import async from "async"; import fs from "fs"; import path from "path"; import { fileURLToPath } from "url"; import CoreClass from "../core"; import Timer from "../classes/Timer.class"; const __dirname = path.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)); let TasksModule; let CacheModule; let StationsModule; let UtilsModule; let IOModule; let DBModule; class _TasksModule extends CoreClass { // eslint-disable-next-line require-jsdoc constructor() { super("tasks"); this.tasks = {}; TasksModule = this; } /** * Initialises the tasks module * * @returns {Promise} - returns promise (reject, resolve) */ initialize() { return new Promise(resolve => { // return reject(new Error("Not fully migrated yet.")); CacheModule = this.moduleManager.modules.cache; StationsModule = this.moduleManager.modules.stations; UtilsModule = this.moduleManager.modules.utils; IOModule =; DBModule = this.moduleManager.modules.db; // this.createTask("testTask", testTask, 5000, true); TasksModule.runJob("CREATE_TASK", { name: "stationSkipTask", fn: TasksModule.checkStationSkipTask, timeout: 1000 * 60 * 30 }); TasksModule.runJob("CREATE_TASK", { name: "sessionClearTask", fn: TasksModule.sessionClearingTask, timeout: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 6 }); // TasksModule.runJob("CREATE_TASK", { // name: "logFileSizeCheckTask", // fn: TasksModule.logFileSizeCheckTask, // timeout: 1000 * 60 * 60 // }); TasksModule.runJob("CREATE_TASK", { name: "collectStationUsersTask", fn: TasksModule.collectStationUsersTask, timeout: 1000 * 3 }); resolve(); }); } /** * Creates a new task * * @param {object} payload - object that contains the payload * @param {string} - the name of the task * @param {string} payload.fn - the function the task will run * @param {string} payload.paused - if the task is currently paused * @param {boolean} payload.timeout - how often to run the task * @returns {Promise} - returns promise (reject, resolve) */ CREATE_TASK(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { TasksModule.tasks[] = { name:, fn: payload.fn, timeout: payload.timeout, lastRan: 0, timer: null }; if (!payload.paused) { TasksModule.runJob("RUN_TASK", { name: }, this) .then(() => resolve()) .catch(err => reject(err)); } else resolve(); }); } /** * Pauses a task * * @param {object} payload - object that contains the payload * @param {string} payload.taskName - the name of the task to pause * @returns {Promise} - returns promise (reject, resolve) */ PAUSE_TASK(payload) { const taskName = { payload }; return new Promise(resolve => { if (TasksModule.tasks[taskName].timer) TasksModule.tasks[taskName].timer.pause(); resolve(); }); } /** * Resumes a task * * @param {object} payload - object that contains the payload * @param {string} - the name of the task to resume * @returns {Promise} - returns promise (reject, resolve) */ RESUME_TASK(payload) { return new Promise(resolve => { TasksModule.tasks[].timer.resume(); resolve(); }); } /** * Runs a task's function and restarts the timer * * @param {object} payload - object that contains the payload * @param {string} - the name of the task to run * @returns {Promise} - returns promise (reject, resolve) */ RUN_TASK(payload) { return new Promise(resolve => { const task = TasksModule.tasks[]; if (task.timer) task.timer.pause(); task.fn.apply(this).then(() => { task.lastRan =; task.timer = new Timer( () => TasksModule.runJob("RUN_TASK", { name: }), task.timeout, false ); resolve(); }); }); } /** * Periodically checks if any stations need to be skipped * * @returns {Promise} - returns promise (reject, resolve) */ checkStationSkipTask() { return new Promise(resolve => { TasksModule.log("INFO", "TASK_STATIONS_SKIP_CHECK", `Checking for stations to be skipped.`, false); async.waterfall( [ next => { CacheModule.runJob("HGETALL", { table: "stations" }) .then(response => next(null, response)) .catch(next); }, (stations, next) => { async.each( stations, (station, next2) => { if (station.paused || !station.currentSong || !station.currentSong.title) return next2(); const timeElapsed = - station.startedAt - station.timePaused; if (timeElapsed <= station.currentSong.duration) return next2(); TasksModule.log( "ERROR", "TASK_STATIONS_SKIP_CHECK", `Skipping ${station._id} as it should have skipped already.` ); return StationsModule.runJob("INITIALIZE_STATION", { stationId: station._id }).then(() => next2()); }, () => next() ); } ], () => resolve() ); }); } /** * Periodically checks if any sessions are out of date and need to be cleared * * @returns {Promise} - returns promise (reject, resolve) */ sessionClearingTask() { return new Promise(resolve => { TasksModule.log("INFO", "TASK_SESSION_CLEAR", `Checking for sessions to be cleared.`); async.waterfall( [ next => { CacheModule.runJob("HGETALL", { table: "sessions" }) .then(sessions => next(null, sessions)) .catch(next); }, (sessions, next) => { if (!sessions) return next(); const keys = Object.keys(sessions); return async.each( keys, (sessionId, next2) => { const session = sessions[sessionId]; if ( session && session.refreshDate && - session.refreshDate < 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 1000 ) return next2(); if (!session) { TasksModule.log("INFO", "TASK_SESSION_CLEAR", "Removing an empty session."); return CacheModule.runJob("HDEL", { table: "sessions", key: sessionId }).finally(() => { next2(); }); } if (!session.refreshDate) { session.refreshDate =; return CacheModule.runJob("HSET", { table: "sessions", key: sessionId, value: session }).finally(() => next2()); } if ( - session.refreshDate > 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 1000) { return IOModule.runJob("SOCKETS_FROM_SESSION_ID", { sessionId: session.sessionId }).then(response => { if (response.sockets.length > 0) { session.refreshDate =; CacheModule.runJob("HSET", { table: "sessions", key: sessionId, value: session }).finally(() => { next2(); }); } else { TasksModule.log( "INFO", "TASK_SESSION_CLEAR", `Removing session ${sessionId} for user ${session.userId} since inactive for 30 days and not currently in use.