import async from "async"; import config from "config"; import mongoose, { Schema } from "mongoose"; import hash from "object-hash"; import { createClient, RedisClientType } from "redis"; import JobContext from "src/JobContext"; import BaseModule from "../BaseModule"; import ModuleManager from "../ModuleManager"; import { UniqueMethods } from "../types/Modules"; import { Collections } from "../types/Collections"; export default class DataModule extends BaseModule { collections?: Collections; redis?: RedisClientType; /** * Data Module * * @param moduleManager - Module manager class */ public constructor(moduleManager: ModuleManager) { super(moduleManager, "data"); } /** * startup - Startup data module */ public override startup(): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { async.waterfall( [ async () => super.startup(), async () => { const mongoUrl = config.get("mongo.url"); return mongoose.connect(mongoUrl); }, async () => this.loadCollections(), async () => { if (this.collections) { await async.each( Object.values(this.collections), async collection => collection.model.syncIndexes() ); } else throw new Error("Collections have not been loaded"); }, async () => { const { url, password } = config.get<{ url: string; password: string; }>("redis"); this.redis = createClient({ url, password }); return this.redis.connect(); }, async () => { if (!this.redis) throw new Error("Redis connection not established"); return this.redis.sendCommand([ "CONFIG", "GET", "notify-keyspace-events" ]); }, async (redisConfigResponse: string[]) => { if ( !( Array.isArray(redisConfigResponse) && redisConfigResponse[1] === "xE" ) ) throw new Error( `notify-keyspace-events is NOT configured correctly! It is set to: ${ (Array.isArray(redisConfigResponse) && redisConfigResponse[1]) || "unknown" }` ); }, async () => super.started() ], err => { if (err) reject(err); else resolve(); } ); }); } /** * shutdown - Shutdown data module */ public override shutdown(): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => { super .shutdown() .then(async () => { // TODO: Ensure the following shutdown correctly if (this.redis) await this.redis.quit(); await mongoose.connection.close(false); }) .finally(() => resolve()); }); } /** * loadColllection - Import and load collection schema * * @param collectionName - Name of the collection * @returns Collection */ private loadCollection( collectionName: T ): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => { import(`../collections/${collectionName.toString()}`).then( ({ schema }: { schema: Collections[T]["schema"] }) => { const mongoSchema = new Schema< Collections[T]["schema"]["document"] >(schema.document, { timestamps: schema.timestamps }); const model = mongoose.model( collectionName.toString(), mongoSchema ); // @ts-ignore resolve({ // @ts-ignore schema, // @ts-ignore model }); } ); }); } /** * loadCollections - Load and initialize all collections * * @returns Promise */ private loadCollections(): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const fetchCollections = async () => ({ abc: await this.loadCollection("abc") }); fetchCollections() .then(collections => { this.collections = collections; resolve(); }) .catch(err => { reject(new Error(err)); }); }); } // TODO split core into parseDocument(document, schema, { partial: boolean; }) /** * parseQuery - Ensure validity of query and return a mongo query, or the document itself re-constructed * * @param query - Query * @param schema - Schema of collection document * @param options - Parser options * @returns Promise returning object with query values cast to schema types * and whether query includes restricted attributes */ private async parseQuery( query: any, schema: any, options?: { operators?: boolean; } ): Promise<{ castQuery: any; restricted: boolean }> { if (!query || typeof query !== "object") throw new Error("Invalid query provided. Query must be an object."); const keys = Object.keys(query); if (keys.length === 0) throw new Error("Invalid query provided. Query must contain keys."); // Whether to parse operators or not const operators = !(options && options.operators === false); // The MongoDB query we're building const castQuery: any = {}; // If the query references any fields that are restricted, this will be true, so that find knows not to cache the query object let restricted = false; // Operators at the key level that we support right now const allowedKeyOperators = ["$or", "$and"]; // Operators at the value level that we support right now const allowedValueOperators = ["$in"]; await async.each(Object.entries(query), async ([key, value]) => { // Key must be 1 character and exist if (!key || key.length === 0) throw new Error( `Invalid query provided. Key must be at least 1 character.` ); // Handle key operators, which always start with a $ if (operators && key[0] === "$") { // Operator isn't found, so throw an error if (allowedKeyOperators.indexOf(key) === -1) throw new Error( `Invalid query provided. Operator "${key}" is not allowed.` ); // We currently only support $or and $and, but here we can have different logic for different operators if (key === "$or" || key === "$and") { // $or and $and should always be an array, so check if it is if (!Array.isArray(value) || value.length === 0) throw new Error( `Key "${key}" must contain array of queries.` ); // Add the operator to the mongo query object as an empty array castQuery[key] = []; // Run parseQuery again for child objects and add them to the mongo query operator array await async.each(value, async _value => { const { castQuery: _castQuery, restricted: _restricted } = await this.parseQuery(_value, schema, options); // Actually add the returned query object to the mongo query we're building castQuery[key].push(_castQuery); if (_restricted) restricted = true; }); } else throw new Error( `Unhandled operator "${key}", this should never happen!