@@ -2202,7 +2138,7 @@ onBeforeUnmount(() => {
<label class="label">Tags</label>
<p class="control has-addons">
- v-model="tagInputValue"
+ v-model="inputs['addTag'].value"
placeholder="Add tag..."
@@ -2218,7 +2154,7 @@ onBeforeUnmount(() => {
<div class="list-container">
- v-for="tag in song.tags"
+ v-for="tag in inputs['tags'].value"
@@ -2319,14 +2255,14 @@ onBeforeUnmount(() => {
<div v-if="!newSong && !songDeleted">
:ref="el => (saveButtonRefs['saveButton'] = el)"
- @clicked="save(song, false, 'saveButton')"
+ @clicked="saveSong('saveButton')"
:ref="el => (saveButtonRefs['saveAndCloseButton'] = el)"
bulk ? `Save and next` : `Save and close`
- @clicked="save(song, true, 'saveAndCloseButton')"
+ @clicked="saveSong('saveAndCloseButton', true)"
<div class="right">
@@ -2352,7 +2288,7 @@ onBeforeUnmount(() => {
:ref="el => (saveButtonRefs['createButton'] = el)"
default-message="Create Song"
- @clicked="save(song, false, 'createButton', true)"
+ @clicked="saveSong('createButton')"
@@ -2361,9 +2297,7 @@ onBeforeUnmount(() => {
bulk ? `Create and next` : `Create and close`
- @clicked="
- save(song, true, 'createAndCloseButton', true)
- "
+ @clicked="saveSong('createAndCloseButton', true)"