import async from "async"; import config from "config"; import isLoginRequired from "../hooks/loginRequired"; import { hasPermission, useHasPermission } from "../hooks/hasPermission"; // eslint-disable-next-line import moduleManager from "../../index"; const DBModule = moduleManager.modules.db; const UtilsModule = moduleManager.modules.utils; const WSModule =; const SongsModule = moduleManager.modules.songs; const CacheModule = moduleManager.modules.cache; const PlaylistsModule = moduleManager.modules.playlists; const YouTubeModule =; const SoundcloudModule = moduleManager.modules.soundcloud; const SpotifyModule = moduleManager.modules.spotify; const ActivitiesModule = moduleManager.modules.activities; const MediaModule =; CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "playlist.create", cb: playlist => { if (playlist.createdBy !== "Musare") { WSModule.runJob("SOCKETS_FROM_USER", { userId: playlist.createdBy }, this).then(sockets => sockets.forEach(socket => socket.dispatch("event:playlist.created", { data: { playlist } })) ); if (playlist.privacy === "public") WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: `profile.${playlist.createdBy}.playlists`, args: ["event:playlist.created", { data: { playlist } }] }); } WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: "admin.playlists", args: ["event:admin.playlist.created", { data: { playlist } }] }); } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "playlist.delete", cb: res => { if (res.createdBy !== "Musare") { WSModule.runJob("SOCKETS_FROM_USER", { userId: res.createdBy }, this).then(sockets => { sockets.forEach(socket => { socket.dispatch("event:playlist.deleted", { data: { playlistId: res.playlistId } }); }); }); WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: `profile.${res.createdBy}.playlists`, args: ["event:playlist.deleted", { data: { playlistId: res.playlistId } }] }); } WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: "admin.playlists", args: ["event:admin.playlist.deleted", { data: { playlistId: res.playlistId } }] }); } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "playlist.changeOrder", cb: res => { const { createdBy, playlistId, playlistOrder } = res; if (createdBy !== "Musare") { WSModule.runJob("SOCKETS_FROM_USER", { userId: createdBy }, this).then(sockets => sockets.forEach(socket => socket.dispatch("event:playlist.order.changed", { data: { playlistId, playlistOrder } }) ) ); } } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "playlist.addSong", cb: res => { if (res.createdBy !== "Musare") { WSModule.runJob("SOCKETS_FROM_USER", { userId: res.createdBy }, this).then(sockets => { sockets.forEach(socket => { socket.dispatch("", { data: { playlistId: res.playlistId, song: } }); }); }); if (res.privacy === "public") WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: `profile.${res.createdBy}.playlists`, args: [ "", { data: { playlistId: res.playlistId, song: } } ] }); } WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: "admin.playlists", args: ["", { data: { playlistId: res.playlistId, song: } }] }); } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "playlist.removeSong", cb: res => { if (res.createdBy !== "Musare") { WSModule.runJob("SOCKETS_FROM_USER", { userId: res.createdBy }, this).then(sockets => { sockets.forEach(socket => { socket.dispatch("", { data: { playlistId: res.playlistId, mediaSource: res.mediaSource } }); }); }); if (res.privacy === "public") WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: `profile.${res.createdBy}.playlists`, args: [ "", { data: { playlistId: res.playlistId, mediaSource: res.mediaSource } } ] }); } WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: "admin.playlists", args: [ "", { data: { playlistId: res.playlistId, mediaSource: res.mediaSource } } ] }); } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "playlist.replaceSong", cb: res => { if (res.createdBy !== "Musare") { WSModule.runJob("SOCKETS_FROM_USER", { userId: res.createdBy }, this).then(sockets => { sockets.forEach(socket => { socket.dispatch("", { data: { playlistId: res.playlistId, song:, oldMediaSource: res.oldMediaSource } }); }); }); if (res.privacy === "public") WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: `profile.${res.createdBy}.playlists`, args: [ "", { data: { playlistId: res.playlistId, song:, oldMediaSource: res.oldMediaSource } } ] }); } WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: "admin.playlists", args: [ "", { data: { playlistId: res.playlistId, song:, oldMediaSource: res.oldMediaSource } } ] }); } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "playlist.updateDisplayName", cb: res => { if (res.createdBy !== "Musare") { WSModule.runJob("SOCKETS_FROM_USER", { userId: res.createdBy }, this).then(sockets => { sockets.forEach(socket => { socket.dispatch("event:playlist.displayName.updated", { data: { playlistId: res.playlistId, displayName: res.displayName } }); }); }); if (res.privacy === "public") WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: `profile.${res.createdBy}.playlists`, args: [ "event:playlist.displayName.updated", { data: { playlistId: res.playlistId, displayName: res.displayName } } ] }); } WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: "admin.playlists", args: [ "event:admin.playlist.displayName.updated", { data: { playlistId: res.playlistId, displayName: res.displayName } } ] }); } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "playlist.updatePrivacy", cb: res => { WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: "admin.playlists", args: [ "event:admin.playlist.privacy.updated", { data: { playlistId: res.playlist._id, privacy: res.playlist.privacy } } ] }); if (res.createdBy !== "Musare") { WSModule.runJob("SOCKETS_FROM_USER", { userId: res.userId }, this).then(sockets => { sockets.forEach(socket => { socket.dispatch("event:playlist.privacy.updated", { data: { playlist: res.playlist } }); }); }); if (res.playlist.privacy === "public") return WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: `profile.${res.userId}.playlists`, args: [ "event:playlist.created", { data: { playlist: res.playlist } } ] }); return WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: `profile.${res.userId}.playlists`, args: [ "event:playlist.deleted", { data: { playlistId: res.playlist._id } } ] }); } return null; } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "playlist.updated", cb: async data => { const playlistModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "playlist" }); playlistModel.findOne( { _id: data.playlistId }, ["_id", "displayName", "type", "privacy", "songs", "createdBy", "createdAt", "createdFor", "featured"], (err, playlist) => { const newPlaylist = { ...playlist._doc, songsCount: playlist.songs.length, songsLength: playlist.songs.reduce( (previous, current) => ({ duration: previous.duration + current.duration }), { duration: 0 } ).duration }; delete newPlaylist.songs; WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOMS", { rooms: ["admin.playlists"], args: ["event:admin.playlist.updated", { data: { playlist: newPlaylist } }] }); } ); } }); export default { /** * Gets playlists, used in the admin playlists page by the AdvancedTable component * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param page - the page * @param pageSize - the size per page * @param properties - the properties to return for each playlist * @param sort - the sort object * @param queries - the queries array * @param operator - the operator for queries * @param cb */ getData: useHasPermission( "admin.view.playlists", async function getSet(session, page, pageSize, properties, sort, queries, operator, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { DBModule.runJob( "GET_DATA", { page, pageSize, properties, sort, queries, operator, modelName: "playlist", blacklistedProperties: [], specialProperties: { totalLength: [ { $addFields: { totalLength: { $sum: "$songs.duration" } } } ], songsCount: [ { $addFields: { songsCount: { $size: "$songs" } } } ], createdBy: [ { $addFields: { createdByOID: { $convert: { input: "$createdBy", to: "objectId", onError: "unknown", onNull: "unknown" } } } }, { $lookup: { from: "users", localField: "createdByOID", foreignField: "_id", as: "createdByUser" } }, { $unwind: { path: "$createdByUser", preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true } }, { $addFields: { createdByUsername: { $cond: [ { $eq: ["$createdBy", "Musare"] }, "Musare", { $ifNull: ["$createdByUser.username", "unknown"] } ] } } }, { $project: { createdByOID: 0, createdByUser: 0 } } ] }, specialQueries: { createdBy: newQuery => ({ $or: [newQuery, { createdByUsername: newQuery.createdBy }] }) } }, this ) .then(response => { next(null, response); }) .catch(err => { next(err); }); } ], async (err, response) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log("ERROR", "PLAYLISTS_GET_DATA", `Failed to get data from playlists. "${err}"`); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "PLAYLISTS_GET_DATA", `Got data from playlists successfully.`); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully got data from playlists.", data: response }); } ); } ), /** * Searches through all playlists that can be included in a community station * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} query - the query * @param {string} query - the page * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ searchCommunity: isLoginRequired(async function searchCommunity(session, query, page, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { if ((!query && query !== "") || typeof query !== "string") next("Invalid query."); else next(); }, next => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("SEARCH", { query, includeUser: true, includeGenre: true, includeAdmin: true, includeOwn: true, includeSongs: true, userId: session.userId, page }) .then(response => { next(null, response); }) .catch(err => { next(err); }); } ], async (err, data) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log("ERROR", "PLAYLISTS_SEARCH_COMMUNITY", `Searching playlists failed. "${err}"`); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "PLAYLISTS_SEARCH_COMMUNITY", "Searching playlists successful."); return cb({ status: "success", data }); } ); }), /** * Searches through all playlists that can be included in an official station * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} query - the query * @param {string} query - the page * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ searchOfficial: isLoginRequired(async function searchOfficial(session, query, page, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { if ((!query && query !