` ); CacheModule.runJob("HDEL", { table: "sessions", key: session.sessionId }).finally(() => next2()); } }); } TasksModule.log("ERROR", "TASK_SESSION_CLEAR", "This should never log."); return next2(); }, () => next() ); } ], () => resolve() ); }); } /** * Periodically warns about the size of any log files * * @returns {Promise} - returns promise (reject, resolve) */ logFileSizeCheckTask() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { TasksModule.log("INFO", "TASK_LOG_FILE_SIZE_CHECK", `Checking the size for the log files.`); async.each( ["all.log", "debugStation.log", "error.log", "info.log", "success.log"], (fileName, next) => { try { const stats = fs.statSync(path.resolve(__dirname, "../../log/", fileName)); const mb = stats.size / 1000000; if (mb > 25) return next(true); return next(); } catch (err) { return next(err); } }, async err => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }); return reject(new Error(err)); } if (err === true) { TasksModule.log( "ERROR", "LOGGER_FILE_SIZE_WARNING", "************************************WARNING*************************************" ); TasksModule.log( "ERROR", "LOGGER_FILE_SIZE_WARNING", "***************ONE OR MORE LOG FILES APPEAR TO BE MORE THAN 25MB****************" ); TasksModule.log( "ERROR", "LOGGER_FILE_SIZE_WARNING", "****MAKE SURE TO REGULARLY CLEAR UP THE LOG FILES, MANUALLY OR AUTOMATICALLY****" ); TasksModule.log( "ERROR", "LOGGER_FILE_SIZE_WARNING", "********************************************************************************" ); } return resolve(); } ); }); } /** * Periodically collect users in stations * * @returns {Promise} - returns promise (reject, resolve) */ async collectStationUsersTask() { const userModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }); return new Promise(resolve => { TasksModule.log("INFO", "TASK_COLLECT_STATION_USERS_TASK", `Checking for users in stations.`, false); const stationsCountUpdated = []; const stationsUpdated = []; // const oldUsersPerStation = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(StationsModule.usersPerStation)); const usersPerStation = {}; const oldUsersPerStationCount = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(StationsModule.usersPerStationCount)); const usersPerStationCount = {}; async.each( Object.keys(StationsModule.userList), (socketId, next) => { IOModule.runJob("SOCKET_FROM_SESSION", { socketId }).then(socket => { const stationId = StationsModule.userList[socketId]; if (!socket || Object.keys(socket.rooms).indexOf(`station.${stationId}`) === -1) { if (stationsCountUpdated.indexOf(stationId) === -1) stationsCountUpdated.push(stationId); if (stationsUpdated.indexOf(stationId) === -1) stationsUpdated.push(stationId); delete StationsModule.userList[socketId]; return next(); } if (!usersPerStationCount[stationId]) usersPerStationCount[stationId] = 0; usersPerStationCount[stationId] += 1; if (!usersPerStation[stationId]) usersPerStation[stationId] = []; return async.waterfall( [ next => { if (!socket.session || !socket.session.sessionId) return next("No session found."); return CacheModule.runJob("HGET", { table: "sessions", key: socket.session.sessionId }) .then(session => { next(null, session); }) .catch(next); }, (session, next) => { if (!session) return next("Session not found."); return userModel.findOne({ _id: session.userId }, next); }, (user, next) => { if (!user) return next("User not found."); if (usersPerStation[stationId].indexOf(user.username) !== -1) return next("User already in the list."); return next(null, { username: user.username, avatar: user.avatar }); } ], (err, user) => { if (!err) { usersPerStation[stationId].push(user); } next(); } ); }); // TODO Code to show users }, () => { Object.keys(usersPerStationCount).forEach(stationId => { if (oldUsersPerStationCount[stationId] !== usersPerStationCount[stationId]) { if (stationsCountUpdated.indexOf(stationId) === -1) stationsCountUpdated.push(stationId); } }); // Object.keys(usersPerStation).forEach(stationId => { // if ( // _.difference(usersPerStation[stationId], oldUsersPerStation[stationId]).length > 0 || // _.difference(oldUsersPerStation[stationId], usersPerStation[stationId]).length > 0 // ) { // if (stationsUpdated.indexOf(stationId) === -1) stationsUpdated.push(stationId); // } // }); StationsModule.usersPerStationCount = usersPerStationCount; StationsModule.usersPerStation = usersPerStation; stationsCountUpdated.forEach(stationId => { this.log("INFO", "UPDATE_STATION_USER_COUNT", `Updating user count of ${stationId}.`); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "station.updateUserCount", value: stationId }); }); stationsUpdated.forEach(stationId => { this.log("INFO", "UPDATE_STATION_USER_LIST", `Updating user list of ${stationId}.`); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "station.updateUsers", value: stationId }); }); // console.log("Userlist", StationsModule.usersPerStation); } ); resolve(); }); } } export default new _TasksModule();