import config from "config"; import Discord from "discord.js"; import CoreClass from "../core"; let DiscordModule; class _DiscordModule extends CoreClass { // eslint-disable-next-line require-jsdoc constructor() { super("discord"); DiscordModule = this; } /** * Initialises the discord module * * @returns {Promise} - returns promise (reject, resolve) */ initialize() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.log("INFO", "Discord initialize"); this.client = new Discord.Client(); this.adminAlertChannelId = config.get("apis.discord").loggingChannel; this.client.on("ready", () => { this.log("INFO", `Logged in as ${this.client.user.tag}!`); if (this.getStatus() === "INITIALIZING") { resolve(); } else if (this.getStatus() === "RECONNECTING") { this.log("INFO", `Discord client reconnected.`); this.setStatus("READY"); } }); this.client.on("disconnect", () => { this.log("INFO", `Discord client disconnected.`); if (this.getStatus() === "INITIALIZING") reject(); else { this.setStatus("DISCONNECTED"); } }); this.client.on("reconnecting", () => { this.log("INFO", `Discord client reconnecting.`); this.setStatus("RECONNECTING"); }); this.client.on("error", err => { this.log("INFO", `Discord client encountered an error: ${err.message}.`); }); this.client.login(config.get("apis.discord").token); }); } /** * Adds a new activity to the database * * @param {object} payload - object that contains the payload * @param {string} payload.color - The colour of the alert title * @param {string} payload.message - The message to send as the alert * @param {string} payload.type - The type of alert e.g. Startup * @param {boolean} payload.critical - If the message is service critical * @param {Array} payload.extraFields - Any extra fields to show in the discord message * @returns {Promise} - returns promise (reject, resolve) */ SEND_ADMIN_ALERT_MESSAGE(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const channel = DiscordModule.client.channels.find( channel => === DiscordModule.adminAlertChannelId ); if (channel !== null) { const richEmbed = new Discord.RichEmbed(); richEmbed.setAuthor( "Musare Logger", `${config.get("domain")}/favicon-194x194.png`, config.get("domain") ); richEmbed.setColor(payload.color); richEmbed.setDescription(payload.message); // richEmbed.setFooter("Footer", ""); // richEmbed.setImage(""); // richEmbed.setThumbnail(""); richEmbed.setTimestamp(new Date()); richEmbed.setTitle("MUSARE ALERT"); richEmbed.setURL(config.get("domain")); richEmbed.addField("Type:", payload.type, true); richEmbed.addField("Critical:", payload.critical ? "True" : "False", true); payload.extraFields.forEach(extraField => { richEmbed.addField(, extraField.value, extraField.inline); }); channel .send(payload.message, { embed: richEmbed }) .then(message => resolve({ status: "success", message: `Successfully sent admin alert message: ${message}` }) ) .catch(() => reject(new Error("Couldn't send admin alert message"))); } else { reject(new Error("Channel was not found")); } // if (true) { // resolve({}); // } else { // reject(new Error("Nothing changed.")); // } }); } } export default new _DiscordModule();