import async from "async"; import config from "config"; import mongoose from "mongoose"; import CoreClass from "../core"; let SongsModule; let CacheModule; let DBModule; let UtilsModule; let YouTubeModule; let StationsModule; let PlaylistsModule; class _SongsModule extends CoreClass { // eslint-disable-next-line require-jsdoc constructor() { super("songs"); SongsModule = this; } /** * Initialises the songs module * * @returns {Promise} - returns promise (reject, resolve) */ async initialize() { this.setStage(1); CacheModule = this.moduleManager.modules.cache; DBModule = this.moduleManager.modules.db; UtilsModule = this.moduleManager.modules.utils; YouTubeModule =; StationsModule = this.moduleManager.modules.stations; PlaylistsModule = this.moduleManager.modules.playlists; this.SongModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "song" }); this.SongSchemaCache = await CacheModule.runJob("GET_SCHEMA", { schemaName: "song" }); this.setStage(2); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => async.waterfall( [ next => { this.setStage(2); CacheModule.runJob("HGETALL", { table: "songs" }) .then(songs => { next(null, songs); }) .catch(next); }, (songs, next) => { this.setStage(3); if (!songs) return next(); const songIds = Object.keys(songs); return async.each( songIds, (songId, next) => { SongsModule.SongModel.findOne({ songId }, (err, song) => { if (err) next(err); else if (!song) CacheModule.runJob("HDEL", { table: "songs", key: songId }) .then(() => next()) .catch(next); else next(); }); }, next ); }, next => { this.setStage(4); SongsModule.SongModel.find({}, next); }, (songs, next) => { this.setStage(5); async.each( songs, (song, next) => { CacheModule.runJob("HSET", { table: "songs", key: song.songId, value: SongsModule.SongSchemaCache(song) }) .then(() => next()) .catch(next); }, next ); } ], async err => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }); reject(new Error(err)); } else resolve(); } ) ); } /** * Gets a song by id from the cache or Mongo, and if it isn't in the cache yet, adds it the cache * * @param {object} payload - object containing the payload * @param {string} - the id of the song we are trying to get * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ GET_SONG(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => async.waterfall( [ next => { if (!mongoose.Types.ObjectId.isValid( return next("Id is not a valid ObjectId."); return CacheModule.runJob("HGET", { table: "songs", key: }, this) .then(song => next(null, song)) .catch(next); }, (song, next) => { if (song) return next(true, song); return SongsModule.SongModel.findOne({ _id: }, next); }, (song, next) => { if (song) { CacheModule.runJob( "HSET", { table: "songs", key:, value: song }, this ).then(song => next(null, song)); } else next("Song not found."); } ], (err, song) => { if (err && err !== true) return reject(new Error(err)); return resolve({ song }); } ) ); } /** * Makes sure that if a song is not currently in the songs db, to add it * * @param {object} payload - an object containing the payload * @param {string} payload.songId - the youtube song id of the song we are trying to ensure is in the songs db * @param {string} payload.userId - the youtube song id of the song we are trying to ensure is in the songs db * @param {string} payload.automaticallyRequested - whether the song was automatically requested or not * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ ENSURE_SONG_EXISTS_BY_SONG_ID(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => async.waterfall( [ next => { SongsModule.SongModel.findOne({ songId: payload.songId }, next); }, (song, next) => { if (song && song.duration > 0) next(true, song); else { YouTubeModule.runJob("GET_SONG", { songId: payload.songId }, this) .then(response => { next(null, song,; }) .catch(next); } // else if (song && song.duration <= 0) { // YouTubeModule.runJob("GET_SONG", { songId: payload.songId }, this) // .then(response => next(null, { }, false)) // .catch(next); // } else { // YouTubeModule.runJob("GET_SONG", { songId: payload.songId }, this) // .then(response => next(null, { }, false)) // .catch(next); // } }, (song, youtubeSong, next) => { if (song && song.duration <= 0) { song.duration = youtubeSong.duration;{ validateBeforeSave: true }, err => { if (err) return next(err, song); return next(null, song); }); } else { const status = (!payload.userId && config.get("hideAnonymousSongs")) || (payload.automaticallyRequested && config.get("hideAutomaticallyRequestedSongs")) ? "hidden" : "unverified"; const song = new SongsModule.SongModel({ ...youtubeSong, status, requestedBy: payload.userId, requestedAt: });{ validateBeforeSave: true }, err => { if (err) return next(err, song); return next(null, song); }); } } ], (err, song) => { if (err && err !