import { isObjectIdOrHexString } from "mongoose"; import { forEachIn } from "@common/utils/forEachIn"; import CacheModule from "@/modules/CacheModule"; import DataModule from "@/modules/DataModule"; import ModuleManager from "@/ModuleManager"; import GetPermissions, { GetPermissionsResult } from "./GetPermissions"; import DataModuleJob from "@/modules/DataModule/DataModuleJob"; export type GetSingleModelPermissionsResult = Record; // Returned when getting permissions for a single modelId export type GetMultipleModelPermissionsResult = Record< string, Record >; // Returned when getting permissions for several modelIds export type GetModelPermissionsResult = | GetSingleModelPermissionsResult | GetMultipleModelPermissionsResult; export default class GetModelPermissions extends DataModuleJob { protected static _modelName = "users"; protected static _hasPermission = true; protected override async _validate() { if (typeof this._payload !== "object" || this._payload === null) throw new Error("Payload must be an object"); if (typeof this._payload.modelName !== "string") throw new Error("Model name must be a string"); if ( !isObjectIdOrHexString(this._payload.modelId) && typeof this._payload.modelId !== "undefined" && this._payload.modelId !== null ) throw new Error("Model Id must be an ObjectId or undefined"); } protected override async _authorize() {} protected async _execute(): Promise { const { modelName, modelId, modelIds } = this._payload; const user = await this._context.getUser().catch(() => null); const permissions = (await this._context.executeJob( GetPermissions )) as GetPermissionsResult; const Model = await DataModule.getModel(modelName); if (!Model) throw new Error("Model not found"); if (!modelId && (!modelIds || modelIds.length === 0)) { const cacheKey = this._getCacheKey(user, modelName); const cached = await CacheModule.get(cacheKey); if (cached) return cached; const modelPermissions = await this._getPermissionsForModel( user, permissions, modelName, modelId ); await CacheModule.set(cacheKey, modelPermissions, 360); return modelPermissions; } if (modelId) { const cacheKey = this._getCacheKey(user, modelName, modelId); const cached = await CacheModule.get(cacheKey); if (cached) return cached; const model = await Model.findById(modelId); if (!model) throw new Error("Model not found"); const modelPermissions = await this._getPermissionsForModel( user, permissions, modelName, modelId, model ); await CacheModule.set(cacheKey, modelPermissions, 360); return modelPermissions; } const result: any = {}; const uncachedModelIds: any = []; await forEachIn(modelIds, async modelId => { const cacheKey = this._getCacheKey(user, modelName, modelId); const cached = await CacheModule.get(cacheKey); if (cached) { result[modelId] = cached; return; } uncachedModelIds.push(modelId); }); const uncachedModels = await Model.find({ _id: uncachedModelIds }); await forEachIn(uncachedModelIds, async modelId => { const model = uncachedModels.find( model => model._id.toString() === modelId.toString() ); if (!model) throw new Error(`No model found for ${modelId}.`); const modelPermissions = await this._getPermissionsForModel( user, permissions, modelName, modelId, model ); const cacheKey = this._getCacheKey(user, modelName, modelId); await CacheModule.set(cacheKey, modelPermissions, 360); result[modelId] = modelPermissions; }); return result; } protected async _getPermissionsForModel( user: any, permissions: GetPermissionsResult, modelName: string, modelId: string, model?: any ) { const modelPermissions = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(permissions).filter( ([permission]) => permission.startsWith(`data.${modelName}.`) || permission.startsWith(`${modelName}.`) ) ); await forEachIn( Object.entries( ModuleManager.getModule("data")?.getJobs() ?? {} ).filter( ([jobName]) => jobName.startsWith(modelName.toString()) && (modelId ? true : !jobName.endsWith("ById")) ) as [string, typeof DataModuleJob][], async ([jobName, Job]) => { jobName = `data.${jobName}`; let hasPermission = permissions[jobName]; if (!hasPermission && modelId) hasPermission = permissions[`${jobName}.*`] || permissions[`${jobName}.${modelId}`]; if (hasPermission) { modelPermissions[jobName] = true; return; } if (typeof Job.hasPermission === "function") { hasPermission = await Job.hasPermission(model, user); } modelPermissions[jobName] = !!hasPermission; } ); return modelPermissions; } protected _getCacheKey(user: any, modelName: string, modelId?: string) { let cacheKey = `model-permissions.${modelName}`; if (modelId) cacheKey += `.${modelId}`; if (user) cacheKey += `.user.${user._id}`; else cacheKey += `.guest`; return cacheKey; } }