const CoreClass = require("../../core.js"); const redis = require("redis"); const config = require("config"); const mongoose = require("mongoose"); // Lightweight / convenience wrapper around redis module for our needs const pubs = {}, subs = {}; class CacheModule extends CoreClass { constructor() { super("cache"); } initialize() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.schemas = { session: require("./schemas/session"), station: require("./schemas/station"), playlist: require("./schemas/playlist"), officialPlaylist: require("./schemas/officialPlaylist"), song: require("./schemas/song"), punishment: require("./schemas/punishment"), }; this.url = config.get("redis").url; this.password = config.get("redis").password; this.log("INFO", "Connecting..."); this.client = redis.createClient({ url: this.url, password: this.password, retry_strategy: (options) => { if (this.getStatus() === "LOCKDOWN") return; if (this.getStatus() !== "RECONNECTING") this.setStatus("RECONNECTING"); this.log("INFO", `Attempting to reconnect.`); if (options.attempt >= 10) { this.log("ERROR", `Stopped trying to reconnect.`); this.setStatus("FAILED"); // this.failed = true; // this._lockdown(); return undefined; } return 3000; }, }); this.client.on("error", (err) => { if (this.getStatus() === "INITIALIZING") reject(err); if (this.getStatus() === "LOCKDOWN") return; this.log("ERROR", `Error ${err.message}.`); }); this.client.on("connect", () => { this.log("INFO", "Connected succesfully."); if (this.getStatus() === "INITIALIZING") resolve(); else if ( this.getStatus() === "FAILED" || this.getStatus() === "RECONNECTING" ) this.setStatus("READY"); }); }); } /** * Gracefully closes all the Redis client connections */ QUIT(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (this.client.connected) { this.client.quit(); Object.keys(pubs).forEach((channel) => pubs[channel].quit()); Object.keys(subs).forEach((channel) => subs[channel].client.quit() ); } resolve(); }); } /** * Sets a single value in a table * * @param {String} table - name of the table we want to set a key of (table === redis hash) * @param {String} key - name of the key to set * @param {*} value - the value we want to set * @param {Function} cb - gets called when the value has been set in Redis * @param {Boolean} [stringifyJson=true] - stringify 'value' if it's an Object or Array */ HSET(payload) { //table, key, value, cb, stringifyJson = true return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let key = payload.key; let value = payload.value; if (mongoose.Types.ObjectId.isValid(key)) key = key.toString(); // automatically stringify objects and arrays into JSON if (["object", "array"].includes(typeof value)) value = JSON.stringify(value); this.client.hset(payload.table, key, value, (err) => { if (err) return reject(new Error(err)); else resolve(JSON.parse(value)); }); }); } /** * Gets a single value from a table * * @param {String} table - name of the table to get the value from (table === redis hash) * @param {String} key - name of the key to fetch * @param {Function} cb - gets called when the value is returned from Redis * @param {Boolean} [parseJson=true] - attempt to parse returned data as JSON */ HGET(payload) { //table, key, cb, parseJson = true return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // if (!key || !table) // return typeof cb === "function" ? cb(null, null) : null; let key = payload.key; if (mongoose.Types.ObjectId.isValid(key)) key = key.toString(); this.client.hget(payload.table, key, (err, value) => { if (err) return reject(new Error(err)); try { value = JSON.parse(value); } catch (e) {} resolve(value); }); }); } /** * Deletes a single value from a table * * @param {String} table - name of the table to delete the value from (table === redis hash) * @param {String} key - name of the key to delete * @param {Function} cb - gets called when the value has been deleted from Redis or when it returned an error */ HDEL(payload) { //table, key, cb return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // if (!payload.key || !table || typeof key !== "string") // return cb(null, null); let key = payload.key; if (mongoose.Types.ObjectId.isValid(key)) key = key.toString(); this.client.hdel(payload.table, key, (err) => { if (err) return reject(new Error(err)); else return resolve(); }); }); } /** * Returns all the keys for a table * * @param {String} table - name of the table to get the values from (table === redis hash) * @param {Function} cb - gets called when the values are returned from Redis * @param {Boolean} [parseJson=true] - attempts to parse all values as JSON by default */ HGETALL(payload) { //table, cb, parseJson = true return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.client.hgetall(payload.table, (err, obj) => { if (err) return reject(new Error(err)); if (obj) Object.keys(obj).forEach((key) => { try { obj[key] = JSON.parse(obj[key]); } catch (e) {} }); else if (!obj) obj = []; resolve(obj); }); }); } /** * Publish a message to a channel, caches the redis client connection * * @param {String} channel - the name of the channel we want to publish a message to * @param {*} value - the value we want to send * @param {Boolean} [stringifyJson=true] - stringify 'value' if it's an Object or Array */ PUB(payload) { //channel, value, stringifyJson = true return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { /*if (pubs[channel] === undefined) { pubs[channel] = redis.createClient({ url: this.url }); pubs[channel].on('error', (err) => console.error); }*/ let value = payload.value; if (["object", "array"].includes(typeof value)) value = JSON.stringify(value); //pubs[channel].publish(channel, value); this.client.publish(, value, (err, res) => { if (err) reject(err); else resolve(); }); }); } /** * Subscribe to a channel, caches the redis client connection * * @param {String} channel - name of the channel to subscribe to * @param {Function} cb - gets called when a message is received * @param {Boolean} [parseJson=true] - parse the message as JSON */ SUB(payload) { //channel, cb, parseJson = true return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (subs[] === undefined) { subs[] = { client: redis.createClient({ url: this.url, password: this.password, }), cbs: [], }; subs[].client.on( "message", (channel, message) => { try { message = JSON.parse(message); } catch (e) {} subs[channel].cbs.forEach((cb) => cb(message)); } ); subs[].client.subscribe(; } subs[].cbs.push(payload.cb); resolve(); }); } GET_SCHEMA(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { resolve(this.schemas[payload.schemaName]); }); } } module.exports = new CacheModule();