import { ref, computed, onMounted, onBeforeUnmount, nextTick } from "vue"; import Toast from "toasters"; import { storeToRefs } from "pinia"; import { DraggableList } from "vue-draggable-list"; import { useWebsocketsStore } from "@/stores/websockets"; import { useUserAuthStore } from "@/stores/userAuth"; import { useUserPlaylistsStore } from "@/stores/userPlaylists"; export const useSortablePlaylists = () => { const orderOfPlaylists = ref([]); const drag = ref(false); const userId = ref(); const userAuthStore = useUserAuthStore(); const userPlaylistsStore = useUserPlaylistsStore(); const { userId: myUserId } = storeToRefs(userAuthStore); const playlists = computed({ get: () => userPlaylistsStore.playlists, set: playlists => { userPlaylistsStore.updatePlaylists(playlists); } }); const isCurrentUser = computed(() => userId.value === myUserId.value); const { socket } = useWebsocketsStore(); const { setPlaylists, addPlaylist, removePlaylist } = userPlaylistsStore; const calculatePlaylistOrder = () => { const calculatedOrder = []; playlists.value.forEach(playlist => calculatedOrder.push(playlist._id)); return calculatedOrder; }; const savePlaylistOrder = () => { const recalculatedOrder = calculatePlaylistOrder(); if ( JSON.stringify(orderOfPlaylists.value) === JSON.stringify(recalculatedOrder) ) return; // nothing has changed socket.dispatch( "users.updateOrderOfPlaylists", recalculatedOrder, res => { if (res.status === "error") return new Toast(res.message); orderOfPlaylists.value = calculatePlaylistOrder(); // new order in regards to the database return new Toast(res.message); } ); }; onMounted(async () => { await nextTick(); if (!userId.value) userId.value = myUserId.value; socket.onConnect(() => { if (!isCurrentUser.value) socket.dispatch( "apis.joinRoom", `profile.${userId.value}.playlists`, () => {} ); socket.dispatch("playlists.indexForUser", userId.value, res => { if (res.status === "success") setPlaylists(; orderOfPlaylists.value = calculatePlaylistOrder(); // order in regards to the database }); }); socket.on( "event:playlist.created", res => addPlaylist(, { replaceable: true } ); socket.on( "event:playlist.deleted", res => removePlaylist(, { replaceable: true } ); socket.on( "", res => { playlists.value.forEach((playlist, index) => { if (playlist._id === { playlists.value[index].songs.push(; } }); }, { replaceable: true } ); socket.on( "", res => { playlists.value.forEach((playlist, playlistIndex) => { if (playlist._id === { playlists.value[playlistIndex].songs.forEach( (song, songIndex) => { if (song.mediaSource === { playlists.value[playlistIndex].songs.splice( songIndex, 1 ); } } ); } }); }, { replaceable: true } ); socket.on( "", res => { playlists.value.forEach((playlist, index) => { if (playlist._id === { playlists.value[index].songs = playlists.value[ index ] => song.mediaSource === ? : song ); } }); }, { replaceable: true } ); socket.on( "event:playlist.displayName.updated", res => { playlists.value.forEach((playlist, index) => { if (playlist._id === { playlists.value[index].displayName =; } }); }, { replaceable: true } ); socket.on( "event:playlist.privacy.updated", res => { playlists.value.forEach((playlist, index) => { if (playlist._id === { playlists.value[index].privacy =; } }); }, { replaceable: true } ); socket.on( "event:user.orderOfPlaylists.updated", res => { const order = => playlists.value.find( playlist => playlist._id === playlistId && (isCurrentUser.value || playlist.privacy === "public") ) ); const sortedPlaylists = []; playlists.value.forEach(playlist => { const playlistOrder = order.indexOf(playlist._id); if (playlistOrder >= 0) sortedPlaylists[playlistOrder] = playlist; }); playlists.value = sortedPlaylists; orderOfPlaylists.value = calculatePlaylistOrder(); }, { replaceable: true } ); }); onBeforeUnmount(() => { if (!isCurrentUser.value) socket.dispatch( "apis.leaveRoom", `profile.${userId.value}.playlists`, () => {} ); }); return { DraggableList, drag, userId, isCurrentUser, playlists, orderOfPlaylists, myUserId, savePlaylistOrder, calculatePlaylistOrder }; };