import config from "config"; import mongoose from "mongoose"; import bluebird from "bluebird"; import async from "async"; import CoreClass from "../../core"; const REQUIRED_DOCUMENT_VERSIONS = { activity: 3, news: 3, playlist: 7, punishment: 1, queueSong: 1, report: 7, song: 10, station: 10, user: 4, youtubeApiRequest: 1, youtubeVideo: [1, 2], youtubeChannel: 1, ratings: 2, importJob: 1, stationHistory: 2, soundcloudTrack: 1, spotifyTrack: 1, spotifyAlbum: 1, spotifyArtist: 1, genericApiRequest: 1 }; const regex = { azAZ09_: /^[A-Za-z0-9_]+$/, az09_: /^[a-z0-9_]+$/, emailSimple: /^[\x00-\x7F]+@[a-z0-9]+\.[a-z0-9]+(\.[a-z0-9]+)?$/, ascii: /^[\x00-\x7F]+$/, name: /^[\p{L}0-9 .'_-]+$/u, custom: regex => new RegExp(`^[${regex}]+$`) }; const isLength = (string, min, max) => !(typeof string !== "string" || string.length < min || string.length > max); mongoose.Promise = bluebird; let DBModule; class _DBModule extends CoreClass { // eslint-disable-next-line require-jsdoc constructor() { super("db"); DBModule = this; } /** * Initialises the database module * * @returns {Promise} - returns promise (reject, resolve) */ initialize() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.schemas = {}; this.models = {}; const mongoUrl = config.get("mongo").url; mongoose .connect(mongoUrl, { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true }) .then(async () => { this.schemas = { song: {}, queueSong: {}, station: {}, user: {}, dataRequest: {}, activity: {}, playlist: {}, news: {}, report: {}, punishment: {}, youtubeApiRequest: {}, youtubeVideo: {}, youtubeChannel: {}, ratings: {}, stationHistory: {}, soundcloudTrack: {}, spotifyTrack: {}, spotifyAlbum: {}, spotifyArtist: {}, genericApiRequest: {} }; const importSchema = schemaName => new Promise(resolve => { import(`./schemas/${schemaName}`).then(schema => { this.schemas[schemaName] = new mongoose.Schema(schema.default); return resolve(); }); }); await importSchema("song"); await importSchema("queueSong"); await importSchema("station"); await importSchema("user"); await importSchema("dataRequest"); await importSchema("activity"); await importSchema("playlist"); await importSchema("news"); await importSchema("report"); await importSchema("punishment"); await importSchema("youtubeApiRequest"); await importSchema("youtubeVideo"); await importSchema("youtubeChannel"); await importSchema("ratings"); await importSchema("importJob"); await importSchema("stationHistory"); await importSchema("soundcloudTrack"); await importSchema("spotifyTrack"); await importSchema("spotifyAlbum"); await importSchema("spotifyArtist"); await importSchema("genericApiRequest"); this.models = { song: mongoose.model("song",, queueSong: mongoose.model("queueSong", this.schemas.queueSong), station: mongoose.model("station", this.schemas.station), user: mongoose.model("user", this.schemas.user), dataRequest: mongoose.model("dataRequest", this.schemas.dataRequest), activity: mongoose.model("activity", this.schemas.activity), playlist: mongoose.model("playlist", this.schemas.playlist), news: mongoose.model("news",, report: mongoose.model("report",, punishment: mongoose.model("punishment", this.schemas.punishment), youtubeApiRequest: mongoose.model("youtubeApiRequest", this.schemas.youtubeApiRequest), youtubeVideo: mongoose.model("youtubeVideo", this.schemas.youtubeVideo), youtubeChannel: mongoose.model("youtubeChannel", this.schemas.youtubeChannel), ratings: mongoose.model("ratings", this.schemas.ratings), importJob: mongoose.model("importJob", this.schemas.importJob), stationHistory: mongoose.model("stationHistory", this.schemas.stationHistory), soundcloudTrack: mongoose.model("soundcloudTrack", this.schemas.soundcloudTrack), spotifyTrack: mongoose.model("spotifyTrack", this.schemas.spotifyTrack), spotifyAlbum: mongoose.model("spotifyAlbum", this.schemas.spotifyAlbum), spotifyArtist: mongoose.model("spotifyArtist", this.schemas.spotifyArtist), genericApiRequest: mongoose.model("genericApiRequest", this.schemas.genericApiRequest) }; mongoose.connection.on("error", err => { this.log("ERROR", err); }); mongoose.connection.on("disconnected", () => { this.log("ERROR", "Disconnected, going to try to reconnect..."); this.setStatus("RECONNECTING"); }); mongoose.connection.on("reconnected", () => { this.log("INFO", "Reconnected."); this.setStatus("READY"); }); mongoose.connection.on("reconnectFailed", () => { this.log("INFO", "Reconnect failed, stopping reconnecting."); this.setStatus("FAILED"); }); // User this.schemas.user .path("username") .validate( username => isLength(username, 2, 32) && regex.custom("a-zA-Z0-9_-").test(username) && username.replaceAll(/[_]/g, "").length > 0, "Invalid username." ); this.schemas.user.path("email.address").validate(email => { if (!isLength(email, 3, 254)) return false; if (email.indexOf("@") !== email.lastIndexOf("@")) return false; return regex.emailSimple.test(email) && regex.ascii.test(email); }, "Invalid email."); this.schemas.user .path("name") .validate( name => isLength(name, 1, 64) && && name.replaceAll(/[ .'_-]/g, "").length > 0, "Invalid name." ); // Station this.schemas.station .path("name") .validate(id => isLength(id, 2, 16) && regex.az09_.test(id), "Invalid station name."); this.schemas.station .path("displayName") .validate( displayName => isLength(displayName, 2, 32) && regex.ascii.test(displayName), "Invalid display name." ); this.schemas.station.path("description").validate(description => { if (!isLength(description, 2, 200)) return false; const characters = description.split(""); return characters.filter(character => character.charCodeAt(0) === 21328).length === 0; }, "Invalid display name."); this.schemas.station.path("owner").validate({ validator: owner => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.models.station.countDocuments({ owner }, (err, c) => { if (err) reject(new Error("A mongo error happened.")); else if (c >= 25) reject(new Error("User already has 25 stations.")); else resolve(); }); }), message: "User already has 25 stations." }); this.schemas.station .path("requests.autorequestLimit") .validate(function validateRequestsAutorequestLimit(autorequestLimit) { const { limit } = this.get("requests"); if (autorequestLimit > limit) return false; return true; }, "Autorequest limit cannot be higher than the request limit."); // Song"mediaSource").validate(mediaSource => { if (mediaSource.startsWith("youtube:")) return true; if (mediaSource.startsWith("soundcloud:")) return true; if (mediaSource.startsWith("spotify:")) return true; return false; }); const songTitle = title => isLength(title, 1, 100);"title").validate(songTitle, "Invalid title.");"artists").validate(artists => artists.length <= 10, "Invalid artists."); const songArtists = artists => artists.filter(artist => isLength(artist, 1, 64) && artist !== "NONE").length === artists.length;"artists").validate(songArtists, "Invalid artists."); const songGenres = genres => { if (genres.length > 16) return false; return ( genres.filter(genre => isLength(genre, 1, 32) && regex.ascii.test(genre)).length === genres.length ); };"genres").validate(songGenres, "Invalid genres."); const songTags = tags => tags.filter(tag => /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,64}$|^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,64}\[[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,64}\]$/.test(tag)) .length === tags.length;"tags").validate(songTags, "Invalid tags."); const songThumbnail = thumbnail => { if (!isLength(thumbnail, 1, 256)) return false; if (config.get("") === true) return thumbnail.startsWith("https://"); return thumbnail.startsWith("http://") || thumbnail.startsWith("https://"); };"thumbnail").validate(songThumbnail, "Invalid thumbnail."); // Playlist this.schemas.playlist .path("displayName") .validate( displayName => isLength(displayName, 1, 32) && regex.ascii.test(displayName), "Invalid display name." ); this.schemas.playlist.path("createdBy").validate(createdBy => { this.models.playlist.countDocuments({ createdBy }, (err, c) => !(err || c >= 100)); }, "Max 100 playlists per user."); this.schemas.playlist .path("songs") .validate(songs => songs.length <= 10000, "Max 10000 songs per playlist."); // this.schemas.playlist.path("songs").validate(songs => { // if (songs.length === 0) return true; // return songs[0].duration <= 10800; // }, "Max 3 hours per song."); this.models.activity.syncIndexes(); this.models.dataRequest.syncIndexes();; this.models.playlist.syncIndexes(); this.models.punishment.syncIndexes(); this.models.queueSong.syncIndexes();;; this.models.station.syncIndexes(); this.models.user.syncIndexes(); this.models.youtubeApiRequest.syncIndexes(); this.models.youtubeVideo.syncIndexes(); this.models.youtubeChannel.syncIndexes(); this.models.ratings.syncIndexes(); this.models.importJob.syncIndexes(); this.models.stationHistory.syncIndexes(); this.models.soundcloudTrack.syncIndexes(); this.models.spotifyTrack.syncIndexes(); this.models.spotifyArtist.syncIndexes(); this.models.genericApiRequest.syncIndexes(); if (config.get("skipDbDocumentsVersionCheck")) resolve(); else { this.runJob("CHECK_DOCUMENT_VERSIONS", {}, null, -1) .then(() => { resolve(); }) .catch(err => { reject(err); }); } }) .catch(err => { this.log("ERROR", err); reject(err); }); }); } /** * Checks if all documents have the correct document version * * @returns {Promise} - returns promise (reject, resolve) */ CHECK_DOCUMENT_VERSIONS() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { async.each( Object.keys(REQUIRED_DOCUMENT_VERSIONS), async modelName => { const model = DBModule.models[modelName]; const requiredDocumentVersion = REQUIRED_DOCUMENT_VERSIONS[modelName]; const count = await model.countDocuments({ documentVersion: { $nin: Array.isArray(requiredDocumentVersion) ? requiredDocumentVersion : [requiredDocumentVersion] } }); if (count > 0) throw new Error( `Collection "${modelName}" has ${count} documents with a wrong document version. Run migration.` ); if (Array.isArray(requiredDocumentVersion)) { const count2 = await model.countDocuments({ documentVersion: { $ne: requiredDocumentVersion[requiredDocumentVersion.length - 1] } }); if (count2 > 0) console.warn( `Collection "${modelName}" has ${count2} documents with a outdated document version. Run steps manually to update these.` ); } }, err => { if (err) reject(new Error(err)); else resolve(); } ); }); } /** * Returns a database model * * @param {object} payload - object containing the payload * @param {object} payload.modelName - name of the model to get * @returns {Promise} - returns promise (reject, resolve) */ GET_MODEL(payload) { return new Promise(resolve => { resolve(DBModule.models[payload.modelName]); }); } /** * Returns a database schema * * @param {object} payload - object containing the payload * @param {object} payload.schemaName - name of the schema to get * @returns {Promise} - returns promise (reject, resolve) */ GET_SCHEMA(payload) { return new Promise(resolve => { resolve(DBModule.schemas[payload.schemaName]); }); } /** * Gets data * * @param {object} payload - object containing the payload * @param {string} - the page * @param {string} payload.pageSize - the page size * @param {string} - the properties to return for each song * @param {string} payload.sort - the sort object * @param {string} payload.queries - the queries array * @param {string} payload.operator - the operator for queries * @param {string} payload.modelName - the db collection modal name * @param {string} payload.blacklistedProperties - the properties that are not allowed to be returned, filtered by or sorted by * @param {string} payload.specialProperties - the special properties * @param {string} payload.specialQueries - the special queries * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ GET_DATA(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { async.waterfall( [ // Creates pipeline array next => next(null, []), // If a query filter property or sort property is blacklisted, throw error (pipeline, next) => { const { sort, queries, blacklistedProperties } = payload; if ( queries.some(query => blacklistedProperties.some(blacklistedProperty => blacklistedProperty.startsWith( ) ) ) return next("Unable to filter by blacklisted property."); if ( Object.keys(sort).some(property => blacklistedProperties.some(blacklistedProperty => blacklistedProperty.startsWith(property) ) ) ) return next("Unable to sort by blacklisted property."); return next(null, pipeline); }, // If a filter or property exists for a special property, add some custom pipeline steps (pipeline, next) => { const { properties, queries, specialProperties } = payload; async.eachLimit( Object.entries(specialProperties), 1, ([specialProperty, pipelineSteps], next) => { // Check if a filter with the special property exists const filterExists = => !== -1; // Check if a property with the special property exists const propertyExists = properties.indexOf(specialProperty) !