import "./loadEnvVariables.js"; import util from "util"; import config from "config"; import fs from "fs"; import package_json from "./package.json" assert { type: "json" }; const REQUIRED_CONFIG_VERSION = 11; // eslint-disable-next-line Array.prototype.remove = function (item) { this.splice(this.indexOf(item), 1); }; process.on("uncaughtException", err => { if (err.code === "ECONNREFUSED" || err.code === "UNCERTAIN_STATE") return; console.log(`UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION: ${err.stack}`); }); const blacklistedConsoleLogs = []; const oldConsole = {}; oldConsole.log = console.log; console.log = (...args) => { const string = util.format.apply(null, args); let blacklisted = false; blacklistedConsoleLogs.forEach(blacklistedConsoleLog => { if (string.indexOf(blacklistedConsoleLog) !== -1) blacklisted = true; }); if (!blacklisted) oldConsole.log.apply(null, args); }; const MUSARE_VERSION = package_json.version; const printVersion = () => { console.log(`Musare version: ${MUSARE_VERSION}.`); try { const head_contents = fs.readFileSync(".parent_git/HEAD").toString().replaceAll("\n", ""); const branch = new RegExp("ref: refs/heads/([A-Za-z0-9_.-]+)").exec(head_contents)[1]; const config_contents = fs.readFileSync(".parent_git/config").toString().replaceAll("\t", "").split("\n"); const remote = new RegExp("remote = (.+)").exec( config_contents[config_contents.indexOf(`[branch "${branch}"]`) + 1] )[1]; const remote_url = new RegExp("url = (.+)").exec( config_contents[config_contents.indexOf(`[remote "${remote}"]`) + 1] )[1]; const latest_commit = fs.readFileSync(`.parent_git/refs/heads/${branch}`).toString().replaceAll("\n", ""); const latest_commit_short = latest_commit.substr(0, 7); console.log( `Git branch: ${remote}/${branch}. Remote url: ${remote_url}. Latest commit: ${latest_commit} (${latest_commit_short}).` ); } catch (e) { console.log(`Could not get Git info: ${e.message}.`); } }; printVersion(); if ( (!config.has("configVersion") || config.get("configVersion") !== REQUIRED_CONFIG_VERSION) && !(config.has("skipConfigVersionCheck") && config.get("skipConfigVersionCheck")) ) { console.log( "CONFIG VERSION IS WRONG. PLEASE UPDATE YOUR CONFIG WITH THE HELP OF THE TEMPLATE FILE AND THE README FILE." ); process.exit(); } if (config.debug && config.debug.traceUnhandledPromises === true) { console.log("Enabled trace-unhandled/register"); import("trace-unhandled/register"); } class JobManager { // eslint-disable-next-line require-jsdoc constructor() { = {}; } /** * Adds a job to the list of jobs * * @param {object} job - the job object */ addJob(job) { if (![])[] = {};[][job.toString()] = job; } /** * Removes a job from the list of running jobs (after it's completed) * * @param {object} job - the job object */ removeJob(job) { if (![])[] = {}; delete[][job.toString()]; } /** * Returns detail about a job via a identifier * * @param {string} uuid - the job identifier * @returns {object} - the job object */ getJob(uuid) { let job = null; Object.keys( => { if ([moduleName][uuid]) job =[moduleName][uuid]; }); return job; } } class ModuleManager { // eslint-disable-next-line require-jsdoc constructor() { this.modules = {}; this.modulesNotInitialized = []; this.jobManager = new JobManager(); this.i = 0; this.lockdown = false; this.debugLogs = { stationIssue: [] }; this.debugJobs = { all: [], completed: [] }; = "MODULE_MANAGER"; } /** * Adds a new module to the backend server/module manager * * @param {string} moduleName - the name of the module (also needs to be the same as the filename of a module located in the logic folder or "logic/moduleName/index.js") */ async addModule(moduleName) { this.log("INFO", "Adding module", moduleName); this.modules[moduleName] = import(`./logic/${moduleName}`); } /** * Initialises a new module to the backend server/module manager * */ async initialize() { this.reservedLines = Object.keys(this.modules).length + 5; await Promise.all(Object.values(this.modules)).then(modules => { for (let module = 0; module < modules.length; module += 1) { this.modules[modules[module]] = modules[module].default; this.modulesNotInitialized.push(modules[module].default); } }); // ensures all modules are imported, then converts promise to the default export of the import Object.keys(this.modules).every(moduleKey => { const module = this.modules[moduleKey]; module.setModuleManager(this); if (this.lockdown) return false; module._initialize(); return true; }); } /** * Called when a module is initialised * * @param {object} module - the module object/class */ onInitialize(module) { if (this.modulesNotInitialized.indexOf(module) !== -1) { this.modulesNotInitialized.splice(this.modulesNotInitialized.indexOf(module), 1); this.log( "INFO", `Initialized: ${Object.keys(this.modules).length - this.modulesNotInitialized.length}/${ Object.keys(this.modules).length }.` ); if (this.modulesNotInitialized.length === 0) this.onAllModulesInitialized(); } } /** * Called when a module fails to initialise * * @param {object} module - the module object/class */ onFail(module) { if (this.modulesNotInitialized.indexOf(module) !== -1) { this.log("ERROR", "A module failed to initialize!"); } } /** * Called when every module has initialised * */ onAllModulesInitialized() { this.log("INFO", "All modules initialized!"); } /** * Creates a new log message * * @param {...any} args - anything to be included in the log message, the first argument is the type of log */ log(...args) { const _arguments = Array.from(args); const type = _arguments[0]; _arguments.splice(0, 1); const start = `|${}|`; const numberOfSpacesNeeded = 20 - start.length; _arguments.unshift(`${start}${Array(numberOfSpacesNeeded).join(" ")}`); if (type === "INFO") { _arguments[0] += "\x1b[36m"; _arguments.push("\x1b[0m"); console.log.apply(null, _arguments); } else if (type === "ERROR") { _arguments[0] += "\x1b[31m"; _arguments.push("\x1b[0m"); console.error.apply(null, _arguments); } } /** * Locks down all modules */ _lockdown() { this.lockdown = true; Object.keys(this.modules).every(moduleKey => { const module = this.modules[moduleKey]; module.setStatus("LOCKDOWN"); return true; }); } } const moduleManager = new ModuleManager(); if (!config.get("migration")) { moduleManager.addModule("cache"); moduleManager.addModule("db"); moduleManager.addModule("mail"); moduleManager.addModule("activities"); moduleManager.addModule("api"); moduleManager.addModule("app"); moduleManager.addModule("ws"); moduleManager.addModule("notifications"); moduleManager.addModule("playlists"); moduleManager.addModule("punishments"); moduleManager.addModule("songs"); moduleManager.addModule("stations"); moduleManager.addModule("media"); moduleManager.addModule("tasks"); moduleManager.addModule("utils"); moduleManager.addModule("youtube"); moduleManager.addModule("soundcloud"); moduleManager.addModule("spotify"); } else { moduleManager.addModule("migration"); } moduleManager.initialize(); /** * Prints a job * * @param {object} job - the job * @param {number} layer - the layer */ function printJob(job, layer) { const tabs = Array(layer).join("\t"); if (job) { console.log(`${tabs}${} (${job.toString()}) ${job.status}`); job.childJobs.forEach(childJob => { printJob(childJob, layer + 1); }); } else console.log(`${tabs}JOB WAS REMOVED`); } /** * Prints a task * * @param {object} task - the task * @param {number} layer - the layer */ function printTask(task, layer) { const tabs = Array(layer).join("\t"); console.log(`${tabs}${} (${task.job.toString()}) ${task.job.status} (priority: ${task.priority})`); task.job.childJobs.forEach(childJob => { printJob(childJob, layer + 1); }); } import * as readline from "node:readline"; var rl = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout, completer: function (command) { const parts = command.split(" "); const commands = [ "version", "lockdown", "status", "running ", "queued ", "paused ", "stats ", "jobinfo ", "runjob ", "eval " ]; if (parts.length === 1) { const hits = commands.filter(c => c.startsWith(parts[0])); return [hits.length ? hits : commands, command]; } else if (parts.length === 2) { if (["queued", "running", "paused", "runjob", "stats"].indexOf(parts[0]) !