import config from "config"; import mongoose, { Connection, Model, Schema, SchemaTypes } from "mongoose"; import { patchHistoryPlugin, patchEventEmitter } from "ts-patch-mongoose"; import { readdir } from "fs/promises"; import path from "path"; import updateVersioningPlugin from "mongoose-update-versioning"; import { forEachIn } from "@common/utils/forEachIn"; import Migration from "@/modules/DataModule/Migration"; import documentVersionPlugin from "@/modules/DataModule/plugins/documentVersion"; import getDataPlugin from "@/modules/DataModule/plugins/getData"; import BaseModule, { ModuleStatus } from "@/BaseModule"; import EventsModule from "./EventsModule"; import DataModuleJob from "./DataModule/DataModuleJob"; import Job from "@/Job"; export class DataModule extends BaseModule { private _models?: Record>; private _mongoConnection?: Connection; declare _jobs: Record; /** * Data Module */ public constructor() { super("data"); this._dependentModules = ["events"]; } /** * startup - Startup data module */ public override async startup() { await super.startup(); await this._createMongoConnection(); await this._runMigrations(); await this._loadModels(); await this._syncModelIndexes(); await this._loadModelJobs(); await super._started(); } /** * shutdown - Shutdown data module */ public override async shutdown() { await super.shutdown(); patchEventEmitter.removeAllListeners(); if (this._mongoConnection) await this._mongoConnection.close(); await this._stopped(); } /** * createMongoConnection - Create mongo connection */ private async _createMongoConnection() { mongoose.set({ runValidators: true, sanitizeFilter: true, strict: "throw", strictQuery: "throw" }); const { user, password, host, port, database } = config.get<{ user: string; password: string; host: string; port: number; database: string; }>("mongo"); const mongoUrl = `mongodb://${user}:${password}@${host}:${port}/${database}`; this._mongoConnection = await mongoose .createConnection(mongoUrl) .asPromise(); } /** * registerEvents - Register events for schema with event module */ private async _registerEvents(modelName: string, schema: Schema) { const { enabled, eventCreated, eventUpdated, eventDeleted } = schema.get("patchHistory") ?? {}; if (!enabled) return; Object.entries({ created: eventCreated, updated: eventUpdated, deleted: eventDeleted }) .filter(([, event]) => !!event) .forEach(([action, event]) => { patchEventEmitter.on(event!, async ({ doc, oldDoc }) => { const modelId = doc?._id ?? oldDoc?._id; const Model = await this.getModel(modelName); if (doc) doc = Model.hydrate(doc); if (oldDoc) oldDoc = Model.hydrate(oldDoc); if (!modelId && action !== "created") throw new Error(`Model Id not found for "${event}"`); const channel = `model.${modelName}.${action}`; await EventsModule.publish(channel, { doc, oldDoc }); if (action !== "created") await EventsModule.publish(`${channel}.${modelId}`, { doc, oldDoc }); }); }); } /** * registerEvents - Register events for schema with event module */ private async _registerEventListeners(schema: Schema) { const eventListeners = schema.get("eventListeners"); if ( typeof eventListeners !== "object" || Object.keys(eventListeners).length === 0 ) return; await forEachIn( Object.entries(eventListeners), async ([event, callback]) => EventsModule.subscribe("event", event, callback) ); } /** * loadModel - Import and load model schema * * @param modelName - Name of the model * @returns Model */ private async _loadModel(modelName: string): Promise> { if (!this._mongoConnection) throw new Error("Mongo is not available"); const { schema }: { schema: Schema } = await import( `./DataModule/models/${modelName.toString()}/schema` ); schema.plugin(documentVersionPlugin); schema.set("timestamps", schema.get("timestamps") ?? true); const patchHistoryConfig = { enabled: true, patchHistoryDisabled: true, eventCreated: `${modelName}.created`, eventUpdated: `${modelName}.updated`, eventDeleted: `${modelName}.deleted`, ...