@@ -1744,7 +1744,7 @@ export default {
* @param session
* @param cb
- getGenres: isAdminRequired(function getModule(session, cb) {
+ getGenres: isAdminRequired(function getGenres(session, cb) {
next => {
@@ -1774,13 +1774,78 @@ export default {
+ /**
+ * Bulk update genres for selected songs
+ *
+ * @param session
+ * @param method Whether to add, remove or replace genres
+ * @param genres Array of genres to apply
+ * @param songIds Array of songIds to apply genres to
+ * @param cb
+ */
+ editGenres: isAdminRequired(async function editGenres(session, method, genres, songIds, cb) {
+ const songModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "song" }, this);
+ async.waterfall(
+ [
+ next => {
+ songModel.find({ _id: { $in: songIds } }, next);
+ },
+ (songs, next) => {
+ const songsFound = songs.map(song => song._id);
+ if (songsFound.length > 0) next(null, songsFound);
+ else next("None of the specified songs were found.");
+ },
+ (songsFound, next) => {
+ const query = {};
+ if (method === "add") {
+ query.$push = { genres: { $each: genres } };
+ } else if (method === "remove") {
+ query.$pullAll = { genres };
+ } else if (method === "replace") {
+ query.$set = { genres };
+ } else {
+ next("Invalid method.");
+ }
+ songModel.updateMany({ _id: { $in: songsFound } }, query, { runValidators: true }, err => {
+ if (err) next(err);
+ async.eachLimit(
+ songsFound,
+ 1,
+ (songId, next) => {
+ SongsModule.runJob("UPDATE_SONG", { songId });
+ next();
+ },
+ next
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ ],
+ async err => {
+ if (err && err !== true) {
+ err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this);
+ this.log("ERROR", "EDIT_GENRES", `User ${session.userId} failed to edit genres. '${err}'`);
+ cb({ status: "error", message: err });
+ } else {
+ this.log("SUCCESS", "EDIT_GENRES", `User ${session.userId} has successfully edited genres.`);
+ cb({
+ status: "success",
+ message: "Successfully edited genres."
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ }),
* Gets a list of all artists
* @param session
* @param cb
- getArtists: isAdminRequired(function getModule(session, cb) {
+ getArtists: isAdminRequired(function getArtists(session, cb) {
next => {
@@ -1810,13 +1875,78 @@ export default {
+ /**
+ * Bulk update artists for selected songs
+ *
+ * @param session
+ * @param method Whether to add, remove or replace artists
+ * @param artists Array of artists to apply
+ * @param songIds Array of songIds to apply artists to
+ * @param cb
+ */
+ editArtists: isAdminRequired(async function editArtists(session, method, artists, songIds, cb) {
+ const songModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "song" }, this);
+ async.waterfall(
+ [
+ next => {
+ songModel.find({ _id: { $in: songIds } }, next);
+ },
+ (songs, next) => {
+ const songsFound = songs.map(song => song._id);
+ if (songsFound.length > 0) next(null, songsFound);
+ else next("None of the specified songs were found.");
+ },
+ (songsFound, next) => {
+ const query = {};
+ if (method === "add") {
+ query.$push = { artists: { $each: artists } };
+ } else if (method === "remove") {
+ query.$pullAll = { artists };
+ } else if (method === "replace") {
+ query.$set = { artists };
+ } else {
+ next("Invalid method.");
+ }
+ songModel.updateMany({ _id: { $in: songsFound } }, query, { runValidators: true }, err => {
+ if (err) next(err);
+ async.eachLimit(
+ songsFound,
+ 1,
+ (songId, next) => {
+ SongsModule.runJob("UPDATE_SONG", { songId });
+ next();
+ },
+ next
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ ],
+ async err => {
+ if (err && err !== true) {
+ err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this);
+ this.log("ERROR", "EDIT_ARTISTS", `User ${session.userId} failed to edit artists. '${err}'`);
+ cb({ status: "error", message: err });
+ } else {
+ this.log("SUCCESS", "EDIT_ARTISTS", `User ${session.userId} has successfully edited artists.`);
+ cb({
+ status: "success",
+ message: "Successfully edited artists."
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ }),
* Gets a list of all tags
* @param session
* @param cb
- getTags: isAdminRequired(function getModule(session, cb) {
+ getTags: isAdminRequired(function getTags(session, cb) {
next => {
@@ -1844,5 +1974,70 @@ export default {
+ }),
+ /**
+ * Bulk update tags for selected songs
+ *
+ * @param session
+ * @param method Whether to add, remove or replace tags
+ * @param tags Array of tags to apply
+ * @param songIds Array of songIds to apply tags to
+ * @param cb
+ */
+ editTags: isAdminRequired(async function editTags(session, method, tags, songIds, cb) {
+ const songModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "song" }, this);
+ async.waterfall(
+ [
+ next => {
+ songModel.find({ _id: { $in: songIds } }, next);
+ },
+ (songs, next) => {
+ const songsFound = songs.map(song => song._id);
+ if (songsFound.length > 0) next(null, songsFound);
+ else next("None of the specified songs were found.");
+ },
+ (songsFound, next) => {
+ const query = {};
+ if (method === "add") {
+ query.$push = { tags: { $each: tags } };
+ } else if (method === "remove") {
+ query.$pullAll = { tags };
+ } else if (method === "replace") {
+ query.$set = { tags };
+ } else {
+ next("Invalid method.");
+ }
+ songModel.updateMany({ _id: { $in: songsFound } }, query, { runValidators: true }, err => {
+ if (err) next(err);
+ async.eachLimit(
+ songsFound,
+ 1,
+ (songId, next) => {
+ SongsModule.runJob("UPDATE_SONG", { songId });
+ next();
+ },
+ next
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ ],
+ async err => {
+ if (err && err !== true) {
+ err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this);
+ this.log("ERROR", "EDIT_TAGS", `User ${session.userId} failed to edit tags. '${err}'`);
+ cb({ status: "error", message: err });
+ } else {
+ this.log("SUCCESS", "EDIT_TAGS", `User ${session.userId} has successfully edited tags.`);
+ cb({
+ status: "success",
+ message: "Successfully edited tags."
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ );