import config from "config"; export type Log = { timestamp: number; message: string; type?: "info" | "success" | "error" | "debug"; category?: string; data?: Record; }; export type LogFilters = { include: Partial>[]; exclude: Partial>[]; }; export type LogOutputOptions = Record< "timestamp" | "title" | "type" | "message" | "data" | "color", boolean > & Partial; export type LogOutputs = { console: LogOutputOptions; memory: { enabled: boolean } & Partial; }; // Color escape codes for stdout const COLOR_GREEN = "\x1b[32m"; const COLOR_RED = "\x1b[31m"; const COLOR_YELLOW = "\x1b[33m"; const COLOR_CYAN = "\x1b[36m"; const COLOR_RESET = "\x1b[0m"; export default class LogBook { static primaryInstance = new this(); // A list of log objects stored in memory, if enabled generally private logs: Log[]; private default: LogOutputs; // Settings for different outputs. Currently only memory and outputs is supported as an output // Constructed first via defaults, then via settings set in the config, and then you can make any other changes via a backend command (not persistent) private outputs: LogOutputs; /** * Log Book */ public constructor() { this.logs = []; this.default = { console: { timestamp: true, title: true, type: false, message: true, data: false, color: true, exclude: [ // Success messages for jobs don't tend to be very helpful, so we exclude them by default { category: "jobs", type: "success" }, // We don't want to show debug messages in the console by default { type: "debug" } ] }, memory: { // Log messages in memory never get deleted, so we don't have this output on by default, only when debugging enabled: false } }; if (config.has("logging")) (["console", "memory"] as (keyof LogOutputs)[]).forEach(output => { if (config.has(`logging.${output}`)) this.default[output] = { ...this.default[output], ...config.get(`logging.${output}`) }; }); this.outputs = this.default; } /** * Log a message to console and/or memory, if the log matches the filters of those outputs * * @param log - Log message or log object (without timestamp) */ public log(log: string | Omit) { // Construct the log object const logObject: Log = { timestamp:, ...(typeof log === "string" ? { message: log } : log) }; // Whether we want to exclude console or memory, which we get in the next code block const exclude = { console: false, memory: false }; // Loop through log object entries (Object.entries(logObject) as [keyof Log, Log[keyof Log]][]).forEach( ([key, value]) => { // Timestamp is useless, so just return if (key === "timestamp") return; // Loop through outputs to see if they have any include/exclude filters ( Object.entries(this.outputs) as [ keyof LogOutputs, LogOutputs[keyof LogOutputs] ][] ).forEach(([outputName, output]) => { // This output has an include array, but the current key/value is not in any of the include filters, so exclude this output if ( output.include && output.include.length > 0 && output.include.filter(filter => filter[key] === value) .length === 0 ) exclude[outputName] = true; // We have an exclude array, and the current key/value is in one or more of the filters, so exclude this output if ( output.exclude && output.exclude.filter(filter => filter[key] === value) .length > 0 ) exclude[outputName] = true; }); } ); // Title will be the jobname, or category of jobname is undefined const title = ?? logObject.category ?? undefined; // If memory is not excluded and memory is enabled, store the log object in the memory (logs array) of this logbook instance if (!exclude.memory && this.outputs.memory.enabled) this.logs.push(logObject); // If console is not excluded, format the log object, and then write the formatted message to the console if (!exclude.console) { const message = this.formatMessage(logObject, String(title)); const logArgs: (string | Record)[] = [message]; // Append logObject data, if enabled and it's not falsy if ( && logArgs.push(; switch (logObject.type) { case "debug": { console.debug(...logArgs); break; } case "error": { console.error(...logArgs); break; } default: console.log(...logArgs); } } } /** * Center a string within a given length, by padding spaces at the start and end * * @param string - The string we want to center * @param length - The total amount of space we have to work with * @returns */ private centerString(string: string, length: number) { const spaces = Array( Math.floor((length - Math.max(0, string.length)) / 2) ).join(" "); return `${spaces}${string}${spaces}${ string.length % 2 === 0 ? "" : " " }`; } /** * Creates a formatted log message, with various options. Used for console * * @param log - Log * @param title - Log title * @returns Formatted log string */ private formatMessage(log: Log, title: string | undefined): string { let message = ""; // If we want to show colors, prepend the color code if (this.outputs.console.color) switch (log.type) { case "success": message += COLOR_GREEN; break; case "error": message += COLOR_RED; break; case "debug": message += COLOR_YELLOW; break; case "info": default: message += COLOR_CYAN; break; } // If we want to show timestamps, e.g. 2022-11-28T18:13:28.081Z if (this.outputs.console.timestamp) message += `| ${new Date(log.timestamp).toISOString()} `; // If we want to show titles, show it centered and capped at 20 characters if (this.outputs.console.title) message += `| ${this.centerString( title ? title.substring(0, 20) : "", 24 )} `; // If we want to show the log type, show it centered, in uppercase if (this.outputs.console.type) message += `| ${this.centerString( log.type ? log.type.toUpperCase() : "INFO", 10 )} `; // If we want to the message, show it if (this.outputs.console.message) message += `| ${log.message} `; // Reset the color at the end of the message, if we have colors enabled if (this.outputs.console.color) message += COLOR_RESET; return message; } /** * Update output settings for LogBook * These are stored in the current instance of LogBook, not saved in a file, so when the backend restarts this data will not be persisted * LogBook is currently used as a singleton, so changing it will update outputs for the same logbook used everywhere * * @param output - Output name (console or memory) * @param key - Output key to update (include, exclude, enabled, name, type, etc.) * @param action - Action (set, add or reset) * @param values - Value we want to set */ public async updateOutput( output: "console" | "memory", key: keyof LogOutputOptions | "enabled", action: "set" | "add" | "reset", values?: LogOutputOptions[keyof LogOutputOptions] ) { switch (key) { // Set, add-to or reset (to) the include/exclude filter lists for a specific output case "include": case "exclude": { if (action === "set" || action === "add") { if (!values || typeof values !== "object") throw new Error("No filters provided"); const filters = Array.isArray(values) ? values : [values]; if (action === "set") this.outputs[output][key] = filters; if (action === "add") this.outputs[output][key] = [ ...(this.outputs[output][key] || []), ...filters ]; } else if (action === "reset") { this.outputs[output][key] = this.default[output][key] || []; } else throw new Error( `Action "${action}" not found for ${key} in ${output}` ); break; } // Set an output to be enabled or disabled case "enabled": { if (output === "memory" && action === "set") { if (values === undefined) throw new Error("No value provided"); this.outputs[output][key] = !!values; } else throw new Error( `Action "${action}" not found for ${key} in ${output}` ); break; } // Set some other property of an output default: { if (output !== "memory" && action === "set") { if (values === undefined) throw new Error("No value provided"); this.outputs[output][key] = !!values; } else if (output !== "memory" && action === "reset") { this.outputs[output][key] = this.default[output][key]; } else throw new Error( `Action "${action}" not found for ${key} in ${output}` ); } } } static getPrimaryInstance(): LogBook { return this.primaryInstance; } static setPrimaryInstance(instance: LogBook) { this.primaryInstance = instance; } }