== "") || typeof query !== "string") next("Invalid query."); else next(); }, next => hasPermission("playlists.get", session) .then(() => next(null, true)) .catch(() => next(null, false)), (includePrivate, next) => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("SEARCH", { query, includeGenre: true, includePrivate, includeSongs: true, includeAdmin: true, page }) .then(response => { next(null, response); }) .catch(err => { next(err); }); } ], async (err, data) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log("ERROR", "PLAYLISTS_SEARCH_OFFICIAL", `Searching playlists failed. "${err}"`); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "PLAYLISTS_SEARCH_OFFICIAL", "Searching playlists successful."); return cb({ status: "success", data }); } ); }), /** * Searches through all admin playlists * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} query - the query * @param {string} query - the page * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ searchAdmin: useHasPermission("playlists.get", async function searchAdmin(session, query, page, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { if ((!query && query !== "") || typeof query !== "string") next("Invalid query."); else next(); }, next => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("SEARCH", { query, includePrivate: true, includeSongs: true, includeAdmin: true, page }) .then(response => { next(null, response); }) .catch(err => { next(err); }); } ], async (err, data) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log("ERROR", "PLAYLISTS_SEARCH_ADMIN", `Searching playlists failed. "${err}"`); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "PLAYLISTS_SEARCH_ADMIN", "Searching playlists successful."); return cb({ status: "success", data }); } ); }), /** * Gets the first song from a private playlist * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} playlistId - the id of the playlist we are getting the first song from * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ getFirstSong: isLoginRequired(function getFirstSong(session, playlistId, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("GET_PLAYLIST", { playlistId }, this) .then(playlist => next(null, playlist)) .catch(next); }, (playlist, next) => { if (!playlist || playlist.createdBy !== session.userId) return next("Playlist not found."); playlist.songs.sort((a, b) => a.position - b.position); return next(null, playlist.songs[0]); } ], async (err, song) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "PLAYLIST_GET_FIRST_SONG", `Getting the first song of playlist "${playlistId}" failed for user "${session.userId}". "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "PLAYLIST_GET_FIRST_SONG", `Successfully got the first song of playlist "${playlistId}" for user "${session.userId}".` ); return cb({ status: "success", data: { song } }); } ); }), /** * Gets a list of all the playlists for a specific user * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} userId - the user id in question * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ indexForUser: async function indexForUser(session, userId, cb) { const playlistModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "playlist" }, this); const userModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this); async.waterfall( [ next => { userModel.findById(userId).select({ "preferences.orderOfPlaylists": -1 }).exec(next); }, (user, next) => { if (!user) next("User not found"); else { const { preferences } = user; const { orderOfPlaylists } = preferences; const match = { createdBy: userId, type: { $in: ["user", "user-liked", "user-disliked"] } }; // if a playlist order exists if (orderOfPlaylists > 0) match._id = { $in: orderOfPlaylists }; playlistModel .aggregate() .match(match) .addFields({ weight: { $indexOfArray: [orderOfPlaylists, "$_id"] } }) .sort({ weight: 1 }) .exec(next); } }, (playlists, next) => { if (session.userId === userId) return next(null, playlists); // user requesting playlists is the owner of the playlists const filteredPlaylists = []; return async.each( playlists, (playlist, nextPlaylist) => { if (playlist.privacy === "public") filteredPlaylists.push(playlist); return nextPlaylist(); }, () => next(null, filteredPlaylists) ); } ], async (err, playlists) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "PLAYLIST_INDEX_FOR_USER", `Indexing playlists for user "${userId}" failed. "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "PLAYLIST_INDEX_FOR_USER", `Successfully indexed playlists for user "${userId}".`); return cb({ status: "success", data: { playlists } }); } ); }, /** * Gets all playlists for the user requesting it * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ indexMyPlaylists: isLoginRequired(async function indexMyPlaylists(session, cb) { const playlistModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "playlist" }, this); const userModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this); async.waterfall( [ next => { userModel.findById(session.userId).select({ "preferences.orderOfPlaylists": -1 }).exec(next); }, (user, next) => { if (!user) next("User not found"); else { const { preferences } = user; const { orderOfPlaylists } = preferences; const match = { createdBy: session.userId, type: { $in: ["user", "user-liked", "user-disliked"] } }; // if a playlist order exists if (orderOfPlaylists > 0) match._id = { $in: orderOfPlaylists }; playlistModel .aggregate() .match(match) .addFields({ weight: { $indexOfArray: [orderOfPlaylists, "$_id"] } }) .sort({ weight: 1 }) .exec(next); } } ], async (err, playlists) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "PLAYLIST_INDEX_FOR_ME", `Indexing playlists for user "${session.userId}" failed. "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "PLAYLIST_INDEX_FOR_ME", `Successfully indexed playlists for user "${session.userId}".` ); return cb({ status: "success", data: { playlists } }); } ); }), /** * Fetch 3 featured playlists at random * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {boolean} includeUser - whether to include user playlists * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ indexFeaturedPlaylists: isLoginRequired(async function indexMyPlaylists(session, includeUser, cb) { const playlistModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "playlist" }, this); const types = ["genre", "admin"]; if (includeUser) types.push("user", "user-liked", "user-disliked"); playlistModel .aggregate([ { $match: { featured: true, privacy: "public", type: { $in: types } } }, { $sample: { size: 3 } } ]) .exec(async (err, playlists) => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log("ERROR", "PLAYLIST_INDEX_FEATURED", `Indexing featured playlists failed. "${err}"`); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "PLAYLIST_INDEX_FEATURED", `Successfully indexed featured playlists.`); return cb({ status: "success", data: { playlists } }); }); }), /** * Creates a new private playlist * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {object} data - the data for the new private playlist * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ create: isLoginRequired(async function create(session, data, cb) { const playlistModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "playlist" }, this); const userModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this); const blacklist = ["liked songs", "likedsongs", "disliked songs", "dislikedsongs"]; async.waterfall( [ next => (data ? next() : cb({ status: "error", message: "Invalid data" })), next => { const { displayName, songs, privacy, admin } = data; if (blacklist.indexOf(displayName.toLowerCase()) !== -1) return next("That playlist name is blacklisted. Please use a different name."); return playlistModel.create( { displayName, songs, privacy, createdBy: admin ? "Musare" : session.userId, createdAt:, createdFor: null, type: admin ? "admin" : "user" }, next ); }, (playlist, next) => { if (data.admin) next(null, playlist); else userModel.updateOne( { _id: session.userId }, { $push: { "preferences.orderOfPlaylists": playlist._id } }, err => { if (err) return next(err); return next(null, playlist); } ); } ], async (err, playlist) => { let type = "unknown"; if (data && data.admin) type = "admin"; else if (data && !data.admin) type = "user"; if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "PLAYLIST_CREATE", `Creating ${type} playlist failed for user "${session.userId}". "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "playlist.create", value: playlist }); if (!data.admin) ActivitiesModule.runJob("ADD_ACTIVITY", { userId: playlist.createdBy, type: "playlist__create", payload: { message: `Created playlist ${playlist.displayName}`, playlistId: playlist._id } }); this.log( "SUCCESS", "PLAYLIST_CREATE", `Successfully created ${type} playlist for user "${session.userId}".` ); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully created playlist", data: { playlistId: playlist._id } }); } ); }), /** * Gets a playlist from id * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} playlistId - the id of the playlist we are getting * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ getPlaylist: function getPlaylist(session, playlistId, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("GET_PLAYLIST", { playlistId }, this) .then(playlist => next(null, playlist)) .catch(next); }, (playlist, next) => { if (!playlist) return next("Playlist not found"); if (playlist.privacy !== "public" && playlist.createdBy !== session.userId) return hasPermission("playlists.get", session) .then(() => next(null, playlist)) .catch(() => next("User unauthorised to view playlist.")); return next(null, playlist); } ], async (err, playlist) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "PLAYLIST_GET", `Getting private playlist "${playlistId}" failed for user "${session.userId}". "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "PLAYLIST_GET", `Successfully got private playlist "${playlistId}" for user "${session.userId}".` ); return cb({ status: "success", data: { playlist } }); } ); }, /** * Gets a playlist from station id * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} stationId - the id of the station we are getting * @param {string} includeSongs - include songs * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ getPlaylistForStation: function getPlaylist(session, stationId, includeSongs, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("GET_STATION_PLAYLIST", { stationId, includeSongs }, this) .then(response => next(null, response.playlist)) .catch(next); }, (playlist, next) => { if (!playlist) return next("Playlist not found"); if (playlist.privacy !