import { ref, onMounted, onUnmounted, nextTick } from "vue"; export const useDragBox = () => { const dragBox = ref({ top: 0, left: 0, pos1: 0, pos2: 0, pos3: 0, pos4: 0, width: 400, height: 50, initial: { top: 0, left: 0 }, latest: { top: null, left: null }, debounceTimeout: null, lastTappedDate: 0 }); const onDragBoxUpdate = ref(); const setOnDragBoxUpdate = newOnDragBoxUpdate => { onDragBoxUpdate.value = newOnDragBoxUpdate; }; const setInitialBox = (initial, reset = false) => { dragBox.value.initial = initial || dragBox.value.initial; if (reset) dragBox.value = { ...dragBox.value, ...dragBox.value.initial }; }; const resetBoxPosition = (preventUpdate = false) => { setInitialBox(null, true); =; dragBox.value.latest.left = dragBox.value.left; if (!preventUpdate && typeof onDragBoxUpdate.value === "function") onDragBoxUpdate.value(); }; const onDragBox = e => { const e1 = e || window.event; const e1IsTouch = e1.type === "touchstart"; e1.preventDefault(); if (e1IsTouch) { // Handle double click from touch (if this method is twice in a row within one second) if ( - dragBox.value.lastTappedDate <= 1000) { resetBoxPosition(); dragBox.value.lastTappedDate = 0; return; } dragBox.value.lastTappedDate =; } dragBox.value.pos3 = e1IsTouch ? e1.changedTouches[0].clientX : e1.clientX; dragBox.value.pos4 = e1IsTouch ? e1.changedTouches[0].clientY : e1.clientY; const onMove = e => { const e2 = e || window.event; const e2IsTouch = e2.type === "touchmove"; if (!e2IsTouch) e2.preventDefault(); // Get the clientX and clientY const e2ClientX = e2IsTouch ? e2.changedTouches[0].clientX : e2.clientX; const e2ClientY = e2IsTouch ? e2.changedTouches[0].clientY : e2.clientY; // calculate the new cursor position: dragBox.value.pos1 = dragBox.value.pos3 - e2ClientX; dragBox.value.pos2 = dragBox.value.pos4 - e2ClientY; dragBox.value.pos3 = e2ClientX; dragBox.value.pos4 = e2ClientY; // set the element's new position: -= dragBox.value.pos2; dragBox.value.left -= dragBox.value.pos1; if ( > document.body.clientHeight - dragBox.value.height ) = document.body.clientHeight - dragBox.value.height; if ( < 0) = 0; if ( dragBox.value.left > document.body.clientWidth - dragBox.value.width ) dragBox.value.left = document.body.clientWidth - dragBox.value.width; if (dragBox.value.left < 0) dragBox.value.left = 0; }; document.onmousemove = onMove; document.ontouchmove = onMove; const onUp = () => { document.onmouseup = null; document.ontouchend = null; document.onmousemove = null; document.ontouchmove = null; if (typeof onDragBoxUpdate.value === "function") onDragBoxUpdate.value(); }; document.onmouseup = onUp; document.ontouchend = onUp; }; const onWindowResizeDragBox = () => { if (dragBox.value.debounceTimeout) clearTimeout(dragBox.value.debounceTimeout); dragBox.value.debounceTimeout = setTimeout(() => { if ( === && dragBox.value.left === dragBox.value.latest.left ) { resetBoxPosition(); } else { if ( > document.body.clientHeight - dragBox.value.height ) = document.body.clientHeight - dragBox.value.height; if ( < 0) = 0; if ( dragBox.value.left > document.body.clientWidth - dragBox.value.width ) dragBox.value.left = document.body.clientWidth - dragBox.value.width; if (dragBox.value.left < 0) dragBox.value.left = 0; if (typeof onDragBoxUpdate.value === "function") onDragBoxUpdate.value(); } }, 50); }; onMounted(async () => { resetBoxPosition(true); await nextTick(); onWindowResizeDragBox(); window.addEventListener("resize", onWindowResizeDragBox); }); onUnmounted(() => { window.removeEventListener("resize", onWindowResizeDragBox); if (dragBox.value.debounceTimeout) clearTimeout(dragBox.value.debounceTimeout); }); return { dragBox, setInitialBox, onDragBox, resetBoxPosition, onWindowResizeDragBox, setOnDragBoxUpdate }; };