import { ref, watch } from "vue"; import utils from "@/utils"; const soundcloudDomain = ""; export const useSoundcloudPlayer = () => { const uuid = utils.guid(); const soundcloudIframeElement = ref(); const widgetId = ref(); const volume = ref(); const readyCallback = ref(); const attemptsToPlay = ref(0); const debouncePause = ref(null); const iframeUrl = ref(""); const playAttemptTimeout = ref(); const paused = ref(true); const currentTrackId = ref(null); const methodCallbacks = {}; const eventListenerCallbacks = {}; const stateChangeCallbacks = []; const debug = (...args) => process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" && console.debug("[USP]", uuid, widgetId.value, ...args); debug("Init start"); if (!window.soundcloudIframeLockUuids) window.soundcloudIframeLockUuids = new Set(); /* EVENTS: LOAD_PROGRESS: "loadProgress", PLAY_PROGRESS: "playProgress", PLAY: "play", PAUSE: "pause", FINISH: "finish", SEEK: "seek", READY: "ready", OPEN_SHARE_PANEL: "sharePanelOpened", CLICK_DOWNLOAD: "downloadClicked", CLICK_BUY: "buyClicked", ERROR: "error" METHODS: GET_VOLUME: "getVolume", GET_DURATION: "getDuration", GET_POSITION: "getPosition", GET_SOUNDS: "getSounds", GET_CURRENT_SOUND: "getCurrentSound", GET_CURRENT_SOUND_INDEX: "getCurrentSoundIndex", IS_PAUSED: "isPaused" PLAY: "play", PAUSE: "pause", TOGGLE: "toggle", SEEK_TO: "seekTo", SET_VOLUME: "setVolume", NEXT: "next", PREV: "prev", SKIP: "skip" REMOVE_LISTENER: "removeEventListener", ADD_LISTENER: "addEventListener" */ const trackState = ref("NOT_PLAYING"); const dispatchMessage = (method, value = null) => { const payload = { method, value }; if (!soundcloudIframeElement.value) return; if ( !soundcloudIframeElement.value.src || !soundcloudIframeElement.value.src.startsWith(soundcloudDomain) ) return; if (method !== "getPosition" && method !== "getDuration") debug("Dispatch message", method, value); soundcloudIframeElement.value.contentWindow.postMessage( JSON.stringify(payload), `${soundcloudDomain}/player` ); }; const onLoadListener = () => {}; const onMessageListener = event => { if (event.origin !== soundcloudDomain) return; const data = JSON.parse(; if ( data.method !== "getPosition" && data.method !== "getDuration" && (data.method === "ready" || data.widgetId === widgetId.value) ) debug("MESSAGE DATA", data); if (data.method === "ready") { if (window.soundcloudIframeLockUuid !== uuid) return; widgetId.value = data.widgetId; if (readyCallback.value) readyCallback.value(); if (eventListenerCallbacks[data.method]) eventListenerCallbacks[data.method].forEach(callback => { callback(data.value); }); window.soundcloudIframeLockUuid = null; document.dispatchEvent(new Event("soundcloudUnlock")); return; } if (data.widgetId !== widgetId.value) return; if (methodCallbacks[data.method]) { methodCallbacks[data.method].forEach(callback => { callback(data.value); }); methodCallbacks[data.method] = []; } if (eventListenerCallbacks[data.method]) { eventListenerCallbacks[data.method].forEach(callback => { callback(data.value); }); } }; const addMethodCallback = (type, cb) => { if (!methodCallbacks[type]) methodCallbacks[type] = []; methodCallbacks[type].push(cb); }; const changeTrackState = newTrackState => { clearTimeout(debouncePause.value); const oldTrackState = trackState.value; trackState.value = newTrackState; if (newTrackState !== oldTrackState) { stateChangeCallbacks.forEach(cb => { cb(newTrackState); }); } }; const soundcloudGetIsPaused = callback => { let called = false; const _callback = value => { if (called) return; called = true; callback(value); }; addMethodCallback("isPaused", _callback); dispatchMessage("isPaused"); }; const soundcloudGetCurrentSound = callback => { let called = false; const _callback = value => { if (called) return; called = true; callback(value); }; addMethodCallback("getCurrentSound", _callback); dispatchMessage("getCurrentSound"); }; const attemptToPlay = () => { if (trackState.value === "playing") return; if (trackState.value !== "attempting_to_play") { attemptsToPlay.value = 0; changeTrackState("attempting_to_play"); } attemptsToPlay.value += 1; dispatchMessage("play"); setTimeout(() => { soundcloudGetIsPaused(value => { if (trackState.value !== "attempting_to_play") return; // Success if (!value) { changeTrackState("playing"); return; } soundcloudGetCurrentSound(sound => { // Sound is not available to play if ( value && !paused.value && typeof sound === "object" && (!sound.playable || !sound.public || sound.policy === "BLOCK") ) { changeTrackState("sound_unavailable"); attemptsToPlay.value = 0; return; } // Too many attempts, failed if (attemptsToPlay.value >= 10 && value && !paused.value) { changeTrackState("failed_to_play"); attemptsToPlay.value = 0; return; } if (playAttemptTimeout.value) clearTimeout(playAttemptTimeout.value); playAttemptTimeout.value = setTimeout(() => { if (trackState.value === "attempting_to_play") attemptToPlay(); }, 500); }); }); }, 500); }; const changeIframeUrl = url => { iframeUrl.value = url; if (url && window.soundcloudIframeLockUuid !