== "public") return hasPermission("stations.view", session, stationId) .then(() => next(null, playlist)) .catch(() => next("User unauthorised to view playlist.")); return next(null, playlist); } ], async (err, playlist) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "PLAYLIST_GET", `Getting playlist for station "${stationId}" failed for user "${session.userId}". "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "PLAYLIST_GET", `Successfully got playlist for station "${stationId}" for user "${session.userId}".` ); return cb({ status: "success", data: { playlist } }); } ); }, /** * Shuffles songs in a private playlist * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} playlistId - the id of the playlist we are updating * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ shuffle: isLoginRequired(async function shuffle(session, playlistId, cb) { const playlistModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "playlist" }, this); async.waterfall( [ next => { if (!playlistId) return next("No playlist id."); return next(); }, next => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("GET_PLAYLIST", { playlistId }, this) .then(playlist => { if (!playlist || playlist.createdBy !== session.userId) return next("Something went wrong when trying to get the playlist"); return next(null, playlist); }) .catch(next); }, (playlist, next) => { if (!playlist.isUserModifiable) return next("Playlist cannot be shuffled."); return UtilsModule.runJob("SHUFFLE_SONG_POSITIONS", { array: playlist.songs }, this) .then(result => next(null, result.array)) .catch(next); }, (songs, next) => { playlistModel.updateOne({ _id: playlistId }, { $set: { songs } }, { runValidators: true }, next); }, (res, next) => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("UPDATE_PLAYLIST", { playlistId }, this) .then(playlist => next(null, playlist)) .catch(next); } ], async (err, playlist) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "PLAYLIST_SHUFFLE", `Updating private playlist "${playlistId}" failed for user "${session.userId}". "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "PLAYLIST_SHUFFLE", `Successfully updated private playlist "${playlistId}" for user "${session.userId}".` ); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully shuffled playlist.", data: { playlist } }); } ); }), /** * Changes the order (position) of a song in a playlist * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} playlistId - the id of the playlist we are targeting * @param {object} song - the song to be repositioned * @param {string} song.mediaSource - the media source of the song being repositioned * @param {string} song.newIndex - the new position of the song in the playlist * @param {...any} song.args - any other elements that would be included with a song item in a playlist * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ repositionSong: isLoginRequired(async function repositionSong(session, playlistId, song, cb) { const playlistModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "playlist" }, this); async.waterfall( [ next => { if (!playlistId) return next("Please provide a playlist."); if (!song || !song.mediaSource) return next("You must provide a song to reposition."); return next(); }, next => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("GET_PLAYLIST", { playlistId }, this) .then(playlist => { if (!playlist) return next("Playlist not found."); if (playlist.createdBy !== session.userId) return hasPermission("playlists.songs.reposition", session) .then(() => next()) .catch(() => next("Invalid permissions.")); return next(); }) .catch(next); }, // remove song from playlist next => { playlistModel.updateOne( { _id: playlistId }, { $pull: { songs: { mediaSource: song.mediaSource } } }, next ); }, // add song back to playlist (in new position) (res, next) => { playlistModel.updateOne( { _id: playlistId }, { $push: { songs: { $each: [song], $position: song.newIndex } } }, err => next(err) ); }, // update the cache with the new songs positioning next => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("UPDATE_PLAYLIST", { playlistId }, this) .then(playlist => next(null, playlist)) .catch(next); } ], async (err, playlist) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "PLAYLIST_REPOSITION_SONG", `Repositioning song ${song.mediaSource} for private playlist "${playlistId}" failed for user "${session.userId}". "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "PLAYLIST_REPOSITION_SONG", `Successfully repositioned song ${song.mediaSource} for private playlist "${playlistId}" for user "${session.userId}".` ); const playlistOrder = => song.mediaSource); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "playlist.changeOrder", value: { createdBy: playlist.createdBy, playlistId, playlistOrder } }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully repositioned song" }); } ); }), /** * Adds a song to a private playlist * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {boolean} isSet - is the song part of a set of songs to be added * @param {string} mediaSource - the media source of the song we are trying to add * @param {string} playlistId - the id of the playlist we are adding the song to * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ addSongToPlaylist: isLoginRequired(async function addSongToPlaylist(session, isSet, mediaSource, playlistId, cb) { const playlistModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "playlist" }, this); async.waterfall( [ next => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("GET_PLAYLIST", { playlistId }, this) .then(playlist => { if (!playlist) return next("Playlist not found."); if (playlist.createdBy !== session.userId) return hasPermission("playlists.songs.add", session) .then(() => next(null, playlist)) .catch(() => next("Invalid permissions.")); return next(null, playlist); }) .catch(next); }, (playlist, next) => { MediaModule.runJob("GET_MEDIA", { mediaSource }, this) .then(res => next(null, playlist, { _id:, title:, thumbnail:, artists:, mediaSource: }) ) .catch(next); }, (playlist, song, next) => { if (playlist.type === "user-liked" || playlist.type === "user-disliked") { const oppositeType = playlist.type === "user-liked" ? "user-disliked" : "user-liked"; const oppositePlaylistName = oppositeType === "user-liked" ? "Liked Songs" : "Disliked Songs"; playlistModel.count( { type: oppositeType, createdBy: session.userId, "songs.mediaSource": song.mediaSource }, (err, results) => { if (err) next(err); else if (results > 0) next( `That song is already in your ${oppositePlaylistName} playlist. A song cannot be in both the Liked Songs playlist and the Disliked Songs playlist at the same time.` ); else next(null, song); } ); } else next(null, song); }, (_song, next) => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("ADD_SONG_TO_PLAYLIST", { playlistId, mediaSource: _song.mediaSource }, this) .then(res => { const { playlist, song, ratings } = res; next(null, playlist, song, ratings); }) .catch(next); } ], async (err, playlist, newSong, ratings) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "PLAYLIST_ADD_SONG", `Adding song "${mediaSource}" to private playlist "${playlistId}" failed for user "${session.userId}". "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "PLAYLIST_ADD_SONG", `Successfully added song "${mediaSource}" to private playlist "${playlistId}" for user "${session.userId}".` ); if (!isSet && playlist.type === "user" && playlist.privacy === "public") { const songName = newSong.artists ? `${newSong.title} by ${newSong.artists.join(", ")}` : newSong.title; ActivitiesModule.runJob("ADD_ACTIVITY", { userId: session.userId, type: "playlist__add_song", payload: { message: `Added ${songName} to playlist ${playlist.displayName}`, thumbnail: newSong.thumbnail, playlistId, mediaSource } }); } CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "playlist.addSong", value: { playlistId: playlist._id, song: newSong, createdBy: playlist.createdBy, privacy: playlist.privacy } }); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "playlist.updated", value: { playlistId } }); if (ratings && (playlist.type === "user-liked" || playlist.type === "user-disliked")) { const { _id, mediaSource, title, artists, thumbnail } = newSong; const { likes, dislikes } = ratings; if (_id) SongsModule.runJob("UPDATE_SONG", { songId: _id }); if (playlist.type === "user-liked") { CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "", value: JSON.stringify({ mediaSource, userId: session.userId, likes, dislikes }) }); ActivitiesModule.runJob("ADD_ACTIVITY", { userId: session.userId, type: "song__like", payload: { message: `Liked song ${title} by ${artists.join(", ")}`, mediaSource, thumbnail } }); } else { CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "ratings.dislike", value: JSON.stringify({ mediaSource, userId: session.userId, likes, dislikes }) }); ActivitiesModule.runJob("ADD_ACTIVITY", { userId: session.userId, type: "song__dislike", payload: { message: `Disliked song ${title} by ${artists.join( mediaSource )}`, mediaSource, thumbnail } }); } } return cb({ status: "success", message: "Song has been successfully added to the playlist", data: { songs: playlist.songs } }); } ); }), /** * Replaces a song in a playlist with another song, used to replace Spotify songs with playable songs * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} oldMediaSource - the media source of the song to be removed * @param {string} newMediaSource - the media source of the song to be added * @param {string} playlistId - the playlist to replace the song in * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ replaceSongInPlaylist: isLoginRequired( async function replaceSongInPlaylist(session, oldMediaSource, newMediaSource, playlistId, cb) { const playlistModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "playlist" }, this); async.waterfall( [ next => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("GET_PLAYLIST", { playlistId }, this) .then(playlist => { if (!playlist) return next("Playlist not found."); if (playlist.createdBy !