import { defineStore } from "pinia"; import Toast from "toasters"; import validation from "@/validation"; import { useWebsocketsStore } from "@/stores/websockets"; import { useConfigStore } from "@/stores/config"; export const useUserAuthStore = defineStore("userAuth", { state: (): { userIdMap: Record; userIdRequested: Record; pendingUserIdCallbacks: Record< string, ((basicUser: { name: string; username: string }) => void)[] >; loggedIn: boolean; role: "user" | "moderator" | "admin"; username: string; email: string; userId: string; banned: boolean; ban: { reason: string; expiresAt: number; }; gotData: boolean; gotPermissions: boolean; permissions: Record; } => ({ userIdMap: {}, userIdRequested: {}, pendingUserIdCallbacks: {}, loggedIn: false, role: "", username: "", email: "", userId: "", banned: false, ban: { reason: null, expiresAt: null }, gotData: false, gotPermissions: false, permissions: {} }), actions: { register(user: { username: string; email: string; password: string; recaptchaToken: string; }) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const { username, email, password, recaptchaToken } = user; if (!email || !username || !password) reject(new Error("Please fill in all fields")); else if (!validation.isLength(email, 3, 254)) reject( new Error( "Email must have between 3 and 254 characters." ) ); else if ( email.indexOf("@") !== email.lastIndexOf("@") || !validation.regex.emailSimple.test(email) ) reject(new Error("Invalid email format.")); else if (!validation.isLength(username, 2, 32)) reject( new Error( "Username must have between 2 and 32 characters." ) ); else if (!validation.regex.azAZ09_.test(username)) reject( new Error( "Invalid username format. Allowed characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and _." ) ); else if (username.replaceAll(/[_]/g, "").length === 0) reject( new Error( "Invalid username format. Allowed characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and _, and there has to be at least one letter or number." ) ); else if (!validation.isLength(password, 6, 200)) reject( new Error( "Password must have between 6 and 200 characters." ) ); else if (!validation.regex.password.test(password)) reject( new Error( "Invalid password format. Must have one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one number and one special character." ) ); else { const { socket } = useWebsocketsStore(); const configStore = useConfigStore(); socket.dispatch( "users.register", username, email, password, recaptchaToken, res => { if (res.status === "success") { if (res.SID) { const date = new Date(); date.setTime( new Date().getTime() + 2 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 ); const secure = ? "secure=true; " : ""; let domain = ""; if ( !== "localhost") domain = ` domain=${};`; document.cookie = `${configStore.cookie}=${ res.SID }; expires=${date.toUTCString()}; ${domain}${secure}path=/`; return resolve({ status: "success", message: "Account registered!" }); } return reject(new Error("You must login")); } return reject(new Error(res.message)); } ); } }); }, login(user: { email: string; password: string }) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const { email, password } = user; const { socket } = useWebsocketsStore(); const configStore = useConfigStore(); socket.dispatch("users.login", email, password, res => { if (res.status === "success") { const date = new Date(); date.setTime( new Date().getTime() + 2 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 ); const secure = ? "secure=true; " : ""; let domain = ""; if ( !== "localhost") domain = ` domain=${};`; document.cookie = `${configStore.cookie}=${ }; expires=${date.toUTCString()}; ${domain}${secure}path=/`; const bc = new BroadcastChannel( `${configStore.cookie}.user_login` ); bc.postMessage(true); bc.close(); return resolve({ status: "success", message: "Logged in!" }); } return reject(new Error(res.message)); }); }); }, logout() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const { socket } = useWebsocketsStore(); socket.dispatch("users.logout", res => { if (res.status === "success") { const configStore = useConfigStore(); document.cookie = `${configStore.cookie}=;expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;`; window.location.reload(); return resolve(true); } new Toast(res.message); return reject(new Error(res.message)); }); }); }, getBasicUser(userId: string) { return new Promise( ( resolve: ( basicUser: { name: string; username: string } | null ) => void ) => { if (typeof this.userIdMap[`Z${userId}`] !== "string") { if (this.userIdRequested[`Z${userId}`] !== true) { this.requestingUserId(userId); const { socket } = useWebsocketsStore(); socket.dispatch( "users.getBasicUser", userId, res => { if (res.status === "success") { const user =; this.mapUserId({ userId, user: { name:, username: user.username } }); this.pendingUserIdCallbacks[ `Z${userId}` ].forEach(cb => cb(user)); this.clearPendingCallbacks(userId); return resolve(user); } return resolve(null); } ); } else { this.pendingUser(userId, user => resolve(user)); } } else { resolve(this.userIdMap[`Z${userId}`]); } } ); }, mapUserId(data: { userId: string; user: { name: string; username: string }; }) { this.userIdMap[`Z${data.userId}`] = data.user; this.userIdRequested[`Z${data.userId}`] = false; }, requestingUserId(userId: string) { this.userIdRequested[`Z${userId}`] = true; if (!this.pendingUserIdCallbacks[`Z${userId}`]) this.pendingUserIdCallbacks[`Z${userId}`] = []; }, pendingUser( userId: string, callback: (basicUser: { name: string; username: string }) => void ) { this.pendingUserIdCallbacks[`Z${userId}`].push(callback); }, clearPendingCallbacks(userId: string) { this.pendingUserIdCallbacks[`Z${userId}`] = []; }, authData(data: { loggedIn: boolean; role: string; username: string; email: string; userId: string; }) { this.loggedIn = data.loggedIn; this.role = data.role; this.username = data.username; =; this.userId = data.userId; this.gotData = true; }, banUser(ban: { reason: string; expiresAt: number }) { this.banned = true; this.ban = ban; }, updateUsername(username: string) { this.username = username; }, updateRole(role: string) { this.role = role; }, hasPermission(permission: string) { return !!(this.permissions && this.permissions[permission]); }, updatePermissions() { return new Promise(resolve => { const { socket } = useWebsocketsStore(); socket.dispatch("utils.getPermissions", res => { this.permissions =; this.gotPermissions = true; resolve(this.permissions); }); }); } } });