== -1) { const modules = Object.keys(moduleManager.modules); const hits = modules .filter(module => module.startsWith(parts[1])) .map(module => `${parts[0]} ${module}${parts[0] === "runjob" ? " " : ""}`); return [hits.length ? hits : modules, command]; } else { return []; } } else if (parts.length === 3) { if (parts[0] === "runjob") { const modules = Object.keys(moduleManager.modules); if (modules.indexOf(parts[1]) !== -1) { const jobs = moduleManager.modules[parts[1]].jobNames; const hits = jobs .filter(job => job.startsWith(parts[2])) .map(job => `${parts[0]} ${parts[1]} ${job} `); return [hits.length ? hits : jobs, command]; } } else { return []; } } else { return []; } } }); rl.on("line", function (command) { if (command === "version") { printVersion(); } if (command === "lockdown") { console.log("Locking down."); moduleManager._lockdown(); } if (command === "status") { console.log("Status:"); Object.keys(moduleManager.modules).forEach(moduleName => { const module = moduleManager.modules[moduleName]; const tabsNeeded = 4 - Math.ceil((moduleName.length + 1) / 8); console.log( `${moduleName.toUpperCase()}${Array(tabsNeeded).join( "\t" )}${module.getStatus()}. Jobs in queue: ${module.jobQueue.lengthQueue()}. Jobs in progress: ${module.jobQueue.lengthRunning()}. Jobs paused: ${module.jobQueue.lengthPaused()} Concurrency: ${ module.jobQueue.concurrency }. Stage: ${module.getStage()}` ); }); } if (command.startsWith("running")) { const parts = command.split(" "); moduleManager.modules[parts[1]].jobQueue.runningTasks.forEach(task => { printTask(task, 1); }); } if (command.startsWith("queued")) { const parts = command.split(" "); moduleManager.modules[parts[1]].jobQueue.queue.forEach(task => { printTask(task, 1); }); } if (command.startsWith("paused")) { const parts = command.split(" "); moduleManager.modules[parts[1]].jobQueue.pausedTasks.forEach(task => { printTask(task, 1); }); } if (command.startsWith("stats")) { const parts = command.split(" "); console.log(moduleManager.modules[parts[1]].jobStatistics); } if (command.startsWith("jobinfo")) { const parts = command.split(" "); const uuid = parts[1]; const jobFound = moduleManager.jobManager.getJob(uuid); if (jobFound) { let topParent = jobFound; let levelsDeep = 0; while (topParent.parentJob && topParent !== topParent.parentJob) { topParent = jobFound.parentJob; levelsDeep += 1; } console.log( `Found job, displaying that job and the full tree from the top parent job. The job is ${levelsDeep} levels deep from the top parent.` ); console.log(jobFound); printJob(topParent, 1); } else console.log("Could not find job in job manager."); } if (command.startsWith("runjob")) { const parts = command.split(" "); const module = parts[1]; const jobName = parts[2]; const payload = parts.length < 4 ? {} : JSON.parse(parts[3]); moduleManager.modules[module] .runJob(jobName, payload) .then(response => { console.log("runjob success", response); }) .catch(err => { console.log("runjob error", err); }); } if (command.startsWith("eval")) { const evalCommand = command.replace("eval ", ""); console.log(`Running eval command: ${evalCommand}`); // eslint-disable-next-line no-eval const response = eval(evalCommand); console.log(`Eval response: `, response); } if (command.startsWith("debug")) { moduleManager.modules["youtube"].apiCalls.forEach(apiCall => { // console.log(`${} - ${apiCall.url} - ${apiCall.quotaCost} - ${JSON.stringify(apiCall.params)}`); console.log(apiCall); }); } }); export default moduleManager;