== session.userId) return hasPermission("playlists.songs.add", session) .then(() => next(null, playlist)) .catch(() => next("Invalid permissions.")); return next(null, playlist); }) .catch(next); }, (playlist, next) => { MediaModule.runJob("GET_MEDIA", { mediaSource: newMediaSource }, this) .then(res => next(null, playlist, { _id:, title:, thumbnail:, artists:, mediaSource: }) ) .catch(next); }, (playlist, song, next) => { if (playlist.type === "user-liked" || playlist.type === "user-disliked") { const oppositeType = playlist.type === "user-liked" ? "user-disliked" : "user-liked"; const oppositePlaylistName = oppositeType === "user-liked" ? "Liked Songs" : "Disliked Songs"; playlistModel.count( { type: oppositeType, createdBy: session.userId, "songs.mediaSource": song.mediaSource }, (err, results) => { if (err) next(err); else if (results > 0) next( `That song is already in your ${oppositePlaylistName} playlist. A song cannot be in both the Liked Songs playlist and the Disliked Songs playlist at the same time.` ); else next(null, song); } ); } else next(null, song); }, (_song, next) => { PlaylistsModule.runJob( "REPLACE_SONG_IN_PLAYLIST", { playlistId, oldMediaSource, newMediaSource }, this ) .then(res => { const { playlist, song } = res; next(null, playlist, song); }) .catch(next); } ], async (err, playlist, newSong) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "PLAYLIST_ADD_SONG", `Replacing song "${oldMediaSource}" with "${newMediaSource}" in private playlist "${playlistId}" failed for user "${session.userId}". "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "PLAYLIST_ADD_SONG", `Successfully replaced song "${oldMediaSource}" with "${newMediaSource}" in private playlist "${playlistId}" for user "${session.userId}".` ); // NOTE: we may want to publish an activity event here CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "playlist.replaceSong", value: { playlistId: playlist._id, song: newSong, oldMediaSource, createdBy: playlist.createdBy, privacy: playlist.privacy } }); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "playlist.updated", value: { playlistId } }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Song has been successfully replaced in the playlist", data: { songs: playlist.songs } }); } ); } ), /** * Adds songs to a playlist * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} playlistId - the id of the playlist we are adding the songs to * @param {Array} mediaSources - the media sources of the songs we are trying to add * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ addSongsToPlaylist: isLoginRequired(async function addSongsToPlaylist(session, playlistId, mediaSources, cb) { const successful = []; const existing = []; const failed = {}; const errors = {}; const lastYoutubeId = "none"; const songsAdded = []; const addError = message => { if (!errors[message]) errors[message] = 1; else errors[message] += 1; }; async.waterfall( [ next => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("GET_PLAYLIST", { playlistId }, this) .then(playlist => { if (!playlist) return next("Playlist not found."); if (playlist.createdBy !== session.userId) return hasPermission("playlists.songs.add", session) .then(() => next()) .catch(() => next("Invalid permissions.")); return next(); }) .catch(next); }, next => { this.keepLongJob(); this.publishProgress({ status: "started", title: "Bulk add songs to playlist", message: "Adding songs to playlist.", id: this.toString() }); CacheModule.runJob( "RPUSH", { key: `longJobs.${session.userId}`, value: this.toString() }, this ) .then(() => { CacheModule.runJob( "PUB", { channel: "longJob.added", value: { jobId: this.toString(), userId: session.userId } }, this ) .then(() => next()) .catch(next); }) .catch(next); }, next => { async.eachLimit( mediaSources, 1, (mediaSource, next) => { this.publishProgress({ status: "update", message: `Adding song "${mediaSource}"` }); PlaylistsModule.runJob("ADD_SONG_TO_PLAYLIST", { playlistId, mediaSource }, this) .then(({ song }) => { successful.push(mediaSource); songsAdded.push(song); next(); }) .catch(async err => { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); if (err === "That song is already in the playlist.") { existing.push(mediaSource); next(); } else { addError(err); failed[mediaSource] = err; next(); } }); }, err => { if (err) next(err); else next(); } ); }, next => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("GET_PLAYLIST", { playlistId }, this) .then(playlist => { if (!playlist) return next("Playlist not found."); return next(null, playlist); }) .catch(next); } ], async (err, playlist) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "PLAYLIST_ADD_SONGS", `Adding songs to playlist "${playlistId}" failed for user "${ session.userId }". "${err}". Stats: successful:${successful.length}, existing:${existing.length}, failed:${ Object.keys(failed).length }, last mediaSource:${lastYoutubeId}, mediaSources length:${ mediaSources ? mediaSources.length : null }` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err, data: { stats: { successful, existing, failed, errors } } }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "PLAYLIST_ADD_SONGS", `Successfully added songs to playlist "${playlistId}" for user "${ session.userId }". Stats: successful:${successful.length}, existing:${existing.length}, failed:${ Object.keys(failed).length }, mediaSources length:${mediaSources ? mediaSources.length : null}` ); await async.eachLimit(songsAdded, 1, (song, next) => { CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "playlist.addSong", value: { playlistId: playlist._id, song, createdBy: playlist.createdBy, privacy: playlist.privacy } }); next(); }); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "playlist.updated", value: { playlistId } }); // NOTE: we may want to publish an activity event here const message = `Done adding songs. Succesful: ${successful.length}, failed: ${ Object.keys(failed).length }, existing: ${existing.length}.`; this.publishProgress({ status: "success", message }); return cb({ status: "success", message, data: { songs: playlist.songs, stats: { successful, existing, failed, errors } } }); } ); }), /** * Removes songs from a playlist * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} playlistId - the id of the playlist we are removing the songs from * @param {Array} mediaSources - the media sources of the songs we are trying to remove * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ removeSongsFromPlaylist: useHasPermission( "playlists.songs.remove", async function removeSongsFromPlaylist(session, playlistId, mediaSources, cb) { const successful = []; const notInPlaylist = []; const failed = {}; const errors = {}; const lastYoutubeId = "none"; const addError = message => { if (!errors[message]) errors[message] = 1; else errors[message] += 1; }; this.keepLongJob(); this.publishProgress({ status: "started", title: "Bulk remove songs from playlist", message: "Removing songs from playlist.", id: this.toString() }); await CacheModule.runJob("RPUSH", { key: `longJobs.${session.userId}`, value: this.toString() }, this); await CacheModule.runJob( "PUB", { channel: "longJob.added", value: { jobId: this.toString(), userId: session.userId } }, this ); async.waterfall( [ next => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("GET_PLAYLIST", { playlistId }, this) .then(playlist => { if (!playlist) return next("Playlist not found."); return next(null, playlist); }) .catch(next); }, (playlist, next) => { if (playlist.type !== "admin") return next("Playlist must be of type admin."); return next(); }, next => { async.eachLimit( mediaSources, 1, (mediaSource, next) => { this.publishProgress({ status: "update", message: `Removing song "${mediaSource}"` }); PlaylistsModule.runJob("REMOVE_FROM_PLAYLIST", { playlistId, mediaSource }, this) .then(() => { successful.push(mediaSource); next(); }) .catch(async err => { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); if (err === "That song is not currently in the playlist.") { notInPlaylist.push(mediaSource); next(); } else { addError(err); failed[mediaSource] = err; next(); } }); }, err => { if (err) next(err); else next(); } ); }, next => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("GET_PLAYLIST", { playlistId }, this) .then(playlist => { if (!playlist) return next("Playlist not found."); return next(null, playlist); }) .catch(next); } ], async (err, playlist) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "PLAYLIST_REMOVE_SONGS", `Removing songs from playlist "${playlistId}" failed for user "${ session.userId }". "${err}". Stats: successful:${successful.length}, notInPlaylist:${ notInPlaylist.length }, failed:${ Object.keys(failed).length }, last mediaSource:${lastYoutubeId}, mediaSources length:${ mediaSources ? mediaSources.length : null }` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err, data: { stats: { successful, notInPlaylist, failed, errors } } }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "PLAYLIST_REMOVE_SONGS", `Successfully removed songs from playlist "${playlistId}" for user "${ session.userId }". Stats: successful:${successful.length}, notInPlaylist:${notInPlaylist.length}, failed:${ Object.keys(failed).length }, mediaSources length:${mediaSources ? mediaSources.length : null}` ); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "playlist.updated", value: { playlistId } }); const message = `Done removing songs. Succesful: ${successful.length}, failed: ${ Object.keys(failed).length }, not in playlist: ${notInPlaylist.length}.`; this.publishProgress({ status: "success", message }); return cb({ status: "success", message, data: { songs: playlist.songs, stats: { successful, notInPlaylist, failed, errors } } }); } ); } ), /** * Adds a set of songs to a user playlist * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} url - the url of the the YouTube playlist * @param {string} playlistId - the id of the playlist we are adding the set of songs to * @param {boolean} musicOnly - whether to only add music to the playlist * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ addYoutubeSetToPlaylist: isLoginRequired( async function addYoutubeSetToPlaylist(session, url, playlistId, musicOnly, cb) { let videosInPlaylistTotal = 0; let songsInPlaylistTotal = 0; let addSongsStats = null; const addedSongs = []; this.keepLongJob(); this.publishProgress({ status: "started", title: "Import YouTube playlist", message: "Importing YouTube playlist.", id: this.toString() }); await CacheModule.runJob("RPUSH", { key: `longJobs.${session.userId}`, value: this.toString() }, this); await CacheModule.runJob( "PUB", { channel: "longJob.added", value: { jobId: this.toString(), userId: session.userId } }, this ); async.waterfall( [ next => { DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this).then(userModel => { userModel.findOne({ _id: session.userId }, (err, user) => { if (user && user.role === "admin") return next(null, true); return next(null, false); }); }); }, (isAdmin, next) => { this.publishProgress({ status: "update", message: `Importing YouTube playlist (stage 1)` }); const playlistRegex = /[\\?