== -1; // If no such filter or property exists, skip this function if (!filterExists && !propertyExists) return next(); // Add the specified pipeline steps into the pipeline pipeline.push(...pipelineSteps); return next(); }, err => { next(err, pipeline); } ); }, // Adds the match stage to aggregation pipeline, which is responsible for filtering (pipeline, next) => { const { queries, operator, specialQueries, specialFilters } = payload; let queryError; const newQueries = queries.flatMap(query => { const { data, filter, filterType } = query; const newQuery = {}; if (filterType === "regex") { newQuery[] = new RegExp(`${data.slice(1, data.length - 1)}`, "i"); } else if (filterType === "contains") { newQuery[] = new RegExp( `${data.replaceAll(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&")}`, "i" ); } else if (filterType === "exact") { newQuery[] = data.toString(); } else if (filterType === "datetimeBefore") { newQuery[] = { $lte: new Date(data) }; } else if (filterType === "datetimeAfter") { newQuery[] = { $gte: new Date(data) }; } else if (filterType === "numberLesserEqual") { newQuery[] = { $lte: Number(data) }; } else if (filterType === "numberLesser") { newQuery[] = { $lt: Number(data) }; } else if (filterType === "numberGreater") { newQuery[] = { $gt: Number(data) }; } else if (filterType === "numberGreaterEqual") { newQuery[] = { $gte: Number(data) }; } else if (filterType === "numberEquals") { newQuery[] = { $eq: Number(data) }; } else if (filterType === "boolean") { newQuery[] = { $eq: !!data }; } else if (filterType === "special") { pipeline.push(...specialFilters[](data)); newQuery[] = { $eq: true }; } if (specialQueries[]) { return specialQueries[](newQuery); } return newQuery; }); if (queryError) next(queryError); const queryObject = {}; if (newQueries.length > 0) { if (operator === "and") queryObject.$and = newQueries; else if (operator === "or") queryObject.$or = newQueries; else if (operator === "nor") queryObject.$nor = newQueries; } pipeline.push({ $match: queryObject }); next(null, pipeline); }, // Adds sort stage to aggregation pipeline if there is at least one column being sorted, responsible for sorting data (pipeline, next) => { const { sort } = payload; const newSort = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(sort).map(([property, direction]) => [ property, direction === "ascending" ? 1 : -1 ]) ); if (Object.keys(newSort).length > 0) pipeline.push({ $sort: newSort }); next(null, pipeline); }, // Adds first project stage to aggregation pipeline, responsible for including only the requested properties (pipeline, next) => { const { properties } = payload; pipeline.push({ $project: Object.fromEntries( => [property, 1])) }); next(null, pipeline); }, // Adds second project stage to aggregation pipeline, responsible for excluding some specific properties (pipeline, next) => { const { blacklistedProperties } = payload; if (blacklistedProperties.length > 0) pipeline.push({ $project: Object.fromEntries( => [property, 0])) }); next(null, pipeline); }, // Adds the facet stage to aggregation pipeline, responsible for returning a total document count, skipping and limitting the documents that will be returned (pipeline, next) => { const { page, pageSize } = payload; pipeline.push({ $facet: { count: [{ $count: "count" }], documents: [{ $skip: pageSize * (page - 1) }, { $limit: pageSize }] } }); // console.dir(pipeline, { depth: 6 }); next(null, pipeline); }, (pipeline, next) => { const { modelName } = payload; DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName }, this) .then(model => { if (!model) return next("Invalid model."); return next(null, pipeline, model); }) .catch(err => { next(err); }); }, // Executes the aggregation pipeline (pipeline, model, next) => { model.aggregate(pipeline).exec((err, result) => { // console.dir(err); // console.dir(result, { depth: 6 }); if (err) return next(err); if (result[0].count.length === 0) return next(null, 0, []); const { count } = result[0].count[0]; const { documents } = result[0]; // console.log(111, err, result, count, documents[0]); return next(null, count, documents); }); } ], (err, count, documents) => { if (err && err !== true) return reject(new Error(err)); return resolve({ data: documents, count }); } ); }); } /** * Checks if a password to be stored in the database has a valid length * * @param {object} password - the password itself * @returns {Promise} - returns promise (reject, resolve) */ passwordValid(password) { return isLength(password, 6, 200); } } export default new _DBModule();