import BaseModule from "./BaseModule"; import JobContext from "./JobContext"; import JobStatistics from "./JobStatistics"; import LogBook, { Log } from "./LogBook"; import ModuleManager from "./ModuleManager"; import { JobOptions } from "./types/JobOptions"; import { Modules } from "./types/Modules"; export enum JobStatus { QUEUED = "QUEUED", ACTIVE = "ACTIVE", PAUSED = "PAUSED", COMPLETED = "COMPLETED" } export default class Job { protected name: string; protected module: Modules[keyof Modules]; protected jobFunction: any; protected payload: any; protected context: JobContext; protected priority: number; protected longJob?: { title: string; progress?: { data: unknown; time: Date; timeout?: NodeJS.Timeout; }; }; protected uuid: string; protected status: JobStatus; protected createdAt: number; protected startedAt?: number; protected completedAt?: number; protected logBook: LogBook; protected jobStatistics: JobStatistics; /** * Job * * @param name - Job name * @param module - Job module * @param callback - Job callback * @param options - Job options */ public constructor( name: string, moduleName: keyof Modules, payload: any, options?: Omit ) { = name; this.priority = 1; const module = ModuleManager.getPrimaryInstance().getModule(moduleName); if (!module) throw new Error("Module not found."); this.module = module; // eslint-disable-next-line // @ts-ignore const jobFunction = this.module[]; if (!jobFunction || typeof jobFunction !== "function") throw new Error("Job not found."); if (, throw new Error("Illegal job function."); this.jobFunction = jobFunction; this.payload = payload; this.context = new JobContext(this); this.logBook = LogBook.getPrimaryInstance(); this.jobStatistics = JobStatistics.getPrimaryInstance(); this.jobStatistics.updateStats(this.getName(), "added"); if (options) { const { priority, longJob } = options; if (priority) this.priority = priority; if (longJob) this.longJob = { title: longJob }; } /* eslint-disable no-bitwise, eqeqeq */ this.uuid = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace( /[xy]/g, c => { const r = (Math.random() * 16) | 0; const v = c == "x" ? r : (r & 0x3) | 0x8; return v.toString(16); } ); this.status = JobStatus.QUEUED; this.createdAt =; } /** * getName - Get module and job name in a dot format, e.g. module.jobName * * @returns */ public getName() { return `${this.module.getName()}.${}`; } /** * getPriority - Get job priority * * @returns priority */ public getPriority() { return this.priority; } /** * getUuid - Get job UUID * * @returns UUID */ public getUuid() { return this.uuid; } /** * getStatus - Get job status * * @returns status */ public getStatus() { return this.status; } /** * setStatus - Set job status * * @param status - Job status */ protected setStatus(status: JobStatus) { this.status = status; } /** * getModule - Get module * * @returns module */ public getModule() { return this.module; } /** * execute - Execute job * * @returns Promise */ public async execute() { if (this.startedAt) throw new Error("Job has already been executed."); this.setStatus(JobStatus.ACTIVE); this.startedAt =; return ( this.jobFunction .apply(this.module, [this.context, this.payload]) // eslint-disable-next-line // @ts-ignore .then(response => { this.log({ message: "Job completed successfully", type: "success" }); this.jobStatistics.updateStats( this.getName(), "successful" ); return response; }) .catch((err: any) => { this.log({ message: `Job failed with error "${err}"`, type: "error" }); this.jobStatistics.updateStats(this.getName(), "failed"); throw err; }) .finally(() => { this.completedAt =; this.jobStatistics.updateStats(this.getName(), "total"); if (this.startedAt) this.jobStatistics.updateStats( this.getName(), "averageTime", this.completedAt - this.startedAt ); this.setStatus(JobStatus.COMPLETED); }) ); } /** * Log a message in the context of the current job, which automatically sets the category and data * * @param log - Log message or object */ public log(log: string | Omit) { const { message, type = undefined, data = {} } = { ...(typeof log === "string" ? { message: log } : log) }; this.logBook.log({ message, type, category: this.getName(), data: { ...this.toJSON(), } }); } /** * Serialize job info * * @returns json */ public toJSON() { return { uuid: this.getUuid(), priority: this.getPriority(), name: this.getName(), status: this.getStatus(), moduleStatus: this.module.getStatus(), createdAt: this.createdAt, startedAt: this.startedAt, completedAt: this.completedAt }; } }