&]list=([^&#]*)/; const channelRegex = /\.[\w]+\/(?:(?:channel\/(UC[0-9A-Za-z_-]{21}[AQgw]))|(?:user\/?([\w-]+))|(?:c\/?([\w-]+))|(?:\/?([\w-]+)))/; if (playlistRegex.exec(url) || channelRegex.exec(url)) YouTubeModule.runJob( playlistRegex.exec(url) ? "GET_PLAYLIST" : "GET_CHANNEL_VIDEOS", { url, musicOnly, disableSearch: !isAdmin }, this ) .then(res => { if (res.filteredSongs) { videosInPlaylistTotal = res.songs.length; songsInPlaylistTotal = res.filteredSongs.length; } else { songsInPlaylistTotal = videosInPlaylistTotal = res.songs.length; } next(null, res.songs); }) .catch(next); else next("Invalid YouTube URL."); }, (youtubeIds, next) => { this.publishProgress({ status: "update", message: `Importing YouTube playlist (stage 2)` }); let successful = 0; let failed = 0; let alreadyInPlaylist = 0; let alreadyInLikedPlaylist = 0; let alreadyInDislikedPlaylist = 0; if (youtubeIds.length === 0) next(); const mediaSources = => `youtube:${youtubeId}`); async.eachLimit( mediaSources, 1, (mediaSource, next) => { WSModule.runJob( "RUN_ACTION2", { session, namespace: "playlists", action: "addSongToPlaylist", args: [true, mediaSource, playlistId] }, this ) .then(res => { if (res.status === "success") { successful += 1; addedSongs.push(mediaSource); } else failed += 1; if (res.message === "That song is already in the playlist") alreadyInPlaylist += 1; else if ( res.message === "That song is already in your Liked Songs playlist. " + "A song cannot be in both the Liked Songs playlist" + " and the Disliked Songs playlist at the same time." ) alreadyInLikedPlaylist += 1; else if ( res.message === "That song is already in your Disliked Songs playlist. " + "A song cannot be in both the Liked Songs playlist " + "and the Disliked Songs playlist at the same time." ) alreadyInDislikedPlaylist += 1; }) .catch(() => { failed += 1; }) .finally(() => next()); }, () => { addSongsStats = { successful, failed, alreadyInPlaylist, alreadyInLikedPlaylist, alreadyInDislikedPlaylist }; next(null); } ); }, next => { this.publishProgress({ status: "update", message: `Importing YouTube playlist (stage 3)` }); PlaylistsModule.runJob("GET_PLAYLIST", { playlistId }, this) .then(playlist => next(null, playlist)) .catch(next); }, (playlist, next) => { this.publishProgress({ status: "update", message: `Importing YouTube playlist (stage 4)` }); if (!playlist) return next("Playlist not found."); if (playlist.createdBy !== session.userId) return hasPermission("playlists.songs.add", session) .then(() => next(null, playlist)) .catch(() => next("Invalid permissions.")); return next(null, playlist); } ], async (err, playlist) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "PLAYLIST_IMPORT", `Importing a YouTube playlist to private playlist "${playlistId}" failed for user "${session.userId}". "${err}"` ); this.publishProgress({ status: "error", message: err }); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } if (playlist.privacy === "public") ActivitiesModule.runJob("ADD_ACTIVITY", { userId: session.userId, type: "playlist__import_playlist", payload: { message: `Imported ${addSongsStats.successful} songs to playlist ${playlist.displayName}`, playlistId } }); this.log( "SUCCESS", "PLAYLIST_IMPORT", `Successfully imported a YouTube playlist to private playlist "${playlistId}" for user "${session.userId}". Videos in playlist: ${videosInPlaylistTotal}, songs in playlist: ${songsInPlaylistTotal}, songs successfully added: ${addSongsStats.successful}, songs failed: ${addSongsStats.failed}, already in playlist: ${addSongsStats.alreadyInPlaylist}, already in liked ${addSongsStats.alreadyInLikedPlaylist}, already in disliked ${addSongsStats.alreadyInDislikedPlaylist}.` ); this.publishProgress({ status: "success", message: `Playlist has been imported. ${addSongsStats.successful} were added successfully, ${addSongsStats.failed} failed (${addSongsStats.alreadyInPlaylist} were already in the playlist)` }); return cb({ status: "success", message: `Playlist has been imported. ${addSongsStats.successful} were added successfully, ${addSongsStats.failed} failed (${addSongsStats.alreadyInPlaylist} were already in the playlist)`, data: { songs: playlist.songs, stats: { videosInPlaylistTotal, songsInPlaylistTotal, alreadyInLikedPlaylist: addSongsStats.alreadyInLikedPlaylist, alreadyInDislikedPlaylist: addSongsStats.alreadyInDislikedPlaylist } } }); } ); } ), /** * Adds a set of Soundcloud songs to a private playlist * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} url - the url of the the SoundCloud playlist * @param {string} playlistId - the id of the playlist we are adding the set of songs to * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ addSoundcloudSetToPlaylist: isLoginRequired( async function addSoundcloudSetToPlaylist(session, url, playlistId, cb) { if (!config.get("experimental.soundcloud")) return cb({ status: "error", message: "SoundCloud is not enabled" }); let songsInPlaylistTotal = 0; let addSongsStats = null; const addedSongs = []; this.keepLongJob(); this.publishProgress({ status: "started", title: "Import SoundCloud playlist", message: "Importing SoundCloud playlist.", id: this.toString() }); await CacheModule.runJob("RPUSH", { key: `longJobs.${session.userId}`, value: this.toString() }, this); await CacheModule.runJob( "PUB", { channel: "longJob.added", value: { jobId: this.toString(), userId: session.userId } }, this ); return async.waterfall( [ next => { DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this).then(userModel => { userModel.findOne({ _id: session.userId }, (err, user) => { if (user && user.role === "admin") return next(null, true); return next(null, false); }); }); }, (isAdmin, next) => { this.publishProgress({ status: "update", message: `Importing SoundCloud playlist (stage 1)` }); SoundcloudModule.runJob( "GET_PLAYLIST", { url }, this ) .then(res => { songsInPlaylistTotal = res.songs.length; const mediaSources = => `soundcloud:${song}`); next(null, mediaSources); }) .catch(next); }, (mediaSources, next) => { this.publishProgress({ status: "update", message: `Importing SoundCloud playlist (stage 2)` }); let successful = 0; let failed = 0; let alreadyInPlaylist = 0; let alreadyInLikedPlaylist = 0; let alreadyInDislikedPlaylist = 0; if (mediaSources.length === 0) next(); async.eachLimit( mediaSources, 1, (mediaSource, next) => { WSModule.runJob( "RUN_ACTION2", { session, namespace: "playlists", action: "addSongToPlaylist", args: [true, mediaSource, playlistId] }, this ) .then(res => { if (res.status === "success") { successful += 1; addedSongs.push(mediaSource); } else failed += 1; if (res.message === "That song is already in the playlist") alreadyInPlaylist += 1; else if ( res.message === "That song is already in your Liked Songs playlist. " + "A song cannot be in both the Liked Songs playlist" + " and the Disliked Songs playlist at the same time." ) alreadyInLikedPlaylist += 1; else if ( res.message === "That song is already in your Disliked Songs playlist. " + "A song cannot be in both the Liked Songs playlist " + "and the Disliked Songs playlist at the same time." ) alreadyInDislikedPlaylist += 1; }) .catch(() => { failed += 1; }) .finally(() => next()); }, () => { addSongsStats = { successful, failed, alreadyInPlaylist, alreadyInLikedPlaylist, alreadyInDislikedPlaylist }; next(null); } ); }, next => { this.publishProgress({ status: "update", message: `Importing SoundCloud playlist (stage 3)` }); PlaylistsModule.runJob("GET_PLAYLIST", { playlistId }, this) .then(playlist => next(null, playlist)) .catch(next); }, (playlist, next) => { this.publishProgress({ status: "update", message: `Importing SoundCloud playlist (stage 4)` }); if (!playlist) return next("Playlist not found."); if (playlist.createdBy !== session.userId) return hasPermission("playlists.songs.add", session) .then(() => next(null, playlist)) .catch(() => next("Invalid permissions.")); return next(null, playlist); } ], async (err, playlist) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "PLAYLIST_IMPORT", `Importing a SoundCloud playlist to private playlist "${playlistId}" failed for user "${session.userId}". "${err}"` ); this.publishProgress({ status: "error", message: err }); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } if (playlist.privacy === "public") ActivitiesModule.runJob("ADD_ACTIVITY", { userId: session.userId, type: "playlist__import_playlist", payload: { message: `Imported ${addSongsStats.successful} songs to playlist ${playlist.displayName}`, playlistId } }); this.log( "SUCCESS", "PLAYLIST_IMPORT", `Successfully imported a SoundCloud playlist to private playlist "${playlistId}" for user "${session.userId}". Songs in playlist: ${songsInPlaylistTotal}, songs successfully added: ${addSongsStats.successful}, songs failed: ${addSongsStats.failed}, already in playlist: ${addSongsStats.alreadyInPlaylist}, already in liked ${addSongsStats.alreadyInLikedPlaylist}, already in disliked ${addSongsStats.alreadyInDislikedPlaylist}.` ); this.publishProgress({ status: "success", message: `Playlist has been imported. ${addSongsStats.successful} were added successfully, ${addSongsStats.failed} failed (${addSongsStats.alreadyInPlaylist} were already in the playlist)` }); return cb({ status: "success", message: `Playlist has been imported. ${addSongsStats.successful} were added successfully, ${addSongsStats.failed} failed (${addSongsStats.alreadyInPlaylist} were already in the playlist)`, data: { songs: playlist.songs, stats: { songsInPlaylistTotal, alreadyInLikedPlaylist: addSongsStats.alreadyInLikedPlaylist, alreadyInDislikedPlaylist: addSongsStats.alreadyInDislikedPlaylist } } }); } ); } ), /** * Adds a set of Spotify songs to a private playlist * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} url - the url of the the Spotify playlist * @param {string} playlistId - the id of the playlist we are adding the set of songs to * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ addSpotifySetToPlaylist: isLoginRequired(async function addSpotifySetToPlaylist(session, url, playlistId, cb) { if (!config.get("experimental.spotify")) return cb({ status: "error", message: "Spotify is not enabled" }); let songsInPlaylistTotal = 0; let addSongsStats = null; const addedSongs = []; this.keepLongJob(); this.publishProgress({ status: "started", title: "Import Spotify playlist", message: "Importing Spotify playlist.", id: this.toString() }); await CacheModule.runJob("RPUSH", { key: `longJobs.