== uuid) { // Don't change the iframe src if the player hasn't initialized and isn't allowed to initialize yet if (url) window.soundcloudIframeLockUuids.add(uuid); if (!window.soundcloudIframeLockUuid) document.dispatchEvent(new Event("soundcloudUnlock")); return; } if (!url) widgetId.value = null; soundcloudIframeElement.value.setAttribute( "src", url ?? `${soundcloudDomain}/player` ); }; const documentUnlockEventListener = () => { if ( !window.soundcloudIframeLockUuid && window.soundcloudIframeLockUuids.size > 0 && window.soundcloudIframeLockUuids.keys().next().value === uuid ) { window.soundcloudIframeLockUuid = uuid; window.soundcloudIframeLockUuids.delete(uuid); changeIframeUrl(iframeUrl.value); } }; watch(soundcloudIframeElement, (newElement, oldElement) => { if (oldElement) { oldElement.removeEventListener("load", onLoadListener); window.removeEventListener("message", onMessageListener); if (window.soundcloudIframeLockUuid === uuid) window.soundcloudIframeLockUuid = null; window.soundcloudIframeLockUuids.delete(uuid); document.removeEventListener( "soundcloudUnlock", documentUnlockEventListener ); } if (newElement) { newElement.addEventListener("load", onLoadListener); window.addEventListener("message", onMessageListener); document.removeEventListener( "soundcloudUnlock", documentUnlockEventListener ); document.addEventListener( "soundcloudUnlock", documentUnlockEventListener ); } if (!window.soundcloudIframeLockUuid) document.dispatchEvent(new Event("soundcloudUnlock")); }); /* Exported functions */ const soundcloudPlay = () => { paused.value = false; debug("Soundcloud play"); if (trackState.value !== "attempting_to_play") attemptToPlay(); }; const soundcloudPause = () => { paused.value = true; debug("Soundcloud pause"); if (playAttemptTimeout.value) clearTimeout(playAttemptTimeout.value); dispatchMessage("pause"); }; const soundcloudSetVolume = _volume => { volume.value = _volume; debug("Soundcloud set volume"); dispatchMessage("setVolume", _volume); }; const soundcloudSeekTo = time => { debug("SC SEEK TO", time); debug("Soundcloud seek to"); dispatchMessage("seekTo", time); }; const soundcloudGetPosition = callback => { let called = false; const _callback = value => { if (called) return; called = true; callback(value); }; addMethodCallback("getPosition", _callback); dispatchMessage("getPosition"); }; const soundcloudGetDuration = callback => { let called = false; const _callback = value => { if (called) return; called = true; callback(value); }; addMethodCallback("getDuration", _callback); dispatchMessage("getDuration"); }; const soundcloudGetState = () => trackState.value; const soundcloudGetTrackId = () => currentTrackId.value; const soundcloudGetTrackState = () => trackState.value; const soundcloudLoadTrack = (trackId, startTime, _paused) => { if (!soundcloudIframeElement.value) return; debug("Soundcloud load track"); const url = `${soundcloudDomain}/player?autoplay=false&buying=false&sharing=false&download=false&show_artwork=false&show_playcount=false&show_user=false&url=${`${trackId}`}`; changeIframeUrl(url); paused.value = _paused; currentTrackId.value = trackId; if (playAttemptTimeout.value) clearTimeout(playAttemptTimeout.value); changeTrackState("not_started"); readyCallback.value = () => { Object.keys(eventListenerCallbacks).forEach(event => { dispatchMessage("addEventListener", event); }); dispatchMessage("setVolume", volume.value ?? 20); dispatchMessage("seekTo", (startTime ?? 0) * 1000); if (!_paused) attemptToPlay(); }; }; const soundcloudBindListener = (name, callback) => { if (!eventListenerCallbacks[name]) { eventListenerCallbacks[name] = []; dispatchMessage("addEventListener", name); } eventListenerCallbacks[name].push(callback); }; const soundcloudOnTrackStateChange = callback => { debug("On track state change listener added"); stateChangeCallbacks.push(callback); }; const soundcloudDestroy = () => { if (!soundcloudIframeElement.value) return; changeIframeUrl(null); currentTrackId.value = null; changeTrackState("none"); }; const soundcloudUnload = () => { window.removeEventListener("message", onMessageListener); }; soundcloudBindListener("play", () => { debug("On play"); if (trackState.value !== "attempting_to_play") changeTrackState("playing"); }); soundcloudBindListener("pause", eventValue => { debug("On pause", eventValue); const finishedPlaying = eventValue.relativePosition === 1; if (finishedPlaying) return; clearTimeout(debouncePause.value); debouncePause.value = setTimeout(() => { if (trackState.value !== "attempting_to_play") changeTrackState("paused"); }, 500); }); soundcloudBindListener("finish", () => { debug("On finish"); changeTrackState("finished"); }); soundcloudBindListener("error", () => { debug("On error"); changeTrackState("error"); }); debug("Init end"); return { soundcloudIframeElement, soundcloudPlay, soundcloudPause, soundcloudSeekTo, soundcloudSetVolume, soundcloudLoadTrack, soundcloudGetPosition, soundcloudGetDuration, soundcloudGetIsPaused, soundcloudGetState, soundcloudGetTrackId, soundcloudGetCurrentSound, soundcloudGetTrackState, soundcloudBindListener, soundcloudOnTrackStateChange, soundcloudDestroy, soundcloudUnload }; };