import { defineStore } from "pinia"; export const useConfigStore = defineStore("config", { state: (): { cookie: string; sitename: string; recaptcha: { enabled: boolean; key: string; }; githubAuthentication: boolean; messages: Record; christmas: boolean; footerLinks: Record; shortcutOverrides: Record; registrationDisabled: boolean; mailEnabled: boolean; discogsEnabled: boolean; experimental: { changable_listen_mode: string[] | boolean; media_session: boolean; disable_youtube_search: boolean; station_history: boolean; soundcloud: boolean; spotify: boolean; }; } => ({ cookie: "musareSID", sitename: MUSARE_SITENAME, recaptcha: { enabled: false, key: "" }, githubAuthentication: false, messages: { accountRemoval: "Your account will be deactivated instantly and your data will shortly be deleted by an admin." }, christmas: false, footerLinks: {}, shortcutOverrides: {}, registrationDisabled: false, mailEnabled: true, discogsEnabled: true, experimental: { changable_listen_mode: [], media_session: false, disable_youtube_search: false, station_history: false, soundcloud: false, spotify: false } }), actions: { get(query: string) { let config = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.$state)); query.split(".").forEach(property => { config = config[property]; }); return config; } }, getters: { urls() { const { protocol, host } = document.location; const secure = protocol !== "http:"; const client = `${protocol}//${host}`; const api = `${client}/backend`; const ws = `${secure ? "wss" : "ws"}://${host}/backend/ws`; return { client, api, ws, host, secure }; } } });