import { HydratedDocument, Model, isValidObjectId } from "mongoose"; import Job, { JobOptions } from "@/Job"; import DataModule from "../DataModule"; import { UserSchema } from "./models/users/schema"; export default abstract class DataModuleJob extends Job { protected static _modelName: string; protected static _isBulk = false; protected static _hasPermission: | boolean | CallableFunction | (boolean | CallableFunction)[] = false; public constructor(payload?: unknown, options?: JobOptions) { super(DataModule, payload, options); } public static override getName() { return `${this._modelName}.${super.getName()}`; } public override getName() { return `${ (this.constructor as typeof DataModuleJob)._modelName }.${super.getName()}`; } public static getModelName() { return this._modelName; } public getModelName() { return (this.constructor as typeof DataModuleJob)._modelName; } public static isBulk() { return this._isBulk; } public isBulk() { return (this.constructor as typeof DataModuleJob)._isBulk; } public static async hasPermission( model: HydratedDocument>, user: HydratedDocument | null ) { const options = Array.isArray(this._hasPermission) ? this._hasPermission : [this._hasPermission]; return options.reduce(async (previous, option) => { if (await previous) return true; if (typeof option === "boolean") return option; if (typeof option === "function") return option(model, user); return false; }, Promise.resolve(false)); } protected override async _authorize() { const modelIds = this._payload?.modelIds ?? this._payload?._ids; // If this job is a bulk job, and all model ids are valid object ids if (this.isBulk()) { if (modelIds.some((modelId: unknown) => !isValidObjectId(modelId))) throw new Error( `One or more model id is invalid: ${modelIds .filter((modelId: unknown) => !isValidObjectId(modelId)) .join(", ")}` ); const permissions = (modelId: string) => `${this.getPath()}.${modelId}` ); await this._context.assertPermissions(permissions); return; } const modelId = this._payload?.modelId ?? this._payload?._id; // If this job is not a bulk job, and the model id is a valid object id if (!this.isBulk() && modelId) { if (!isValidObjectId(modelId)) throw new Error(`Model id is invalid: ${modelId}`); await this._context.assertPermission( `${this.getPath()}.${modelId}` ); return; } await this._context.assertPermission(this.getPath()); } }