${session.userId}`, value: this.toString() }, this); await CacheModule.runJob( "PUB", { channel: "longJob.added", value: { jobId: this.toString(), userId: session.userId } }, this ); return async.waterfall( [ next => { DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this).then(userModel => { userModel.findOne({ _id: session.userId }, (err, user) => { if (user && user.role === "admin") return next(null, true); return next(null, false); }); }); }, (isAdmin, next) => { this.publishProgress({ status: "update", message: `Importing Spotify playlist (stage 1)` }); SpotifyModule.runJob( "GET_PLAYLIST", { url }, this ) .then(res => { songsInPlaylistTotal = res.songs.length; const mediaSources = => `spotify:${song}`); next(null, mediaSources); }) .catch(next); }, (mediaSources, next) => { this.publishProgress({ status: "update", message: `Importing Spotify playlist (stage 2)` }); let successful = 0; let failed = 0; let alreadyInPlaylist = 0; let alreadyInLikedPlaylist = 0; let alreadyInDislikedPlaylist = 0; if (mediaSources.length === 0) next(); async.eachLimit( mediaSources, 1, (mediaSource, next) => { WSModule.runJob( "RUN_ACTION2", { session, namespace: "playlists", action: "addSongToPlaylist", args: [true, mediaSource, playlistId] }, this ) .then(res => { if (res.status === "success") { successful += 1; addedSongs.push(mediaSource); } else failed += 1; if (res.message === "That song is already in the playlist") alreadyInPlaylist += 1; else if ( res.message === "That song is already in your Liked Songs playlist. " + "A song cannot be in both the Liked Songs playlist" + " and the Disliked Songs playlist at the same time." ) alreadyInLikedPlaylist += 1; else if ( res.message === "That song is already in your Disliked Songs playlist. " + "A song cannot be in both the Liked Songs playlist " + "and the Disliked Songs playlist at the same time." ) alreadyInDislikedPlaylist += 1; }) .catch(() => { failed += 1; }) .finally(() => next()); }, () => { addSongsStats = { successful, failed, alreadyInPlaylist, alreadyInLikedPlaylist, alreadyInDislikedPlaylist }; next(null); } ); }, next => { this.publishProgress({ status: "update", message: `Importing Spotify playlist (stage 3)` }); PlaylistsModule.runJob("GET_PLAYLIST", { playlistId }, this) .then(playlist => next(null, playlist)) .catch(next); }, (playlist, next) => { this.publishProgress({ status: "update", message: `Importing Spotify playlist (stage 4)` }); if (!playlist) return next("Playlist not found."); if (playlist.createdBy !== session.userId) return hasPermission("playlists.songs.add", session) .then(() => next(null, playlist)) .catch(() => next("Invalid permissions.")); return next(null, playlist); } ], async (err, playlist) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "PLAYLIST_IMPORT", `Importing a Spotify playlist to private playlist "${playlistId}" failed for user "${session.userId}". "${err}"` ); this.publishProgress({ status: "error", message: err }); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } if (playlist.privacy === "public") ActivitiesModule.runJob("ADD_ACTIVITY", { userId: session.userId, type: "playlist__import_playlist", payload: { message: `Imported ${addSongsStats.successful} songs to playlist ${playlist.displayName}`, playlistId } }); this.log( "SUCCESS", "PLAYLIST_IMPORT", `Successfully imported a Spotify playlist to private playlist "${playlistId}" for user "${session.userId}". Songs in playlist: ${songsInPlaylistTotal}, songs successfully added: ${addSongsStats.successful}, songs failed: ${addSongsStats.failed}, already in playlist: ${addSongsStats.alreadyInPlaylist}, already in liked ${addSongsStats.alreadyInLikedPlaylist}, already in disliked ${addSongsStats.alreadyInDislikedPlaylist}.` ); this.publishProgress({ status: "success", message: `Playlist has been imported. ${addSongsStats.successful} were added successfully, ${addSongsStats.failed} failed (${addSongsStats.alreadyInPlaylist} were already in the playlist)` }); return cb({ status: "success", message: `Playlist has been imported. ${addSongsStats.successful} were added successfully, ${addSongsStats.failed} failed (${addSongsStats.alreadyInPlaylist} were already in the playlist)`, data: { songs: playlist.songs, stats: { songsInPlaylistTotal, alreadyInLikedPlaylist: addSongsStats.alreadyInLikedPlaylist, alreadyInDislikedPlaylist: addSongsStats.alreadyInDislikedPlaylist } } }); } ); }), /** * Removes a song from a private playlist * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} mediaSource - the media source of the song we are removing from the private playlist * @param {string} playlistId - the id of the playlist we are removing the song from * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ removeSongFromPlaylist: isLoginRequired( async function removeSongFromPlaylist(session, mediaSource, playlistId, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { if (!mediaSource || typeof mediaSource !== "string") return next("Invalid song id."); if (!playlistId || typeof mediaSource !== "string") return next("Invalid playlist id."); return next(); }, next => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("GET_PLAYLIST", { playlistId }, this) .then(playlist => { if (!playlist) return next("Playlist not found."); if (playlist.createdBy !== session.userId) return hasPermission("playlists.songs.remove", session) .then(() => next(null, playlist)) .catch(() => next("Invalid permissions.")); return next(null, playlist); }) .catch(next); }, (playlist, next) => { let normalizedSong = null; const song = playlist.songs.find(song => song.mediaSource === mediaSource); if (song) { normalizedSong = { _id: song._id, title: song.title, thumbnail: song.thumbnail, artists: song.artists, mediaSource: song.mediaSource }; } next(null, playlist, normalizedSong); }, (playlist, newSong, next) => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("REMOVE_FROM_PLAYLIST", { playlistId, mediaSource }, this) .then(res => { const { ratings } = res; next(null, playlist, newSong, ratings); }) .catch(next); }, (playlist, newSong, ratings, next) => { const { _id, title, artists, thumbnail } = newSong; const songName = artists ? `${title} by ${artists.join(", ")}` : title; if (playlist.type === "user" && playlist.privacy === "public") { ActivitiesModule.runJob("ADD_ACTIVITY", { userId: session.userId, type: "playlist__remove_song", payload: { message: `Removed ${songName} from playlist ${playlist.displayName}`, thumbnail, playlistId, mediaSource: newSong.mediaSource } }); } if (ratings && (playlist.type === "user-liked" || playlist.type === "user-disliked")) { const { likes, dislikes } = ratings; if (_id) SongsModule.runJob("UPDATE_SONG", { songId: _id }); if (playlist.type === "user-liked") { CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "ratings.unlike", value: JSON.stringify({ mediaSource: newSong.mediaSource, userId: session.userId, likes, dislikes }) }); ActivitiesModule.runJob("ADD_ACTIVITY", { userId: session.userId, type: "song__unlike", payload: { message: `Removed ${title} by ${artists.join( ", " )} from your Liked Songs`, mediaSource: newSong.mediaSource, thumbnail } }); } else { CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "ratings.undislike", value: JSON.stringify({ mediaSource: newSong.mediaSource, userId: session.userId, likes, dislikes }) }); ActivitiesModule.runJob("ADD_ACTIVITY", { userId: session.userId, type: "song__undislike", payload: { message: `Removed ${title} by ${artists.join( ", " )} from your Disliked Songs`, mediaSource: newSong.mediaSource, thumbnail } }); } } return next(null, playlist); } ], async (err, playlist) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "PLAYLIST_REMOVE_SONG", `Removing song "${mediaSource}" from private playlist "${playlistId}" failed for user "${session.userId}". "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "PLAYLIST_REMOVE_SONG", `Successfully removed song "${mediaSource}" from private playlist "${playlistId}" for user "${session.userId}".` ); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "playlist.removeSong", value: { playlistId: playlist._id, mediaSource, createdBy: playlist.createdBy, privacy: playlist.privacy } }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Song has been successfully removed from playlist", data: { songs: playlist.songs } }); } ); } ), /** * Updates the displayName of a private playlist * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} playlistId - the id of the playlist we are updating the displayName for * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ updateDisplayName: isLoginRequired(async function updateDisplayName(session, playlistId, displayName, cb) { const playlistModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "playlist" }, this); async.waterfall( [ next => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("GET_PLAYLIST", { playlistId }, this) .then(playlist => next(null, playlist)) .catch(next); }, (playlist, next) => { if (playlist.type === "admin") hasPermission("playlists.update.displayName", session) .then(() => next()) .catch(() => next("Invalid permissions.")); else if (playlist.type !== "user" || playlist.createdBy !== session.userId) next("Playlist cannot be modified."); else next(null); }, next => { playlistModel.updateOne( { _id: playlistId }, { $set: { displayName } }, { runValidators: true }, next ); }, (res, next) => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("UPDATE_PLAYLIST", { playlistId }, this) .then(playlist => next(null, playlist)) .catch(next); } ], async (err, playlist) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "PLAYLIST_UPDATE_DISPLAY_NAME", `Updating display name to "${displayName}" for playlist "${playlistId}" failed for user "${session.userId}". "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "PLAYLIST_UPDATE_DISPLAY_NAME", `Successfully updated display name to "${displayName}" for playlist "${playlistId}" for user "${session.userId}".` ); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "playlist.updateDisplayName", value: { playlistId, displayName, createdBy: playlist.createdBy, privacy: playlist.privacy } }); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "playlist.updated", value: { playlistId } }); if (playlist.type !