import { defineStore, storeToRefs } from "pinia"; import { Playlist } from "@/types/playlist"; import { Song, CurrentSong } from "@/types/song"; import { Station } from "@/types/station"; import { User } from "@/types/user"; import { StationHistory } from "@/types/stationHistory"; import { useWebsocketsStore } from "@/stores/websockets"; import { useUserPreferencesStore } from "@/stores/userPreferences"; import { useConfigStore } from "@/stores/config"; import { useSortablePlaylists } from "@/composables/useSortablePlaylists"; const userPreferencesStore = useUserPreferencesStore(); const configStore = useConfigStore(); const { autoSkipDisliked } = storeToRefs(userPreferencesStore); const { experimental } = storeToRefs(configStore); const { playlists } = useSortablePlaylists(); export const useStationStore = defineStore("station", { state: (): { station: Station; autoRequest: Playlist[]; autoRequestLock: boolean; userCount: number; users: { loggedIn: User[]; loggedOut: User[]; }; currentSong: CurrentSong | undefined; nextSong: Song | undefined | null; songsList: Song[]; stationPaused: boolean; localPaused: boolean; noSong: boolean; autofill: Playlist[]; blacklist: Playlist[]; mediaModalPlayingAudio: boolean; permissions: Record; history: StationHistory[]; } => ({ station: {}, autoRequest: [], autoRequestLock: false, userCount: 0, users: { loggedIn: [], loggedOut: [] }, currentSong: {}, nextSong: null, songsList: [], stationPaused: true, localPaused: false, noSong: true, autofill: [], blacklist: [], mediaModalPlayingAudio: false, permissions: {}, history: [] }), getters: { dislikedPlaylist() { return playlists.value.find( playlist => playlist.type === "user-disliked" ); }, // List of media sources that will not be allowed to be autorequested autorequestExcludedMediaSources() { const mediaSources = new Set(); // Exclude the current song if (this.currentSong && this.currentSong.mediaSource) mediaSources.add(this.currentSong.mediaSource); // Exclude songs in the queue if (this.songsList) { this.songsList.forEach(song => { mediaSources.add(song.mediaSource); }); } // If auto skip disliked preference is enabled, exclude all songs in the disliked playlist if (autoSkipDisliked.value && this.dislikedPlaylist) { this.dislikedPlaylist.songs.forEach(song => { mediaSources.add(song.mediaSource); }); } // If no history exists, just stop here if (!this.history) Array.from(mediaSources); const { autorequestDisallowRecentlyPlayedEnabled, autorequestDisallowRecentlyPlayedNumber } = this.station.requests; // If the station is set to disallow recently played songs, and station history is enabled, exclude the last X history songs if ( autorequestDisallowRecentlyPlayedEnabled && experimental.value.station_history ) { this.history.forEach((historyItem, index) => { if (index < autorequestDisallowRecentlyPlayedNumber) mediaSources.add(; }); } return Array.from(mediaSources); } }, actions: { joinStation(station) { this.station = { ...station }; }, leaveStation() { this.station = {}; this.autoRequest = []; this.autoRequestLock = false; this.editing = {}; this.userCount = 0; this.users = { loggedIn: [], loggedOut: [] }; this.currentSong = {}; this.nextSong = null; this.songsList = []; this.stationPaused = true; this.localPaused = false; this.noSong = true; this.autofill = []; this.blacklist = []; this.permissions = {}; }, editStation(station) { this.editing = { ...station }; }, updateStation(station) { this.station = { ...this.station, ...station }; }, updateUserCount(userCount) { this.userCount = userCount; }, updateUsers(users) { this.users = users; }, updateCurrentSong(currentSong) { this.currentSong = currentSong; }, updateNextSong(nextSong) { this.nextSong = nextSong; }, updateSongsList(songsList) { this.songsList = songsList; }, repositionSongInList(song) { if ( this.songsList[song.newIndex] && this.songsList[song.newIndex].mediaSource === song.mediaSource ) return; this.songsList.splice( song.newIndex, 0, this.songsList.splice(song.oldIndex, 1)[0] ); }, updateStationPaused(stationPaused) { this.stationPaused = stationPaused; }, updateLocalPaused(localPaused) { this.localPaused = localPaused; }, updateNoSong(noSong) { this.noSong = noSong; }, updateAutoRequest(playlists) { this.autoRequest = playlists; }, updateAutoRequestLock(lock) { this.autoRequestLock = lock; }, updateIfStationIsFavorited(isFavorited) { this.station.isFavorited = isFavorited; }, setAutofillPlaylists(autofillPlaylists) { this.autofill = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(autofillPlaylists)); }, setBlacklist(blacklist) { this.blacklist = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(blacklist)); }, updateCurrentSongRatings(songRatings) { this.currentSong.likes = songRatings.likes; this.currentSong.dislikes = songRatings.dislikes; }, updateOwnCurrentSongRatings(ownSongRatings) { this.currentSong.liked = ownSongRatings.liked; this.currentSong.disliked = ownSongRatings.disliked; }, updateCurrentSongSkipVotes({ skipVotes, skipVotesCurrent, voted }) { this.currentSong.skipVotes = skipVotes; if (skipVotesCurrent !== null) this.currentSong.skipVotesCurrent = skipVotesCurrent; this.currentSong.voted = voted; }, addAutorequestPlaylists(playlists) { playlists.forEach(playlist => { this.autoRequest.push(playlist); }); this.updateAutorequestLocalStorage(); }, addPlaylistToAutoRequest(playlist) { this.autoRequest.push(playlist); this.updateAutorequestLocalStorage(); }, removePlaylistFromAutoRequest(playlistId) { this.autoRequest.forEach((playlist, index) => { if (playlist._id === playlistId) { this.autoRequest.splice(index, 1); } }); this.updateAutorequestLocalStorage(); }, updateAutorequestLocalStorage() { const key = `autorequest-${this.station._id}`; const playlistIds = Array.from( new Set( => playlist._id)) ); const value = { updatedAt: new Date(), playlistIds }; localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value)); }, updateMediaModalPlayingAudio(mediaModalPlayingAudio) { this.mediaModalPlayingAudio = mediaModalPlayingAudio; }, hasPermission(permission) { return !!(this.permissions && this.permissions[permission]); }, updatePermissions() { return new Promise(resolve => { const { socket } = useWebsocketsStore(); socket.dispatch( "utils.getPermissions", this.station._id, res => { this.permissions =; resolve(this.permissions); } ); }); }, addDj(user) { this.station.djs.push(user); }, removeDj(user) { this.station.djs.forEach((dj, index) => { if (dj._id === user._id) { this.station.djs.splice(index, 1); } }); }, setHistory(history: StationHistory[]) { this.history = history; }, addHistoryItem(historyItem: StationHistory) { this.history.unshift(historyItem); } } });