== true) return reject(new Error(err)); return resolve({ song }); } ) ); } /** * Gets a song by song id from the cache or Mongo, and if it isn't in the cache yet, adds it the cache * * @param {object} payload - an object containing the payload * @param {string} payload.songId - the mongo id of the song we are trying to get * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ GET_SONG_FROM_ID(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => async.waterfall( [ next => { SongsModule.SongModel.findOne({ songId: payload.songId }, next); } ], (err, song) => { if (err && err !== true) return reject(new Error(err)); return resolve({ song }); } ) ); } /** * Gets a song from id from Mongo and updates the cache with it * * @param {object} payload - an object containing the payload * @param {string} payload.songId - the id of the song we are trying to update * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ UPDATE_SONG(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => async.waterfall( [ next => { SongsModule.SongModel.findOne({ _id: payload.songId }, next); }, (song, next) => { if (!song) { CacheModule.runJob("HDEL", { table: "songs", key: payload.songId }); return next("Song not found."); } return CacheModule.runJob( "HSET", { table: "songs", key: payload.songId, value: song }, this ) .then(song => { next(null, song); }) .catch(next); }, (song, next) => { next(null, song); const { _id, songId, title, artists, thumbnail, duration, status } = song; const trimmedSong = { _id, songId, title, artists, thumbnail, duration, status }; this.log("INFO", `Going to update playlists and stations now for song ${_id}`); DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "playlist" }).then(playlistModel => { playlistModel.updateMany( { "songs._id": song._id }, { $set: { "songs.$": trimmedSong } }, err => { if (err) this.log("ERROR", err); else playlistModel.find({ "songs._id": song._id }, (err, playlists) => { playlists.forEach(playlist => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("UPDATE_PLAYLIST", { playlistId: playlist._id }); }); }); } ); }); DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "station" }).then(stationModel => { stationModel.updateMany( { "queue._id": song._id }, { $set: { "queue.$.songId": songId, "queue.$.title": title, "queue.$.artists": artists, "queue.$.thumbnail": thumbnail, "queue.$.duration": duration, "queue.$.status": status } }, err => { if (err) this.log("ERROR", err); else stationModel.find({ "queue._id": song._id }, (err, stations) => { stations.forEach(station => { StationsModule.runJob("UPDATE_STATION", { stationId: station._id }); }); }); } ); }); }, (song, next) => { async.eachLimit( song.genres, 1, (genre, next) => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("AUTOFILL_GENRE_PLAYLIST", { genre }, this) .then(() => { next(); }) .catch(err => next(err)); }, err => { next(err, song); } ); } ], (err, song) => { if (err && err !== true) return reject(new Error(err)); return resolve(song); } ) ); } /** * Deletes song from id from Mongo and cache * * @param {object} payload - returns an object containing the payload * @param {string} payload.songId - the id of the song we are trying to delete * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ DELETE_SONG(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => async.waterfall( [ next => { SongsModule.SongModel.deleteOne({ songId: payload.songId }, next); }, next => { CacheModule.runJob( "HDEL", { table: "songs", key: payload.songId }, this ) .then(() => next()) .catch(next); } ], err => { if (err && err !