== "admin") ActivitiesModule.runJob("ADD_ACTIVITY", { userId: session.userId, type: "playlist__edit_display_name", payload: { message: `Changed display name of playlist ${displayName}`, playlistId } }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Playlist has been successfully updated" }); } ); }), /** * Removes a user's own modifiable user playlist * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} playlistId - the id of the playlist we are removing * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ remove: isLoginRequired(async function remove(session, playlistId, cb) { const userModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this); async.waterfall( [ next => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("GET_PLAYLIST", { playlistId }, this) .then(playlist => next(null, playlist)) .catch(next); }, (playlist, next) => { if (playlist.createdBy !== session.userId) return next("You do not own this playlist."); if (playlist.type !== "user") return next("Playlist cannot be removed."); return next(null, playlist); }, (playlist, next) => { userModel.updateOne( { _id: playlist.createdBy }, { $pull: { "preferences.orderOfPlaylists": playlist._id } }, err => next(err, playlist) ); }, (playlist, next) => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("DELETE_PLAYLIST", { playlistId }, this) .then(() => next(null, playlist)) .catch(next); } ], async (err, playlist) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "PLAYLIST_REMOVE", `Removing private playlist "${playlistId}" failed for user "${session.userId}". "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "PLAYLIST_REMOVE", `Successfully removed private playlist "${playlistId}" for user "${session.userId}".` ); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "playlist.delete", value: { createdBy: playlist.createdBy, playlistId } }); ActivitiesModule.runJob("ADD_ACTIVITY", { userId: playlist.createdBy, type: "playlist__remove", payload: { message: `Removed playlist ${playlist.displayName}` } }); ActivitiesModule.runJob("REMOVE_ACTIVITY_REFERENCES", { type: "playlistId", playlistId }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Playlist successfully removed" }); } ); }), /** * Removes a user's modifiable user playlist as an admin * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} playlistId - the id of the playlist we are removing * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ removeAdmin: useHasPermission("playlists.removeAdmin", async function removeAdmin(session, playlistId, cb) { const userModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this); async.waterfall( [ next => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("GET_PLAYLIST", { playlistId }, this) .then(playlist => next(null, playlist)) .catch(next); }, (playlist, next) => { if (playlist.type !== "user" && playlist.type !== "admin") return next("Playlist cannot be removed."); return next(null, playlist); }, (playlist, next) => { if (playlist.type === "admin") next(null, null); else userModel.updateOne( { _id: playlist.createdBy }, { $pull: { "preferences.orderOfPlaylists": playlist._id } }, err => next(err, playlist.createdBy) ); }, (playlistCreator, next) => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("DELETE_PLAYLIST", { playlistId }, this) .then(() => next(null, playlistCreator)) .catch(next); } ], async (err, playlistCreator) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "PLAYLIST_REMOVE_ADMIN", `Removing playlist "${playlistId}" failed for user "${session.userId}". "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "PLAYLIST_REMOVE_ADMIN", `Successfully removed playlist "${playlistId}" for user "${session.userId}".` ); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "playlist.delete", value: { createdBy: playlistCreator, playlistId } }); ActivitiesModule.runJob("REMOVE_ACTIVITY_REFERENCES", { type: "playlistId", playlistId }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Playlist successfully removed" }); } ); }), /** * Updates the privacy of a private playlist * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} playlistId - the id of the playlist we are updating the privacy for * @param {string} privacy - what the new privacy of the playlist should be e.g. public * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ updatePrivacy: isLoginRequired(async function updatePrivacy(session, playlistId, privacy, cb) { const playlistModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "playlist" }, this); async.waterfall( [ next => { const update = { $set: { privacy } }; if (privacy !== "public") update.$set.featured = false; playlistModel.updateOne( { _id: playlistId, createdBy: session.userId }, update, { runValidators: true }, next ); }, (res, next) => { if (res.n === 0) next("No user playlist found with that id and owned by you."); else if (res.nModified === 0) next(`Nothing changed, the playlist was already ${privacy}.`); else { PlaylistsModule.runJob("UPDATE_PLAYLIST", { playlistId }, this) .then(playlist => next(null, playlist)) .catch(next); } } ], async (err, playlist) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "PLAYLIST_UPDATE_PRIVACY", `Updating privacy to "${privacy}" for private playlist "${playlistId}" failed for user "${session.userId}". "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "PLAYLIST_UPDATE_PRIVACY", `Successfully updated privacy to "${privacy}" for private playlist "${playlistId}" for user "${session.userId}".` ); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "playlist.updatePrivacy", value: { createdBy: playlist.createdBy, playlist } }); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "playlist.updated", value: { playlistId } }); ActivitiesModule.runJob("ADD_ACTIVITY", { userId: session.userId, type: "playlist__edit_privacy", payload: { message: `Changed privacy of playlist ${playlist.displayName} to ${privacy}`, playlistId } }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Playlist has been successfully updated" }); } ); }), /** * Updates the privacy of a playlist * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} playlistId - the id of the playlist we are updating the privacy for * @param {string} privacy - what the new privacy of the playlist should be e.g. public * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ updatePrivacyAdmin: useHasPermission( "playlists.update.privacy", async function updatePrivacyAdmin(session, playlistId, privacy, cb) { const playlistModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "playlist" }, this); async.waterfall( [ next => { const update = { $set: { privacy } }; if (privacy !== "public") update.$set.featured = false; playlistModel.updateOne({ _id: playlistId }, update, { runValidators: true }, next); }, (res, next) => { if (res.n === 0) next("No playlist found with that id."); else if (res.nModified === 0) next(`Nothing changed, the playlist was already ${privacy}.`); else { PlaylistsModule.runJob("UPDATE_PLAYLIST", { playlistId }, this) .then(playlist => next(null, playlist)) .catch(next); } } ], async (err, playlist) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "PLAYLIST_UPDATE_PRIVACY_ADMIN", `Updating privacy to "${privacy}" for playlist "${playlistId}" failed for user "${session.userId}". "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "PLAYLIST_UPDATE_PRIVACY_ADMIn", `Successfully updated privacy to "${privacy}" for playlist "${playlistId}" for user "${session.userId}".` ); if (playlist.type === "user") { CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "playlist.updatePrivacy", value: { userId: playlist.createdBy, playlist } }); } CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "playlist.updated", value: { playlistId } }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Playlist has been successfully updated" }); } ); } ), /** * Updates whether a playlist is featured * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} playlistId - the id of the playlist we are updating * @param {boolean} featured - whether playlist is featured * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ updateFeatured: useHasPermission( "playlists.update.featured", async function updateFeatured(session, playlistId, featured, cb) { const playlistModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "playlist" }, this); async.waterfall( [ next => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("GET_PLAYLIST", { playlistId }, this) .then(playlist => next(null, playlist)) .catch(next); }, (playlist, next) => { if (playlist.type === "station") next("Station playlists can not be featured."); else if (playlist.privacy !== "public") next("Only public playlists can be featured."); else next(); }, next => { playlistModel.updateOne( { _id: playlistId }, { $set: { featured } }, { runValidators: true }, next ); }, (res, next) => { if (res.n === 0) next("No playlist found with that id."); else if (res.nModified === 0) next(`Nothing changed, the playlist was already ${featured ? "true" : "false"}.`); else { PlaylistsModule.runJob("UPDATE_PLAYLIST", { playlistId }, this) .then(() => next()) .catch(next); } } ], async err => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "PLAYLIST_UPDATE_FEATURED", `Updating featured to "${ featured ? "true" : "false" }" for playlist "${playlistId}" failed for user "${session.userId}". "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "PLAYLIST_UPDATE_FEATURED", `Successfully updated featured to "${ featured ? "true" : "false" }" for playlist "${playlistId}" for user "${session.userId}".` ); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "playlist.updated", value: { playlistId } }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Playlist has been successfully updated" }); } ); } ), /** * Deletes all orphaned station playlists * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ deleteOrphanedStationPlaylists: useHasPermission("playlists.deleteOrphaned", async function index(session, cb) { this.keepLongJob(); this.publishProgress({ status: "started", title: "Delete orphaned station playlists", message: "Deleting orphaned station playlists.", id: this.toString() }); await CacheModule.runJob("RPUSH", { key: `longJobs.