import mongoose from "mongoose"; import async from "async"; import config from "config"; import * as rax from "retry-axios"; import axios from "axios"; import CoreClass from "../core"; let SoundCloudModule; let CacheModule; let DBModule; let MediaModule; let SongsModule; let StationsModule; let PlaylistsModule; let WSModule; class RateLimitter { /** * Constructor * * @param {number} timeBetween - The time between each allowed YouTube request */ constructor(timeBetween) { this.dateStarted =; this.timeBetween = timeBetween; } /** * Returns a promise that resolves whenever the ratelimit of a YouTube request is done * * @returns {Promise} - promise that gets resolved when the rate limit allows it */ continue() { return new Promise(resolve => { if ( - this.dateStarted >= this.timeBetween) resolve(); else setTimeout(resolve, this.dateStarted + this.timeBetween -; }); } /** * Restart the rate limit timer */ restart() { this.dateStarted =; } } class _SoundCloudModule extends CoreClass { // eslint-disable-next-line require-jsdoc constructor() { super("soundcloud"); SoundCloudModule = this; } /** * Initialises the soundcloud module * * @returns {Promise} - returns promise (reject, resolve) */ async initialize() { CacheModule = this.moduleManager.modules.cache; DBModule = this.moduleManager.modules.db; MediaModule =; SongsModule = this.moduleManager.modules.songs; StationsModule = this.moduleManager.modules.stations; PlaylistsModule = this.moduleManager.modules.playlists; WSModule =; // this.youtubeApiRequestModel = this.YoutubeApiRequestModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { // modelName: "youtubeApiRequest" // }); this.soundcloudTrackModel = this.SoundCloudTrackModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "soundcloudTrack" }); return new Promise(resolve => { this.rateLimiter = new RateLimitter(config.get("apis.soundcloud.rateLimit")); this.requestTimeout = config.get("apis.soundcloud.requestTimeout"); this.axios = axios.create(); this.axios.defaults.raxConfig = { instance: this.axios, retry: config.get("apis.soundcloud.retryAmount"), noResponseRetries: config.get("apis.soundcloud.retryAmount") }; rax.attach(this.axios); SoundCloudModule.runJob("GET_TRACK", { identifier: 469902882, createMissing: false }) .then(res => { console.log(57567, res); }) .catch(err => { console.log(78768, err); }); resolve(); }); } /** * Perform SoundCloud API get track request * * @param {object} payload - object that contains the payload * @param {object} payload.params - request parameters * @returns {Promise} - returns promise (reject, resolve) */ API_GET_TRACK(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const { trackId } = payload; SoundCloudModule.runJob( "API_CALL", { url: `${trackId}` }, this ) .then(response => { resolve(response); }) .catch(err => { reject(err); }); }); } /** * Perform SoundCloud API call * * @param {object} payload - object that contains the payload * @param {object} payload.url - request url * @param {object} payload.params - request parameters * @param {object} payload.quotaCost - request quotaCost * @returns {Promise} - returns promise (reject, resolve) */ API_CALL(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // const { url, params, quotaCost } = payload; const { url } = payload; const params = { client_id: config.get("apis.soundcloud.key") }; SoundCloudModule.axios .get(url, { params, timeout: SoundCloudModule.requestTimeout }) .then(response => { if ( { reject(new Error(; } else { resolve({ response }); } }) .catch(err => { reject(err); }); // } }); } /** * Create SoundCloud track * * @param {object} payload - an object containing the payload * @param {string} payload.soundcloudTrack - the soundcloudTrack object * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ CREATE_TRACK(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { async.waterfall( [ next => { const { soundcloudTrack } = payload; if (typeof soundcloudTrack !== "object") next("Invalid soundcloudTrack type"); else { SoundCloudModule.soundcloudTrackModel.insertMany(soundcloudTrack, next); } }, (soundcloudTrack, next) => { const mediaSource = `soundcloud:${soundcloudTrack.trackId}`; MediaModule.runJob("RECALCULATE_RATINGS", { mediaSource }, this) .then(() => next(null, soundcloudTrack)) .catch(next); } ], (err, soundcloudTrack) => { if (err) reject(new Error(err)); else resolve({ soundcloudTrack }); } ); }); } /** * Get SoundCloud track * * @param {object} payload - an object containing the payload * @param {string} payload.identifier - the soundcloud track ObjectId or track id * @param {string} payload.createMissing - attempt to fetch and create track if not in db * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ GET_TRACK(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { async.waterfall( [ next => { const query = mongoose.isObjectIdOrHexString(payload.identifier) ? { _id: payload.identifier } : { trackId: payload.identifier }; return SoundCloudModule.soundcloudTrackModel.findOne(query, next); }, (track, next) => { if (track) return next(null, track, false); if (mongoose.isObjectIdOrHexString(payload.identifier) || !payload.createMissing) return next("SoundCloud track not found."); return SoundCloudModule.runJob("API_GET_TRACK", { trackId: payload.identifier }, this) .then(({ response }) => { const { data } = response; if (!data || ! return next("The specified track does not exist or cannot be publicly accessed."); const { id, title, artwork_url: artworkUrl, created_at: createdAt, duration, genre, kind, license, likes_count: likesCount, playback_count: playbackCount, public: _public, tag_list: tagList, user_id: userId, user } = data; const soundcloudTrack = { trackId: id, title, artworkUrl, soundcloudCreatedAt: new Date(createdAt), duration: duration / 1000, genre, kind, license, likesCount, playbackCount, public: _public, tagList, userId, username: user.username }; return next(null, false, soundcloudTrack); }) .catch(next); }, (track, soundcloudTrack, next) => { if (track) return next(null, track, true); return SoundCloudModule.runJob("CREATE_TRACK", { soundcloudTrack }, this) .then(res => { if (res.soundcloudTrack.length === 1) next(null, res.soundcloudTrack, false); else next("SoundCloud track not found."); }) .catch(next); } ], (err, track, existing) => { if (err) reject(new Error(err)); else resolve({ track, existing }); } ); }); } } export default new _SoundCloudModule();