(schema.get("patchHistory") ?? {}) }; schema.set("patchHistory", patchHistoryConfig); if (patchHistoryConfig.enabled) { schema.plugin(patchHistoryPlugin, patchHistoryConfig); } const { enabled: getDataEnabled = false } = schema.get("getData") ?? {}; if (getDataEnabled) schema.plugin(getDataPlugin); await this._registerEvents(modelName, schema); await this._registerEventListeners(schema); schema.set("toObject", { getters: true, virtuals: true }); schema.set("toJSON", { getters: true, virtuals: true }); schema.virtual("_name").get(() => modelName); schema.plugin(updateVersioningPlugin); await forEachIn( Object.entries(schema.paths).filter( ([, type]) => type instanceof SchemaTypes.ObjectId || (type instanceof SchemaTypes.Array && type.caster instanceof SchemaTypes.ObjectId) ), async ([key, type]) => { const { ref } = (type instanceof SchemaTypes.Array ? type.caster?.options : type?.options) ?? {}; if (ref) schema.path(key).get((value: any) => { if ( typeof value === "object" && type instanceof SchemaTypes.ObjectId ) return { _id: value, _name: ref }; if ( Array.isArray(value) && type instanceof SchemaTypes.Array ) return => item === null ? null : { _id: item, _name: ref } ); return value; }); } ); return this._mongoConnection.model(modelName.toString(), schema); } /** * loadModels - Load and initialize all models * * @returns Promise */ private async _loadModels() { mongoose.SchemaTypes.String.set("trim", true); this._models = { abc: await this._loadModel("abc"), minifiedUsers: await this._loadModel("minifiedUsers"), news: await this._loadModel("news"), sessions: await this._loadModel("sessions"), stations: await this._loadModel("stations"), users: await this._loadModel("users") }; } /** * syncModelIndexes - Sync indexes for all models */ private async _syncModelIndexes() { if (!this._models) throw new Error("Models not loaded"); await forEachIn( Object.values(this._models).filter( model => model.schema.get("autoIndex") !== false ), model => model.syncIndexes() ); } /** * getModel - Get model * * @returns Model */ public async getModel>( name: string ): Promise { if (!this._models) throw new Error("Models not loaded"); if (this.getStatus() !== ModuleStatus.STARTED) throw new Error("Module not started"); if (!this._models[name]) throw new Error("Model not found"); return this._models[name] as ModelType; } private async _loadModelMigrations(modelName: string) { if (!this._mongoConnection) throw new Error("Mongo is not available"); let migrations; try { migrations = await readdir( path.resolve( __dirname, `./DataModule/models/${modelName}/migrations/` ) ); } catch (error) { if ( error instanceof Error && "code" in error && error.code === "ENOENT" ) return []; throw error; } return forEachIn(migrations, async migrationFile => { const { default: Migrate }: { default: typeof Migration } = await import( `./DataModule/models/${modelName}/migrations/${migrationFile}` ); return new Migrate(this._mongoConnection as Connection); }); } private async _loadMigrations() { const models = await readdir( path.resolve(__dirname, "./DataModule/models/") ); return forEachIn(models, async modelName => this._loadModelMigrations(modelName) ); } private async _runMigrations() { const migrations = (await this._loadMigrations()).flat(); for (let i = 0; i < migrations.length; i += 1) { const migration = migrations[i]; // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await migration.up(); } } private async _loadModelJobs() { if (!this._models) throw new Error("Models not loaded"); await forEachIn(Object.keys(this._models), async modelName => { let jobs; try { jobs = await readdir( path.resolve( __dirname, `./${}/models/${modelName}/jobs/` ) ); } catch (error) { if ( error instanceof Error && "code" in error && error.code === "ENOENT" ) return; throw error; } await forEachIn(jobs, async jobFile => { const { default: Job } = await import( `./${}/models/${modelName}/jobs/${jobFile}` ); this._jobs[Job.getName()] = Job; }); }); } } export default new DataModule();