import config from "config"; import async from "async"; import request from "request"; import cors from "cors"; import cookieParser from "cookie-parser"; import bodyParser from "body-parser"; import express from "express"; import oauth from "oauth"; import CoreClass from "../core"; const { OAuth2 } = oauth; let AppModule; let MailModule; let CacheModule; let DBModule; let ActivitiesModule; let UtilsModule; class _AppModule extends CoreClass { // eslint-disable-next-line require-jsdoc constructor() { super("app"); AppModule = this; } /** * Initialises the app module * * @returns {Promise} - returns promise (reject, resolve) */ initialize() { return new Promise(resolve => { MailModule = this.moduleManager.modules.mail; CacheModule = this.moduleManager.modules.cache; DBModule = this.moduleManager.modules.db; ActivitiesModule = this.moduleManager.modules.activities; UtilsModule = this.moduleManager.modules.utils; const app = ( = express()); const SIDname = config.get("cookie.SIDname"); this.server = app.listen(config.get("serverPort")); app.use(cookieParser()); app.use(bodyParser.json()); app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true })); let userModel; DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }) .then(model => { userModel = model; }) .catch(console.error); const corsOptions = { ...config.get("cors") }; app.use(cors(corsOptions)); app.options("*", cors(corsOptions)); const oauth2 = new OAuth2( config.get("apis.github.client"), config.get("apis.github.secret"), "", "login/oauth/authorize", "login/oauth/access_token", null ); const redirectUri = `${config.get("serverDomain")}/auth/github/authorize/callback`; /** * @param {object} res - response object from Express * @param {string} err - custom error message */ function redirectOnErr(res, err) { res.redirect(`${config.get("domain")}/?err=${encodeURIComponent(err)}`); } app.get("/auth/github/authorize", async (req, res) => { if (this.getStatus() !== "READY") { this.log( "INFO", "APP_REJECTED_GITHUB_AUTHORIZE", `A user tried to use github authorize, but the APP module is currently not ready.` ); return redirectOnErr(res, "Something went wrong on our end. Please try again later."); } const params = [ `client_id=${config.get("apis.github.client")}`, `redirect_uri=${config.get("serverDomain")}/auth/github/authorize/callback`, `scope=user:email` ].join("&"); return res.redirect(`${params}`); }); app.get("/auth/github/link", async (req, res) => { if (this.getStatus() !== "READY") { this.log( "INFO", "APP_REJECTED_GITHUB_AUTHORIZE", `A user tried to use github authorize, but the APP module is currently not ready.` ); return redirectOnErr(res, "Something went wrong on our end. Please try again later."); } const params = [ `client_id=${config.get("apis.github.client")}`, `redirect_uri=${config.get("serverDomain")}/auth/github/authorize/callback`, `scope=user:email`, `state=${req.cookies[SIDname]}` ].join("&"); return res.redirect(`${params}`); }); app.get("/auth/github/authorize/callback", async (req, res) => { if (this.getStatus() !== "READY") { this.log( "INFO", "APP_REJECTED_GITHUB_AUTHORIZE", `A user tried to use github authorize, but the APP module is currently not ready.` ); return redirectOnErr(res, "Something went wrong on our end. Please try again later."); } const { code } = req.query; let accessToken; let body; let address; const { state } = req.query; const verificationToken = await UtilsModule.runJob("GENERATE_RANDOM_STRING", { length: 64 }); return async.waterfall( [ next => { if (req.query.error) return next(req.query.error_description); return next(); }, next => { oauth2.getOAuthAccessToken(code, { redirect_uri: redirectUri }, next); }, (_accessToken, refreshToken, results, next) => { if (results.error) return next(results.error_description); accessToken = _accessToken; return request.get( { url: ``, headers: { "User-Agent": "request", Authorization: `token ${accessToken}` } }, next ); }, (httpResponse, _body, next) => { body = _body = JSON.parse(_body); if (httpResponse.statusCode !== 200) return next(body.message); if (state) { return async.waterfall( [ next => { CacheModule.runJob("HGET", { table: "sessions", key: state }) .then(session => next(null, session)) .catch(next); }, (session, next) => { if (!session) return next("Invalid session."); return userModel.findOne({ _id: session.userId }, next); }, (user, next) => { if (!user) return next("User not found."); if ( && return next("Account already has GitHub linked."); return userModel.updateOne( { _id: user._id }, { $set: { "services.github": { id:, accessToken } } }, { runValidators: true }, err => { if (err) return next(err); return next(null, user, body); } ); }, user => { CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "user.linkGithub", value: user._id }); res.redirect(`${config.get("domain")}/settings#security`); } ], next ); } if (! return next("Something went wrong, no id."); return userModel.findOne({ "": }, (err, user) => { next(err, user, body); }); }, (user, body, next) => { if (user) { = accessToken; return => next(true, user._id)); } return userModel.findOne({ username: new RegExp(`^${body.login}$`, "i") }, (err, user) => next(err, user) ); }, (user, next) => { if (user) return next(`An account with that username already exists.