${session.userId}`, value: this.toString() }, this); await CacheModule.runJob( "PUB", { channel: "longJob.added", value: { jobId: this.toString(), userId: session.userId } }, this ); async.waterfall( [ next => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("DELETE_ORPHANED_STATION_PLAYLISTS", {}, this) .then(() => next()) .catch(next); } ], async err => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "PLAYLISTS_DELETE_ORPHANED_STATION_PLAYLISTS", `Deleting orphaned station playlists failed. "${err}"` ); this.publishProgress({ status: "error", message: err }); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "PLAYLISTS_DELETE_ORPHANED_STATION_PLAYLISTS", "Deleting orphaned station playlists successful." ); this.publishProgress({ status: "success", message: "Successfully deleted orphaned station playlists." }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully deleted orphaned station playlists." }); } ); }), /** * Deletes all orphaned genre playlists * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ deleteOrphanedGenrePlaylists: useHasPermission("playlists.deleteOrphaned", async function index(session, cb) { this.keepLongJob(); this.publishProgress({ status: "started", title: "Delete orphaned genre playlists", message: "Deleting orphaned genre playlists.", id: this.toString() }); await CacheModule.runJob("RPUSH", { key: `longJobs.${session.userId}`, value: this.toString() }, this); await CacheModule.runJob( "PUB", { channel: "longJob.added", value: { jobId: this.toString(), userId: session.userId } }, this ); async.waterfall( [ next => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("DELETE_ORPHANED_GENRE_PLAYLISTS", {}, this) .then(() => next()) .catch(next); } ], async err => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "PLAYLISTS_DELETE_ORPHANED_GENRE_PLAYLISTS", `Deleting orphaned genre playlists failed. "${err}"` ); this.publishProgress({ status: "error", message: err }); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "PLAYLISTS_DELETE_ORPHANED_GENRE_PLAYLISTS", "Deleting orphaned genre playlists successful." ); this.publishProgress({ status: "success", message: "Successfully deleted orphaned genre playlists." }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully deleted orphaned genre playlists." }); } ); }), /** * Requests orpahned playlist songs * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ requestOrphanedPlaylistSongs: useHasPermission( "playlists.requestOrphanedPlaylistSongs", async function index(session, cb) { this.keepLongJob(); this.publishProgress({ status: "started", title: "Request orphaned playlist songs", message: "Requesting orphaned playlist songs.", id: this.toString() }); await CacheModule.runJob("RPUSH", { key: `longJobs.${session.userId}`, value: this.toString() }, this); await CacheModule.runJob( "PUB", { channel: "longJob.added", value: { jobId: this.toString(), userId: session.userId } }, this ); async.waterfall( [ next => { SongsModule.runJob("REQUEST_ORPHANED_PLAYLIST_SONGS", {}, this) .then(() => next()) .catch(next); } ], async err => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "REQUEST_ORPHANED_PLAYLIST_SONGS", `Requesting orphaned playlist songs failed. "${err}"` ); this.publishProgress({ status: "error", message: err }); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "REQUEST_ORPHANED_PLAYLIST_SONGS", "Requesting orphaned playlist songs was successful." ); this.publishProgress({ status: "success", message: "Successfully requested orphaned playlist songs." }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully requested orphaned playlist songs." }); } ); } ), /** * Clears and refills a station playlist * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by * @param {string} playlistId - the id of the playlist we are clearing and refilling * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ clearAndRefillStationPlaylist: useHasPermission( "playlists.clearAndRefill", async function index(session, playlistId, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { if (!playlistId) next("Please specify a playlist id"); else { PlaylistsModule.runJob("CLEAR_AND_REFILL_STATION_PLAYLIST", { playlistId }, this) .then(() => { next(); }) .catch(err => { next(err); }); } } ], async err => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "PLAYLIST_CLEAR_AND_REFILL_STATION_PLAYLIST", `Clearing and refilling station playlist "${playlistId}" failed for user "${session.userId}". "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "PLAYLIST_CLEAR_AND_REFILL_STATION_PLAYLIST", `Successfully cleared and refilled station playlist "${playlistId}" for user "${session.userId}".` ); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Playlist has been successfully cleared and refilled" }); } ); } ), /** * Clears and refills a genre playlist * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by * @param {string} playlistId - the id of the playlist we are clearing and refilling * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ clearAndRefillGenrePlaylist: useHasPermission( "playlists.clearAndRefill", async function index(session, playlistId, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { if (!playlistId) next("Please specify a playlist id"); else { PlaylistsModule.runJob("CLEAR_AND_REFILL_GENRE_PLAYLIST", { playlistId }, this) .then(() => { next(); }) .catch(err => { next(err); }); } } ], async err => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "PLAYLIST_CLEAR_AND_REFILL_GENRE_PLAYLIST", `Clearing and refilling genre playlist "${playlistId}" failed for user "${session.userId}". "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "PLAYLIST_CLEAR_AND_REFILL_GENRE_PLAYLIST", `Successfully cleared and refilled genre playlist "${playlistId}" for user "${session.userId}".` ); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Playlist has been successfully cleared and refilled" }); } ); } ), /** * Clears and refills all station playlists * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ clearAndRefillAllStationPlaylists: useHasPermission( "playlists.clearAndRefillAll", async function index(session, cb) { this.keepLongJob(); this.publishProgress({ status: "started", title: "Clear and refill all station playlists", message: "Clearing and refilling all station playlists.", id: this.toString() }); await CacheModule.runJob("RPUSH", { key: `longJobs.${session.userId}`, value: this.toString() }, this); await CacheModule.runJob( "PUB", { channel: "longJob.added", value: { jobId: this.toString(), userId: session.userId } }, this ); async.waterfall( [ next => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("GET_ALL_STATION_PLAYLISTS", {}, this) .then(response => { next(null, response.playlists); }) .catch(err => { next(err); }); }, (playlists, next) => { async.eachLimit( playlists, 1, (playlist, next) => { this.publishProgress({ status: "update", message: `Clearing and refilling "${playlist._id}"` }); PlaylistsModule.runJob( "CLEAR_AND_REFILL_STATION_PLAYLIST", { playlistId: playlist._id }, this ) .then(() => { next(); }) .catch(err => { next(err); }); }, next ); } ], async err => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "PLAYLIST_CLEAR_AND_REFILL_ALL_STATION_PLAYLISTS", `Clearing and refilling all station playlists failed for user "${session.userId}". "${err}"` ); this.publishProgress({ status: "error", message: err }); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "PLAYLIST_CLEAR_AND_REFILL_ALL_STATION_PLAYLISTS", `Successfully cleared and refilled all station playlists for user "${session.userId}".` ); this.publishProgress({ status: "success", message: "Playlists have been successfully cleared and refilled." }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Playlists have been successfully cleared and refilled" }); } ); } ), /** * Clears and refills all genre playlists * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ clearAndRefillAllGenrePlaylists: useHasPermission("playlists.clearAndRefillAll", async function index(session, cb) { this.keepLongJob(); this.publishProgress({ status: "started", title: "Clear and refill all genre playlists", message: "Clearing and refilling all genre playlists.", id: this.toString() }); await CacheModule.runJob("RPUSH", { key: `longJobs.${session.userId}`, value: this.toString() }, this); await CacheModule.runJob( "PUB", { channel: "longJob.added", value: { jobId: this.toString(), userId: session.userId } }, this ); async.waterfall( [ next => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("GET_ALL_GENRE_PLAYLISTS", {}, this) .then(response => { next(null, response.playlists); }) .catch(err => { next(err); }); }, (playlists, next) => { async.eachLimit( playlists, 1, (playlist, next) => { this.publishProgress({ status: "update", message: `Clearing and refilling "${playlist._id}"` }); PlaylistsModule.runJob( "CLEAR_AND_REFILL_GENRE_PLAYLIST", { playlistId: playlist._id }, this ) .then(() => { next(); }) .catch(err => { next(err); }); }, next ); } ], async err => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "PLAYLIST_CLEAR_AND_REFILL_ALL_GENRE_PLAYLISTS", `Clearing and refilling all genre playlists failed for user "${session.userId}". "${err}"` ); this.publishProgress({ status: "error", message: err }); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "PLAYLIST_CLEAR_AND_REFILL_ALL_GENRE_PLAYLISTS", `Successfully cleared and refilled all genre playlists for user "${session.userId}".` ); this.publishProgress({ status: "success", message: "Playlists have been successfully cleared and refilled." }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Playlists have been successfully cleared and refilled" }); } ); }), /** * Create missing genre playlists * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ createMissingGenrePlaylists: useHasPermission("playlists.createMissing", async function index(session, cb) { this.keepLongJob(); this.publishProgress({ status: "started", title: "Create missing genre playlists", message: "Creating missing genre playlists.", id: this.toString() }); await CacheModule.runJob("RPUSH", { key: `longJobs.${session.userId}`, value: this.toString() }, this); await CacheModule.runJob( "PUB", { channel: "longJob.added", value: { jobId: this.toString(), userId: session.userId } }, this ); async.waterfall( [ next => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("CREATE_MISSING_GENRE_PLAYLISTS", this) .then(() => { next(); }) .catch(err => { next(err); }); } ], async err => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "PLAYLIST_CREATE_MISSING_GENRE_PLAYLISTS", `Creating missing genre playlists failed for user "${session.userId}". "${err}"` ); this.publishProgress({ status: "error", message: err }); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "PLAYLIST_CREATE_MISSING_GENRE_PLAYLISTS", `Successfully created missing genre playlists for user "${session.userId}".` ); this.publishProgress({ status: "success", message: "Missing genre playlists have been successfully created." }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Missing genre playlists have been successfully created" }); } ); }) };