== true) return reject(new Error(err)); return resolve(); } ) ); } /** * Recalculates dislikes and likes for a song * * @param {object} payload - returns an object containing the payload * @param {string} payload.musareSongId - the (musare) id of the song * @param {string} payload.songId - the (mongodb) id of the song * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ async RECALCULATE_SONG_RATINGS(payload) { const playlistModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "playlist" }, this); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { async.waterfall( [ next => { playlistModel.countDocuments( { songs: { $elemMatch: { songId: payload.musareSongId } }, displayName: "Liked Songs" }, (err, likes) => { if (err) return next(err); return next(null, likes); } ); }, (likes, next) => { playlistModel.countDocuments( { songs: { $elemMatch: { songId: payload.musareSongId } }, displayName: "Disliked Songs" }, (err, dislikes) => { if (err) return next(err); return next(err, { likes, dislikes }); } ); }, ({ likes, dislikes }, next) => { SongsModule.SongModel.updateOne( { _id: payload.songId }, { $set: { likes, dislikes } }, err => next(err, { likes, dislikes }) ); } ], (err, { likes, dislikes }) => { if (err) return reject(new Error(err)); return resolve({ likes, dislikes }); } ); }); } /** * Gets an array of all genres * * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ GET_ALL_GENRES() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => async.waterfall( [ next => { SongsModule.SongModel.find({ status: "verified" }, { genres: 1, _id: false }, next); }, (songs, next) => { let allGenres = []; songs.forEach(song => { allGenres = allGenres.concat(song.genres); }); const lowerCaseGenres = => genre.toLowerCase()); const uniqueGenres = lowerCaseGenres.filter( (value, index, self) => self.indexOf(value) === index ); next(null, uniqueGenres); } ], (err, genres) => { if (err && err !== true) return reject(new Error(err)); return resolve({ genres }); } ) ); } /** * Gets an array of all songs with a specific genre * * @param {object} payload - returns an object containing the payload * @param {string} payload.genre - the genre * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ GET_ALL_SONGS_WITH_GENRE(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => async.waterfall( [ next => { SongsModule.SongModel.find( { status: "verified", genres: { $regex: new RegExp(`^${payload.genre.toLowerCase()}$`, "i") } }, next ); } ], (err, songs) => { if (err && err !== true) return reject(new Error(err)); return resolve({ songs }); } ) ); } // runjob songs GET_ORPHANED_PLAYLIST_SONGS {} /** * Gets a orphaned playlist songs * * @returns {Promise} - returns promise (reject, resolve) */ GET_ORPHANED_PLAYLIST_SONGS() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "playlist" }, this).then(playlistModel => { playlistModel.find({}, (err, playlists) => { if (err) reject(new Error(err)); else { SongsModule.SongModel.find({}, { _id: true, songId: true }, (err, songs) => { if (err) reject(new Error(err)); else { const musareSongIds = => song._id.toString()); const orphanedSongIds = new Set(); async.eachLimit( playlists, 1, (playlist, next) => { playlist.songs.forEach(song => { if ( (!song._id || musareSongIds.indexOf(song._id.toString() === -1)) && !orphanedSongIds.has(song.songId) ) { orphanedSongIds.add(song.songId); } }); next(); }, () => { resolve({ songIds: Array.from(orphanedSongIds) }); } ); } }); } }); }); }); } /** * Requests a song, adding it to the DB * * @param {object} payload - The payload * @param {string} payload.songId - The YouTube song id of the song * @param {string} payload.userId - The user id of the person requesting the song * @returns {Promise} - returns promise (reject, resolve) */ REQUEST_SONG(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const { songId, userId } = payload; const requestedAt =; async.waterfall( [ next => { DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this) .then(UserModel => { UserModel.findOne({ _id: userId }, { "preferences.anonymousSongRequests": 1 }, next); }) .catch(next); }, (user, next) => { SongsModule.SongModel.findOne({ songId }, (err, song) => next(err, user, song)); }, // Get YouTube data from id (user, song, next) => { if (song) return next("This song is already in the database."); // TODO Add err object as first param of callback const requestedBy = user.preferences.anonymousSongRequests ? null : userId; const status = !requestedBy && config.get("hideAnonymousSongs") ? "hidden" : "unverified"; return YouTubeModule.runJob("GET_SONG", { songId }, this) .then(response => { const { song } = response; song.artists = []; song.genres = []; song.skipDuration = 0; song.explicit = false; song.requestedBy = user.preferences.anonymousSongRequests ? null : userId; song.requestedAt = requestedAt; song.status = status; next(null, song); }) .catch(next); }, (newSong, next) => { const song = new SongsModule.SongModel(newSong);{ validateBeforeSave: false }, err => { if (err) return next(err, song); return next(null, song); }); }, (song, next) => { DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this) .then(UserModel => { UserModel.findOne({ _id: userId }, (err, user) => { if (err) return next(err); if (!user) return next(null, song); user.statistics.songsRequested += 1; return => { if (err) return next(err); return next(null, song); }); }); }) .catch(next); } ], async (err, song) => { if (err) reject(err); SongsModule.runJob("UPDATE_SONG", { songId: song._id }); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "song.newUnverifiedSong", value: song._id }); resolve(); } ); }); } /** * Hides a song * * @param {object} payload - The payload * @param {string} payload.songId - The Musare song id of the song * @returns {Promise} - returns promise (reject, resolve) */ HIDE_SONG(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const { songId } = payload; async.waterfall( [ next => { SongsModule.SongModel.findOne({ _id: songId }, next); }, // Get YouTube data from id (song, next) => { if (!song) return next("This song does not exist."); if (song.status === "hidden") return next("This song is already hidden."); if (song.status === "verified") return next("Verified songs cannot be hidden."); // TODO Add err object as first param of callback return next(); }, next => { SongsModule.SongModel.updateOne({ _id: songId }, { status: "hidden" }, next); }, (res, next) => { SongsModule.runJob("UPDATE_SONG", { songId }); next(); } ], async err => { if (err) reject(err); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "song.newHiddenSong", value: songId }); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "song.removedUnverifiedSong", value: songId }); resolve(); } ); }); } /** * Unhides a song * * @param {object} payload - The payload * @param {string} payload.songId - The Musare song id of the song * @returns {Promise} - returns promise (reject, resolve) */ UNHIDE_SONG(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const { songId } = payload; async.waterfall( [ next => { SongsModule.SongModel.findOne({ _id: songId }, next); }, // Get YouTube data from id (song, next) => { if (!song) return next("This song does not exist."); if (song.status !== "hidden") return next("This song is not hidden."); // TODO Add err object as first param of callback return next(); }, next => { SongsModule.SongModel.updateOne({ _id: songId }, { status: "unverified" }, next); }, (res, next) => { SongsModule.runJob("UPDATE_SONG", { songId }); next(); } ], async err => { if (err) reject(err); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "song.newUnverifiedSong", value: songId }); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "song.removedHiddenSong", value: songId }); resolve(); } ); }); } // runjob songs REQUEST_ORPHANED_PLAYLIST_SONGS {} /** * Requests all orphaned playlist songs, adding them to the database * * @returns {Promise} - returns promise (reject, resolve) */ REQUEST_ORPHANED_PLAYLIST_SONGS() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "playlist" }) .then(playlistModel => { SongsModule.runJob("GET_ORPHANED_PLAYLIST_SONGS", {}, this).then(response => { const { songIds } = response; const playlistsToUpdate = new Set(); async.eachLimit( songIds, 1, (songId, next) => { async.waterfall( [ next => { console.log( songId, `this is song ${songIds.indexOf(songId) + 1}/${songIds.length}` ); setTimeout(next, 150); }, next => { SongsModule.runJob( "ENSURE_SONG_EXISTS_BY_SONG_ID", { songId, automaticallyRequested: true }, this ) .then(() => next()) .catch(next); // SongsModule.runJob("REQUEST_SONG", { songId, userId: null }, this) // .then(() => { // next(); // }) // .catch(next); }, next => { console.log(444, songId); SongsModule.SongModel.findOne({ songId }, next); }, (song, next) => { const { _id, title, artists, thumbnail, duration, status } = song; const trimmedSong = { _id, songId, title, artists, thumbnail, duration, status }; playlistModel.updateMany( { "songs.songId": song.songId }, { $set: { "songs.$": trimmedSong } }, err => { next(err, song); } ); }, (song, next) => { playlistModel.find({ "songs._id": song._id }, next); }, (playlists, next) => { playlists.forEach(playlist => { playlistsToUpdate.add(playlist._id.toString()); }); next(); } ], next ); }, err => { if (err) reject(err); else { async.eachLimit( Array.from(playlistsToUpdate), 1, (playlistId, next) => { PlaylistsModule.runJob( "UPDATE_PLAYLIST", { playlistId }, this ) .then(() => { next(); }) .catch(next); }, err => { if (err) reject(err); else resolve(); } ); } } ); }); }) .catch(reject); }); } } export default new _SongsModule();