`); return request.get( { url: ``, headers: { "User-Agent": "request", Authorization: `token ${accessToken}` } }, next ); }, (httpResponse, body2, next) => { body2 = JSON.parse(body2); if (!Array.isArray(body2)) return next(body2.message); body2.forEach(email => { if (email.primary) address =; }); return userModel.findOne({ "email.address": address }, next); }, (user, next) => { UtilsModule.runJob("GENERATE_RANDOM_STRING", { length: 12 }).then(_id => next(null, user, _id)); }, (user, _id, next) => { if (user) { if (Object.keys(JSON.parse( === 0) return next( `An account with that email address exists, but is not linked to GitHub.` ); return next(`An account with that email address already exists.`); } return next(null, { _id, // TODO Check if exists username: body.login, name:, location: body.location, bio:, email: { address, verificationToken }, services: { github: { id:, accessToken } } }); }, // generate the url for gravatar avatar (user, next) => { UtilsModule.runJob("CREATE_GRAVATAR", { email: }).then(url => { user.avatar = { type: "gravatar", url }; next(null, user); }); }, // save the new user to the database (user, next) => { userModel.create(user, next); }, // add the activity of account creation (user, next) => { ActivitiesModule.runJob("ADD_ACTIVITY", { userId: user._id, activityType: "created_account" }); next(null, user); }, (user, next) => { MailModule.runJob("GET_SCHEMA", { schemaName: "verifyEmail" }).then(verifyEmailSchema => { verifyEmailSchema(address, body.login,, err => { next(err, user._id); }); }); } ], async (err, userId) => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }); this.log( "ERROR", "AUTH_GITHUB_AUTHORIZE_CALLBACK", `Failed to authorize with GitHub. "${err}"` ); return redirectOnErr(res, err); } const sessionId = await UtilsModule.runJob("GUID", {}); const sessionSchema = await CacheModule.runJob("GET_SCHEMA", { schemaName: "session" }); return CacheModule.runJob("HSET", { table: "sessions", key: sessionId, value: sessionSchema(sessionId, userId) }) .then(() => { const date = new Date(); date.setTime(new Date().getTime() + 2 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); res.cookie(SIDname, sessionId, { expires: date, secure: config.get(""), path: "/", domain: config.get("cookie.domain") }); this.log( "INFO", "AUTH_GITHUB_AUTHORIZE_CALLBACK", `User "${userId}" successfully authorized with GitHub.` ); res.redirect(`${config.get("domain")}/`); }) .catch(err => redirectOnErr(res, err.message)); } ); }); app.get("/auth/verify_email", async (req, res) => { if (this.getStatus() !== "READY") { this.log( "INFO", "APP_REJECTED_GITHUB_AUTHORIZE", `A user tried to use github authorize, but the APP module is currently not ready.` ); return redirectOnErr(res, "Something went wrong on our end. Please try again later."); } const { code } = req.query; return async.waterfall( [ next => { if (!code) return next("Invalid code."); return next(); }, next => { userModel.findOne({ "email.verificationToken": code }, next); }, (user, next) => { if (!user) return next("User not found."); if ( return next("This email is already verified."); return userModel.updateOne( { "email.verificationToken": code }, { $set: { "email.verified": true }, $unset: { "email.verificationToken": "" } }, { runValidators: true }, next ); } ], err => { if (err) { let error = "An error occurred."; if (typeof err === "string") error = err; else if (err.message) error = err.message; this.log("ERROR", "VERIFY_EMAIL", `Verifying email failed. "${error}"`); return res.json({ status: "failure", message: error }); } this.log("INFO", "VERIFY_EMAIL", `Successfully verified email.`); return res.redirect(`${config.get("domain")}?msg=Thank you for verifying your email`); } ); }); return resolve(); }); } /** * Returns the express server * * @returns {Promise} - returns promise (reject, resolve) */ SERVER() { return new Promise(resolve => { resolve(AppModule.server); }); } /** * Returns the app object * * @returns {Promise} - returns promise (reject, resolve) */ GET_APP() { return new Promise(resolve => { resolve({ app: }); }); } // EXAMPLE_JOB() { // return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // if (true) resolve({}); // else reject(new Error("Nothing changed.")); // }); // } } export default new _AppModule();