import ListenerHandler from "@/classes/ListenerHandler.class"; import { useConfigStore } from "@/stores/config"; import { useUserAuthStore } from "@/stores/userAuth"; import utils from "@/utils"; export default class SocketHandler { socket?: WebSocket; url: string; dispatcher: ListenerHandler; onConnectCbs: { temp: (() => void)[]; persist: (() => void)[]; }; ready: boolean; firstInit: boolean; pendingDispatches: (() => void)[]; onDisconnectCbs: { temp: (() => void)[]; persist: (() => void)[]; }; CB_REFS: Record void>; PROGRESS_CB_REFS: Record void>; data: { dispatch?: Record any>; progress?: Record any>; on?: Record; }; // Mock only executeDispatch: boolean; // Mock only trigger: (type: string, target: string, data?: any) => void; // Mock only constructor() { this.dispatcher = new ListenerHandler(); this.onConnectCbs = { temp: [], persist: [] }; this.ready = false; this.firstInit = true; this.pendingDispatches = []; this.onDisconnectCbs = { temp: [], persist: [] }; // references for when a dispatch event is ready to callback from server to client this.CB_REFS = {}; this.PROGRESS_CB_REFS = {}; this.init(); // Mock only = {}; this.executeDispatch = true; this.trigger = () => {}; } init() { const configStore = useConfigStore(); const userAuthStore = useUserAuthStore(); this.socket = new WebSocket(; this.socket.onopen = () => { console.log("WS: SOCKET OPENED"); }; this.socket.onmessage = message => { const data = JSON.parse(; const name = data.shift(0); if (name === "CB_REF") { const CB_REF = data.shift(0); this.CB_REFS[CB_REF](; return delete this.CB_REFS[CB_REF]; } if (name === "PROGRESS_CB_REF") { const PROGRESS_CB_REF = data.shift(0); this.PROGRESS_CB_REFS[PROGRESS_CB_REF](; } if (name === "ERROR") console.log("WS: SOCKET ERROR:", data[0]); return this.dispatcher.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent(name, { detail: data }) ); }; this.socket.onclose = () => { console.log("WS: SOCKET CLOSED"); this.ready = false; this.firstInit = false; this.onDisconnectCbs.temp.forEach(cb => cb()); this.onDisconnectCbs.persist.forEach(cb => cb()); // try to reconnect every 1000ms, if the user isn't banned if (!userAuthStore.banned) setTimeout(() => this.init(), 1000); }; this.socket.onerror = err => { console.log("WS: SOCKET ERROR", err); }; if (this.firstInit) { this.firstInit = false; this.on("ready", data => { console.log("WS: SOCKET READY"); configStore.$patch(data.config); this.onConnectCbs.temp.forEach(cb => cb()); this.onConnectCbs.persist.forEach(cb => cb()); this.ready = true; setTimeout(() => { // dispatches that were attempted while the server was offline this.pendingDispatches.forEach(cb => cb()); this.pendingDispatches = []; }, 150); // small delay between readyState being 1 and the server actually receiving dispatches userAuthStore.updatePermissions(); }); } } on( target: string, cb: (...args: any[]) => any, options?: EventListenerOptions & { replaceable?: boolean; modalUuid?: string; } ) { this.dispatcher.addEventListener( target, (event: CustomEvent) => cb(...event.detail), options ); } dispatch(...args: [string, ...any[]]) { if (!this.socket || this.socket.readyState !== 1) { this.pendingDispatches.push(() => this.dispatch(...args)); return undefined; } const lastArg = args[args.length - 1]; const CB_REF = utils.guid(); if (typeof lastArg === "function") { this.CB_REFS[CB_REF] = lastArg; return this.socket.send( JSON.stringify([...args.slice(0, -1), { CB_REF }]) ); } if (typeof lastArg === "object") { this.CB_REFS[CB_REF] = lastArg.cb; this.PROGRESS_CB_REFS[CB_REF] = lastArg.onProgress; return this.socket.send( JSON.stringify([ ...args.slice(0, -1), { CB_REF, onProgress: true } ]) ); } return this.socket.send(JSON.stringify([...args])); } onConnect(cb: (...args: any[]) => any, persist = false) { if (this.socket && this.socket.readyState === 1 && this.ready) cb(); if (persist) this.onConnectCbs.persist.push(cb); else this.onConnectCbs.temp.push(cb); } onDisconnect(cb: (...args: any[]) => any, persist = false) { if (persist) this.onDisconnectCbs.persist.push(cb); else this.onDisconnectCbs.temp.push(cb); } clearCallbacks() { this.onConnectCbs.temp = []; this.onDisconnectCbs.temp = []; } destroyListeners() { Object.keys(this.CB_REFS).forEach(id => { if ( id.indexOf("$event:") !== -1 && id.indexOf("$event:keep.") === -1 ) delete this.CB_REFS[id]; }); Object.keys(this.PROGRESS_CB_REFS).forEach(id => { if ( id.indexOf("$event:") !== -1 && id.indexOf("$event:keep.") === -1 ) delete this.PROGRESS_CB_REFS[id]; }); // destroy all listeners that aren't site-wide Object.keys(this.dispatcher.listeners).forEach(type => { if (type.indexOf("keep.") === -1 && type !== "ready") delete this.dispatcher.listeners[type]; }); } destroyModalListeners(modalUuid: string) { // destroy all listeners for a specific modal Object.keys(this.dispatcher.listeners).forEach(type => this.dispatcher.listeners[type].forEach((element, index) => { if (element.options && element.options.modalUuid === modalUuid) this.dispatcher.listeners[type].splice(index, 1); }) ); } }