# Upgrading Musare upgrade process. To install a new instance please see [Installation](./Installation.md). ## Docker ### Instructions 1. Make a backup! `./musare.sh backup` 2. Execute `./musare.sh update`. If an update requires any configuration changes or database migrations, you will be notified. - To update configuration compare example configs against your own and add/update/remove any properties as needed. For more information on properties see [Configuration](./Configuration.md). Backend configuration updates always update the `configVersion` property. - Backend, compare `backend/config/default.json` against `backend/config/local.json`. - Environment, compare `.env.example` against `.env`. - To migrate database; - `./musare.sh stop backend` - Set `migration` to `true` in `backend/config/local.json` - `./musare.sh start backend`. - Follow backend logs and await migration completion notice `./musare.sh attach backend`. - `./musare.sh stop backend` - Set `migration` to `false` in `backend/config/local.json` - `./musare.sh start backend`. --- ## Non-Docker ### Instructions 1. Make a backup! 2. Stop all services 3. `git pull` 4. `cd frontend && npm install` 5. `cd ../backend && npm install` 6. Compare example configs against your own and add/update/remove any properties as needed. For more information on properties see [Configuration](./Configuration.md). Backend configuration updates always update the `configVersion` property. - Backend, compare `backend/config/default.json` against `backend/config/local.json`. 7. Start MongoDB and Redis services. 8. Run database migration; - Set `migration` to `true` in `backend/config/local.json` - Start backend service. - Follow backend logs and await migration completion notice. - Stop backend service. - Set `migration` to `false` in `backend/config/local.json` 9. Start backend and frontend services. ## Upgrade/downgrade MongoDB Make sure to always look at the upgrade/downgrade instructions in the [MongoDB release notes](https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/release-notes) before, and always make a full backup of your data before proceeding. ### Docker #### Instructions 1. Stop the backend (`./musare.sh stop backend`) 2. Make a backup of MongoDB (`./musare.sh backup`) 3. Stop and reset the mongo container and delete the database folder (`./musare.sh reset mongo`) 4. Change the MongoDB version inside your .env file. 5. Start the mongo container (`./musare.sh start mongo`) 6. Import your backup of MongoDB (`./musare.sh restore`) - Note: backups are stored inside the backups folder by default. 7. Start the backend (`./musare.sh start backend`) ### Non-Docker #### Instructions 1. Stop your backend 2. Make a backup of MongoDB 3. Stop and reset MongoDB 4. Upgrade/downgrade MongoDB 5. Start MongoDB 6. Restore your MongoDB backup 7. Start your backend