` ); } else { // Here we handle any normal keys in the query object // If the key doesn't exist in the schema, throw an error if (!Object.hasOwn(schema, key)) throw new Error( `Key "${key} does not exist in the schema."` ); // If the key in the schema is marked as restricted, mark the entire query as restricted if (schema[key].restricted) restricted = true; // Type will be undefined if it's a nested object if (schema[key].type === undefined) { // Run parseQuery on the nested schema object const { castQuery: _castQuery, restricted: _restricted } = await this.parseQuery(value, schema[key], options); castQuery[key] = _castQuery; if (_restricted) restricted = true; } else if ( operators && typeof value === "object" && value && Object.keys(value).length === 1 && Object.keys(value)[0] && Object.keys(value)[0][0] === "$" ) { // This entire if statement is for handling value operators // Operator isn't found, so throw an error if (allowedValueOperators.indexOf(key) === -1) throw new Error( `Invalid query provided. Operator "${key}" is not allowed.` ); // Handle the $in value operator if (value.$in) { castQuery[key] = { $in: [] }; if (value.$in.length > 0) castQuery[key].$in = await value.$in, async (_value: any) => { if ( typeof schema[key].type === "function" ) { const Type = schema[key].type; const castValue = new Type(_value); if (schema[key].validate) await schema[key] .validate(castValue) .catch(err => { throw new Error( `Invalid value for ${key}, ${err}` ); }); return castValue; } throw new Error( `Invalid schema type for ${key}` ); } ); } else throw new Error( `Unhandled operator "${ Object.keys(value)[0] }", this should never happen!` ); } else if (typeof schema[key].type === "function") { const Type = schema[key].type; const castValue = new Type(value); if (schema[key].validate) await schema[key].validate(castValue).catch(err => { throw new Error(`Invalid value for ${key}, ${err}`); }); castQuery[key] = castValue; } else throw new Error(`Invalid schema type for ${key}`); } }); return { castQuery, restricted }; } // TODO hide sensitive fields // TODO improve caching // TODO add option to only request certain fields // TODO add support for computed fields // TODO parse query - validation // TODO add proper typescript support // TODO add proper jsdoc // TODO add support for enum document attributes // TODO add support for array document attributes // TODO add support for reference document attributes // TODO prevent caching if requiring restricted values // TODO fix 2nd layer of schema /** * find - Get one or more document(s) from a single collection * * @param payload - Payload * @returns Returned object */ public find( context: JobContext, { collection, // Collection name query, // Similar to MongoDB query values, // TODO: Add support limit = 1, // TODO have limit off by default? page = 1, useCache = true }: { collection: T; query: Record; values?: Record; limit?: number; page?: number; useCache?: boolean; } ): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let queryHash: string | null = null; let cacheable = useCache !== false; async.waterfall( [ // Verify whether the collection exists async () => { if (!collection) throw new Error("No collection specified"); if (this.collections && !this.collections[collection]) throw new Error("Collection not found"); }, // Verify whether the query is valid-enough to continue async () => this.parseQuery( query, this.collections![collection].schema.document ), // If we can use cache, get from the cache, and if we get results return those async ({ castQuery, restricted }: any) => { // If we're allowed to cache, and the query doesn't reference any restricted fields, try to cache the query and its response if (cacheable && !restricted) { // Turn the query object into a sha1 hash that can be used as a Redis key queryHash = hash( { collection, castQuery, values, limit, page }, { algorithm: "sha1" } ); // Check if the query hash already exists in Redis, and get it if it is const cachedQuery = await this.redis?.GET( `query.find.${queryHash}` ); // Return the castQuery along with the cachedDocuments, if any return { castQuery, cachedDocuments: cachedQuery ? JSON.parse(cachedQuery) : null }; } return { castQuery, cachedDocuments: null }; }, // If we didn't get documents from the cache, get them from mongo async ({ castQuery, cachedDocuments }: any) => { if (cachedDocuments) { cacheable = false; return cachedDocuments; } const getFindValues = async (object: any) => { const find: any = {}; await async.each( Object.entries(object), async ([key, value]) => { if ( value.type === undefined && Object.keys(value).length > 0 ) { const _find = await getFindValues( value ); if (Object.keys(_find).length > 0) find[key] = _find; } else if (!value.restricted) find[key] = true; } ); return find; }; const find: any = await getFindValues( this.collections![collection].schema.document ); return this.collections?.[collection].model .find(castQuery, find) .limit(limit) .skip((page - 1) * limit); }, // Convert documents from Mongoose model to regular objects async (documents: any[]) =>, async (document: any) => { const { castQuery } = await this.parseQuery( document._doc || document, this.collections![collection].schema.document, { operators: false } ); return castQuery; }), // Add documents to the cache async (documents: any[]) => { // Adds query results to cache but doesnt await if (cacheable && queryHash) { this.redis!.SET( `query.find.${queryHash}`, JSON.stringify(documents), { EX: 60 } ); } return documents; } ], (err, documents?: any[]) => { if (err) reject(err); else if (!documents || documents!.length === 0) resolve(limit === 1 ? null : []); else resolve(limit === 1 ? documents![0] : documents); } ); }); } } export type DataModuleJobs = { [Property in keyof UniqueMethods]: { payload: Parameters[Property]>[1]; returns: Awaited[Property]>>; }; };